@EyesOnQ I really hope he gets arrested and thrown in jail. No one wants his vaccine
and since when does a computer programmer and designer become a doctor.. seriously.
Can’t stand Bill Gates.
48 12 Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 19:22:57
YET? I WANT THEM IN JAIL FOR LIFE! 496,000 children have been harmed in India?????
16 6 Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 08:07:59
@davidicke In this mad house bright people like Julian Assuage get locked in jail for
spreading truth where as Pedaophiles like Andrew run around freely , psycophats like Bill
Gates R free but intelligent German lawyer who direct people, get arrested because it is
an inverted world .
14 3 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 19:01:13
JannaBananaBama @jannamontana57
@jennfranconews @OANN And jail Bill Gates for crimes against humanity!
12 2 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 05:19:17
Counter-Currents @NewRightAmerica
Ian56 @Ian56789
@HODGOD10 Bill Gates was invited onto the Neoliberal Globalist BBC to spew his
poisonous BS, just yesterday. The people responsible for this (Governors, Producers,
Editors & Presenters) should be thrown into jail for Crimes Against Humanity. The
Sheeple will swallow Gates Kool-Aid w/o q.
11 3 Twitter Web App Apr 14, 2020 03:15:18
Margoandhow @Margoandhow
This is way beyond disgusting. Fuck you, Roger Stone. And aren't you supposed to be in
jail? / "Roger Stone: Bill Gates may have created coronavirus to microchip people"
10 2 Twitter Web App Apr 14, 2020 05:44:12
Instead of giving his opinion about how to massively vaccinate the population,Bill Gates
should be in jail now for his involvment with Jeffrey Epstein. Or are we going to be ruled
by demons of his kind?
8 5 Twitter Web App Apr 14, 2020 11:41:59
@RealCandaceO @WHO @realDonaldTrump Bill Gates should be in Jail for his crimes
against humanity. He has the WHO doing his bidding. That’s why he’s so mad.
6 0 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 22:19:23
@Scott_Gilmore @IshatReza I was shocked when he said it. The nutcase trolls on Twitter
are all agag with a Chinese-taking-over conspiracy, and something something about the
WHO, and Bill Gates being in jail. I thought Kenny'd joined them. I'm still not sure
though now that he's started approving drugs
6 1 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 00:45:30
@AFP Bill Gates stands to make the most money! Why can’t this billionaire fund them
himself? He’s the one wanting to INNOVATE TO ZERO by reducing the population
10/15% with the right healthcare and vaccines! I believe he along with Tedros need to be
in jail!!!
5 1 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 20:26:36
LJH @LJH___________
Roger Stone suggest Bill Gates created coronavirus to microchip people. Was Roger
Stone sentenced to JAIL?
5 2 Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 19:11:31
Julie-o @Julieo16514643
@DarrenPlymouth Bill Gates is the most Prolific Mass Murderer EVER!! He was kicked
out if India for Crimes Against Humanity. He also visited Epstein pedo Island👀He
should be in Jail funny how he OWNS the Patient for this Virus🧐🧐#WWG1WGA
#TheGreatAwakening #GodWins💕
4 0 Twitter for iPhone Apr 16, 2020 00:18:44
@EmeraldRobinson Didn't he not kill himself on Aug 10th? Are you suggesting Bill Gates
was visiting with him in jail?
4 0 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 18:15:58
@chadp71 @BrownsTherapy I’m 63 now and hell no! What are they going to do put us
in jail? Bill Gates just got slap in the face by Trump today cutting WHO OFF! Lol!!!
4 0 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 08:21:44
db @BraceyDuJour
Can someone explain to me why Roger Stone isn't currently in jail after being sentenced
to 40 months?!
4 1 Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 08:44:20
Now you know why this fiend is headed for jail time til #Trump pardons him. What's he
trying to do? Sandbag #Evangelicals on #BiblicalProphecy on the #MarkOfTheBeast?
Distract them from concerns about #Trump's incompetence? #RogerStone #Resist via @nypost
4 2 Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 07:04:43
@jerome_corsi They need to arrest Bill Gates and put him in jail! I can see him doing
more of this crap on purpose from now on. What a POS.
3 0 Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 09:04:47
Bill Gates has failed, those that lied to the world must all go to
3 0 Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 21:32:59
@BillGates @WHO Bill Gates.. if you hadn't already admitted you want 10-15% of the
world population gone,you may have gotten away with this,if you were serious about
funding for the good,YOU have more money than anybody,you can fund it,but we know
thats not your agenda, we are on to you!! Jail!!
2 1 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 20:53:46
Bry @bhueypdx
CNBC was the first to report that Gates took a meeting in New York with Epstein back in
2013, several years after Epstein served his notorious 13-month jail term for soliciting an
underage prostitute.
2 2 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 00:09:23
A_Chained_Angel @A_Chained_Angel
@kirstiealley Also the surgeon general dropped the WHO,CDC,BILL GATES &
FULCHI@and the little,leprechaun Fulchi used tax payers $ to fund the virus in Wuhan.
See who owns them patents. A lot of people,will be arrested.....charged, trialed and lucky
if they get out in jail.
2 0 Twitter for iPad Apr 14, 2020 15:30:18
The Bill Satan Gates plan... this guy needs to be in jail... fast ... #COVID19 #COVID2019
#Corona #StayHome #Americans #CabalTakedown #NoVaccineForMe #BillGates #WHO
#BillGatesVirus #FauciFraud #NWO #Q #QAnon #StormIsUponUs #Coronavirustruth
#FallCabal #DarkToLight
2 0 Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 14:26:17
talking7stick @samkennedy77
@MAGAPATRIOT_TGM @scotty_kiker Bill Gates is being outed to the world for the killer
he is. Now it’s okay to jail him.
2 1 Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 10:46:50
Trump2020 @Trump20204ever
@jamiedlux @BillGates Just sums up the MSM BBC brainwashing agenda. Makes me so
furious. Bill gates is going to jail soon. #WWG1GWA #QAnons
2 0 Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 23:40:45
Purple_wings @369369RV
@SkyNewsAust @ourANU @markgkenny Not gonna happen. Bill gates is a criminal and
will be sent to jail fro crimes against humanity. Watch this space..
2 0 Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 19:22:43
zproxy @zproxy
why is bill gates not in jail in india for crimes against children?
1 1 Mobile Web (M2) Apr 16, 2020 02:23:24
BigPowerfulStrongBoomer @nicetoo2020
Please release all inmates to Bill Gates, Nancy Pelosi, Gavin Newsome gated
1 0 Twitter Web App Apr 16, 2020 00:44:31
@ClayTravis Sure, Hussein Obama and Susan Rice are on their board Notice how its all
deep state scum getting rich during this "crisis" ? Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Hussein Obama
Weird how criminals and illegals are getting out of jail but you're stuck in your home
Wake up dummies.
1 0 Twitter Web App Apr 16, 2020 00:38:29
So they let Creepy Porn Lawyer Avenatti out of jail due to Coronavirus but leave elderly
and/or infirm Stone & Manafort in jail?! #politics #DemocratPrivilege Roger Stone: Bill
Gates may have created coronavirus to microchip people
1 2 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 23:59:49
weep for Bill Gates and his efforts to cripple people with vaccines and tag and track
them for jail him... #maga #americafirst oh? Bill Barr won't?
1 0 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 23:49:59
Yunkiss @Yunkiss2
@HelenBranswell @DrTedros @WHO You better surrender and go to jail with your
friend Bill Gates
1 1 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 23:40:51
1 2 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 23:24:42
Not just Gates but the world thinks the Trump oaf is a dangerous, reckless moron. We
can all see through the brainless fool and its so obvious this is a deflection exercise. He
needs to be reelected to avoid jail and he knows it
1 0 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 19:33:27
Qmcdermatt @qmcdermatt
Donald Trump ein Ehrenmann. Jetzt noch Bill Gates nach Gitmo dann ist der schon mal
weg ab in den Steinbruch. Thank you Mr.President @realDonaldTrump Bill Gates fast to
#GITMO for 300 years. #jail #Justice #QAnons
1 2 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 11:06:35
Dangerman65 @Dangerman65
@SCloudcroft @h3x4gr4m Who named Bill Gates, technology pirate, emperor? Bill
Gates belongs in jail. He is not a humanitarian. He is the opposite and always has been. I
am not putting anything backed by Bill Gates in my bloodstream. Hollywood and the
elite want mass depopulation. Infinity War for real.
1 0 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 11:04:26
SA @SAokalani
@DrTedros The WHO that will cease to exist now without the cover of United States’
money and credibility? Do you really think your corrupt organization, one in a long line
for you personally, will be able to get full funding from Bill Gates and China? You will be
lucky to only go to jail.
1 0 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 08:44:05
Bill & Melinda Gates are Evil They Want to kill us and our kids with this 5G Towers that
will release Radiation Poisoning these 5G Towers Need To Come Down To Save
Humanity. They Need To Go To Jail..
1 0 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 06:54:33
Why? Why does he have a platform? Why is he complaining about the gym? Why isn’t
he in jail already? #WHY Roger Stone: Bill Gates may have created coronavirus to
microchip people.
1 0 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 05:08:17
Kevin @_kevin_dela
When bill gates is put in jail he should be given every vaccine he ever created
1 1 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 00:48:16
Kchenredondo @kchenredondo
@realDonaldTrump I find hard to understand why isn't Bill Gates and many in the WHO
in jail after orchestrating the BIGGEST terrorist attack this planet have seen since the
"gods" flooded this planet!!! I'm aware of all the government as enemy of the people!
1 0 Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 23:22:43
Izzy @Izzy23433235
When a psychopath "le suda el culo" and can't cover his mistakes and know his time is
short... narcisistic/psychopath/murderer criminal... this piece of shit should be in
jail...where is the UN/OMS? oh i forget their work together...😂😂😂🐍🐒🐖🔥⚡
1 0 Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 23:01:34
dreamwithfaith™ @dreamwithfaith
@KeiraSavage00 Bill Gates, what a benevolent and kind person. Thanks for not feeding
the starving masses or storing some PPE for the world. Oh & thanks for your $100m
donation for vaccines you will profit from. I don’t give a shit if they jail me but know this
#youcanshoveyourvaccine #covid19
1 1 Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 17:31:40
@o_rips Bill Gates you are such a benevolent and kind person. Thanks for not feeding
the starving masses or storing some PPE for the world. Oh & thanks for your $100m
donation for vaccines you will profit from. I don’t give a shit if they jail me but know this
1 0 Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 17:29:39
Bill Gates you are such a benevolent and kind person. Thanks for not feeding the
starving masses or storing some PPE for the world. Oh & thanks for your $100m
donation for vaccines you will profit from. I don’t give a shit if they jail me but know this
1 0 Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 17:28:58
(Osiris).. @timikuti Go and sing the petition, it’s time to Jail #BillGates and make
sure no more children have to die as guinea pigs anywhere in the #World #Africa
#Nigeria #COVID19
1 0 Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 07:26:16
@WhiteHouse @realDonaldTrump " Vaccines "?! Vaccines are no good Mr President and
I feel much more confident in you when you stand on the side of therapeutics. Fauci and
Bill Gates are buddies if you diddnt know. We dont want vaccines. Bill should be in jail
for crimes against humanity for his💉
1 0 Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 06:28:40
Eric @EricWoofster
Bill Gates should be in jail rotting for his crimes but it will just be another Epstein case
1 0 Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 06:15:55
Star Spangled Rebecca @Rebecca85348076
@MrMcCall7 Population control obsessed Epstein Island Jet Setter, Bill Gates, cannot be
trusted. People drop dead, seize & convulse from his toxic vaccines. Bill Gates is a
monster with enough money to keep him out of jail. He should be in prison with Big
Bubba for what he has done.
1 1 Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 04:56:18
Walter @MystifyingZebra
@GOPLeader @HOBrien_Author Imagine what the world would look like if YOU would
jail the real plotter: Bill Gates. Designer-virus, synthetic forced VAX, Intel-inside (us).
1 0 Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 23:25:55
SSG Q @the_17_1776
RT @Western2A: Boris Nikolic, who was the [Gates Foundation Science Advisor] and runs
a venture capital firm, was named as a fallback executor to Epstein’s will. Jeffrey Epstein
met with Bill Gates often after serving time in jail for soliciting innocent children.
0 105 Twitter for Android Apr 16, 2020 03:15:10
Deadlee39 @deadlee39
RT @qmcdermatt: Mr President this men Bill Gates must go fast in a jail! #jail #justice
#QAnon #realDonaldTrump #GITMO
0 21 Twitter Web App Apr 16, 2020 02:56:18
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 16, 2020 02:35:42
Ken @Ken68269078
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 16, 2020 02:28:51
@AdvoBarryRoux To bill gates hope you read this you old man we are children of god
not a software u developed hope you and everyone behind this money making scam
hope all of you goes to jail and my question is how izit possible for a Harvard drop
out(bill gates) to run a research facility
0 0 Twitter for iPhone Apr 16, 2020 02:28:05
RT @zproxy: why is bill gates not in jail in india for crimes against children?
0 1 Twitter for Android Apr 16, 2020 02:24:56
Roy 🇺🇸 @rede4futbl
0 0 Twitter for iPhone Apr 16, 2020 02:16:46
⋆BrⅇⅇzyBⅇst⋆ 🐸 @BreezysBest
RT @Mamadukez: @AFP Bill Gates stands to make the most money! Why can’t this
billionaire fund them himself? He’s the one wanting to INNOVATE TO ZERO by reducing
the population 10/15% with the right healthcare and vaccines! I believe he along with
Tedros need to be in jail!!!
0 1 Twitter for iPhone Apr 16, 2020 02:16:30
SouthernTwin @Kardixon
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter Web App Apr 16, 2020 02:13:43
twocan90 @Capt_Art
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter Web App Apr 16, 2020 02:10:04
RT @Western2A: Boris Nikolic, who was the [Gates Foundation Science Advisor] and runs
a venture capital firm, was named as a fallback executor to Epstein’s will. Jeffrey Epstein
met with Bill Gates often after serving time in jail for soliciting innocent children.
0 105 Twitter Web App Apr 16, 2020 02:07:10
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 16, 2020 02:01:14
BreakingChains @tommarchesani
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 16, 2020 01:58:13
Joe @pprangers86
RT @Western2A: Boris Nikolic, who was the [Gates Foundation Science Advisor] and runs
a venture capital firm, was named as a fallback executor to Epstein’s will. Jeffrey Epstein
met with Bill Gates often after serving time in jail for soliciting innocent children.
0 105 Twitter for iPhone Apr 16, 2020 01:54:16
ProudDAR🇺🇸 @PJudianne
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 16, 2020 01:51:12
Node42🌟🌟🌟 @RWayneFischer1
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 16, 2020 01:49:06
Nancy @Ncdsun
RT @Western2A: Boris Nikolic, who was the [Gates Foundation Science Advisor] and runs
a venture capital firm, was named as a fallback executor to Epstein’s will. Jeffrey Epstein
met with Bill Gates often after serving time in jail for soliciting innocent children.
0 105 Twitter for iPhone Apr 16, 2020 01:48:58
Paula @paulatwinone
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 16, 2020 01:46:15
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 16, 2020 01:40:12
@ChuckCallesto YES and send Bill Gates to jail -better yet let's use all his vaccines on
him and his family - I bet he would t want his own "medicine"
0 0 Twitter for iPhone Apr 16, 2020 01:39:40
who do @whodo45
RT @Western2A: Boris Nikolic, who was the [Gates Foundation Science Advisor] and runs
a venture capital firm, was named as a fallback executor to Epstein’s will. Jeffrey Epstein
met with Bill Gates often after serving time in jail for soliciting innocent children.
0 105 Twitter for iPhone Apr 16, 2020 01:38:01
June @juneberrytree1
RT @Western2A: Boris Nikolic, who was the [Gates Foundation Science Advisor] and runs
a venture capital firm, was named as a fallback executor to Epstein’s will. Jeffrey Epstein
met with Bill Gates often after serving time in jail for soliciting innocent children.
0 105 Twitter Web App Apr 16, 2020 01:27:53
Pollybooboo @Pollybooboo1
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 16, 2020 01:25:36
💞~Holly~💞 @Holly_WV
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPad Apr 16, 2020 01:17:11
RT @Western2A: Boris Nikolic, who was the [Gates Foundation Science Advisor] and runs
a venture capital firm, was named as a fallback executor to Epstein’s will. Jeffrey Epstein
met with Bill Gates often after serving time in jail for soliciting innocent children.
0 105 Twitter Web App Apr 16, 2020 01:12:04
leeawakened @leeawakened
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 16, 2020 01:10:44
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 16, 2020 01:09:53
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPad Apr 16, 2020 01:04:29
aspiesmom @aspiesmom
RT @_kevin_dela: Me when bill gates gets exposed and is put in jail. #BillGatesVirus
#BillGatesIsEvil #BillGatesBioTerrorist #BillGatesPublicEnemy1
0 47 Twitter Web App Apr 16, 2020 01:02:03
🍀KARMA💞LAW🌌45thPresTrQmp🍀 @KarmaSQuirr3l
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 16, 2020 01:01:26
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 16, 2020 00:59:47
VegasBudman @Budman8845
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter Web App Apr 16, 2020 00:54:31
❌DeplorableDonJuan❌ @DeplorableDon3
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 16, 2020 00:54:06
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 16, 2020 00:52:22
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 16, 2020 00:51:46
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 16, 2020 00:51:43
RT @Western2A: Boris Nikolic, who was the [Gates Foundation Science Advisor] and runs
a venture capital firm, was named as a fallback executor to Epstein’s will. Jeffrey Epstein
met with Bill Gates often after serving time in jail for soliciting innocent children.
0 105 Twitter for iPhone Apr 16, 2020 00:50:56
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter Web App Apr 16, 2020 00:50:31
@QAnon_Report What makes you think this is true? Because it say Australia in one and
home on the other. My God you people are so gullible. Tom Hanks isn’t in jail, Bill Gates
isn’t a baby cannibal and w is fake.
0 0 Twitter for iPhone Apr 16, 2020 00:46:32
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 16, 2020 00:45:26
RT @Lyn1350: So they let Creepy Porn Lawyer Avenatti out of jail due to Coronavirus but
leave elderly and/or infirm Stone & Manafort in jail?! #politics #DemocratPrivilege Roger
Stone: Bill Gates may have created coronavirus to microchip people
0 2 Twitter for Android Apr 16, 2020 00:44:25
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 16, 2020 00:42:37
Big Mo @dontstopboogie
Who’s dumber?? Roger Stone and his idiotic conspiracies (isn’t he in jail? Keep phone
away) or the NY Post for printing this pile of garbage?
0 0 Twitter for iPhone Apr 16, 2020 00:33:06
HappyKat @HappyKat9
RT @Western2A: Boris Nikolic, who was the [Gates Foundation Science Advisor] and runs
a venture capital firm, was named as a fallback executor to Epstein’s will. Jeffrey Epstein
met with Bill Gates often after serving time in jail for soliciting innocent children.
0 105 Twitter for Android Apr 16, 2020 00:32:33
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 16, 2020 00:28:08
RT @Western2A: Boris Nikolic, who was the [Gates Foundation Science Advisor] and runs
a venture capital firm, was named as a fallback executor to Epstein’s will. Jeffrey Epstein
met with Bill Gates often after serving time in jail for soliciting innocent children.
0 105 Twitter for iPad Apr 16, 2020 00:27:25
Missy_Kidd @Missy_Kidd
RT @Western2A: Boris Nikolic, who was the [Gates Foundation Science Advisor] and runs
a venture capital firm, was named as a fallback executor to Epstein’s will. Jeffrey Epstein
met with Bill Gates often after serving time in jail for soliciting innocent children.
0 105 Twitter Web App Apr 16, 2020 00:22:45
Gary @Gary39796696
@realDonaldTrump Bill Gates is furious about cutting funds to who. He's very dangerous
and needs to be in jail asap. He is going to release a new virus.
0 0 Twitter for Android Apr 16, 2020 00:17:34
mark schaffer @marksch45646156
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 16, 2020 00:16:05
Reminder: Bill Gates is not one of the good guys. "Gates took a meeting in New York
with Epstein back in 2013, several years after Epstein served his notorious 13-month jail
term for soliciting an underage prostitute."
0 0 Twitter for Android Apr 16, 2020 00:15:32
TomTom1 @TomTom105819324
@LindseyGrahamSC @BillGates You support Bill Gates, now we no why we lost the
house in 2018,we know why no Democrats are in jail, and know I can safely say I know
why term limits are necessary,👋we need new Blood&Balls on Capital Hill, 98% we have
now are part of the corrupt DS BS!
0 0 Twitter for iPhone Apr 16, 2020 00:13:36
Velha @velha508
RT @_kevin_dela: Me when bill gates gets exposed and is put in jail. #BillGatesVirus
#BillGatesIsEvil #BillGatesBioTerrorist #BillGatesPublicEnemy1
0 47 Twitter for iPhone Apr 16, 2020 00:12:43
RT @Western2A: Boris Nikolic, who was the [Gates Foundation Science Advisor] and runs
a venture capital firm, was named as a fallback executor to Epstein’s will. Jeffrey Epstein
met with Bill Gates often after serving time in jail for soliciting innocent children.
0 105 Twitter for Android Apr 16, 2020 00:12:22
Goodie @JoliePinkLips
@nikki_heteropia @lloydmiller yea cause bill gates deserves to be in jail with his
eugenics plot. He already killed thousands of African children
0 0 Twitter Web App Apr 16, 2020 00:06:58
Vatu @Vatu56607268
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 16, 2020 00:06:04
RT @Western2A: Boris Nikolic, who was the [Gates Foundation Science Advisor] and runs
a venture capital firm, was named as a fallback executor to Epstein’s will. Jeffrey Epstein
met with Bill Gates often after serving time in jail for soliciting innocent children.
0 105 Twitter for Android Apr 16, 2020 00:03:21
Irelandnire4 @Etrep4
RT @_kevin_dela: Me when bill gates gets exposed and is put in jail. #BillGatesVirus
#BillGatesIsEvil #BillGatesBioTerrorist #BillGatesPublicEnemy1
0 47 Twitter for iPhone Apr 16, 2020 00:03:20
Lauretta @Tanfox13
@LindseyGrahamSC @BillGates You seriously need to sit and listen to RFK Jr.!!! Bill Gates
should be in jail for crimes against humanity!!!
0 0 Twitter Web App Apr 16, 2020 00:01:33
RT @Lyn1350: So they let Creepy Porn Lawyer Avenatti out of jail due to Coronavirus but
leave elderly and/or infirm Stone & Manafort in jail?! #politics #DemocratPrivilege Roger
Stone: Bill Gates may have created coronavirus to microchip people
0 2 Twitter Web App Apr 16, 2020 00:01:07
Yunkiss @Yunkiss2
@DrTedros Evil man very soon you will go to jail with your friend Bill Gates so you better
start to confess where this virus came from because it seems like you are the one that
create this Corona virus so you better start to confess or end your life in jail fool.
0 0 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 23:51:24
DiamondGirl00 @Diamond_Girl00
RT @Western2A: Boris Nikolic, who was the [Gates Foundation Science Advisor] and runs
a venture capital firm, was named as a fallback executor to Epstein’s will. Jeffrey Epstein
met with Bill Gates often after serving time in jail for soliciting innocent children.
0 105 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 23:50:56
Bob Back @BobBack15
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 23:48:20
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 23:48:14
Wil 🚲 @dh_wil
RT @Western2A: Boris Nikolic, who was the [Gates Foundation Science Advisor] and runs
a venture capital firm, was named as a fallback executor to Epstein’s will. Jeffrey Epstein
met with Bill Gates often after serving time in jail for soliciting innocent children.
0 105 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 23:48:05
RT @Public_Citizen: Billionaire wealth increases last week: Jeff Bezos: +$6.8B Mark
Zuckerberg: +$6.2B Warren Buffett: +$5B Elon Musk: +$4.2B Larry Ellison: +$4B Larry
Page: +$3.6B Bill Gates: +$3.6B Meanwhile, more than 16 million Americans have filed
for unemployment in the past month.
0 4.0K Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 23:46:11
python44 @py0004
Honey @AkilahYasan
Bill Gates is not for the people, yall need to wake up and this man belong in jail
0 0 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 23:45:43
RT @Western2A: Boris Nikolic, who was the [Gates Foundation Science Advisor] and runs
a venture capital firm, was named as a fallback executor to Epstein’s will. Jeffrey Epstein
met with Bill Gates often after serving time in jail for soliciting innocent children.
0 105 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 23:44:49
Vancity @Vancity78811993
@BillGates @WHO Bill Gates should be in jail for his crime against humanity! Did you
know he is a good friend of Jeffrey Epstein.?
0 0 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 23:44:42
Lorraine⭐⭐⭐ @givehillhell
Come on man say something about Lindsey Graham endorsing Bill Genocide Gates or
the governor of Washington State releasing 1000 prisoners from jail while citizens can’t
leave their homes😡
0 0 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 23:40:20
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 23:38:26
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 23:38:16
DuaneBoaz @BoazDuane
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 23:37:56
Single3dad777 @Single3dad7771
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 23:37:52
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 23:37:39
Rob R @Eaglewolf67
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 23:37:13
Lisa- Trump 2020 !! #KAG!!! @AzWl18ov
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 23:35:11
cindyseestruth @cindyseestruth
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 23:33:52
0 0 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 23:27:59
Ben @ccprosell
@BillGates @WHO Stop Bill Gates and his wet vaccination dreams. Go and vaccinate
your own kids - oh wait, I forgot, you don't want that your own kids get a vaccination.
You will go to JAIL - SOON
0 0 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 23:25:58
ADED$LAPO 👑 @JargoFargo
RT @Western2A: Boris Nikolic, who was the [Gates Foundation Science Advisor] and runs
a venture capital firm, was named as a fallback executor to Epstein’s will. Jeffrey Epstein
met with Bill Gates often after serving time in jail for soliciting innocent children.
0 105 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 23:24:13
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 23:20:15
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 23:10:38
TexMom ⭐⭐⭐ #FreeFlynn #InItTogether @texasmom2many
RT @Western2A: Boris Nikolic, who was the [Gates Foundation Science Advisor] and runs
a venture capital firm, was named as a fallback executor to Epstein’s will. Jeffrey Epstein
met with Bill Gates often after serving time in jail for soliciting innocent children.
0 105 Twitter for iPad Apr 15, 2020 23:08:58
🌺🌴🐱 Trump 2020 Catt 🐱🌴🌺 @GamerBABE3
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 23:06:23
ProudAmerican ❌ @Dkmorris0204
RT @Western2A: Boris Nikolic, who was the [Gates Foundation Science Advisor] and runs
a venture capital firm, was named as a fallback executor to Epstein’s will. Jeffrey Epstein
met with Bill Gates often after serving time in jail for soliciting innocent children.
0 105 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 23:04:54
RT @Western2A: Boris Nikolic, who was the [Gates Foundation Science Advisor] and runs
a venture capital firm, was named as a fallback executor to Epstein’s will. Jeffrey Epstein
met with Bill Gates often after serving time in jail for soliciting innocent children.
0 105 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 23:03:56
Prometheus @Prometh99591875
RT @SHEKOFEHH: @davidicke In this mad house bright people like Julian Assuage get
locked in jail for spreading truth where as Pedaophiles like Andrew run around freely ,
psycophats like Bill Gates R free but intelligent German lawyer who direct people, get
arrested because it is an inverted world .
0 3 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 23:02:03
RT @Western2A: Boris Nikolic, who was the [Gates Foundation Science Advisor] and runs
a venture capital firm, was named as a fallback executor to Epstein’s will. Jeffrey Epstein
met with Bill Gates often after serving time in jail for soliciting innocent children.
0 105 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 23:01:40
gwena @2015gardener
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 23:00:08
marimacint @marimacint
RT @Western2A: Boris Nikolic, who was the [Gates Foundation Science Advisor] and runs
a venture capital firm, was named as a fallback executor to Epstein’s will. Jeffrey Epstein
met with Bill Gates often after serving time in jail for soliciting innocent children.
0 105 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 22:59:12
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 22:56:07
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 22:55:40
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 22:49:47
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 22:48:05
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 22:48:04
@BillGates @WHO Into jail with you. 100 billion net worth, investing in pharma
company and the whole world should buy your vaccin ? Through the shutdown
everybody loosing human rights and money , but we have at least one big winner , Bill
0 0 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 22:45:38
RT @Western2A: Boris Nikolic, who was the [Gates Foundation Science Advisor] and runs
a venture capital firm, was named as a fallback executor to Epstein’s will. Jeffrey Epstein
met with Bill Gates often after serving time in jail for soliciting innocent children.
0 105 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 22:45:04
VampireInMe @Random_Somtimes
RT @_kevin_dela: Me when bill gates gets exposed and is put in jail. #BillGatesVirus
#BillGatesIsEvil #BillGatesBioTerrorist #BillGatesPublicEnemy1
0 47 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 22:43:03
RT @Western2A: Boris Nikolic, who was the [Gates Foundation Science Advisor] and runs
a venture capital firm, was named as a fallback executor to Epstein’s will. Jeffrey Epstein
met with Bill Gates often after serving time in jail for soliciting innocent children.
0 105 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 22:42:35
Lee B @lrb60
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPad Apr 15, 2020 22:39:55
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPad Apr 15, 2020 22:39:05
@SkyNews Fuck bill gates and his agendas. @realDonaldTrump should throw him and
tedros adhanom in jail.
0 0 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 22:38:03
⭐⭐⭐❌🇺🇸 SYLVIA 🇺🇸❌⭐⭐⭐ @BamaLady10
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPad Apr 15, 2020 22:35:42
James T. @JamesTScorpio1
RT @Western2A: Boris Nikolic, who was the [Gates Foundation Science Advisor] and runs
a venture capital firm, was named as a fallback executor to Epstein’s will. Jeffrey Epstein
met with Bill Gates often after serving time in jail for soliciting innocent children.
0 105 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 22:32:07
coinhawk @magnetmill
RT @Western2A: Boris Nikolic, who was the [Gates Foundation Science Advisor] and runs
a venture capital firm, was named as a fallback executor to Epstein’s will. Jeffrey Epstein
met with Bill Gates often after serving time in jail for soliciting innocent children.
0 105 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 22:24:49
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 22:23:02
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 22:21:24
overhead440 @overhead440
RT @Western2A: Boris Nikolic, who was the [Gates Foundation Science Advisor] and runs
a venture capital firm, was named as a fallback executor to Epstein’s will. Jeffrey Epstein
met with Bill Gates often after serving time in jail for soliciting innocent children.
0 105 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 22:19:49
RT @Western2A: Boris Nikolic, who was the [Gates Foundation Science Advisor] and runs
a venture capital firm, was named as a fallback executor to Epstein’s will. Jeffrey Epstein
met with Bill Gates often after serving time in jail for soliciting innocent children.
0 105 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 22:19:01
KoMo @karenmo17644301
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 22:17:11
🇺🇸🇺🇸KATHY🇺🇸🇺🇸 @mygammie
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 22:16:30
RT @Western2A: Boris Nikolic, who was the [Gates Foundation Science Advisor] and runs
a venture capital firm, was named as a fallback executor to Epstein’s will. Jeffrey Epstein
met with Bill Gates often after serving time in jail for soliciting innocent children.
0 105 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 22:13:51
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 22:12:31
Beth @mcbeth80562919
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPad Apr 15, 2020 22:11:54
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 22:11:36
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 22:09:27
Man is free at the moment he wishes to be @irlety36
RT @Western2A: Boris Nikolic, who was the [Gates Foundation Science Advisor] and runs
a venture capital firm, was named as a fallback executor to Epstein’s will. Jeffrey Epstein
met with Bill Gates often after serving time in jail for soliciting innocent children.
0 105 Twitter for iPad Apr 15, 2020 22:08:35
VoteRed @VotingRed1
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 22:07:44
WJD @wjdjean
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 22:06:31
MBlackshaw @MBlackshaw3
RT @Western2A: Boris Nikolic, who was the [Gates Foundation Science Advisor] and runs
a venture capital firm, was named as a fallback executor to Epstein’s will. Jeffrey Epstein
met with Bill Gates often after serving time in jail for soliciting innocent children.
0 105 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 22:05:54
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 22:05:21
Chef86 @vossex
RT @Western2A: Boris Nikolic, who was the [Gates Foundation Science Advisor] and runs
a venture capital firm, was named as a fallback executor to Epstein’s will. Jeffrey Epstein
met with Bill Gates often after serving time in jail for soliciting innocent children.
0 105 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 22:04:56
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 22:03:01
Tara 🕊 @TaraAngel22018
RT @Western2A: Boris Nikolic, who was the [Gates Foundation Science Advisor] and runs
a venture capital firm, was named as a fallback executor to Epstein’s will. Jeffrey Epstein
met with Bill Gates often after serving time in jail for soliciting innocent children.
0 105 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 22:02:00
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 21:58:44
olga_illych @IllychOlga
RT @Western2A: Boris Nikolic, who was the [Gates Foundation Science Advisor] and runs
a venture capital firm, was named as a fallback executor to Epstein’s will. Jeffrey Epstein
met with Bill Gates often after serving time in jail for soliciting innocent children.
0 105 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 21:55:29
IAlwaysLikeTheTruth @IAlwaysLikeThe1
@BillGates @WHO The WHO and You Bill Gates are the planners of this panic on
purpose. We aren’t stupid. We know your NWO plan was to force vaccinate and chip us,
while spreading harmful 5G. You are going to jail Bill. You already know it too. World
doesn’t want your BS
0 0 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 21:54:56
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 21:52:00
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 21:51:42
Lois @LoLoMead
RT @Western2A: Boris Nikolic, who was the [Gates Foundation Science Advisor] and runs
a venture capital firm, was named as a fallback executor to Epstein’s will. Jeffrey Epstein
met with Bill Gates often after serving time in jail for soliciting innocent children.
0 105 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 21:50:50
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPad Apr 15, 2020 21:49:54
RT @Western2A: Boris Nikolic, who was the [Gates Foundation Science Advisor] and runs
a venture capital firm, was named as a fallback executor to Epstein’s will. Jeffrey Epstein
met with Bill Gates often after serving time in jail for soliciting innocent children.
0 105 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 21:45:29
okcglass @okcglass1
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 21:45:19
SusanT @SusanCTurlingt1
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 21:44:44
RT @Western2A: Boris Nikolic, who was the [Gates Foundation Science Advisor] and runs
a venture capital firm, was named as a fallback executor to Epstein’s will. Jeffrey Epstein
met with Bill Gates often after serving time in jail for soliciting innocent children.
0 105 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 21:44:18
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 21:43:46
Mary R @mary44614
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 21:43:29
Tryagain19552 @tryagain19552
RT @Western2A: Boris Nikolic, who was the [Gates Foundation Science Advisor] and runs
a venture capital firm, was named as a fallback executor to Epstein’s will. Jeffrey Epstein
met with Bill Gates often after serving time in jail for soliciting innocent children.
0 105 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 21:42:41
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 21:42:37
RT @Western2A: Boris Nikolic, who was the [Gates Foundation Science Advisor] and runs
a venture capital firm, was named as a fallback executor to Epstein’s will. Jeffrey Epstein
met with Bill Gates often after serving time in jail for soliciting innocent children.
0 105 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 21:42:23
❌Dee F @DeeF07059278
RT @Western2A: Boris Nikolic, who was the [Gates Foundation Science Advisor] and runs
a venture capital firm, was named as a fallback executor to Epstein’s will. Jeffrey Epstein
met with Bill Gates often after serving time in jail for soliciting innocent children.
0 105 Twitter for iPad Apr 15, 2020 21:41:53
Dne99🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 @Donnie09376685
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 21:41:45
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 21:40:31
thetacotwins @taco_twins
RT @Western2A: Boris Nikolic, who was the [Gates Foundation Science Advisor] and runs
a venture capital firm, was named as a fallback executor to Epstein’s will. Jeffrey Epstein
met with Bill Gates often after serving time in jail for soliciting innocent children.
0 105 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 21:39:46
Stephanie @nodramahea
RT @Western2A: Boris Nikolic, who was the [Gates Foundation Science Advisor] and runs
a venture capital firm, was named as a fallback executor to Epstein’s will. Jeffrey Epstein
met with Bill Gates often after serving time in jail for soliciting innocent children.
0 105 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 21:39:35
RT @Western2A: Boris Nikolic, who was the [Gates Foundation Science Advisor] and runs
a venture capital firm, was named as a fallback executor to Epstein’s will. Jeffrey Epstein
met with Bill Gates often after serving time in jail for soliciting innocent children.
0 105 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 21:38:20
Mark @WWG1WGA_17_45
RT @Western2A: Boris Nikolic, who was the [Gates Foundation Science Advisor] and runs
a venture capital firm, was named as a fallback executor to Epstein’s will. Jeffrey Epstein
met with Bill Gates often after serving time in jail for soliciting innocent children.
0 105 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 21:33:13
Ashlee @AshleeWebsterOk
RT @Western2A: Boris Nikolic, who was the [Gates Foundation Science Advisor] and runs
a venture capital firm, was named as a fallback executor to Epstein’s will. Jeffrey Epstein
met with Bill Gates often after serving time in jail for soliciting innocent children.
0 105 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 21:33:06
Tweeter40 @tweeterpearcy
RT @Western2A: Boris Nikolic, who was the [Gates Foundation Science Advisor] and runs
a venture capital firm, was named as a fallback executor to Epstein’s will. Jeffrey Epstein
met with Bill Gates often after serving time in jail for soliciting innocent children.
0 105 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 21:32:56
Trumpdetta @TforTrumpdetta
RT @Western2A: Boris Nikolic, who was the [Gates Foundation Science Advisor] and runs
a venture capital firm, was named as a fallback executor to Epstein’s will. Jeffrey Epstein
met with Bill Gates often after serving time in jail for soliciting innocent children.
0 105 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 21:32:07
Chiefrocka @Chiefrocka111
LinesGettnClear @LinesGettnClear
RT @Western2A: Boris Nikolic, who was the [Gates Foundation Science Advisor] and runs
a venture capital firm, was named as a fallback executor to Epstein’s will. Jeffrey Epstein
met with Bill Gates often after serving time in jail for soliciting innocent children.
0 105 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 21:31:50
Ses @Ses58305961
RT @Western2A: Boris Nikolic, who was the [Gates Foundation Science Advisor] and runs
a venture capital firm, was named as a fallback executor to Epstein’s will. Jeffrey Epstein
met with Bill Gates often after serving time in jail for soliciting innocent children.
0 105 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 21:31:30
Mike @michaelkoher1
RT @Western2A: Boris Nikolic, who was the [Gates Foundation Science Advisor] and runs
a venture capital firm, was named as a fallback executor to Epstein’s will. Jeffrey Epstein
met with Bill Gates often after serving time in jail for soliciting innocent children.
0 105 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 21:28:09
J.miller @Jmiller44541216
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 21:26:44
RT @Western2A: Boris Nikolic, who was the [Gates Foundation Science Advisor] and runs
a venture capital firm, was named as a fallback executor to Epstein’s will. Jeffrey Epstein
met with Bill Gates often after serving time in jail for soliciting innocent children.
0 105 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 21:25:07
RT @Western2A: Boris Nikolic, who was the [Gates Foundation Science Advisor] and runs
a venture capital firm, was named as a fallback executor to Epstein’s will. Jeffrey Epstein
met with Bill Gates often after serving time in jail for soliciting innocent children.
0 105 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 21:23:35
RT @Western2A: Boris Nikolic, who was the [Gates Foundation Science Advisor] and runs
a venture capital firm, was named as a fallback executor to Epstein’s will. Jeffrey Epstein
met with Bill Gates often after serving time in jail for soliciting innocent children.
0 105 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 21:23:04
JDUBZ242🙏🙏🙏🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸⭐⭐⭐ @jdubz242
RT @Western2A: Boris Nikolic, who was the [Gates Foundation Science Advisor] and runs
a venture capital firm, was named as a fallback executor to Epstein’s will. Jeffrey Epstein
met with Bill Gates often after serving time in jail for soliciting innocent children.
0 105 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 21:22:12
RT @Western2A: Boris Nikolic, who was the [Gates Foundation Science Advisor] and runs
a venture capital firm, was named as a fallback executor to Epstein’s will. Jeffrey Epstein
met with Bill Gates often after serving time in jail for soliciting innocent children.
0 105 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 21:20:19
pink @pink1233211
RT @Western2A: Boris Nikolic, who was the [Gates Foundation Science Advisor] and runs
a venture capital firm, was named as a fallback executor to Epstein’s will. Jeffrey Epstein
met with Bill Gates often after serving time in jail for soliciting innocent children.
0 105 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 21:19:35
BriGuy @briguy20
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 21:19:22
RT @Western2A: Boris Nikolic, who was the [Gates Foundation Science Advisor] and runs
a venture capital firm, was named as a fallback executor to Epstein’s will. Jeffrey Epstein
met with Bill Gates often after serving time in jail for soliciting innocent children.
0 105 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 21:18:54
RT @Western2A: Boris Nikolic, who was the [Gates Foundation Science Advisor] and runs
a venture capital firm, was named as a fallback executor to Epstein’s will. Jeffrey Epstein
met with Bill Gates often after serving time in jail for soliciting innocent children.
0 105 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 21:17:19
RT @Western2A: Boris Nikolic, who was the [Gates Foundation Science Advisor] and runs
a venture capital firm, was named as a fallback executor to Epstein’s will. Jeffrey Epstein
met with Bill Gates often after serving time in jail for soliciting innocent children.
0 105 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 21:16:28
LEON @Intuitive1966
RT @Western2A: Boris Nikolic, who was the [Gates Foundation Science Advisor] and runs
a venture capital firm, was named as a fallback executor to Epstein’s will. Jeffrey Epstein
met with Bill Gates often after serving time in jail for soliciting innocent children.
0 105 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 21:14:22
RT @Western2A: Boris Nikolic, who was the [Gates Foundation Science Advisor] and runs
a venture capital firm, was named as a fallback executor to Epstein’s will. Jeffrey Epstein
met with Bill Gates often after serving time in jail for soliciting innocent children.
0 105 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 21:14:00
RT @Western2A: Boris Nikolic, who was the [Gates Foundation Science Advisor] and runs
a venture capital firm, was named as a fallback executor to Epstein’s will. Jeffrey Epstein
met with Bill Gates often after serving time in jail for soliciting innocent children.
0 105 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 21:11:54
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 21:11:38
trapperann @trapperann
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 21:11:33
TexasGal @Texas_Trump
RT @Western2A: Boris Nikolic, who was the [Gates Foundation Science Advisor] and runs
a venture capital firm, was named as a fallback executor to Epstein’s will. Jeffrey Epstein
met with Bill Gates often after serving time in jail for soliciting innocent children.
0 105 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 21:11:25
TheBlueLineForLiberty @RetUSCG2010
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 21:10:27
RT @Western2A: Boris Nikolic, who was the [Gates Foundation Science Advisor] and runs
a venture capital firm, was named as a fallback executor to Epstein’s will. Jeffrey Epstein
met with Bill Gates often after serving time in jail for soliciting innocent children.
0 105 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 21:10:22
MidnightHowl @MidnightHowl1
RT @TeeRex1969: @BillGates @WHO Bill Gates.. if you hadn't already admitted you want
10-15% of the world population gone,you may have gotten away with this,if you were
serious about funding for the good,YOU have more money than anybody,you can fund
it,but we know thats not your agenda, we are on to you!! Jail!!
0 1 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 21:09:51
Witty&Wise @WittyWise3
RT @Western2A: Boris Nikolic, who was the [Gates Foundation Science Advisor] and runs
a venture capital firm, was named as a fallback executor to Epstein’s will. Jeffrey Epstein
met with Bill Gates often after serving time in jail for soliciting innocent children.
0 105 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 21:07:48
zippy🌟🌟🌟 @dadgumbug
RT @Western2A: Boris Nikolic, who was the [Gates Foundation Science Advisor] and runs
a venture capital firm, was named as a fallback executor to Epstein’s will. Jeffrey Epstein
met with Bill Gates often after serving time in jail for soliciting innocent children.
0 105 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 21:07:45
RT @Western2A: Boris Nikolic, who was the [Gates Foundation Science Advisor] and runs
a venture capital firm, was named as a fallback executor to Epstein’s will. Jeffrey Epstein
met with Bill Gates often after serving time in jail for soliciting innocent children.
0 105 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 21:05:14
RT @Western2A: Boris Nikolic, who was the [Gates Foundation Science Advisor] and runs
a venture capital firm, was named as a fallback executor to Epstein’s will. Jeffrey Epstein
met with Bill Gates often after serving time in jail for soliciting innocent children.
0 105 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 21:04:13
RT @Western2A: Boris Nikolic, who was the [Gates Foundation Science Advisor] and runs
a venture capital firm, was named as a fallback executor to Epstein’s will. Jeffrey Epstein
met with Bill Gates often after serving time in jail for soliciting innocent children.
0 105 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 21:03:46
stephanie anne❌🇺🇸 @penelopecward
RT @Western2A: Boris Nikolic, who was the [Gates Foundation Science Advisor] and runs
a venture capital firm, was named as a fallback executor to Epstein’s will. Jeffrey Epstein
met with Bill Gates often after serving time in jail for soliciting innocent children.
0 105 Twitter for iPad Apr 15, 2020 21:01:14
Elizabeth @moutus84
RT @SHEKOFEHH: @davidicke In this mad house bright people like Julian Assuage get
locked in jail for spreading truth where as Pedaophiles like Andrew run around freely ,
psycophats like Bill Gates R free but intelligent German lawyer who direct people, get
arrested because it is an inverted world .
0 3 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 20:59:25
@ إﺳﻬﺎلbonap1868
RT @Western2A: Boris Nikolic, who was the [Gates Foundation Science Advisor] and runs
a venture capital firm, was named as a fallback executor to Epstein’s will. Jeffrey Epstein
met with Bill Gates often after serving time in jail for soliciting innocent children.
0 105 Tweetbot for Mac Apr 15, 2020 20:58:36
Mumbo#one @MumboOne
RT @Western2A: Boris Nikolic, who was the [Gates Foundation Science Advisor] and runs
a venture capital firm, was named as a fallback executor to Epstein’s will. Jeffrey Epstein
met with Bill Gates often after serving time in jail for soliciting innocent children.
0 105 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 20:58:22
Timbo @Albermarle19
RT @Western2A: Boris Nikolic, who was the [Gates Foundation Science Advisor] and runs
a venture capital firm, was named as a fallback executor to Epstein’s will. Jeffrey Epstein
met with Bill Gates often after serving time in jail for soliciting innocent children.
0 105 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 20:57:48
Claudia @Hdex5ptrump
RT @Western2A: Boris Nikolic, who was the [Gates Foundation Science Advisor] and runs
a venture capital firm, was named as a fallback executor to Epstein’s will. Jeffrey Epstein
met with Bill Gates often after serving time in jail for soliciting innocent children.
0 105 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 20:57:20
RT @Western2A: Boris Nikolic, who was the [Gates Foundation Science Advisor] and runs
a venture capital firm, was named as a fallback executor to Epstein’s will. Jeffrey Epstein
met with Bill Gates often after serving time in jail for soliciting innocent children.
0 105 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 20:57:11
RT @Western2A: Boris Nikolic, who was the [Gates Foundation Science Advisor] and runs
a venture capital firm, was named as a fallback executor to Epstein’s will. Jeffrey Epstein
met with Bill Gates often after serving time in jail for soliciting innocent children.
0 105 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 20:56:36
RT @Western2A: Boris Nikolic, who was the [Gates Foundation Science Advisor] and runs
a venture capital firm, was named as a fallback executor to Epstein’s will. Jeffrey Epstein
met with Bill Gates often after serving time in jail for soliciting innocent children.
0 105 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 20:56:33
trob⭐⭐⭐ @trobinson131
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 20:56:27
RT @Western2A: Boris Nikolic, who was the [Gates Foundation Science Advisor] and runs
a venture capital firm, was named as a fallback executor to Epstein’s will. Jeffrey Epstein
met with Bill Gates often after serving time in jail for soliciting innocent children.
0 105 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 20:55:48
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPad Apr 15, 2020 20:55:16
RT @Western2A: Boris Nikolic, who was the [Gates Foundation Science Advisor] and runs
a venture capital firm, was named as a fallback executor to Epstein’s will. Jeffrey Epstein
met with Bill Gates often after serving time in jail for soliciting innocent children.
0 105 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 20:55:07
RT @Western2A: Boris Nikolic, who was the [Gates Foundation Science Advisor] and runs
a venture capital firm, was named as a fallback executor to Epstein’s will. Jeffrey Epstein
met with Bill Gates often after serving time in jail for soliciting innocent children.
0 105 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 20:54:57
RT @Western2A: Boris Nikolic, who was the [Gates Foundation Science Advisor] and runs
a venture capital firm, was named as a fallback executor to Epstein’s will. Jeffrey Epstein
met with Bill Gates often after serving time in jail for soliciting innocent children.
0 105 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 20:54:56
Noel Polin @NoelPolin
RT @Western2A: Boris Nikolic, who was the [Gates Foundation Science Advisor] and runs
a venture capital firm, was named as a fallback executor to Epstein’s will. Jeffrey Epstein
met with Bill Gates often after serving time in jail for soliciting innocent children.
0 105 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 20:54:51
paul @paul24681099
RT @Western2A: Boris Nikolic, who was the [Gates Foundation Science Advisor] and runs
a venture capital firm, was named as a fallback executor to Epstein’s will. Jeffrey Epstein
met with Bill Gates often after serving time in jail for soliciting innocent children.
0 105 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 20:54:16
RT @Western2A: Boris Nikolic, who was the [Gates Foundation Science Advisor] and runs
a venture capital firm, was named as a fallback executor to Epstein’s will. Jeffrey Epstein
met with Bill Gates often after serving time in jail for soliciting innocent children.
0 105 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 20:54:04
RT @Western2A: Boris Nikolic, who was the [Gates Foundation Science Advisor] and runs
a venture capital firm, was named as a fallback executor to Epstein’s will. Jeffrey Epstein
met with Bill Gates often after serving time in jail for soliciting innocent children.
0 105 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 20:53:50
RT @Western2A: Boris Nikolic, who was the [Gates Foundation Science Advisor] and runs
a venture capital firm, was named as a fallback executor to Epstein’s will. Jeffrey Epstein
met with Bill Gates often after serving time in jail for soliciting innocent children.
0 105 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 20:53:26
RT @Western2A: Boris Nikolic, who was the [Gates Foundation Science Advisor] and runs
a venture capital firm, was named as a fallback executor to Epstein’s will. Jeffrey Epstein
met with Bill Gates often after serving time in jail for soliciting innocent children.
0 105 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 20:53:23
RT @Western2A: Boris Nikolic, who was the [Gates Foundation Science Advisor] and runs
a venture capital firm, was named as a fallback executor to Epstein’s will. Jeffrey Epstein
met with Bill Gates often after serving time in jail for soliciting innocent children.
0 105 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 20:52:35
Luana @MaMaLu38812643
RT @Western2A: Boris Nikolic, who was the [Gates Foundation Science Advisor] and runs
a venture capital firm, was named as a fallback executor to Epstein’s will. Jeffrey Epstein
met with Bill Gates often after serving time in jail for soliciting innocent children.
0 105 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 20:52:19
Qmaga2020 @qmaga220
RT @Western2A: Boris Nikolic, who was the [Gates Foundation Science Advisor] and runs
a venture capital firm, was named as a fallback executor to Epstein’s will. Jeffrey Epstein
met with Bill Gates often after serving time in jail for soliciting innocent children.
0 105 Twitter Web Client Apr 15, 2020 20:52:18
RT @Western2A: Boris Nikolic, who was the [Gates Foundation Science Advisor] and runs
a venture capital firm, was named as a fallback executor to Epstein’s will. Jeffrey Epstein
met with Bill Gates often after serving time in jail for soliciting innocent children.
0 105 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 20:51:57
RT @Western2A: Boris Nikolic, who was the [Gates Foundation Science Advisor] and runs
a venture capital firm, was named as a fallback executor to Epstein’s will. Jeffrey Epstein
met with Bill Gates often after serving time in jail for soliciting innocent children.
0 105 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 20:51:28
JR @pick291
RT @Western2A: Boris Nikolic, who was the [Gates Foundation Science Advisor] and runs
a venture capital firm, was named as a fallback executor to Epstein’s will. Jeffrey Epstein
met with Bill Gates often after serving time in jail for soliciting innocent children.
0 105 Twitter Web Client Apr 15, 2020 20:50:47
Pocketwraps @pocketwraps
RT @Western2A: Boris Nikolic, who was the [Gates Foundation Science Advisor] and runs
a venture capital firm, was named as a fallback executor to Epstein’s will. Jeffrey Epstein
met with Bill Gates often after serving time in jail for soliciting innocent children.
0 105 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 20:50:27
truth+love✝ @kathie_truth
RT @Western2A: Boris Nikolic, who was the [Gates Foundation Science Advisor] and runs
a venture capital firm, was named as a fallback executor to Epstein’s will. Jeffrey Epstein
met with Bill Gates often after serving time in jail for soliciting innocent children.
0 105 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 20:50:15
58Magnolias @Magnolias58
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 20:49:54
Slaster16 @Slaster161
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 20:48:45
RT @_kevin_dela: Me when bill gates gets exposed and is put in jail. #BillGatesVirus
#BillGatesIsEvil #BillGatesBioTerrorist #BillGatesPublicEnemy1
0 47 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 20:45:35
Arnold @Arnold32887364
Sally @Sally73537210
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 20:40:24
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 20:38:47
flygriz @flygriz
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 20:38:14
Rose @RoseRose3940
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 20:36:33
bonnie mumley⭐⭐⭐ @bonnietunoose
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 20:35:37
George the mad Marine @GeorgethemadMa1
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 20:33:42
Larry @Larry17796430
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 20:33:38
knightteller @knightteller
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 20:32:30
gardengoddessFL @gardengoddessFL
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 20:31:01
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 20:28:14
derian⚠ @KUWTFB
@itsJalenB I agree with the vaccine part though bill gates wants to make it mandatory
and have our names taken down and put in a system to make sure we got it. Irdgaf if I
get put in jail, no rich man forcing me to take anything.
0 0 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 20:25:15
Hardbody500 @Steve_Gregory82
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 20:25:03
Marcia D @MarciaD97650789
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 20:24:59
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 20:23:59
Erik @Erikocss
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 20:22:54
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 20:21:33
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 20:18:48
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 20:18:25
Rick Carey @RickCarey1
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 20:17:40
hammerman @hammerman0206
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 20:16:00
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 20:14:32
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 20:12:18
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 20:11:15
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 20:11:12
JonathanSwiftRedux @SwiftRedux
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 20:10:45
gwena @2015gardener
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 20:10:32
CoachWesley @CoachWesley1
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 20:08:37
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 20:05:22
Lori @Lori80931401
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 20:05:22
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 20:05:09
Tikal.!.? @Tikal217
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPad Apr 15, 2020 20:04:48
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 20:04:09
Jali_Cat{⭐} @Jali_Cat
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 20:03:42
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 20:03:23
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 20:03:17
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 20:02:39
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 20:01:54
Slik @David_Albi
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 20:00:52
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 19:59:39
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 19:59:04
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 19:57:49
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 19:57:14
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 19:56:37
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 19:55:53
SweetiePie1 @LoverOfPups777
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 19:55:36
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 19:55:19
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 19:54:55
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 19:54:36
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 19:54:28
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 19:52:35
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 19:52:28
❌JG❌ @OGdarkeagle61
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 19:52:05
CC. @ggintheland
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 19:51:27
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 19:51:18
SMILE🌞 @1234___Smile
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 19:51:09
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 19:50:15
brigette @brigett48528631
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 19:49:52
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 19:49:31
deadlyputter @deadlyputter
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 19:49:26
JLE @tengkds
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 19:48:56
Albertina3 @freethinker1965
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 19:48:29
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 19:47:59
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 19:46:53
🌟🌟Rooster🌟🌟 @no_silenced
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 19:46:20
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPad Apr 15, 2020 19:46:15
Marc N Watson @marcnwatson
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPad Apr 15, 2020 19:45:42
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 19:45:22
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 19:45:08
Betty @RhumbaBetty
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPad Apr 15, 2020 19:43:05
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 19:42:25
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 19:41:54
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 19:41:47
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 19:41:37
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 19:41:33
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPad Apr 15, 2020 19:41:28
Ed @EdBagleyed
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 19:40:42
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 19:40:12
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 19:39:54
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 19:39:52
SXM1215 @sxm1215
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 19:39:03
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 19:38:29
Deborah♥USA.🇺🇸 @DeborahLoveUSA
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 19:37:33
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 19:35:40
Robbie @LibertyLandlady
RT @annecdavies: @RussPLFC @KTHopkins @WHO And Bill Gates for jail to, the second
biggest funder of WHO
0 5 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 19:35:35
@seanhannity Dr Shiva is on top of this too. Fauci, Birx needs to go to jail and Bill and
Melinda Gates are the epitome of evil! All need to be held accountable for war crimes
0 0 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 19:34:03
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 19:32:07
RedVirgo🔥Stacy ♀😷 @stacy_redvirgo
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPad Apr 15, 2020 19:31:27
Pascoe @qanonsunrise
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 19:24:35
Rosanna @rosannaanisi1
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 19:21:07
Nbb🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 @Nbb26414033x
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 19:20:22
Rose @beehealingnow
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 19:19:52
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 19:19:05
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 19:18:30
VMK @2vmk2
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPad Apr 15, 2020 19:16:05
PatientAdvocacy @UFGator198589
RT @_kevin_dela: Me when bill gates gets exposed and is put in jail. #BillGatesVirus
#BillGatesIsEvil #BillGatesBioTerrorist #BillGatesPublicEnemy1
0 47 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 19:13:37
ChakraCar @younglady037833
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 19:13:00
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 19:11:16
Anon1111 @Anon111119
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 19:08:34
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 19:08:02
Leslie @Leslie66213274
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 19:03:57
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 19:03:25
@JamesFourM Why isn't this idiot in jail. I hope Bill Gates sues.
0 0 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 19:02:30
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 19:01:33
ireneeagle1🇺🇸🌟🌟🌟 @IreneEagle1
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 19:01:16
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 19:00:48
carolyn @carolyn35015230
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 19:00:12
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 18:59:18
Samantha DelVecchio @SamanthaDelVec1
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 18:59:05
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 18:58:54
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 18:58:49
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 18:57:57
Patricio@spaadk @patricioapaadk
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPad Apr 15, 2020 18:57:45
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 18:56:06
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 18:55:14
Rad123 @Tombx7M
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPad Apr 15, 2020 18:55:09
Yabadabado @Yabadabado15
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 18:54:58
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 18:54:33
DonnaL @DonnaL47220960
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 18:53:19
🇺🇸AnthemRespect🇺🇸 @AnthemRespect
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 18:50:49
Angie @DangRUs2U
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 18:49:50
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 18:47:49
@realDonaldTrump you will also be doing an even greater job if you arrested Bill Gates
for crimes against humanity, his companies are responsible for several vaccine related
deaths across the globe, as President you need to stop him and the deep state send
them all to jail
0 0 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 18:45:59
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 18:45:02
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 18:40:26
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 18:39:26
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 18:38:40
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 18:37:03
Terri @beese1473
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 18:31:19
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 18:27:39
styxNstonz @Bob59177308
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 18:22:54
Hawkeye@TriggeredNews @HawkeyeTrigger1
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 18:22:49
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 18:22:31
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 18:21:25
Danny Childers @DannyChilders11
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 18:17:53
Keith @Ba16147246Keith
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 18:16:48
Gilbert @Romeo_Romeo52
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 18:16:34
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 18:15:17
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 18:12:35
AmericanIAm @americaniam50
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 18:08:41
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 18:06:31
Laura @LauraRg3fan
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 18:05:53
🐉 @cjthegodking
RT @_kevin_dela: Me when bill gates gets exposed and is put in jail. #BillGatesVirus
#BillGatesIsEvil #BillGatesBioTerrorist #BillGatesPublicEnemy1
0 47 Twitter for iPad Apr 15, 2020 18:03:12
G-H-A @GHA94867510
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 18:03:06
OyVeyDiosMio⭐⭐⭐✌ @Truthseeker126
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 18:02:54
JWhite4TRUMP @jgwhite81
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 18:01:03
Gary @gaz4223
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 17:59:10
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 17:55:48
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPad Apr 15, 2020 17:50:16
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 17:44:20
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 17:37:39
Daphne @daphnehimbrecht
RT @qmcdermatt: Mr President this men Bill Gates must go fast in a jail! #jail #justice
#QAnon #realDonaldTrump #GITMO
0 21 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 17:19:33
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 17:13:14
Goz~1911 @1911_goz
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 17:11:08
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 17:09:23
lynne9780 @lynne9780
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPad Apr 15, 2020 16:45:30
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 16:43:32
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 16:35:25
Maria T⭐⭐⭐🇺🇸 Text Trump to 88022 @MariaTo43051762
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 16:31:05
Anaba 🇺🇸 @Anaba_theLEE
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 16:30:08
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 16:25:59
🇺🇸 𝔼𝕄 🇩🇪 𝕂𝔸 🇺🇸 @EM_KA_17
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 16:25:53
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 16:12:23
RT @annecdavies: @RussPLFC @KTHopkins @WHO And Bill Gates for jail to, the second
biggest funder of WHO
0 5 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 16:09:50
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 16:07:26
Andrew James Gardner @andrewgardner58
Jail Bill Gates (self styled scientist) for crimes against humanity...
0 0 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 16:06:02
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 16:02:06
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 15:56:18
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 15:54:25
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 15:54:05
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 15:53:54
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPad Apr 15, 2020 15:51:26
Klaus @Klaus84077435
RT @qmcdermatt: Mr President this men Bill Gates must go fast in a jail! #jail #justice
#QAnon #realDonaldTrump #GITMO
0 21 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 15:44:54
CrazyOldLady @CrazyOldLady14
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 15:43:44
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 15:43:13
RT @annecdavies: @RussPLFC @KTHopkins @WHO And Bill Gates for jail to, the second
biggest funder of WHO
0 5 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 15:41:21
Sue🍓🍀🌈💛💙 @alcazar_susan
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 15:33:27
Paola B @blemished_rose
Bill Gates Met With Jeffrey Epstein Many Times, Despite His Past They met after Epstein
had served jail for child molestation and was registered as a sex offender.
0 0 Twitter Web Client Apr 15, 2020 15:33:21
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 15:32:45
Lorie @LoriYou65056117
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 15:32:21
N W @larkieranger
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 15:19:41
Sue @suepatroit
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 15:18:37
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 15:10:56
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 14:59:05
RT @annecdavies: @RussPLFC @KTHopkins @WHO And Bill Gates for jail to, the second
biggest funder of WHO
0 5 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 14:51:46
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 14:44:18
0 0 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 14:42:21
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 14:38:29
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 14:35:29
mary @Marlor18
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 14:24:40
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 14:22:10
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 14:13:57
まやける🤫 @mayathebee626
0 6 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 14:13:32
High007 @High_007
so that moron rump wants to cease funding the evil WHO corporation eh? that would
be great but he's forgetting all about that moronic eugenicist, bill gates, who happen to
be their second largest funder, so they won't mind! throw him in jail as well if you're
serious, rump!
0 0 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 14:12:20
MindOfAWoman @brandy_mancari
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 14:10:59
👀Montgomery🗣Media🇺🇸 @melchizedekwife
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPad Apr 15, 2020 14:08:50
Nicole🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 @nsouthern95
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 14:08:26
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 14:06:00
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 14:04:39
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 14:04:16
Source @sharkfinfan32
RT @_kevin_dela: When bill gates is put in jail he should be given every vaccine he ever
0 1 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 14:01:32
Kimberlee~ @Libertybella22
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPad Apr 15, 2020 13:47:57
❌Kathy⭐⭐⭐ @katt9454
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 13:46:41
Marty @hoserdog
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 13:41:20
Sanderson🇺🇸❤🇺🇸❤🇺🇸 @ween_teena
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 13:38:13
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 13:35:57
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPad Apr 15, 2020 13:31:16
Dorcas↩⭐⭐⭐ @DjLots3
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 13:29:26
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 13:25:55
Phantom @AtoxicPhantom
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 13:00:44
Raynie @Raynie83079156
BarelySane @Figgitaboutit
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPad Apr 15, 2020 12:50:46
Jill @crazyjmom
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 12:47:32
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 12:46:25
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 12:37:47
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 12:33:03
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 12:27:28
Mark✝ @Mark22336699
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 12:23:46
RockyMtnMaverick @rkymtnmvrk
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 12:20:17
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 12:16:37
DSS @dssinojuli
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 12:14:41
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 12:13:14
🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸Sandy🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 @bluejeans116
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 12:09:40
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 12:07:21
Tru💎Patriot😎🙏🇺🇸 @tru_kells
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 12:06:39
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 12:04:47
🇯🇮🇱🇱 @ItsJustJill
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 12:03:37
🇺🇸NANA🇮🇱 @Nana_MAGA2020
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 12:02:50
RT @_kevin_dela: Me when bill gates gets exposed and is put in jail. #BillGatesVirus
#BillGatesIsEvil #BillGatesBioTerrorist #BillGatesPublicEnemy1
0 47 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 12:02:50
morgana @xoxMorganaxox
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 12:02:47
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 11:59:25
Boff @BigZappyShep
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 11:42:47
rickeycausey @rickeycausey
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 11:36:55
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 11:30:13
Moni @Moni27664390
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 11:28:59
SweetTea🍹 @scsweettea2
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 11:28:02
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 11:27:58
MissMarlene @marlene75743236
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPad Apr 15, 2020 11:26:33
concetta @RETTinol
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 11:26:23
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 11:26:08
Just one deplorable @Tlynn12345
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 11:25:55
K.miele @Kmiele1
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 11:25:35
EhrenmannBot @EhrenmannBot_
RT @qmcdermatt: Donald Trump ein Ehrenmann. Jetzt noch Bill Gates nach Gitmo dann
ist der schon mal weg ab in den Steinbruch. Thank you Mr.President @realDonaldTrump
Bill Gates fast to #GITMO for 300 years. #jail #Justice #QAnons
0 2 Neuer bot Apr 15, 2020 11:25:08
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPad Apr 15, 2020 11:25:02
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPad Apr 15, 2020 11:23:07
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 11:22:59
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 11:22:38
Charley M @montanarancher1
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 11:21:16
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 11:20:42
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 11:19:52
EnergyShots @Energyshots14
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 11:18:42
Laura @Lujm1979
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 11:18:18
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 11:17:41
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 11:15:58
DontbullymyBully @dontbullymy
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 11:15:45
Lindym🇺🇸 @lnick2934
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 11:14:43
JustBot @JustBot7
RT @qmcdermatt: Donald Trump ein Ehrenmann. Jetzt noch Bill Gates nach Gitmo dann
ist der schon mal weg ab in den Steinbruch. Thank you Mr.President @realDonaldTrump
Bill Gates fast to #GITMO for 300 years. #jail #Justice #QAnons
0 2 CEW Bot 1 Apr 15, 2020 11:12:45
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 11:11:51
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 11:11:41
Americangirl @America16620222
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 11:09:07
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 11:07:25
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 11:03:23
Shelly @shellybean99
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 11:03:10
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 11:01:28
BrasilUnido @LimaDoc
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 11:00:00
ScubaBebe⭐⭐⭐ @AU_bebe
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 10:59:37
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 10:58:32
Gail @retiredgammy
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 10:57:59
TGrammy @grammyteck
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 10:57:01
Mamagrebllug @mamagrebllug
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 10:56:23
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPad Apr 15, 2020 10:53:38
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 10:48:43
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 10:46:38
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 10:45:46
Canadian416 @Canadian4162
⭐⭐COOP⭐⭐ @Rooster10746247
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 10:44:15
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 10:43:52
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 10:43:24
Marshaleese @MarshaleeseBeat
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 10:43:13
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 10:41:19
CanadianDoomsdayPrepper🇨🇦🇺🇸 @canadianshtf
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 10:40:38
Jrw067 @jrw067
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 10:40:23
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 TweetCaster for Android Apr 15, 2020 10:40:10
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 10:40:06
🇺🇸GodBlessAmerica🇺🇸⭐⭐⭐ @jemmtweetmaga17
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 10:39:13
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 10:38:35
AmericanMarineVet @KKeankm
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 10:37:34
WalktheTalk👠 @walkthetalk2018
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 10:37:03
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 10:36:32
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPad Apr 15, 2020 10:34:53
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 10:34:26
DrConservaMom🇺🇸🐸🌐 @ConservaMomUSA
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 10:33:52
MaggieJ @MaggieJ65012472
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 10:33:33
Margaret Arano @MargaretArano
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 10:32:27
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 10:30:25
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 10:29:07
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 10:28:28
Judy @Judy82036461
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 10:26:33
WhiteLightning369 @WLightning369
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 10:25:45
WalkforJustice🇺🇸 @villarre11
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 10:25:13
JP Harley @jpharley3000
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 10:24:57
Christina @christinateek
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 10:24:25
WTFU @Nobill2
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 10:23:04
LStarr13 @LStarr13
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 10:22:48
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 10:22:11
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 10:21:48
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 10:20:48
Zeldasblue⭐⭐⭐ @zeldasblue
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 10:20:40
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 10:19:08
TJ @mgthawk
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 10:18:51
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 10:18:28
FROMtheFUTURE @KaSia67281703
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 10:17:11
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 10:16:44
Casey @Casey94810758
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 10:16:10
SSenn60 @senn60
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 10:15:52
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 10:14:04
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 10:13:55
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 10:13:28
🇺🇸Proud⭐⭐⭐American @beachgal4trump
RT @_kevin_dela: Me when bill gates gets exposed and is put in jail. #BillGatesVirus
#BillGatesIsEvil #BillGatesBioTerrorist #BillGatesPublicEnemy1
0 47 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 10:12:42
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 10:12:39
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 10:11:26
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 10:10:59
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 10:09:51
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 10:09:48
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 10:09:07
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 10:08:17
GreyWolf @Bryan08853942
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 10:07:51
ProudPatriot @GloriaProphet
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 10:07:44
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 10:07:07
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 10:06:44
GR8LAKE⭐⭐⭐ @LakeGr8
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 10:06:16
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 10:05:36
♥MaryMargaret♥⭐⭐⭐ @MaryMargaretTK
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 10:05:05
Californiatrumpgirl @mercymefan31
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 10:04:53
🇺🇸Patriot Blues T🇺🇸 @PatriotBluesT
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 10:03:21
danny d rogers @dannydrogers1
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 10:02:36
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 10:02:00
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 10:01:21
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 10:00:40
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 10:00:33
Jim Polk 🇺🇸 @JimPolk
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 10:00:27
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 10:00:12
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 10:00:10
Juliet.💕 @Julietknows1
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 09:59:50
Al @aaez2003
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 09:59:28
RT @megdogwuff: So criminals are being released from jail while we’re on house arrest?
This is to protect us from a virus? A 🦠 that will be prevented by a 💉 made by Bill
Gates? Gates who doesn’t vaccinate his own kids & wants to control the population. Oh,
& it’s mandatory. 🧐 WAKE UP!
0 432 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 09:59:03
❌katsat61❌ @wynnesea
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 09:33:41
@realDonaldTrump For starters put Bill and Melinda Gates and Elon Musk and Mark
Zuckerburg in Jail.
0 0 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 09:09:16
chuckw12 @Chuckw12
Honest @MatiyasheHonest
🅽🆈🆁🅸🅴 🏁💙 @NyrieRose
RT @FreetheButerfli: Instead of giving his opinion about how to massively vaccinate the
population,Bill Gates should be in jail now for his involvment with Jeffrey Epstein. Or are
we going to be ruled by demons of his kind?
0 5 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 08:04:19
Wetropic @wetropic
RT @_kevin_dela: Me when bill gates gets exposed and is put in jail. #BillGatesVirus
#BillGatesIsEvil #BillGatesBioTerrorist #BillGatesPublicEnemy1
0 47 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 07:53:48
mollyco @mollyco8
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 06:54:06
PatriotQ60🌟🌟🌟 @Joogi_
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 05:42:23
RT @jannamontana57: @jennfranconews @OANN And jail Bill Gates for crimes against
0 2 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 05:35:02
RT @jannamontana57: @jennfranconews @OANN And jail Bill Gates for crimes against
0 2 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 05:20:28
chocolatethunder @jorden_ward
RT @_kevin_dela: Me when bill gates gets exposed and is put in jail. #BillGatesVirus
#BillGatesIsEvil #BillGatesBioTerrorist #BillGatesPublicEnemy1
0 47 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 04:53:03
Carlitos @golfmkvr36
@MarkDice @realDonaldTrump Stop with this freak show and president trump must
open this economy and bill gates and Fauci need to be in jail now for their crimes
against Americans,period.
0 0 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 04:48:59
AussieBell🍺 @Belicious_75
RT @palevell: @StefanMolyneux Bill Gates wants a "Get Out of Jail Free" card for
skipping the testing, possibly killing thousands or even millions of people, like he did in
0 4 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 04:32:07
Rationaliza 🇦🇺 @rationaliza
RT @palevell: @StefanMolyneux Bill Gates wants a "Get Out of Jail Free" card for
skipping the testing, possibly killing thousands or even millions of people, like he did in
0 4 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 04:30:04
Pablo E. @PabloE61608396
RT @_kevin_dela: Me when bill gates gets exposed and is put in jail. #BillGatesVirus
#BillGatesIsEvil #BillGatesBioTerrorist #BillGatesPublicEnemy1
0 47 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 04:04:21
Roger Stone floats theory that Bill Gates wants to ‘microchip’ people with ‘mandatory
vaccinations’🙄even from jail he try to gets some attention.
0 0 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 03:46:36
Gary @ggagne
Another genius, I thought he was in jail? Roger Stone floats theory that Bill Gates wants
to ‘microchip’ people with ‘mandatory vaccinations’
0 0 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 03:39:04
MargleAsymptomatic9000 @margil9000
RT @BraceyDuJour: Can someone explain to me why Roger Stone isn't currently in jail
after being sentenced to 40 months?!
0 1 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 03:14:20
elvan @elvan
Truth.Teller @TruthTe37279972
RT @_kevin_dela: Me when bill gates gets exposed and is put in jail. #BillGatesVirus
#BillGatesIsEvil #BillGatesBioTerrorist #BillGatesPublicEnemy1
0 47 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 03:07:04
RT @_kevin_dela: Me when bill gates gets exposed and is put in jail. #BillGatesVirus
#BillGatesIsEvil #BillGatesBioTerrorist #BillGatesPublicEnemy1
0 47 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 02:48:11
Epstein had been convicted at that time. Bill Gates visited him in jail. #billgatesknew
0 0 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 02:47:10
Agata @Agata01337882
RT @_kevin_dela: Me when bill gates gets exposed and is put in jail. #BillGatesVirus
#BillGatesIsEvil #BillGatesBioTerrorist #BillGatesPublicEnemy1
0 47 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 02:45:59
Raynie @Raynie83079156
@WhiteHouse @realDonaldTrump Please open the country back up already and don’t
forget to put Dr. Fauci and Bill Gates in jail for their communist thinking in trying to force
us to get vaccinated and having a stupid ID proof in order to get drivers license & jobs-
that is unconstitutional!! @realDonaldTrump
0 0 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 02:38:19
KRH @krhomolka
RT @_kevin_dela: Me when bill gates gets exposed and is put in jail. #BillGatesVirus
#BillGatesIsEvil #BillGatesBioTerrorist #BillGatesPublicEnemy1
0 47 Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 02:36:48
Gael Powers @powers_gael
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 02:19:27
SereneAquamarine @AQUAB23
Who’s really in charge? @POTUS or Bill Gates, the non elected, non scientist who seems
to be controlling everything, wanting forced lock downs until his DNA altering vax is
ready & travel certificates. He needs to be in JAIL #KingTrump
0 0 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 02:14:19
@DeepStateExpose @GeneviveCaron18 Yes Bill Gates will go to Jail big change for him
… @GeneviveCaron18 @DeepStateExpose
0 0 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 01:57:02
GITMO.News @GitmoNews
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 01:54:05
Selen🌞🌞🌕🌖 @Celestial773
Kchenredondo @kchenredondo
@BillGates @NickKristof I find hard to understand why isn't Bill Gates and many in the
WHO in jail after orchestrating the BIGGEST terrorist attack this planet have seen since
the "gods" flooded this planet!I'm aware of all the government as enemy of the people!
People must unite against their next move
0 0 Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 01:05:13
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 01:01:56
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 00:53:17
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 15, 2020 00:49:46
RT @JulieMHolcomb: CNBC was the first to report that Gates took a meeting in New
York with Epstein back in 2013, several years after Epstein served his notorious 13-month
jail term for soliciting an underage prostitute.
0 2 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 00:47:59
Convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein met with Microsoft founder Bill Gates more than
once after serving time in jail for soliciting an underage prostitute — to discuss ways to
increase philanthropic spending, according to a new report.
0 0 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 00:36:17
Tim @Tim40062046
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 15, 2020 00:28:47
CapeCodAngel @CapeCodAngel3
RT @JulieMHolcomb: CNBC was the first to report that Gates took a meeting in New
York with Epstein back in 2013, several years after Epstein served his notorious 13-month
jail term for soliciting an underage prostitute.
0 2 Twitter Web App Apr 15, 2020 00:22:40
Trump2020 @Trump20204ever
FluffyLyah @FluffyLyah
RT @_kevin_dela: Me when bill gates gets exposed and is put in jail. #BillGatesVirus
#BillGatesIsEvil #BillGatesBioTerrorist #BillGatesPublicEnemy1
0 47 Twitter Web App Apr 14, 2020 23:42:30
justpassingthrough @justpassthrough
He should go to jail for this alone. Roger Stone: Bill Gates may have created coronavirus
to microchip people via @nypost
0 0 Twitter Web Client Apr 14, 2020 23:15:07
TexasCross @texas_cross
0 6 Twitter Web App Apr 14, 2020 22:33:50
ahlonsou1 @ahlonsou1
@DonaldJTrumpJr @realDonaldTrump Hey Don Jr. get this to your Dad-Fauci need to be
fired, exposed and then prosecuted for war crimes for his overseeing and development
of the Corona virus in a Wuhan level 4 bio Lab. There are others involved. Bill Gates who
funds Fauci should be put in Jail and China nuked!
0 0 Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 22:27:27
Nancy @Ncdsun
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 22:21:52
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 21:52:00
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPad Apr 14, 2020 21:49:40
RT @_kevin_dela: Me when bill gates gets exposed and is put in jail. #BillGatesVirus
#BillGatesIsEvil #BillGatesBioTerrorist #BillGatesPublicEnemy1
0 47 Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 21:28:53
Asheru @Asheru92
Rick @Need4helping
RT @palevell: @StefanMolyneux Bill Gates wants a "Get Out of Jail Free" card for
skipping the testing, possibly killing thousands or even millions of people, like he did in
0 4 Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 21:00:22
Kathy @Kathy56895125
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 20:58:11
HEX 2020 @HEX_2020
RT @palevell: @StefanMolyneux Bill Gates wants a "Get Out of Jail Free" card for
skipping the testing, possibly killing thousands or even millions of people, like he did in
0 4 Twitter Web App Apr 14, 2020 20:51:41
AurelianGirl @AurelianGirl
Barbara @Barbiesaidhi
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 20:34:48
RT @_kevin_dela: Me when bill gates gets exposed and is put in jail. #BillGatesVirus
#BillGatesIsEvil #BillGatesBioTerrorist #BillGatesPublicEnemy1
0 47 Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 20:31:21
Sofi @Sofi19671972
@BillGates @NickKristof I found your vaccine Bill Gates the man in the photo will put
you in jail
0 0 Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 20:13:19
Little Miss Sunshine @lynnwa
Lars”CornPop”Mars,Esq. @jigsawdeal
@eileeniorio @BBCNews @BillGates Bill Gates, you need to stop. I will be polite. But we
are on to you. Your ad w marina bronkovik and vaca the whole world. We are woke!!!
Crimes against humanity. You need to go to jail
0 0 Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 19:47:46
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 19:18:06
RT @qmcdermatt: Mr President this men Bill Gates must go fast in a jail! #jail #justice
#QAnon #realDonaldTrump #GITMO
0 21 Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 19:16:24
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 18:59:44
jimbo ❌ @jimabe108
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 14, 2020 18:51:22
RT @_kevin_dela: Me when bill gates gets exposed and is put in jail. #BillGatesVirus
#BillGatesIsEvil #BillGatesBioTerrorist #BillGatesPublicEnemy1
0 47 Twitter Web App Apr 14, 2020 18:37:44
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 18:36:44
Also, if you are not willing to accept liability for the vaccine you want to give people, I
have to say that it must be dangerous and ineffective. Sounds more like Bill Gates
should be in jail instead of leading this. I hear of all manner of horrible side effects from
his "help".
0 0 Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 18:22:48
Qmcdermatt @qmcdermatt
Coronavirus: "Wir haben zwei Etappenziele erreicht", sagt RKI-Chef Wieler - DER SPIEGEL
der Wieler und das RKI bekommt Geld von der Bill & Melinda Gates Stiftung alles was
das RKI sagt ist Bill Gates dieser Hur...... #justice #Jail #Q 17
0 0 Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 18:17:04
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 17:52:08
Jefferson Earl @JeffersonEarl1
@RealCandaceO Bill Gates, what a benevolent and kind person. Thanks for not feeding
the starving masses or storing some PPE for the world. Oh & thanks for your $100m
donation for vaccines you will profit from. I don’t give a shit if they jail me but know this
#youcanshoveyourvaccine #covid19
0 0 Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 17:39:48
@realDonaldTrump Bill Gates, what a benevolent and kind person. Thanks for not
feeding the starving masses or storing some PPE for the world. Oh & thanks for your
$100m donation for vaccines you will profit from. I don’t give a shit if they jail me but
know this #youcanshoveyourvaccine #covid19
0 0 Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 17:33:50
@realDonaldTrump Bill Gates, what a benevolent and kind person. Thanks for not
feeding the starving masses or storing some PPE for the world. Oh & thanks for your
$100m donation for vaccines you will profit from. I don’t give a shit if they jail me but
know this #youcanshoveyourvaccine #covid19
0 0 Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 17:33:27
@realDonaldTrump Bill Gates, what a benevolent and kind person. Thanks for not
feeding the starving masses or storing some PPE for the world. Oh & thanks for your
$100m donation for vaccines you will profit from. I don’t give a shit if they jail me but
know this #youcanshoveyourvaccine #covid19
0 0 Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 17:33:06
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 17:22:03
qaura @qaura8
Chiji @Chiji58393267
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 14, 2020 15:54:45
N @Plato945
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 15:48:08
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 14:41:37
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 14:32:09
Pipes2494⭐⭐⭐🇺🇸 @Pipes2494
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 14, 2020 14:32:04
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 14, 2020 13:28:00
TornadoNewsLinker @TornadoNewsLink
RT @Ian56789: @HODGOD10 Bill Gates was invited onto the Neoliberal Globalist BBC to
spew his poisonous BS, just yesterday. The people responsible for this (Governors,
Producers, Editors & Presenters) should be thrown into jail for Crimes Against Humanity.
The Sheeple will swallow Gates Kool-Aid w/o q.
0 3 Twitter Web App Apr 14, 2020 13:26:33
Aaron @aderb66
RT @FreetheButerfli: Instead of giving his opinion about how to massively vaccinate the
population,Bill Gates should be in jail now for his involvment with Jeffrey Epstein. Or are
we going to be ruled by demons of his kind?
0 5 Twitter Web App Apr 14, 2020 13:18:07
William @CycleJunkie88
SUNNY38SUH @SunnyQarmyKorea
RT @_kevin_dela: Me when bill gates gets exposed and is put in jail. #BillGatesVirus
#BillGatesIsEvil #BillGatesBioTerrorist #BillGatesPublicEnemy1
0 47 Twitter Web App Apr 14, 2020 13:03:23
Darline @DarlinePatriot
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 13:00:41
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 12:35:41
Michael G. @MichaelG0871
RT @FreetheButerfli: Instead of giving his opinion about how to massively vaccinate the
population,Bill Gates should be in jail now for his involvment with Jeffrey Epstein. Or are
we going to be ruled by demons of his kind?
0 5 Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 12:17:02
0 6 Twitter Web App Apr 14, 2020 12:14:21
TheStormIsHereGer @StormGer
RT @FreetheButerfli: Instead of giving his opinion about how to massively vaccinate the
population,Bill Gates should be in jail now for his involvment with Jeffrey Epstein. Or are
we going to be ruled by demons of his kind?
0 5 Twitter Web App Apr 14, 2020 11:48:12
lucysworld1013 @lucysworld1013
RT @FreetheButerfli: Instead of giving his opinion about how to massively vaccinate the
population,Bill Gates should be in jail now for his involvment with Jeffrey Epstein. Or are
we going to be ruled by demons of his kind?
0 5 Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 11:45:43
0 6 Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 11:35:09
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 14, 2020 11:22:38
#JUSTICE @BrendaAnd2005
RT @justinian1453: @realDonaldTrump JAIL at the end of the tunnel for Bill Gates and
Doctor Fauci #ArrestBillGates #FauciMustGo
0 20 Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 11:22:26
Gates' polio vaccine in India made it worse. He was kicked out. He paralyzed almost
500k children because he GAVE them polio. Who's excited for his covid19 vaccines? Also,
how is he not in jail?
0 0 Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 11:13:49
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 11:02:08
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 14, 2020 10:55:56
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 10:55:44
Livefree @Livefree4all
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 10:55:27
jakb @jakbtestbot
Lloyd @Lloyd04828435
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 14, 2020 10:20:09
Lisa @Myapple05Lisa
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 10:19:42
0 6 Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 10:19:18
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 14, 2020 10:11:21
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPad Apr 14, 2020 10:05:43
❌SSims⭐⭐⭐ @outsidekitty
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 10:02:05
Daisy @Luigiandtinky
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 09:58:25
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 09:55:48
Kimberleighisfedup @Kimberleighisf1
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 14, 2020 09:50:56
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 09:48:46
Eyes_wide_open @bethechangein18
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 09:39:11
PWC3 @philco3
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 09:34:52
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 09:32:54
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 09:04:09
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPad Apr 14, 2020 08:53:33
imamoron4trump3 @denise_giesecke
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 08:52:06
Terri @smokymtnlady1
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 08:50:39
RT @KrauseForIowa: Now you know why this fiend is headed for jail time til #Trump
pardons him. What's he trying to do? Sandbag #Evangelicals on #BiblicalProphecy on
the #MarkOfTheBeast? Distract them from concerns about #Trump's incompetence?
#RogerStone #Resist via @nypost
0 2 Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 08:35:49
RT @KrauseForIowa: Now you know why this fiend is headed for jail time til #Trump
pardons him. What's he trying to do? Sandbag #Evangelicals on #BiblicalProphecy on
the #MarkOfTheBeast? Distract them from concerns about #Trump's incompetence?
#RogerStone #Resist via @nypost
0 2 Twitter Web App Apr 14, 2020 08:29:45
TexasArcher @ArcherCountry
@GOPLeader Kevin, I expect more from the republican house leader. You support Fauci,
Bill Gates, etc. Bill Gates hurt many children in India with his vaccines, he believes in
population control, that son of a bitch should be in jail. Fauci is no better. Wake up
dumb ass!
0 0 Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 08:29:30
CMilitant @AveMariaMDei
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 08:26:57
Cherokee @CherokeeRose2u
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 08:20:17
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 08:19:09
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 08:18:28
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 08:18:28
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 08:12:42
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 14, 2020 08:06:29
KEEP_YOUR_DISTANCE @4theritereason
ﭼﻮﮨﺪری @Chaloye1c
RT @_kevin_dela: Me when bill gates gets exposed and is put in jail. #BillGatesVirus
#BillGatesIsEvil #BillGatesBioTerrorist #BillGatesPublicEnemy1
0 47 Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 07:55:57
Qgirl222 @AngieSchmitz6
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 07:55:12
RT @_kevin_dela: Me when bill gates gets exposed and is put in jail. #BillGatesVirus
#BillGatesIsEvil #BillGatesBioTerrorist #BillGatesPublicEnemy1
0 47 Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 07:55:08
• SubznX ⭐⭐⭐ 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 @Subznxcho
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 07:50:24
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 14, 2020 07:45:46
Karen @arcarakaren1
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 07:44:33
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 07:42:02
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 14, 2020 07:40:38
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 07:39:09
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 07:35:32
maude rena @maude_rena
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 07:12:05
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 07:11:23
Legionanon @ronaldreagan991
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 07:02:26
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 07:00:38
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 14, 2020 06:59:27
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 06:55:38
Bill Gates and Everyone that worked on vaccines knowing they would harm us, will go to
jail for life like a common criminal! In his name let it be done! ♥
0 0 Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 06:54:32
Tania @breathe1st80
@realDonaldTrump If only Fauci & Bill Gates were in jail, the world could go back to
work and stop fearing a flu; immunity (and common sense) drops when we are filled
with fear, Are the big Pharmas not killing enough & making enough $$$$ off
0 0 Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 06:51:10
🔥🔥YearOfTheRoar🔥🔥 @nancyredmondhu1
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 06:50:17
Pattiann @PattiannGrigsb1
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 06:49:27
Lulu @Lulu45922688
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 06:48:53
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 06:46:30
athena540200 @athena540
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 14, 2020 06:45:27
McKenna @mckennavaughan
RT @justinian1453: @realDonaldTrump JAIL at the end of the tunnel for Bill Gates and
Doctor Fauci #ArrestBillGates #FauciMustGo
0 20 Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 06:44:30
samantha denham @TOcoachsamantha
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPad Apr 14, 2020 06:42:17
This fraud needs to go bye-bye! He has a history - it's not flattering, and in fact he
should probably be in jail! He's only carrying water for Bill Gates!
0 0 Twitter Web App Apr 14, 2020 06:38:26
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 14, 2020 06:36:40
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 06:36:01
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 06:35:34
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 06:34:29
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 06:31:37
Caliyat ⭐⭐⭐❤ @PeggyRuppe
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 06:31:05
EJ @AngelWatchingU
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 14, 2020 06:30:39
Kewell@home @Kewellhome1
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 14, 2020 06:28:20
Rachel @Rachel37162942
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 06:26:38
Felicia @feliciamos1
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 14, 2020 06:26:35
Ali McGuire @__DragonWings__
Amuses @amuses
Ryvenger @Ryvenger1
marimacint @marimacint
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 14, 2020 06:10:32
debra L. @kollinsbebby
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPad Apr 14, 2020 06:09:57
Virginia @gigmiami
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 06:08:30
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 06:06:56
Danielskk @Danielskk3
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 14, 2020 06:05:32
Jenshine @Jenshine221
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 14, 2020 06:01:51
Cathy Ann Cornelius @CathyAnnCornel1
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 06:00:30
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 14, 2020 05:59:02
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 05:55:29
🗽🇺🇸⭐⭐⭐ @GtgBeach
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 05:48:56
RT @Margoandhow: This is way beyond disgusting. Fuck you, Roger Stone. And aren't
you supposed to be in jail? / "Roger Stone: Bill Gates may have created coronavirus to
microchip people"
0 2 Twitter Web App Apr 14, 2020 05:48:33
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 05:46:42
mekatron @Mekkylala
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 05:45:15
Momma P @PatsyBurch9
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPad Apr 14, 2020 05:45:14
ChapelierFou#TeamPelosi @GayLibMan
RT @Margoandhow: This is way beyond disgusting. Fuck you, Roger Stone. And aren't
you supposed to be in jail? / "Roger Stone: Bill Gates may have created coronavirus to
microchip people"
0 2 Twitter for Mac Apr 14, 2020 05:44:22
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 05:40:58
SlamCaesar @CaesarSlam
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 05:38:21
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 05:37:27
sassypants2020 @sassypants20201
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 05:37:14
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 05:36:16
LisaPisa @lcummins579
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 14, 2020 05:35:30
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 05:34:33
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 05:27:02
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 14, 2020 05:26:59
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 05:25:52
RT @Ernarungmich: Bill Gates should be in jail is harvey weinstein in jail did epstein get a
plea deal he commited suicide???
0 1 Twitter Web App Apr 14, 2020 05:24:42
Bill Gates should be in jail is harvey weinstein in jail did epstein get a plea deal he
commited suicide???
0 1 Twitter Web App Apr 14, 2020 05:24:40
Shane @AriesINFP
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 05:24:18
Schwinky @Jchalestorm1
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 05:21:54
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 05:20:05
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 14, 2020 05:12:50
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 05:09:24
MelodyAnon @melody_grim
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 14, 2020 05:04:47
waymon culp⭐⭐⭐ @WaymonCulp
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 05:01:35
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 14, 2020 05:01:35
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 14, 2020 04:59:02
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 04:57:24
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 04:55:33
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPad Apr 14, 2020 04:53:29
CMLee @mattos_candie
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 14, 2020 04:51:32
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 14, 2020 04:51:31
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 04:50:39
RT @qmcdermatt: Mr President this men Bill Gates must go fast in a jail! #jail #justice
#QAnon #realDonaldTrump #GITMO
0 21 Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 04:50:33
Anonyme @LaurieAnonyme
@realDonaldTrump BardOFWar @BardsOfWar Dear @Potus You are facing the biggest
challenge of your life. #WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a
modern Mengele. Any of his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum
resistance. PUT HIM IN JAIL! Games are over. #PatriotsFight
0 0 Twitter Web App Apr 14, 2020 04:50:31
madeline i @missyguck
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 04:49:49
RT @qmcdermatt: Mr President this men Bill Gates must go fast in a jail! #jail #justice
#QAnon #realDonaldTrump #GITMO
0 21 Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 04:47:55
Rebel4Q @surviveitall
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 04:47:33
RT @qmcdermatt: Mr President this men Bill Gates must go fast in a jail! #jail #justice
#QAnon #realDonaldTrump #GITMO
0 21 Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 04:47:19
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 14, 2020 04:46:16
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPad Apr 14, 2020 04:45:59
Stop the plandemic. - Stop 5G. - Stop mandatory vaccination. - Jail Bill Gates.
0 0 Twitter Web App Apr 14, 2020 04:44:59
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPad Apr 14, 2020 04:42:09
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 04:39:48
⭐⭐⭐ @BegumChaCha
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 04:39:04
Watch_the_Water @DebGibbons
AnyaQ @AnyaQ8
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 04:36:35
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 04:35:08
VickiAnn🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 @vickiannhill
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 04:32:35
Linda @lsfoster
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 14, 2020 04:30:17
Lauren Sonnenberg @Sonnenberg1976
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 04:29:40
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 04:27:31
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 04:27:11
Christy @buckleupbudacup
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 14, 2020 04:26:52
Callie @rickcallie
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 04:23:25
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 04:17:18
Mywalktorestoration @Mywalktorestor1
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 04:13:18
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 04:13:11
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K TweetCaster for Android Apr 14, 2020 04:12:00
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 04:11:59
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 14, 2020 04:10:46
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPad Apr 14, 2020 04:10:40
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 04:07:01
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPad Apr 14, 2020 04:05:27
AlbertaGirl @girl_alberta
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPad Apr 14, 2020 04:02:26
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 04:00:18
Pascal @Pascal81632949
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 14, 2020 03:58:14
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 03:56:37
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPad Apr 14, 2020 03:56:08
CarolHadEnoughOfLibs @carol2busy
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 03:53:44
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 03:52:33
britin52⭐⭐⭐ @Christi41820037
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 03:52:26
RT @justinian1453: @realDonaldTrump JAIL at the end of the tunnel for Bill Gates and
Doctor Fauci #ArrestBillGates #FauciMustGo
0 20 Twitter Web App Apr 14, 2020 03:51:28
RT @justinian1453: @realDonaldTrump JAIL at the end of the tunnel for Bill Gates and
Doctor Fauci #ArrestBillGates #FauciMustGo
0 20 Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 03:51:16
Sara A @SaraAslesen
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 03:50:30
campmac111⭐⭐⭐ @campmac111
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 14, 2020 03:49:20
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 03:48:47
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 03:48:30
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 03:47:39
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 03:45:39
Teejai @Teejai14165353
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 03:42:48
Christine @cstjohn_mom
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 03:42:43
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 03:42:10
FedUpCdn @FedUpCdn
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPad Apr 14, 2020 03:41:41
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 03:41:41
America @genesisalfa1212
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 03:41:22
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 03:40:16
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPad Apr 14, 2020 03:37:32
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 03:35:50
suspendedfornothing@maga2020 @suspendedforno3
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 14, 2020 03:35:22
Belong2HimAlone⭐⭐⭐ @4HimAloneWeLive
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 14, 2020 03:34:34
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 03:33:35
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 14, 2020 03:33:35
Autumtear🐸 @Autumtear1
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 14, 2020 03:32:51
Twanomatic @Twanomatic2
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 03:32:07
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 03:30:49
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 03:26:12
Anonyme @LaurieAnonyme
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 14, 2020 03:25:34
Rebel4Q @surviveitall
RT @Ian56789: @HODGOD10 Bill Gates was invited onto the Neoliberal Globalist BBC to
spew his poisonous BS, just yesterday. The people responsible for this (Governors,
Producers, Editors & Presenters) should be thrown into jail for Crimes Against Humanity.
The Sheeple will swallow Gates Kool-Aid w/o q.
0 3 Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 03:23:52
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 03:17:27
Why is anyone considering what Bill Gates wants? Are you aware of what he did in India?
Why isn't he in jail? People are waking up and are angry. Yes there is a virus, a virus
agenda .
0 0 Twitter Web App Apr 14, 2020 03:15:12
Ricotaughtya @Reek_OTTO
RT @qmcdermatt: Mr President this men Bill Gates must go fast in a jail! #jail #justice
#QAnon #realDonaldTrump #GITMO
0 21 Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 03:08:14
RT @qmcdermatt: Mr President this men Bill Gates must go fast in a jail! #jail #justice
#QAnon #realDonaldTrump #GITMO
0 21 Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 03:07:42
@80301RA @80301ra
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPad Apr 14, 2020 03:07:23
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 03:07:13
RT @justinian1453: @realDonaldTrump JAIL at the end of the tunnel for Bill Gates and
Doctor Fauci #ArrestBillGates #FauciMustGo
0 20 Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 03:06:41
Danielle @PatriotChick20
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 03:03:15
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 03:03:07
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 14, 2020 02:59:21
@washingtonpost Well , then he needs to fire That Deep State doctor he's got , the guy
is No good , him and Bill gates should be in Jail !!
0 0 Twitter Web App Apr 14, 2020 02:59:18
Suzi goetz @goetz_suzi
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 02:53:41
FACSA Foundation @conniesmiles
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 02:53:36
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 02:53:26
Candice @Parkermom2
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 02:53:08
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 02:52:56
Skywalker17 @Skywalker1712
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 02:52:33
🌺HeavenLeigh🌺 @utvivantali
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 14, 2020 02:51:59
Tami Walsh @saxxytami
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 14, 2020 02:49:37
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 02:47:20
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 02:46:55
Tweeter40 @tweeterpearcy
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 02:46:46
@ChuckRossDC @realDonaldTrump @WHO Don't blame China for the horror virus
created by Bill Gates! Arrest Gates and jail him for killing thousands of people!!
0 0 Twitter Web App Apr 14, 2020 02:46:42
eyesopen @eyesope39951958
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 02:46:40
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 14, 2020 02:46:19
Corrie @corrieclick
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 02:33:13
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 14, 2020 02:31:53
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 02:31:15
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 14, 2020 02:27:08
Professor_Marcus🇺🇸💥‼ @MarcusQuintet
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 02:26:43
Irish🍀Texan @Leslie_Michele
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 02:25:35
redpilledDRD @redpilledDRD
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 02:24:25
Al Farasha azim al Samawat 🌌🇵🇸🇯🇵 @Loulan_777
TelltheTruth @AnnTheo5
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 14, 2020 02:22:25
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPad Apr 14, 2020 02:21:57
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 02:21:39
jetsetter24seven✝ @c3y5000
jetsetter24seven✝ @c3y5000
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 02:17:12
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 02:16:39
TruthSeeker @tthseeker
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 02:16:23
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 14, 2020 02:15:40
Lynn⭐⭐🌟 @lynnhackett50
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 02:10:29
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 02:09:34
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 14, 2020 02:06:37
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 14, 2020 02:02:05
🇺🇸❣🙏Rosezella⭐⭐⭐❣🇺🇸 @Simplyrose63
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 02:01:12
missmarij13🐸 @missmarij13
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 02:01:11
watchmansbelle⭐⭐⭐ @befreeoflies
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 14, 2020 02:00:38
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 02:00:36
Vi Ro @Vi4America
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 01:59:39
JJMyles @easyrider454
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 01:57:24
ballpoint @ballpointmf1
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 14, 2020 01:57:02
vikki @JadeVikki
RT @99freemind: They are fudging the numbers. This whole thing is DONE. It already fell
apart it's just that they haven't admitted it yet. Bill Gates is going to jail.
0 2.2K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 01:55:07
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 01:53:39
Snow @Snow40714167
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 01:51:34
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 01:49:41
Katiekay @Katieka12149203
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 14, 2020 01:46:29
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 01:44:44
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 01:44:01
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 01:43:16
MissUnderstood @MissUnd79512530
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 01:41:17
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 01:40:47
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 01:37:35
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 14, 2020 01:37:22
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 01:37:17
Ruck🌟🌟🌟 @Ruck81293793
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 01:36:04
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 01:35:37
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 14, 2020 01:34:17
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 01:32:55
sdwoke @sdwoke
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 01:30:34
wayne1953 @waynewolfe18
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 01:30:00
CJ @CJBiker888
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 01:29:22
DeplorableTaxPayer @Trumpster23
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 01:28:49
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 01:28:20
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 14, 2020 01:27:31
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 14, 2020 01:26:40
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 14, 2020 01:25:54
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 01:22:51
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 01:22:29
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 01:21:10
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 01:18:27
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 01:18:23
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 01:16:19
Natasha Baronoff @Spy_Natasha
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 01:14:09
BobbieHaong @BobbieWhong
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 14, 2020 01:13:29
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 01:13:28
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPad Apr 14, 2020 01:12:18
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 14, 2020 01:09:47
Kag2020⭐⭐⭐ @JMagaMan45
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 01:09:41
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPad Apr 14, 2020 01:07:40
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 01:04:20
MikeDianaAutrey⭐⭐⭐ @mike_diana
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 01:01:59
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 01:00:05
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 00:58:39
PurpleuniQorn🦄☔💎⭐⭐⭐ @DraweBarbara
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 00:55:51
RollTideUSA❌❌❌ @usa_tide
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 00:54:20
Cristal @Patriot_DFM
RT @justinian1453: @realDonaldTrump JAIL at the end of the tunnel for Bill Gates and
Doctor Fauci #ArrestBillGates #FauciMustGo
0 20 Twitter Web App Apr 14, 2020 00:53:20
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 14, 2020 00:51:58
Marilyn⭐⭐⭐ @Marilyn2617
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 14, 2020 00:51:06
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 14, 2020 00:50:37
Kimba H @Trump20Kimba
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 00:50:09
MaggieMae @hawkeye_rising
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 00:45:42
MeetingHimInTheAir @Blynn1Lynn
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 14, 2020 00:45:40
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 00:45:24
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 00:43:51
TheTwitmoRedemption @TheTwitmo
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 00:43:17
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 14, 2020 00:39:01
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 00:38:22
QAnonWOLF @QAnon_Wolf
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 14, 2020 00:37:18
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPad Apr 14, 2020 00:35:22
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 00:34:58
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 14, 2020 00:33:15
WooBear @WooBear5
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 00:32:51
AudgePodge4Truth @AudreyGillam
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 00:32:46
Hooked1975 @hooked1975
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 14, 2020 00:30:18
QHere&There👀LikeThis1orTheOtherQ⭐⭐⭐ @Karim14324301
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 00:30:14
Taloura @Taloura1
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 00:30:09
Patty @1966chevygirl
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 00:29:43
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 00:27:26
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 00:26:03
carlahouseofkinder @wmmtver
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 14, 2020 00:25:51
Terrence Simpson @Terrenc43516485
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 00:25:06
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 14, 2020 00:24:47
Ames💚💛🐻 @Athenean1975
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPad Apr 14, 2020 00:24:23
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 00:23:03
Linda @LindaRWS02
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 00:22:52
Blah_Blah_Blah @BlahBlahBla56
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 14, 2020 00:21:58
Alison Jackson @ajacksonsoldit
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 00:21:52
Granny M @raven7691
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 00:20:39
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 00:20:10
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 00:17:10
✟🏴DeplorableScotsLass🏴✟ @mapad1888
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 00:16:08
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 00:15:13
🧠food @earth_pupil
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 00:15:08
RealCaptainAmerica1717 @RAmerica1717
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 14, 2020 00:14:22
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 00:14:16
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 00:14:15
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 00:13:50
TurnNMRed @nmyuccaflower
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 00:13:32
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 00:11:58
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 00:11:55
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 00:11:53
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 00:10:44
Qschooled @qschooled
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 00:10:41
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 00:10:08
Buttercup @Buttercup3384
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 00:10:05
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 00:08:40
MackillopQAnon @HollamanLindsay
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 00:08:15
JJQAnon @AnonJjq
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 14, 2020 00:07:55
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 14, 2020 00:07:51
Debra @Debra39541192
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 00:07:18
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 00:06:50
Anthony L @Heelsoftar1983
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 00:06:10
The_Truth_Is_Telling @TheTruthIsTell1
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 00:02:44
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 00:02:42
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 00:02:13
Kris @Kris38180224
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 14, 2020 00:01:40
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 14, 2020 00:00:47
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 14, 2020 00:00:26
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 23:58:16
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 23:56:22
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 23:54:57
flgrammie @flgrammie
RT @PoppinGuru: @BardsOfWar @POTUS @realDonaldTrump yes President, bill gates
must go to jail. he paralysed many children in india. he spoiled their future
0 8 Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 23:54:34
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 23:53:41
flgrammie @flgrammie
flgrammie @flgrammie
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 23:51:31
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 23:50:58
ambuller7 @ambuller7
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 23:50:37
Baller74 @cannon19443422
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 23:50:20
TironianaeG6Anon @G6Anon
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 23:50:04
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 23:50:00
RT @justinian1453: @realDonaldTrump JAIL at the end of the tunnel for Bill Gates and
Doctor Fauci #ArrestBillGates #FauciMustGo
0 20 Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 23:49:04
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPad Apr 13, 2020 23:48:08
🇺🇸Swimfan🌻 @richdiet_mel
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 23:47:49
Charmmin @Charmmin
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 23:47:04
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 23:46:44
supremedsign @supremedsign
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 23:43:25
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 23:43:13
Elizabeth @chacosmom1
Robert F Kennedy Jr. Exposes Bill Gates' Vaccine Agenda In Scathing Report | Zero Hedge Why after reading this is he not in jail, paying for victims care,
fined etc. He has too much money.
0 0 Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 23:43:12
🇺🇸/🇨🇦RNmelissa @melissaharder
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 23:40:30
jr @jrsaulsberry
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPad Apr 13, 2020 23:40:24
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPad Apr 13, 2020 23:39:46
IamQte⭐⭐⭐ @TheMtljo
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 23:38:37
Polletje2403 @polletje2403
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 23:35:01
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 23:34:46 @FtwStaci
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 23:34:43
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 23:32:30
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 23:32:05
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 23:31:57
joeyp2 @joeyp216
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 23:30:20
Kath☘ @kath_ksyano
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 23:27:55
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 23:27:24
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 23:26:46
dianej153 @Dianej153
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 23:26:26
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 23:26:25
MAC 🇺🇸 @MAC17_71
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 23:26:14
Jaykay @Jaykay97322234
@realDonaldTrump Time to fire dr fauci! And jail bill Gates! They’re corrupt and they’re
responsible for this outbreak!
0 0 Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 23:25:43
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 23:25:37
CigarsandBigRigs @CigarsandR
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 23:25:05
@SireOfSeth @OrlaSmith14 I’d rather be thrown in jail than take a vaccine made by Bill
Gates. I’d rather STAND for something than fall for anything. People are such sheep
these days it’s all #GroupThink. People don’t think for themselves anymore it’s so
0 0 Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 23:22:42
MyBuQetList @bu_qet
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 23:20:37
DR. @truthsword67
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPad Apr 13, 2020 23:20:23
Genuine_Like @LikeGenuine
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 23:20:00
nostromo242 @nostromo242
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 23:18:42
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 23:17:37
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 23:16:25
Sandra @Sandra71005599
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 23:16:24
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 23:16:16
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 23:15:13
momof2 @glor60
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 23:14:53
StormWarrior17 @Warrior17Storm
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 23:14:11
FanOf45 @Of45Fan
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 23:12:50
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 23:11:33
Trubbelsum @Anarchcryptolo1
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 23:10:53
flip @PatriotGames82
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 23:10:12
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 23:09:23
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 23:09:19
D E V O N @Chrysalis1111
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 23:08:11
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 23:06:33
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 23:06:11
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web Client Apr 13, 2020 23:05:32
Deplorable🌷Lynn🌷 @smart_ass_lynn
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 23:04:51
Judy4444 @Judy80981020
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 23:04:39
RAvatar @YvonneStaples4
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 23:04:21
Trish E @TEilbert
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 23:04:09
Life’sGoodNow @LSgoodnow
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 23:04:00
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 23:03:52
cwagzz @6E_cwagzz
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 23:02:46
Jean Clements @JeanKClements
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 23:01:14
ALITA11:11 @MissGemini1111
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 23:01:06
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 23:00:59
DownTheRabbitHole @FindingTruth17
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 23:00:29
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 22:58:56
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 22:57:40
eme @auntieeme
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 22:56:50
eloyburn @eloisecrowell
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 22:56:28
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 22:56:15
SuperEliteQGirl @KLelevier
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 22:55:38 @MultidimenionOC
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 22:55:37
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 22:55:34
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPad Apr 13, 2020 22:53:37
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 22:53:24
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPad Apr 13, 2020 22:52:45
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 22:51:50
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 22:51:37
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 22:51:29
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 22:50:36
surfer1967 @surfer19671
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 22:50:25
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 22:50:04
Wishful1⭐⭐⭐ @DebStev80504671
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 22:50:03
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 22:49:35
CRecto @dulce812
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPad Apr 13, 2020 22:49:16
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 22:48:58
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 22:48:04
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 22:47:26
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 22:47:24
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 22:47:12
D @DavidEley16
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 22:47:09
HayDay1 @day1_hay
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 22:46:23
The O'Magas 🇺🇸 @MAGA4Christ
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 22:46:14
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 22:45:47
🇺🇸DerpSt8Destroyer3🇺🇸 @BartMFlynn3
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 22:45:03
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 22:43:51
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 22:43:51
MayBerry @MayBerr14391505
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 22:43:44
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 22:42:50
Staefe Susanne @StaefeS
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 22:42:07
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 22:39:24
MelaniedeS @Mel682u
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 22:39:18
XJfisher74⭐⭐⭐ @XJfisher74
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 22:39:03
Witness44 @TracyBaxter11
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 22:35:29
Momthruhh⭐⭐⭐ @momthruhh
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 22:34:50
@SURSDIK Thousands of Child Rape Photos Traded Out of Bill Gates ... 03/01/2015 · Gates never ends up in jail, no matter how many
crimes and how severe the crime he commits (there are many examples like this
photography business, not just driving violations).
0 1 Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 22:34:13
katgirlartist @katgirlartist
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 22:33:59
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 22:33:39
estherjang87⭐⭐⭐ @estherjang87
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 22:33:10
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPad Apr 13, 2020 22:31:28
speakout2020 🇨🇦 @kdjimages
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 22:30:57
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 22:30:35
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 22:30:27
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 22:30:05
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 22:29:53
donna @donna57259304
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 22:28:09
Jmane46 @jmane46
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 22:28:02
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 22:27:03
Texas2Nan @texas2nan
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 22:26:29
Chris @Chris56621133
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 22:23:56
HurricanWillma2005 @willma2005
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 22:23:42
🇺🇸Kim🇺🇸 @kim_kspain593
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 22:23:34
#Mugei_esque @4lvo_
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 22:23:16
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 22:23:14
Deplorabilis_Nationalist ⭐⭐⭐ @KimcheeCowboy
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 22:22:34
@wishfix @KEV26105
@TheCollectiveQ Bye bye Microsoft, Big boys jail for Bill Gates, big Bubba is waiting for
his new bitch 😷
0 0 Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 22:21:31
Terri @Terri63614910
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 22:21:22
Terri @Terri63614910
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K TweetDeck Apr 13, 2020 22:19:59
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 22:19:37
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPad Apr 13, 2020 22:18:33
Terri @Terri63614910
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 22:16:45
NICKIA🇱🇷 @nickiabarbee
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 22:15:58
ThisMamasAwake @PHolle55
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 22:15:24
LaurenAB15 @LaurenAB15
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 22:15:09
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 22:14:42
+ @Trader_Kev
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K TweetDeck Apr 13, 2020 22:14:11
yournightwriter @YourNightWriter
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 22:13:41
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 22:13:35
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 22:13:24
TruthSeeker @GATruthPatriot
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 22:13:14
Node42🌟🌟🌟 @RWayneFischer1
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 22:12:05
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 22:11:32
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 22:09:48
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 22:09:44
Peintress3 @peintress3
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 22:08:51
Terisa⭐⭐⭐ @TerisaRivera3
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 22:08:49
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 22:08:33
Tammy @TrumpCard_2020
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 22:08:31
Lara @lara_robertson
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 22:08:23
Anthony Menges @menges_anthony
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 22:08:04
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 22:07:53
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPad Apr 13, 2020 22:07:44
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 22:07:13
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 22:05:53
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 22:05:44
Todd Ludahl @toddludahl
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 22:05:29
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 22:03:48
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 22:03:06
reddtrillium @reddtrillium
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 22:02:50
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 22:01:55
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 22:01:49
Abrilla1 @Annette31343810
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 22:01:33
WatchingAlways2 @WAlways2
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 22:01:19
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 22:01:08
Eslteach1 @12retiredteach
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 22:00:39
FreeSaint38 @FreeSaint38
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 22:00:36
Red55 @SSchirott
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 22:00:17
DeplorableDeb#Maga @caddy4deb
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 21:59:40
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 21:58:53
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 21:58:38
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 21:58:17
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 21:57:52
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 21:57:46
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 21:57:35
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 21:57:32
Chuck @Chazwalla
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPad Apr 13, 2020 21:57:03
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 21:56:19
DevotedDeplorable @DevotedDeplorab
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 21:55:40
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 21:54:56
LK @LK81955047
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 21:54:43
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 21:54:36
PatriotsRise⭐⭐⭐ @PatriotsRise3
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 21:54:34
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPad Apr 13, 2020 21:53:17
Jennifer Christian @Jennife77169735
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 21:52:59
🍀KARMA💞LAW🌌45thPresTrQmp🍀 @KarmaSQuirr3l
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 21:52:58
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 21:52:29
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 21:52:10
Kathleen @KathleenMcKeon6
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 21:51:23
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 21:51:04
Julie Breedlove @JulieBreedlove2
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 21:50:20
🇺🇸⚓goldbunne⚓🇺🇸 @wolfspirit1
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPad Apr 13, 2020 21:50:17
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 21:50:10
cynthia⭐⭐⭐🇺🇸 @cynthia54831626
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPad Apr 13, 2020 21:49:42
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPad Apr 13, 2020 21:49:37
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 21:49:29
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 21:49:16
Cj #Trump2020LANDSLIDE; WG1WGA; #SayNOtovaccines @JoyceJellison1
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 21:48:24
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 21:47:36
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 21:46:33
🌟🌟🌟NotyourMom!!🌟🌟🌟 @mom_notyour
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 21:46:13
ProLifePatriot @patriotcat77
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 21:46:04
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 21:45:58
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 21:45:48
❌Gregory Waggoner ⭐⭐⭐ @STORMBLADEX69
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 21:45:34
🇺🇸Indyapr_45🇵🇷 @Indyapr4
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 21:44:57
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 21:44:44
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 21:44:33
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 21:43:27
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 21:43:09
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 21:42:52
Mike S @mikes0562
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 21:42:31
Marj @US_Marj
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 21:42:25
CairnTrenor @CairnTrenor
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 21:42:18
Here We Go @1Barbie
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 21:42:14
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 21:41:44
Spankyknowsbest @ArleneFarrowgal
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPad Apr 13, 2020 21:41:26
Sarah217 @SktMaga2020
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 21:41:17
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 21:41:13
NannyNine4me🇺🇸🇺🇸💥💥💥🍸🎸🎯🎥⏰12/21/12🌟🌟💫 @Rajean57
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 21:40:50
Truthwillprevail @nopcherefolks
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 21:39:40
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 21:39:02
Ronsterizor @SchipR
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 21:38:18
❌Becky#QFDShadowbanned @Becky19531
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 21:38:01
Mastaski @incognito51
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 21:37:50
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 21:36:48
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 21:36:38
llsmith99 @llsmith2449
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Tweetbot for iΟS Apr 13, 2020 21:35:11
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 21:34:46
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 21:33:38
hyperbluecamaro @camerored
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPad Apr 13, 2020 21:33:13
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 21:32:12
InCorgnito @in_corgnito
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 21:31:28
MaggieMae @Maggs1221
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 21:31:08
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 21:31:03
cozygreenhouse @GiaBarger
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 21:30:50
Rani @anjalik04
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 21:30:28
Justme @LoveMeSomeQ
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 21:30:26
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 21:30:11
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 21:28:58
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 21:28:25
ThreeForsyth🇺🇸 @bamatide5891
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 21:28:09
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 21:28:05
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 21:28:03
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 21:27:38
nerida @linden_lae
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 21:27:34
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 21:27:11
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPad Apr 13, 2020 21:27:04
pamm @pammers60
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 21:26:52
ArmyAnonPatriot @ArmyAnonSoldier
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 21:26:00
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 21:25:35
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 21:24:58
janmt @janm53711570
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 21:23:59
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPad Apr 13, 2020 21:23:52
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 21:23:52
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 21:23:39
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 21:23:15
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 21:23:03
Viperosity 🇳🇴 @Viperosity
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 21:22:18
Marme123 @Marme1232
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 21:22:15
Liberty @LibertatemFirst
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 21:21:13
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 21:19:56
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 21:19:43
RebelRebel2020 @RebelRebel2020
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 21:18:52
Russell1776 @rusteezeworld
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 21:18:45
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 21:18:04
Dark2lightAnon 🦁🐑 @Dark2light9
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 21:17:25
❤🤍💙WarBabie❤🤍💙 @LauraCa94702527
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 21:17:25
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 21:17:23
TheEnglishPatriotPoet @english_poet
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 21:17:18
Trinity & Toby⭐⭐⭐ @trinity_toby
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPad Apr 13, 2020 21:17:07
Martin @Lifthead
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 21:17:07
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 21:16:28
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 21:16:17
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 21:15:02
Gloria_Elizabeth @GloryB99983695
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 21:15:01
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 21:14:51
♡Sweetkisses♡ @electra1380
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 21:13:54
❌❌GrouchyGeezer❌❌ @VgerNeedsInfo
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 21:13:36
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 21:13:23
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 21:13:01
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 21:12:44
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 21:12:33
Dawgpaws4321 @dawgpaws4321
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 21:12:27
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 21:11:47
Beowulf 🇺🇸 @Javashots
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 21:11:00
JustSaying @JustSaying64641
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 21:10:53
WisconsinDan⭐⭐⭐ @WisconsinDan
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPad Apr 13, 2020 21:10:52
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 21:10:40
pamtrader @pamtrader1
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 21:10:21
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPad Apr 13, 2020 21:10:15
MeJacqs @MeJacqs
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 21:10:11
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 21:09:57
Patriots4Light2 @jessica21428964
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 21:09:55
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 21:09:53
🇬🇧dawn 🇺🇸 @dawngo18
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 21:08:41
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 21:07:50
Mary W. 🇱🇷 @MaryWhisenhunt1
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 21:07:29
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 21:07:20
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 21:06:31
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 21:06:26
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 21:05:40
Conservative_Nana @Conserve_Nana
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPad Apr 13, 2020 21:05:34
Miz_G @MizG18
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 21:05:33
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 21:05:16
Genxgal80 @genxgal80
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 21:05:13
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 21:04:40
Paladin4theRepublic @Paladin4theR
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 21:04:39
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 21:03:56
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 21:03:36
Jmeryl @Jmeryl1
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 21:03:34
ValentiPhotography @JofromFlorida
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 21:03:21
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 21:03:03
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 21:02:46
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 21:02:25
jctnoutdoorsman @JeffCordell6
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 21:02:19
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 21:01:25
Sampson Ron @samsonron84
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 21:00:37
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 21:00:25
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 21:00:07
Carolyn @CarolynFogall
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 20:59:51
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 20:59:38
WidowforTrump @gravis1
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 20:59:16
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 20:59:05
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 20:58:25
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 20:58:01
Patti @Patti41407516
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 20:57:42
Liberty @1776musket
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 20:57:23
Minmin5 @Unique5781
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 20:57:20
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 20:57:14
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 20:56:46
Karen @kkjhaw
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 20:56:18
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 20:56:14
Amuses @amuses
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 20:56:05
SpiderRon @ron_spider
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPad Apr 13, 2020 20:55:49
colton @coltonshepards
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 20:54:43
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPad Apr 13, 2020 20:54:41
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 20:53:51
@Leojdog5 @Leojdog5
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPad Apr 13, 2020 20:53:39
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 20:53:34
SpiritNMaterialWorld @Beachix
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 20:53:32
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPad Apr 13, 2020 20:53:18
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 20:53:13
Lainii87 @Lainii87
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 20:52:35
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 20:52:35
Yolie⭐⭐⭐ @ypyolie
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 20:52:31
DeplorableJediJane⭐⭐⭐ @QdaYoda
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 20:51:47
RT @agenda212030: In 2014/15, Bill Gates CA house was raided and they found 6,000
images of child porn. An employee took the blame and only got 90 days in jail. How
come no one notices all these influential people are surrounded by or accused of being
pedophiles? 😤😡
0 12 Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 20:51:39
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 20:51:08
Cindy @AlabamaGrama
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 20:50:26
MrsN717 @MrsN717
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 20:49:31
Checkmate @Checkma60712588
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 20:49:23
ShannonW @ssolem33
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 20:48:54
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 20:48:47
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPad Apr 13, 2020 20:48:07
DHarris @dhgap1
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPad Apr 13, 2020 20:48:00
lindamo @lindamluvspotus
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 20:47:40
Gail @Gail28975965
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 20:47:12
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 20:47:07
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 20:47:04
Mighty M @MightyM90204620
GG🌟🌟🌟 @GG2269
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 20:46:48
proud2bDeplorable @DonaB_55
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 20:46:40
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 20:46:05
Holly Loves Trump 🇺🇸 @HollyNiotti
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 20:45:44
Darkness2Light⭐⭐⭐ @Darkness2L
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 20:45:26
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPad Apr 13, 2020 20:45:04
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 20:44:43
Patricio@spaadk @patricioapaadk
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 20:44:26
Ellie @KingdomArising
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 20:43:56
KimberlyQ🇨🇱🇱🇷🍿 @SweetShay00
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 20:43:17
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPad Apr 13, 2020 20:43:16
Goodlittlebits @goodlittlebits
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 20:42:25
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 20:42:16
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 20:42:09
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 20:41:58
Stonekeeper @Stonekeeper3
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 20:41:12
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 20:41:10
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 20:40:34
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 20:40:23
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 20:40:09
Scottalotta4 @scottalotta4
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 20:39:57
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 20:39:50
Fil @fil11161952
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 20:39:36
RGP @Redinva
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPad Apr 13, 2020 20:39:26
Kirsten @diamondpoopsie7
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 20:39:12
Kayle @IsleOfKayle
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 20:38:53
Granny M @Beaner1303
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 20:38:30
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 20:38:30
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 20:38:18
Stonekeeper @Stonekeeper3
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 20:38:17
Trump17/45 @trump1745
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 20:38:05
Mark6569 @Mark6569
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 20:37:04
Melba @melbabun
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 20:37:04
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPad Apr 13, 2020 20:36:58
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 20:36:47
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 20:35:35
#GG⭐⭐⭐ @gidget_G8
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 20:35:12
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 20:34:39
ladypatriot⭐⭐⭐ @ladypat33699158
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 20:34:27 Facebook refuses to post this even though it is the truth! Gates
to jail soon.
0 0 Twitter Web Client Apr 13, 2020 20:34:08
aelambe @aelambe
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 20:32:59
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 20:32:56
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 20:32:09
FOADFROG86 @foadfrog86
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 20:32:02
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPad Apr 13, 2020 20:30:17
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 20:28:54
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 20:28:38
Hawkeye 🇺🇸 🦅 @jimmyhoward27
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 20:28:34
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 20:28:20
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 20:27:24
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 20:27:06
Seadragon @Seadrag42582763
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 20:27:04
ivsprasad @ivsprasad
RT @qmcdermatt: Mr President this men Bill Gates must go fast in a jail! #jail #justice
#QAnon #realDonaldTrump #GITMO
0 21 Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 20:26:30
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 20:26:15
Dustbunny @Dustbun34131693
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 20:25:50
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 20:24:59
𝑀𝒶𝓇𝒸𝑒𝑒 @kitrellk
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 20:24:03
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 20:24:01
Kerry @Kerry_RodSaw
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 20:23:48
TruthIsHere @ShawnWLee
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 20:23:28
Liz @LiTrade7
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 20:23:26
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPad Apr 13, 2020 20:22:54
Q+45=Pain @Ginny9944
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 20:22:42
Kathy @KathyK01859390
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 20:22:40
~*Rayanna*~ @LilGrlBigGuns
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 20:22:37
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 20:22:20
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 20:22:09
misslexi China Is Asshoe... @misslexi9162
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 20:22:09
Ron C Patriot @patriot_c
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 20:21:01
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 20:20:46
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 20:20:18
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 20:19:59
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 20:19:48
BeachSoulFL ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ @BeachSoulFL
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 20:19:44
Jr Barnes @Twenty4EightCeo
RT @agenda212030: In 2014/15, Bill Gates CA house was raided and they found 6,000
images of child porn. An employee took the blame and only got 90 days in jail. How
come no one notices all these influential people are surrounded by or accused of being
pedophiles? 😤😡
0 12 Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 20:19:18
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 20:18:57
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 20:17:58
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 20:17:50
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 20:17:46
Something_Smells @SomethingSmell6
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 20:17:20
Zarrinasaurusrex @Zarrinasaurusr1
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 20:16:55
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 20:16:48
Tobyboy @Tobyboy34042623
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 20:16:39
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 20:16:29
Terri @TerriAWilliams1
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 20:16:11
DoggoneitDooner @rdaiseydew1
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 20:16:07
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 20:16:02
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 20:15:01
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 20:14:38
pawn @FawnieF
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 20:14:36
Ingelein @Ingelein7
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 20:14:21
CBordwell🇺🇸 @bordwell_c
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 20:13:29
princess di @tsockwewon
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 20:13:07
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 20:12:55
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 20:12:55
RT @qmcdermatt: Mr President this men Bill Gates must go fast in a jail! #jail #justice
#QAnon #realDonaldTrump #GITMO
0 21 Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 20:12:34
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 20:12:28
Sharon @TNPatriotess
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 20:12:09
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 20:11:34
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 20:11:32
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 20:11:26
Debbie @Debbie40296747
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 20:10:54
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 20:10:35
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 20:10:33
UnforgettableCantBeForgotten @IamShivaR
RT @qmcdermatt: Mr President this men Bill Gates must go fast in a jail! #jail #justice
#QAnon #realDonaldTrump #GITMO
0 21 Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 20:10:33
Arch_Zadkiel⭐⭐⭐🇺🇸 @Arch_Zadkiel
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 20:09:58
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 20:09:18
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 20:09:17
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 20:09:17
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 20:08:30
RT @qmcdermatt: Mr President this men Bill Gates must go fast in a jail! #jail #justice
#QAnon #realDonaldTrump #GITMO
0 21 Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 20:08:20
MaryAnne @MaryAnn46240252
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPad Apr 13, 2020 20:07:59
Faycats4⭐⭐⭐🇺🇸🇺🇸 @mjdfay
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 20:07:38
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 20:07:15
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 20:06:57
YayaPatriot#dontbespoonfed#lamestreammedia🇺🇸❤ @Cynthia66403560
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 20:06:57
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 20:06:31
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 20:06:19
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 20:06:09
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 20:06:01
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 20:05:59
Kathleen 🇺🇸 @snowbear1711
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 20:05:56
StandStrong @deansjojo
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 20:05:21
RT @agenda212030: In 2014/15, Bill Gates CA house was raided and they found 6,000
images of child porn. An employee took the blame and only got 90 days in jail. How
come no one notices all these influential people are surrounded by or accused of being
pedophiles? 😤😡
0 12 Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 20:05:09
Thompson @Thompso55477641
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 20:05:04
👈👀Defender🐸 @joy_there
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 20:04:47
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 20:04:42
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 20:04:17
Awakened - RSA @Tiraeche
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 20:04:02
Wake Up America @QPatriot06
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 20:03:16
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 20:03:04
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 20:02:55
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 20:02:49
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 20:02:39
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 20:02:35
Censored @JaniceT41402230
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 20:02:10
Alayna_anon @AlaynaAnon
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 20:02:03
Jhan @jhansuzan
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 20:01:53
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 20:01:28
Experiance @Experiance14
RT @qmcdermatt: Mr President this men Bill Gates must go fast in a jail! #jail #justice
#QAnon #realDonaldTrump #GITMO
0 21 Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 20:01:24
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 20:01:18
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 20:01:15
🇺🇸AMPAT4TRUTH🇺🇸⭐⭐⭐ @AmeriQanPat
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 20:00:45
Na-Na @sonyalynn13
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 20:00:30
Randall @HammanRandall
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 20:00:20
LoLa⭐⭐⭐ @Hollaback68
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 19:59:46
bobbygee @bobgaree
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 19:59:43
Boobabaloo @boobabaloo
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 19:59:23
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 19:59:19
Save our Children ❌🌟🌟🌟 @Neen_Katzmann
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 19:59:14
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 19:59:08
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 19:58:23
CandyCuisine @CuisineCandy
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 19:58:09
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPad Apr 13, 2020 19:58:04
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 19:57:20
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 19:57:19
WWG1WGA TRUMP 2020 KAG ⭐⭐⭐ @TexaCali4MAGA
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 19:56:57
SavedbyGrace @GrammaNumnums
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 19:56:34
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 19:56:17
Soaking it up @SoakingItUp123
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 19:55:32
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPad Apr 13, 2020 19:55:25
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 19:55:11
kayebob @thermsmom
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPad Apr 13, 2020 19:54:56
Boudicca⭐⭐⭐🇺🇸WWG1WGA🇺🇸 @Boudicca19691
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 19:54:52
Toni @yazmeenpw
RT @_kevin_dela: Me when bill gates gets exposed and is put in jail. #BillGatesVirus
#BillGatesIsEvil #BillGatesBioTerrorist #BillGatesPublicEnemy1
0 47 Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 19:54:30
@marylou_lozano @lozano_marylou
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 19:54:09
jfl @jfl37395243
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 19:53:56
James @1jamesthebaker
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 19:53:40
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPad Apr 13, 2020 19:53:35
WARRIOR4HUMANITY @warrior4humanit
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 19:53:29
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 19:53:02
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 19:52:47
MAGAonemouthatatime⭐⭐⭐ @deplorablernerd
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 19:52:41
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPad Apr 13, 2020 19:52:23
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 19:52:22
magnolia67 @magnolia678
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 19:52:18
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 19:52:02
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 19:52:00
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 19:51:59
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 19:51:57
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 19:51:54
Mlk123h @mlk123h
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 19:51:19
Melissa Morris @melissamorris02
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 19:51:08
Diane Gray @DianeBohallGray
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 19:50:53
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 19:50:47
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 19:50:10
@ScooterBeethov1⭐⭐⭐ @ScooterBeethov1
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 19:49:10
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 19:48:56
Qimberley#winbackthehouse⭐⭐⭐⭐🙏 @LKimberley57
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 19:48:37
ric roebuck @RicRoebuck
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 19:48:35
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 19:48:24
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 19:48:12
stella @stella71405913
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 19:47:17
@Marcellacastae4 @Marcellacastae2
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 19:47:10
OHowHeLovesUs @ratliff_dara
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 19:47:02
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 19:47:00
BirdTurd @BirdTurd20
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 19:46:13
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 19:45:45
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 19:45:00
Banannyhammy17⭐⭐⭐ @BANANAHAMMOCK81
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 19:45:00
Freda2 @doris77850457
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 19:44:55
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 19:44:48
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 19:44:47
BEV @chad_8899bev
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 19:44:46
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 19:44:08
IrishMermaid @LaurelMaher1
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 19:43:55
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 19:43:50
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 19:43:37
LB@LMDB🌟🌟🌟 @d_bogatay
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 19:43:31
Liz @Liz23729517
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 19:43:28
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web Client Apr 13, 2020 19:43:27
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 19:43:08
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 19:42:38
jakdwak @jakdwak
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 19:42:35
Debbie X @OurMindsNotURS
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 19:42:31
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 19:42:24
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 19:42:20
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 19:42:04
LizzieCeal @LizCeal
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 19:42:00
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 19:41:56
Blakieg @Blakieg2
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 19:41:54
Chad🇺🇸 @badchad_6671
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 19:41:13
Brenda mckenzie @mckenzidb
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 19:40:50
Traitors Justice🌟🌟🌟 @Trumplican_68
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 19:40:29
CK17⭐⭐⭐ @17cmkelly
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 19:40:22
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 19:40:20
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 19:39:54
MAGA10x10⭐⭐⭐ @MAGA10x100
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 19:39:27
CindyJ.Camp🇺🇸🐸⭐⭐⭐ @cindyjcamp
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 19:39:19
TD @TD82174785
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 19:38:39
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 19:36:54
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 19:36:51
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 19:36:45
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 19:36:38
Ana @Poetriot17
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 19:35:49
robamsQfollower @robbieadams80
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 19:35:31
PollyBethAnon⭐⭐⭐ @PollyBeth3
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 19:35:14
Q+ @74686573746f726
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 19:34:59
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 19:34:42
thebriTTford @TThebri
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 19:34:34
Robin B @RobinB17920253
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 19:34:30
cindy @cindy39936251
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 19:34:07
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 19:34:06
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 19:33:46
alli_mole🌟🌟🌟 @alli_mole
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 19:33:41
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 19:33:41
lisarntx @lisarntx
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 19:33:39
ZZZZZ🌟🌟🌟💥🌟🌟🌟Q @DMZsixtyfour
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 19:33:21
Desiree @Desiree76636838
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 19:32:56
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 19:32:23
Kromforhlander155 @Kromforhlander2
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 19:32:07
CurlyQ371 @CQ371
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 19:31:57
EpicFaith @EpicFaith
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 19:31:24
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 19:31:07
BraveNovember @BraveNovember
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 19:31:04
Kevin @dormatic_
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 19:30:58
Sandy @leggett_sandy
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 19:30:49
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 19:30:22
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 19:28:54
Newshound @usNewshound
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 19:28:51
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 19:28:45
dmarie @dmarie33263919
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 19:28:37
Linda DeCosta @DecostaLinda
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 19:28:03
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 19:27:11
brendapower88 @brendapower88
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 19:26:26
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 19:26:22
Kashmire0032 @SPBrancier
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 19:26:09
Richard T @Richieamx
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 19:25:56
PukingPolitics😨 @NoPainN41516353
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 19:25:42
Mortar Mom @whateveruwantca
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 19:25:31
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPad Apr 13, 2020 19:25:27
Sherri👠DeTrump🦁❤👠 @SherriDeford
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 19:24:53
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 19:24:44
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 19:24:29
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 19:24:18
Karebear58 @kirwin58
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 19:24:17
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 19:22:48
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 19:22:45
Dara @Dara36870464
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 19:22:40
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 19:22:25
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 19:21:51
Peter @peterAmerica123
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 19:21:30
Angela @Angel4Trump
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPad Apr 13, 2020 19:21:23
Tabatha @Tabatha68363859
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 19:21:08
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 19:20:57
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 19:20:56
PinkLady937 @Pinklady937
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 19:20:51
StarofTheEast @EastStarof
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 19:20:19
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 19:19:53
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 19:19:34
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 19:19:32
Life @northstarz
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPad Apr 13, 2020 19:19:19
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 19:18:22
Thesprayhouse⭐⭐⭐ @Spector2019
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 19:18:12
EqualJusticeNow @troyannason
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 19:18:10
fe @ivonne43239179
RT @agenda212030: In 2014/15, Bill Gates CA house was raided and they found 6,000
images of child porn. An employee took the blame and only got 90 days in jail. How
come no one notices all these influential people are surrounded by or accused of being
pedophiles? 😤😡
0 12 Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 19:18:04
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 19:17:46
Shan @bearwithme24
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 19:17:35
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPad Apr 13, 2020 19:17:17
DMan @LordDInferno
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 19:17:14
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 19:17:05
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 19:16:30
Connie Brown @cmb19732
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 19:16:23
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 19:16:17
Ed @Ed08792346
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 19:16:06
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 19:15:21
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 19:15:19
Barb @Joan1Barb
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 19:15:15
Kiko Peres @KikoPeres
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 19:14:52
OneDegree15 @Evolve_One15
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPad Apr 13, 2020 19:14:47
LongingForTruth @LongingTruth
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 19:14:10
Stelrgal1 @ldsmith011_dawn
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 19:13:53
misstikul @misstikul
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 19:13:49
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 19:13:31
SilentNoMore @56lmiller
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 19:13:27
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 19:13:20
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web Client Apr 13, 2020 19:13:07
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 19:12:51
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 19:12:40
TrumpGirlStoner🌟🌟🌟 @grammyvjr
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 19:12:36
Barb💋LockednLoaded⭐⭐⭐ @winegirl73
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPad Apr 13, 2020 19:12:31
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 19:12:01
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPad Apr 13, 2020 19:11:50
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 19:11:26
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 19:11:24
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPad Apr 13, 2020 19:11:20
TM @1jdm1981
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 19:11:19
MaryFlynnONeill⭐⭐⭐ @flynn_neill
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 19:11:08
Culverism @Cully_Iam
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 19:10:22
pecanpitt @pecanpitt
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 19:10:18
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 19:09:36
nancy @nancy32421052
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 19:09:29
kim @kim47957498
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPad Apr 13, 2020 19:09:19
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 19:09:10
Ellis Sille @e30hellcat
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 19:09:08
Stephanie @Stephy31uk
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 19:08:57
MariMaja1 @Yuri95879214
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 19:08:48
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 19:08:45
marjebro @organicmom2013
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 19:08:03
🇺🇸AutoMan🇺🇸 @AutoMann63
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPad Apr 13, 2020 19:08:01
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 19:07:54
Coming2America @GinoSangiovanni
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 19:07:31
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 19:06:49
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 19:05:49
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 19:05:15
Dan @slvrandblk
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 19:05:08
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 19:04:40
MadassAmerician🌟🌟🌟 @elizabethriggs2
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 19:04:31
melistalk @melistalk
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 19:04:20
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 19:04:16
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 19:04:12
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 19:03:51
🇺🇸❌hulie-bird❌🇺🇸 @Hulio63
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPad Apr 13, 2020 19:03:34
LizzyKNewDay🇨🇦🇨🇦 @LizzyKNewDay2
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 19:03:24
Fight4FreedomUSA @RizzoZoe
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 19:03:21
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 19:02:59
Marty @hoserdog
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 19:02:42
BubbaGeorge @LiveOakian
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 19:02:19
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 19:02:11
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 19:01:46
Joanne @rjsathreaz
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 19:01:30
MarkAvi2⭐⭐⭐ @MarkAvi2
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 19:01:30
Lightwarrior2020 @lightwarrior411
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 19:01:30
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 19:00:54
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 19:00:42
RoseD. @RdaDar17
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 19:00:39
Sasha @Sasha21997762
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 19:00:29
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 19:00:28
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 19:00:09
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 18:59:59
Keith @KeithyPoo_
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 18:59:39
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 18:59:27
❌bp🇺🇸⚖🏛❌ @bbdoll11
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPad Apr 13, 2020 18:59:18
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 18:59:04
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 18:58:22
🌼Marcie @MarcieFischer80
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 18:58:17
lovetotravel960 @lovetotravel960
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 18:58:12
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 18:57:50
Hope_Sutton @HopeSutton19
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 18:57:19
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 18:57:06
CarolynThePatriot @AgriestiCarolyn
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 18:57:04
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 18:56:59
barbara @barbara77153967
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 18:56:56
Kim @Kim89410186
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 18:56:43
suziQ🇺🇸 @JSP173
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 18:56:31
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 18:55:01
Nancy @nanhow4
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 18:54:55
FriendsInHighPlaces +++ @eride444
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 18:54:55
DAP52521 @dap52521
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 18:54:10
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 18:54:01
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 18:53:54
VABornefeld @VaBornefeld
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 18:53:48
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 18:53:46
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 18:53:45
Jeannie Weber @bellgel
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 18:53:14
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 18:53:12
Tallulah @MagaMTMama
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 18:53:06
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 18:52:56
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 18:52:43
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 18:52:21
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 18:51:57
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 18:51:44
gwammasinger⭐⭐⭐🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 @gwammasinger
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 18:51:42
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 18:51:34
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 18:51:03
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 18:50:48
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 18:50:48
#TRUMP2020BABY @CindyLewis_7
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 18:50:41
StarCrossed™ @Messianic4POTUS
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 18:49:30
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 18:49:11
Trumpdetta @TforTrumpdetta
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 18:49:08
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 18:49:08
Penny17 @Penny17Q
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 18:48:15
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 18:47:30
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 18:47:04
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 18:46:57
Xari⭐🌟⭐ @GingerCash777
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 18:46:43
Abby @Abby4Trump
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 18:46:39
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 18:46:28
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 18:46:08
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 18:45:58
VoterIDNow @chrishelton65
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 18:45:57
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 18:45:54
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 18:45:49
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 18:45:44
IowaGirl @IowaGir42483622
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 18:45:32
Glen @254glen254
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPad Apr 13, 2020 18:45:25
Stacey Mac @StaceyMccullou2
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 18:45:23
CZ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ @CZ4ever60
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 18:45:13
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 18:45:05
Dark2Light @andrewlli
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 18:45:00
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 18:44:24
TheDarknessIsProlific @IsProlific
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 18:44:24
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 18:44:22
JasperJester @jasper_jester
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 18:43:59
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 18:43:49
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 18:43:45
Erica @errica_a08
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 18:43:31
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 18:43:15
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 18:42:44
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 18:42:29
Bebebird @Bebebird5
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 18:42:28
Carolyn⭐⭐⭐ @Carolyn42052
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 18:42:18
Terri @seektruth2day
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 18:42:13
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 18:42:10
RT @ChrisRulon: @BetteMidler "Microsoft founder Bill Gates spoke more than once with
Jeffrey Epstein...The discussions with Gates occurred years after Epstein served a 13-
month sentence for a charge of soliciting an underage prostitute(raping children)"
@BillGates @melindagates
0 17 Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 18:40:44
Keith @kcevans56
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 18:40:43
Patriot@Heart ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ @ClementRema
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 18:40:35
❌🚂VoteThemOut2020🚂❌ @OutIn2020
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 18:40:28
DDBlack❤🇺🇸 @DDBlack17
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 18:39:45
Laura B @thepeonypixie
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 18:39:39
Leesa🇬🇧🏴🏴 @leesa54984101
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 18:38:49
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 18:38:41
JenEric @JenEric15191416
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 18:38:26
fathutch @fathutch
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 18:37:41
J @late5970
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 18:37:39
JB_NoDought @JB_NoDought
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 18:37:34
Innocent @saintinnoo
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 18:36:28
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 18:36:27
oneofmany @infospong
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 18:36:23
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 18:35:51
Healthy Nana @Healthy_Nana
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 18:35:43
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 18:35:42
JenniferAHanks @Jennahanks2
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 18:35:40
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 18:35:29
Susan @Susan8Mcgrath
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPad Apr 13, 2020 18:35:26
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 18:35:19
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 18:35:17
Mytreasure @loughner13
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 18:35:06
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 18:34:59
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 18:34:34
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 18:34:02
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 18:33:55
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 18:33:42
T @Taccomandohotm1
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 18:33:01
cj @cj62964051
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 18:32:57
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 18:32:33
Alex_D @AlexD98726952
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 18:32:24
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 18:32:02
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 18:31:05
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 18:30:44
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 18:30:37
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 18:30:12
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 18:30:06
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 18:30:01
BeTheLight @MarthaHotz
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 18:29:59
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 18:29:58
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 18:29:55
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 18:29:51
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 18:29:17
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 18:28:23
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 18:28:03
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 18:28:01
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 18:27:34
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 18:27:31
🇺🇸LHOOZER🇺🇸 @hauserlisa1
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 18:27:04
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 18:27:04
❌Terrbear4❌ @Terrbear4
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web Client Apr 13, 2020 18:27:02
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 18:26:49
bmorrow @morrowfcs
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 18:26:43
Mastiff @Mastiff77590119
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 18:26:33
TaxPayNvoteR @KevinJo10435396
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 18:25:57
Lesley Lyon @LesleyLyon5
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 18:25:53
Red Wave Suppporter 2020 @VMA2539
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 18:25:10
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 18:24:17
JP @janicepoirier61
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 18:23:42
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 18:23:35
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 18:23:06
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 18:23:02
Aaron Wertz @AaronDavidWertz
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 18:22:56
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 18:22:56
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 18:22:44
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 18:22:22
MaggieMae @hawkeye_rising
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 18:22:12
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 18:22:09
Anthony @Anthony73777807
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 18:21:56
Angela Zimba @AngelaZimba
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 18:21:48
Rose @realsherirose
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 18:21:48
DNich @DNdaydreamer991
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 18:21:20
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 18:20:44
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 18:20:31
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 18:20:10
Leety @LeetyWallie
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 18:20:10
AmericanPride. @AmeriQanPride
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 18:19:56
HisGloryWarrior0204 @HWarrior0204
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 18:19:55
HerbsBanana @HerbsBanana
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 18:19:46
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for iPhone Apr 13, 2020 18:19:43
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 18:19:18
Teri N @TeriN41574377
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 18:18:41
ZPal @Pal3Z
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 18:18:29
David G @rig_for_red
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 18:17:48
SilverFox33 @clk1245
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 18:17:48
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter Web App Apr 13, 2020 18:17:44
RT @BardsOfWar: Dear @POTUS - You are facing the biggest challenge of your life.
#WeThePeople are approaching our RedLine. Bill Gates is a modern day Mengele. Any of
his ideas executed by anyone will be met with maximum resistance. Put him in jail.
Games are over. #PatriotsFight.
0 1.9K Twitter for Android Apr 13, 2020 18:17:43
Ckm72 @Ckm4MAGA
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