Introduction To Class 1 - 4 Qur'An
Introduction To Class 1 - 4 Qur'An
Introduction To Class 1 - 4 Qur'An
Teaching a child to read Arabic is a blessing and an honour, as you are equipping
them with the ability to read the Holy Qur’an. HADITH about everything in existence
prays for the forgiveness of the person who teaches the Qur’an, even the fish in the
sea. With this weighty task in front of us, it is important to keep in mind that all
success is from Allah.
We are now introducing recitation of Qur’an for the younger children, in the hope of
bringing all our children to one level of recitation.
For those children who are in the process of learning how to recite Qur’an, a
separate Qur’an Manual will also be given.
For those children who are already reciting Qur’an, some rules included in this
Manual will be taught to them to improve their recitation further.
All children will do the Tafsir and Az Zahra part of the syllabus.
Recite the Holy Qur’an and Memorise it. Allah will not punish the
heart in which the Qur’an has been placed.
(Imam Ja’far As Sadiq (A))
Qur’an as a Gift:
(Introduce the Qur’an as a gift from Allah. Show the children a Qur’an wrapped up as
a gift. Ask the children what they think is inside it. Tell them it is something precious
and a gift they can keep for life. Open it and show them what the whole Qur’an looks
like, what the Arabic is like, how it is read etc.)
Ramadhan has just gone; this was the month the Qur’an was revealed. What
presents did you get on Eid? Allah’s present to you is the Qur’an.
It was not written by anyone; Allah sent down the words to the Holy Prophet (S)
through the Angel Jibrail – over a period of about 23 years
The Holy Prophet (S) then recited the verses to the people. Most of the people would
remember the verses by heart but the Holy Prophet (S) chose some special people
called scribes to write down the verses.
It is written in Arabic.
Arabic is read from right to left and back to front.
What does Allah tell us in the Holy Qur'an? We have to look after the
- He tells us true stories of the Prophets.
Holy Qur'an because it is
- He tells us how He wants us to act.
such a special book.
- He tells us about heaven and hell.
Aya = Ayaat (pl.) = One verse of the Qur'an.
Sura = Suwer (pl.) = One chapter of the 114 chapters of the Qur'an
Waqf = Wuqoof (pl.) = Punctuation marks.
Juz = Ajzaa (pl.) = The Qur'an is divided into 30 equal parts.
Each of these parts is called a Juz.
Rub’a = Marking indicating ¼ of a Juz.
Nisf = Marking indicating ½ of a Juz.
Thuluth = Marking indicating ¾ of a Juz
When reciting the Holy Qur’an, we must try and take care of the following:
Ó¼u X
øiæfä´ô»A êÒò¼æÎò» æÓê¯ åÉ{Äô»älæÃòA FìÃA
øiæfä´ô»A åÒò¼æÎò» Bä¿ òº{iæeòA Fä¿ äË
ùjæÈäq ê±ô»òA æÅéê¿ èjæÎäaÜøiæfä´ô»A åÒò¼æÎò»
ùjæ¿òA ÷½ó· æÅê¿XæÁøÈéøIäi øÆægêBøI BäÈæÎê¯ å`æËíj»AäË åÒò¸ê×}¼äÀô»A ó¾ìläÄäM
øjæVä°ô»A ø©ò¼ôñä¿ Óé{NäY äÓêDZ³ èÁ}¼äm
It has 5 verses.
In the night of Qadr, whatever everyone is to receive in the next year is decided.
This is why the Holy Prophet (S) has told us to stay awake the whole night in prayer,
asking for forgiveness and asking for our wishes.
Ayat 1: The Holy Qur'an was revealed in its full chapter by chapter form to the
Holy Prophet (S) on this night. He then related it to the people in
sections as and when instructed by Allah through Angel Jibrail.
Ayat 2: This challenge is a clue that human beings cannot fully understand the
blessings of this night.
Ayat 3: The "thousand months" means a very long time. It means that a
moment of understanding gained in this night under Allah's special
guidance is better than a thousand months spent in ignorance.
Ayat 4: This describes the constant traffic of angels and Jibrail coming down to
the earth throughout the night, offering Allah's Blessings to the
believers who are awake, worshipping Him.
Ayat 5: This verse indicates that the peace due to the special Mercy of Allah on
this night continues all the way till the next day.
The Holy Prophet (S has said that Allah regards one who recites this Surah as
though s/he fasted the month of Ramadhan and spent Laylatul Qadr worshipping
his/her Creator.
Suratul Qadr
øjævä¨ô»A äË
ùjænåa æÓê°ò» äÆBänæÃæêÜA ìÆêA
øjæJìv»BøI AæÌuAäÌäM äË Ü éμäZô»BøI AæÌäuAäÌäM äË
It has 3 verses.
The name of the Surah comes from the subject of its 1st Verse.
Ayat 1: "Asr" = "time" and refers to the continuous change as time moves on.
Some scholars say it refers to the time when Imam Mahdi (a.s.) will re-
appear. Here Allah is swearing by that time.
Ayat 2: By saying man is in a loss, it means that people are so easily led astray
by everything of this world, and unless they are careful, they will get
lost in running after these worldly things and forget Allah.
The next verse gives the qualities of those who have remained on the path of Allah.
The Holy Prophet (S) was asked about “loss” and he said, “Those who do
not believe in my Ahlul Bayt are at a loss”
Ayat 3: We can see from this verse that the best of actions are to:
o have faith in Allah. This means believing and acting upon whatever He
has commanded.
o do good deeds, to please Allah.
o encourage people to the right path. Try to spread the message of Islam
by your words and actions.
o be patient. Even when we do not get what we want, we should trust in
Allah and be patient. He knows what is good for us.
Suratul Asr
ø½æÎê°ô»A øLBäZæuòBøI ò¹íIäi ò½ä¨ò¯ ä±æÎò· äjäM æÁò»òA
ù½æÎê¼æzäM æÓê¯ æÁåÇäfæÎò· ô½ä¨æVäÍ æÁò»òA
ò½æÎøIBäøIòA AçjæÎò¢ æÁøÈæÎò¼ä§ ò½ämæiòA ìË
ù½æÎéøVêm æÅéê¿ ëÑäiBäVêZøI æÁøÈæÎê¿æjäM
ù¾æÌó·ôBì¿ ë±ævä¨ò· æÁåÈò¼ä¨äVò¯
It has 5 verses.
"Al-Fil" means "The Elephant". The name of the Surah comes from the army of
elephants mentioned in the first verse.
Abraha laughed and said, "What! I have come to destroy your place of worship, and
you are speaking of your camels!" Abdul Muttalib gave a famous reply, "I am the
owner of the camels, so I have come for them. The Kaa'ba too has an Owner,
Who will look after it". This statement showed that the ancestors of the Holy
Prophet (s.a.w.) were also firm in their faith in Allah.
Abraha ignored this warning and tried to invade the Holy Kaa`ba with his elephants.
The Surah tells what happened to the army:
Ayat 2: This verse refers to the great confusion caused in the army of Abraha
by the arrival of the birds. Many fell dead, and the survivors, including
Abraha, began to run away.
Ayat 3 &4: The birds were tiny, yet their effect was great, because they had the
help of Allah.
Ayat 5: The appearance of the remains of the army after the birds had left was
like straw that has been chewed by cows, broken and useless.
Suratul Fil
________________________ _________________
If the child has not passed the test satisfactorily the teacher should fill in the
letter below.
Dear Parent,
Your child __________________ was tested on Suratul Zilzal but s/he did not know
Please ensure that s/he knows the above for next week, so that s/he may receive
their Az-Zahra Certificate.
__________________________ __________________
äjäQæÌò¸ô»A ò¹{ÄæÎòñæ§òA F@ìÃêA
æjäZæÃAäË ò¹éøIäjê» ÷ø½ävò¯
åjäNæIæòÜA äÌåÇ ò¹ä×êÃBäq ìÆêA
________________________ _________________
If the child has not passed the test satisfactorily the teacher should fill in the
letter below.
Dear Parent,
Your child __________________ was tested on Suratul Kauthar but s/he did not
know it.
Please ensure that s/he knows the above for next week, so that s/he may receive
their Az-Zahra Certificate.
__________________________ __________________
ìKäMìË ùKäÈò» æÓøIòA EäfäÍ æOìJäM
äKänò· Bä¿ äË Éó»Bä¿ åÉæÄä§ Ó{Äæ«òA Fä¿
Ó¼u X
ùKäÈò» äPAäg AçiBäà Ó}» æwäÎäm
X ¢
øKòñäZô»A äÒò»BìÀäY ÉåMòAäjæ¿AìË
ëfänì¿ æÅð¿ ö½æJäY BäÇêfæÎêU æÓê¯
________________________ _________________
If the child has not passed the test satisfactorily the teacher should fill in the
letter below.
Dear Parent,
Your child __________________ was tested on Suratul Lahab but s/he did not know
Please ensure that s/he knows the above for next week, so that s/he may receive
their Az-Zahra Certificate.
__________________________ __________________
There are a number of signs and symbols in the Holy Qur’an which constitute
punctuation marks and there are separate rules with regard to each of them.
At times a small circle (O) occurs at the end of the verse. This means a full stop or
sign of verse.
There are other punctuation marks which are governed by the following rules:
One should stop for a very short time at: tà (§), jîm (^) and mîm (Å)
It is better to stop at: qàf ( ¼ ) and Qàf-fà ( ¸¶ )
It is permissible to pause at šàd (z)
One should not stop at all when là ( Ú ) is written without a verse (O)
If there are two signs at the same place you follow the upper one.
At some places the work saktah ( UX¿s ) is written. It means that the
reciter should pause there but should not break continuity of his/her
UX¿s UX¿s
è¹Bán åÌáÆ áÄå×ãºáÑ - áÉBán åÄáQ éÚá¾
If a letter coming before the sign of stopping has a vowel sign, that
vowel sign should not be recited. On the other hand that letter should
be recited as sakin.
^ ¦á
å§åt㺠as ã§åt㺠ÒâÎ as ÒâÎ
¦â Æ
åÐá as Ðá åÿáB as âÿáB
If a letter coming before the sign of stopping has the sign of
tà marbùtah T Í
( ) it should be read as hà sakin ( ) when stopping.
¦ ¦
åÍéÒ⺠as çTéÒ⺠åÐËë×áQ as âUáËë×áQ
¦ ¦
åÍCá»âW as æUð»âW åÐá×ã¢Bán as èUá×ã¢Bán
åÍáoãgðB as ãTáoãgðB
If a letter bearing nunation comes before the sign of stopping, it should
be recited as sakin
If in case of stopping, the letter alif comes after a letter with double
fathah only one fathah must be recited.
If in case of stopping, the letter yà comes before a letter with double
fathah, alif maqsurah should be recited instead of nunation.
If the sign là ( Ú ) comes above the sign of the end of verse and you
do not want to stop, you should continue reciting without stopping by
combining that verse with the next verse OR even without combining
depending on the verse. If you want to stop, the following rules apply.
The mushaddad (letter with the shadda) letter following the verse
should be read without tashdid.
CáÏã×åˉátã O ÐáÇã®CáÊ = CáÏã×åˉátäã O çUáÇã®CáÊ
When any of the above 5 letters has a sukun on it, the sound of it has to be clear and
sharp as if there is an echo. Care must be taken that the echoing sound does not go
to the extent of sounding as though a Fathah has been added.
NOTE: When any of the letters of Qalqala appear in the middle of the word with a
sukun, then the rule of Qalqala is applied but with less stress
åfäÀìv»A åÉé}¼»òA
åfê¼äÍ æÁò»
æfò»æÌåÍ æÁò» äË
When a letter with Fathah ( ---á--- ) or Dhamma ( ----â-- ) appears before the name of
5 114 ( ---á--- )
4 171 ( ----â-- )
When a letter with Kasrah (---ã---) appears before the name of Allah, it will be pronounced
40 78 (---ã---)
4 35 (---ã---)
However, the LAAM MUSHADDADAH äÁ is recited with a thin sound or empty mouth:
2 255
2 148
37 6
78 21
27 70
7 11
There are 4 places in the Qur’an where Sajdah becomes Wajib. They are:
1 1 kcBÑ WAHID
4 4 UˉQnF ARBA’A
6 6 UXs SITA
7 7 UˉRs SABA’A
9 9 UˉtW TISA’A
10 10 Tox® A’SHARA
1 1 11 31 41 51 71 91
2 2 22 32 42 62 82
3 3 13 23 43 53 93
4 4 24 34 54 64 74
5 5 15 35 45 75 85 95
6 6 16 26 46 66 86
7 7 17 27 37 57 67 77 97
8 8 18 28 48 78 88
9 9 29 39 59 69 99
10 10 20 40 50 60 80 100