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Surfing The Internet: Plight of The Navigator

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Alan Winstanley
Welcome to this month's have done the same myself. resurrected on the new PC.
Net Work, our column When I queried this, though, it (The latest release of Netscape
was suggested that if I pro- Navigator is V4.5, by the way:
specially written for In- ceeded to re-install Explorer 4, I more at www.browsers.com)
ternet users. ought not to use the Active For many experienced PC
Desktop which has been known users, Microsoft Internet Ex-
to “cause problems.” As at
PLIGHT OF THE today, not having the Active
plorer 4 is still one upgrade too
many which they can probably
NAVIGATOR Desktop installed may now quarantine alongside Windows
Microsoft Internet Explorer cause a problem as well, 98. Unfortunately, the depen-
4 recently arrived in my office because my very latest version dency of some web sites on
as an unwelcome guest prein- of Hot Metal Pro 5 requires − displaying properly (if at all)
stalled on a new Dell computer. you guessed − the Active Desk- only if a certain browser is used,
After delivery, Step One was to top to be enabled if I am to is as frustrating for users as
disable the Active Desktop access all of Hot Metal's fea- ever. Let us also not forget the
which I found gimmicky, point- tures. The only alternative, says myriad of browser plug-ins
less and irritating. Step Two was Softquad, is to use Windows 98. extolled by some web sites:
to attempt to configure all my I guess this will be the checking the BT Home Highway
Dial-Up Networking connec- pattern of events for the next web site
tions, and my E-mail software. year or two. Anyway, just for the (www.highway.bt.com), for
Unfortunately things rapidly record, I am delighted to report example, I found that the use of
went downhill, with recurrent that the PC hasn't missed Macromedia Shockwave did
modem nightmares, crashes a beat, and as an anonymous little to present the data behind
and re-boots galore and other customer I found Dell's BT's sales pitch more effec-
anomalies. And no I haven't got Customer Service highly tively than a web site full of
Windows 98 (thanks). commendable. static HTML would have done,
A dozen phone calls to Dell only the Shockwave-enabled
and Microsoft, a new mother- site took far longer to visit and
board, a new memory, three
BLACK SPOT therefore told me less in the
modems and several on-site I was soon to find that using time available. Some users
visits later, two technical sup- version 3 of Explorer created a may find the images of spinning
port representatives suggested few problems of its own, when motorway signposts captivating,
that one way of curing problems accessing the web sites of though.
might be to type “ieremove” at Microsoft and Dell in search of
the Run line, and thereby patches and drivers. Both sites
use Active Server technology.
de-install Microsoft Internet
Explorer 4. In the event, we My attempts at navigating SELECTION
decided to give it up as a bad around their web sites repeat- Several popular FTP pro-
job and my shiny new PC had to edly came to a dead end, grams are available via the In-
be shipped back to Ireland because of an error message ternet and the rule is to fetch a
anyway, and − credit to Dell “The object has moved and may shareware version and then buy
Computer Corporation − it was be found here.” Trying to jump the one which works for you.
collected within five hours of my “here” caused my session to Features to look out for include
complaining. grind to a frustrating halt; funnily an automatic "reget" of trans-
enough the only way forward fers, which means that if
Upon its return, I wasn't was to return fully armed with
surprised to see that Explorer 3 interrupted, the transfer can be
Netscape Navigator 4.0. Exactly restored from where it left off,
had been installed as the the same happened with my
default web browser: I would rather than having to fetch the
CompuServe browser which I
Copyright © 1998 Wimborne Publishing Ltd and EPE Online, December 1998 - www.epemag.com - 139
Maxfield & Montrose Interactive Inc
Net Work
entire file again. Also, the ability www.cuteftp.com. I like the Another popular Macintosh FTP
to store sessions (the configura- looks of Crystal Art Software's application is Fetch from
tion, URL, passwords and other Crystal FTP (www.casdk.com) www.dartmouth.edu.
set-up data) related to particular which installed and worked in- WinZIP (now in version 7) is
FTP sites is useful. This month stantly. It has a handy-looking the totally indispensable Win-
I've provided a list of some In- "Quick" button and could be just dows Zip utility for compressing
ternet software tools worth the thing for struggling Windows or decompressing files. A handy
checking. users. Web site maintainers browser add-on means that you
Absolute FTP is shareware might also enjoy Crystal SiteUp- can view the contents of zipped
and is said to boast an Explorer- dater [sic] from the same site. It files in your browser, without
type interface, drag-and-drop helps with the publishing, syn- having to unzip them sepa-
file transfers, reget, plus the chronization and validation of rately. Buy it! More from
ability to run simultaneous web sites, but it hasn't been www.winzip.com. “Zip up the
transfers from multiple FTP tested by me. FTPPro98 is an Web” is a W95/NT freeware
sites, bandwidth permitting. Try Explorer-style FTP client from utility which (it says here) en-
www.vandyke.com for more www.ftppro.com, and Bullet ables you to zip up and E-mail a
details. For Macintosh users, Pro FTP looks particularly at- collection of web pages without
Anarchie Pro (v3.0) is now tractive at www.bpftp.com. facing the chore of downloading
available from FTP Explorer from the text and graphics. It creates
www.shareware.com with www.ftpx.com has similar con- a self-executable file of the web
enhanced web support, offline trols to Microsoft Windows Ex- pages, which you can E-mail
browsing, and an improved plorer, which beginners might onwards. It's at
graphical front end. appreciate, and Anawave www.shareware.com.
Terrapin FTP and Terrapin (noted for its “Websnake” soft- I welcome your suggestions
Postbox (E-mail client) are at ware) offers a W95 FTP client for links to share with fellow
www.terra-net.com and Cute interface called FTP Icon Con- readers. E-mail ideas to
FTP is available from nection at www.anawave.com. alan@epemag.demon.co.uk.

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Copyright © 1998 Wimborne Publishing Ltd and EPE Online, December 1998 - www.epemag.com - 140
Maxfield & Montrose Interactive Inc

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