NCERT Lesson Plans Class 6th Honeysuckle 6th Eng by Vijay Kumar Heer
NCERT Lesson Plans Class 6th Honeysuckle 6th Eng by Vijay Kumar Heer
NCERT Lesson Plans Class 6th Honeysuckle 6th Eng by Vijay Kumar Heer
task. All
work in a group and share their Ans. Try to compose rhyming complete with the
the opinions among themselves. help of your classmates and the teacher.
boring as questions to be asked and the b. Cleaned his room, did his chores. When
well as a answers to be written in points we speak, we often leave out words that can
on the board. These points can be easily be guessed. We do not do this when we
needless used to developed a paragraph write, unless we are trying to write as we speak
burden. finally. (as in this story).
But the So, if we were trying to write carefully, we
teachers QUESTIONS a. “Homework is too boring” he said.
every Ques.1 Who did your b. He cleaned the room and did his chores.
homework? Ans. My Sister
Ques.3 Rewrite the following in complete
assign Ques.2 Do you like homework? sentences carefully, so that the reader does not
some work Do you do it yourself or do you have to guess what is left out.
get help? Ans. No, sometimes I a. More and more books.
to be done need help of my sister. b. Too difficult.
at home. c. Got up late, missed the bus.
WORD MEANING d. Solved the mystery.
Ans. a. “I need more and more books” said the
in the case Word Meaning elf.
of little 1. Nintendo A video b. Climbing this hill is too difficult task for
game you.
ones means 2. Ignoramus an ignorant c. I got up late this morning and missed the
taxing the person who lacks education school bus.
3. Britches, Breeches the d. With his common sense, he solved the
writer here spells it, for fun, to mystery in no time.
The mother rhyme.
is more With the word witch’s. Ques.4 Look at this cartoon by R. K. Lax man.
4. Dish cloth A cloth used Read the sentence given below the cartoon.
worried for washing dishes. Discuss the following the following questions
than the 5. Hamper A basket with your partner.
kid about with a lid a. What is it about?
6. Grimaced, scowled, His b. Do you find it funny? If so why?
it. She face had these expressions, c. So you think a cartoon is a serious
helps the showing disgust Pursed his lips drawing? Why or why not?
anger and disapproval Get on with your homework the sums, the
child to do
7. Glitch (An informal word) composition, history, geography, chemistry,
it. This is a a fault in a machine that prevents r
physics and stop reading the laws against child
it from working Properly here labour!
witch or problem Ans. This cartoon describes a misuse of law
some one all the time by misunderstood the law against the child labour
does with complaining or asking them to do and tries to escape from his childhood duty i. e.
pleasure. something studying. The way situation is presented is very
10. Drag (An informal word) funny.
Patrick in some thing dull and uninteresting b. Yes, it is also a serious drawing. It teaches
. us in a funny way. In fact cartoon is a more
the story is
11. Slyly Secretively effective way of learning because it draws our
a little 12. Kid (An informal attention and interest easily.
careless word) a child
about that must be done every day,
studies. He often boring Ques.1 What did Patrick think his cat was
neglects his 14. Attitude A feeling playing with? What was it really?
about some one or some thing Ans. Patrick thought that his cat was playing
studies and 15. Grabbed Caught and with a little doll. The cat was actually playing
never does took away with an extremely tiny man, who wore a woolen
16. Tiniest Very small shirt with old fashioned britches and a high tall
17. Yelled Shouted hat.
18. Grant Fulfill
homework.19. Wrinkled uneven, Ques.2 Why did the little man grant Patrick a
He takes with folds or creases wish?
20. Weary Tired Ans. The little man granted Patrick a wish
keen 21. Bleary Dull because he wanted to escape from the cat.
interest 22. Rude Impolite
Ques.3 What was the Patrick’s wish?
only in
Pedagogy: Demonstration and Ans. Patrick’s wanted the elf to do all his
games. His model elaboration with oral homework till the end of the semester for 35
teacher’s explanation days.
warning Blackboard work: New Words Ques.4In what subjects did the little man need
falls flat on and Question Answers help, to do Patrick’s homework?
him. But Ans. To do Patrick’s homework, the little man
ICT links for teaching this lesson needed help in English, Maths and human
his luck : history.
favours Ques.5 How did Patrick help him?
him once. Ans. Patrick helped him by working harder than
He saves r
ever. He even stayed up at nights.
the life of
LANGUAGE the elf did not know anything, Patrick stayed up
imaginary Fill in the blanks in the sentences a night and worked hard. As a result of this, he
fairy land. below with the words or phrases got as in his work and his teachers were full of
from the box. (You may not praise. Even his parents wondered as he kept his
The elf know the meaning of all the room clean and had developed a new attitude.
promises to words. Look such words up in a Therefore, it was Patrick who did the homework,
do the dictionary, or ask your teacher) not the little man.
Out of luck, mystery, true of
home his word, chores, semester, HOTS QUESTIONS SOLVED
work. But between you and me, look up Ques.1 How did Patrick become a model boy?
Ans. Patrick showed surprising change in his
he needs
1. Some people find house behavior. He began to clean his room, behave
Patrick’s hold Chores a bore, but I like to well and talk politely. Patrick was working
guidance. help at home. harder than ever, staying up night, never felt tired
2. Who stole the diamond is and kept on going to school. He did his
He makes still a mystery. homework himself. Due to this change Patrick
the boy 3. This semester we are became a model boy.
going to have a class exhibition.
work hard
4. True to his word the elf Ques.2 Who did Patrick’s homework?
for 35 began to help Patrick. Ans. Patrick was a lazy boy. He did not like to
days. 5. Can you look up this word do his homework. One day he saw his cat
in the dictionary? playing with a little doll. But to his surprise it
Patrick is 6. I started early to be on was elf, a man of tiniest size. When he grabbed
changed five, but I was out of luck there it, it yelled not to be given back to the cat. He
was a traffic jam. promised to grant him a wish. Patrick asked him
7. She says she’s got a lot of to do his homework till the end of the semester,
He for as books, but between you and me I At this Elf felt himself cursed. But true to his
the habit of think most of they are borrowed. words he was ready to do his homework.
hard and BELOW TO COMPLETE THIS Riya is a student of class VI, she didn’t like
doing his CROSSWORD PUZZLE. homework. She said homework is too boring
Across 1. Very tired tast.
home 2. Had an angry look on face Sometimes she feels an ignorant person she hates
work. 3. Short trousers homework also.
4. A fault in a machine that
prevents it from working Ques.1 Why did Riya think about homework as a
properly r
boring task?
5. A small and naughty boy Ans. As Riya thought it is time consuming and
Down 6. Work that must be done many hours spent at school studying
everyday, often baring continuously she feels herself loaded with work
7. A basket with a lid that’s why Riya thought that homework is a
Ques.1 In the story Patrick does difficult things
Ans. 1. Weary he hates to do, because the elf pretends he needs
2. Scowled help. Have you ever done something difficult or
3. Breeches frightening by pretending about it in some way?
4. Glitch Tell your classmates about it.
5. Elf Ans. Activity will be done with the help of given
6. Chores helping hints.
7. Hamper a. A child drowning in the pond.
8. Shrieked b. Improving the hand.
Say what you feel about
The students will listen carefully homework. (The words and phrases in the boxes
and note the important points in may help you). Do you think it is useful even
their note-books. though you may not like it?
From pairs, and speak to each other. For example
You may say “I am not fond of homework”.
Class: VI Subject: English Book: Honeysuckle
Chapter name: A House, A Home No. of periods required: 03
Commencement Schedule: As per teacher diary and review plan for the session.
Focused Skills and Learning Outcomes: As mentioned below in the objectives of the lesson
Gist of Pedagogy and use of ICT/TLM/ABL/ Question Answers Oral and written works
Blackboard and other materials and plan of
the Poem
activities to achieve the LOs
Ques.1 Do you agree with what the poet says? Talk to your partner
and QUESTIONS and complete these sentences.
Ques.1 How many members are a. A house is made of
cement b. It has
there in your family? c. A home is made by
and d. It has
Ans. Five Ans. a. A house is made of bricks and stones and hard wood.
plaster b. r It has glass windows, a piece of enclosed ground sloping
shades on the walls,
and Ques.2 Which type of house is Chimneys, filed floor and several doors
c. A home is made by family which lives in it but if they
Ans. Pucca d. It has brothers and sisters, fathers and mothers. They are
these devoted to one another.
make a home. A home is a place where people reside. They live safely, warmly
caring and and comfortable inside.
selflessly. Its brothers and sisters and father and mothers……. Its unselfish
acts and kindly sharing and showing Your loved ones yours
Ans. Activity will be done by students. Ans. The dog felt the need of a master for
Class: Once there lived a mouse. It was
made into girl by a magician. She was his safety and he depends on his master for
best friend.
a. How do you know that the man
so many colours, ship with the sail. This is called a simile. Can you
suggest what or who the following actions may be
compared to?
sizes and shapes.
parents , hardworking etc . So that because he wanted more for his parents .
children would try to be worthiest Why the villagers had gone to near the
waterfall ?
This made Taro sad son and daughter of their parents, Ans. They had gone to get sake from the
because sake was which is better for the future society. waterfall .
they got angry and Politely - gently Ans. The emperor rewarded Taro for being
2. After a Bachelor of Science plane and a spaceship. In which subject did Kalpana earn
degree in aeronautical engineering, To enable them to express
her Ph.D.?
against great opposition from her themselves in grammatically Kalpana earn her Ph.D. in aerospace
what you want to do, carry on'." woman who went to space ? astronaut needs enormous abilities
15 days, 16 hours and 34 minutes at Primary level ? engineering. He/ She must have
Pedagogy: Lecture-cum- encyclopedic knowledge.
long. During this time she went
around the earth 252 times, travelling demonstration
Describe Kalpana Chawla’s first
Video links to teach this lesson:-
10.45 million kilometres! The crew mission in space. ANS. Kalpana Chawla’s first mission
included a Japanese and a Ukranian in space is space shuttle Columbia. It
astronaut. The crew performed was a 15 days, 16 hours and 34
experiments such as pollinating plants Students will listen to the minutes. During this time, she went
to observe food growth in space, and teacher carefully and follow the around the earth 252 times travelling
instructions given to them. They 1.45 million k. m. The crew
tests for making stronger metals and
will note the Blackboard work performed experiments such as
faster computer chips — all for a and question answers in their pollinating plants to observe food
price tag of about 56 million dollars. note-books. They will follow the growth in space. It also made test for
making stronger metals and faster
homework related instructions as
computer chips. It was all done for a
desired by the teacher.
price tag of 56 million dollars.
Speak English language correctly. What was the condition of the transfer?
Jumman had an old aunt. Write English language correctly. The condition was that Jumman had to
She transferred her property Learn new words used in the lesson. take care of her throughout her life.
to Jumman on a condition Value the power of Panchayat. What was the change after the couple of
that he would take care of Respect the verdict of judicial bodies. years?
The change was in the behavior of the
her and look after her Settle the matters mutually.
nephew and his wife with ant and they
throughout her remaining Settle the differences through started insulting her, they did not give
life. For some years dialogues her food on time and the wife quarreled
with her .
everything went smoothly PREVIOUS KNOWLEDGE
Who swallowed these insults?
but after a couple of years QUESTIONS. The swallowed these insults.
Jumman and his wife a. Do you know about Panchayat What did she say to Jumman one day?
She said to Jumman that it was obvious
changed their behavior. She ?
that she was not wanted in their house
was not properly taken care b. Why do we go to Panchayat ? anymore and she requested Jumman to
of and was insulted in many c. Is Panchayat also a court ? give her a monthly allowance so that
ways.She was not given d. Do you think Panchayat she could set up a separate kitchen.
food .When her patience members do justice ? What was Jumman’s reply?
In reply Jumman said that his wife
crossed her limits , she NEW WORDS
knew best how to run the house.
spoke to her nephew and Bond- strong relation /connection What was the reaction of the aunt?
demanded a monthly Bond of love between two friends is The aunt got very angry and she
decided to take her case to the village
allowance to meet her necessary.
daily needs.Jumman did not
pay any attention and Arrangements –preparations
Textbook questions and answers
Then the situation changed.” What is
insulted her . Hence, Arrangements have been made for the
being referred to?
decided to take the case to function. The situation when Jumman became
the Panchayat.She indifferent to his aunt.
nominated Algu , jumman’s Indifferent- inactive,not attentive
When Jumman’s aunt realized that she
best friend ,as her head I don’t like his indifferent behavior. was not welcome in his house, what
Panch.Being a PanchAlgu arrangement did she suggest?
had to favour the truth and Obvious – clear She suggested to give her monthly
allowance so that she can set up a
gave the verdict in aunt’s It is obvious that you are going to lose
separate kitchen.
favour.In which Jumman the match.
had to pay a fixed a Sympathize-fellow feeling What was the villagers’ reaction when
did not take in the true MAIN CONTENTS OF STORY:- sympathised with her and few others
advised her to make it up with her
spirit and harboured a Jumman Chaudhary and Algu were
wrong feeling for Algu , good friends.
and they became enemy. Jumman’s aunt transferred
her Why was Jumman happy over Algu’s
property to Jumman on the condition nomination as head Panch?
Jumman was happy because he thought
that he would take care of her entire
Algu was his friend so he would get the
After some time Algu
life. case I his favour.
found himself in a tight
Jumman ‘s and his wife’s behavior
spot. One of his pair of “God lives in the heart of the Panch.”
changed after a couple of years.
the aunt said. What did she mean?
bullock died so he sold his
Aunt demanded an allowance to meet She meant that the Panch looks over
other bullock to everyone equally.
her daily needs.
SamjhuSahu .He had to pay
Jumman refused and insulted her .
the money within a month What was Algu’s verdict as head
She took the case to the Panchayat. Panch? How did Jumman take it?
.Unfortunately the sold Algu’s verdict was that Jumman should
She nominated her head Panch.
bullock died within a month Algu favoured the path of truth and pay his aunt monthly allowance or else
before the expiry of the justice and gave verdict in aunt’s the property goes back to the aunt.
period of the payment. So, favour.
Algu found himself in a tight spot.
Samjhu was reluctant to Jumman became his enemy
and What was his problem?
pay the money to Algu. So, wanted his revenge. His problem was that Samju Sahu had
refused to pay him the money for his
Algu took the case to the Algu was in a problem after some
Panchayat and Samjhu time.
Sahu appointed Jumman Samjhu Sahu nominated Juman as his Why was Algu upset over Jumman’s
nomination as head Panch?
,now, enemy of Algu as the head Panch.
Algu was upset because he thought that
head Panch. When Jumman Jumman realized the situation and the Jumman would take revenge and decide
became the head Panch responsibility of Panch. the case against his favour.
then he realized that the He gave verdict in Algu’s favour
What was Jumman’s verdict as head
responsibility of a head forgetting his revenge. Panch? How did Algu
Panch is more important This was the victory of the Panchayat. take it?
than any relation. Algu was It is proved “the voice of Panch is the Jumman’s verdict was that Samju
should pay Algu the price of his bullock
thinking that he had lost his voice of God”.
case but Jumman gave the Both became friends again. Which of the following sums up the
Verdict in his favour and VIDEO LINKS TO TEACH LESSON: story best?
uncle met there and took came there from far and near.
him with them. with others. They sold all kinds of goods
Costly - expensive
people around him were Lucky Shop?
My father bought a costly bicycle for
according to the
deserts. How does a rattle snake kill its
weather of desert
and how they cope To enable the students to get lesson prey?
from these animals and to learn how to Ans: It kill them with venom and
up with the harsh
adjust with adverse situation of life. swallow the animals whole like
atmosphere of
To enable the learners to extrapolate many snakes.
from the given text.
To enable them to use new words and Which snake can survive for a
Deserts are the phrases in their own language. year without eating?
driest places on the PREVIOUS KNOWLEDGE Ans:Python can survive for a year
earth.The animals TESTING:- without eating.
that live in deserts a) Do you know what is a desert ?
have developed b) Have you visited any desert Describe how mongooses raise
their ability to area ? their kitten.
require less water. c) Do you know the name of some Ans:The kittens are raised by the
Like Gerbils spend desert animals ? whole group. When most of the
the hottest part of d) How do the desert animals adults go out for food one or two
the day in their survive in such harsh conditions males stand behind to guard
underground ? them.
burrows.Darkling new words
beetlescatches Survive: Continue to live through Describe the kinds of camel.
drops of moisture hardship Ans:Python can survive for a year
on their legs and lift without eating.
them into the air Ram could not survive in the hot
and drops down weather of Sahara desert. Describe how camel survive
into their mouth. In without water for many days.
the dry, rocky Scorching: Very hot Ans: Camel’s humps are full of
deserts of America Gerbils:A desert rat fat. This fat nourishes the camels
lives a snake called Venom : Poision when they have nothing to eat.If
‘Rattle snake’.It is Poking : hit hard with the fingers, a they have nothing to eat for many
called rattle snake sharp hand gestures days, their humps shrink because
because it make a Little kids always poke their nose. fat is used by them in this way
sound with its Forage : the act of searching for food they survive without water for
tail.Another animal Mongooses go together for forage. many days.
which lives in Twitter : sound of birds
desert is Mongoose. Scarce : very less in quantity TEXTBOOK QUESTIONS and
without getting The animals that live in deserts have without water?
hurt.Another animal developed their ability to require less Ans. Desert animals survive
which lives in water. without water by finding different
desert is the camel. Gerbils spend the hottest part of the ways of coping with the harsh
They have long day in their underground burrows. conditions.
shaggy coats to Darkling beetles catche drops of
keep warm in moisture on their legs and lift them (ii) How do mongooses kill
winter and shorter, into the air and drops down into their snakes?
tidier coats in the mouth. Ans. Mongooses first make the
summer to keep In the dry, rocky deserts of America snakes tired of fighting and when
cool.There are two lives a snake called ‘Rattle snake’. they get tired, they quickly dive
different kinds of It is called rattle snake because it make in for the kill.
camel in the desert. a sound with its tail.
One is called ‘the Another animal which lives in desert is (iii) How does the hump of the
Dromedary’. It has Mongoose. Mongooses love to go in camels help them to survive when
only single hump. search of food together. there is no water?
The other one is They are famous for being able to kill Ans. Camels’ humps are full of
called ‘Bactrian snakes without getting hurt. fat. This fat nourishes the camels
camel’ and has two Another animal which lives in desert is when they have nothing to eat.If
humps.People the camel. They have long shaggy they have nothing to eat for many
usually think that coats to keep warm in winter and days, their humps shrink because
camel’s hump is a shorter, tidier coats in the summer to fat is used by them in this way the
storage container keep cool. hump of the camels help them to
and it store water in There are two different kinds of camel survive when there is no water.
it. But it is not true. in the desert. One is called ‘the Working with the text
Actually humps are Dromedary’. It has only single hump. B.Read the words/phrases in the
full of fat. This fat The other one is called ‘Bactrian box. With your partner find their
nourishes the camel’ and has two humps. meaning in the dictionary.
camels when they People usually think that camel’s Harsh conditions Harmless
have nothing to eat. hump is a storage container and it store Survive Intruder
If they have nothing water in it. But it is not true. Actually
to eat for many humps are full of fat. This fat Threatened Predators
days, their humps nourishes the camels when they have Prey Continually
used by them. If they have nothing to eat for many passage with the above
days, their humps shrink because fat is words/phrases.
used by them.
tree library , he
collected the books To enable them to develop thinking was too old to climb it.
Huckleberry Finn and To enable them with the ideas of What did the speaker do
The Story of Dr. making friendship with birds and while hiding himself in the
Dolittle. He made a animals as the boy does in the banyan tree
friendship with a
lesson. branches ?
squirrel and started to
give it pieces of cake To motivate them to write stories Ans : The author used to
and biscuits. The tree about birds and animals. read books and watch the
was full of birds To make them familiar with new world below.
during the fig season. words and phrases.
The birds were To enable them to use new words When did the banyan tree
parrots, myna, and phrases in their practical life.
become a noisy place?
nightingales and
Ans : The banyan tree
crow. The present
story we study about became the noisiest place in
the fight of a cobra PREVIOUS KNOWLEDGE the garden
and a mongoose. TESTING:- during the fig season.
Both are very strong a) Have you heard about
opponents. The cobra mongoose and snake fight ? Where did the author usually
raised its body three
feet off the ground. b) Which one is a better fighter spend his hot afternoons ?
There were three – mongoose or cobra snake Ans : On the platform he
onlookers of the fight ? had built half way up the tree.
– the author, a myna
c) Have you seen any such
and a wild crow.
There was a story fight of mongoose and cobra What exciting scene did the
fight between cobra ? author enjoy from his
and mongoose. They VIDEO LINK TO SHOW FIGHT platform in the
both attacked at each OF MONGOOSE AND COBRA banyan tree ?
other in order to kill. Ans : The fight between a
They both made three LESSON VIDEO LINKS TO mongoose and a cobra, a
attempts to kill each
TEACH:- battle of two champions, was
other. In the third
attempt, crow was that exciting scene.
bitten by the snake
and it fell dead. Still What trick did the mongoose
myna was sitting on Methodology : Lecture-cum- apply to overpower and kill
the cactus plants and Demonstration and ideal teaching the cobra ?
watching the fight. r
with model references Ans : He first bit the snake
After fighting for a
became tired and the teacher carefully and follow the cobra was tired, the mongoose
weak. The mongoose instructions given to them. They caught it by the snout. He
caught the cobra by will note the Blackboard work and finally dragged the dead cobra
its mouth and put it question answers in their note- into the bushes.
Gist of lesson Pedagogy and use of ICT/TLM/ABL/ Question Answers Oral and written works
Blackboard and other materials and
plan of activities to achieve the LOs
The writer had heard a lot Having a leg tied up and hopping
Sensitize the learner to
about Miss Beam's about on a crutch is almost fun, I guess.
The author was surprised such school? Q5 How are school because he had heard a great deal
to be better helper when it Q2) Who were Millie, Peter and Anita in the
hardest. It was so because gardener and Anita was a girl with curly red
Students will listen to the
children read it on
► how to preserve seeds so that they
Radha their own and then can be used again without investing money
Prime Minister she would the teacher carefully things like roads, bridges, or engines.
try to make things better for (iv) Engineer - (h) Designs and builds
and follow the
everyone. things like roads, bridges, or engines.
instructions given to
Peter (v) Computer Programmer - (j) Designs
them. They will note the system by which a computer runs or
Peter loves the second
gives information.
Sunday of every month. the Blackboard work
(vi) Athlete - (g) Works in sports or
For, on that day, his father and question answers
activities such as running, jumping etc.
takes the whole family for in their note-books.
(vii) Disc jockey - (f) Controls and puts
an outing. They go to
They will follow the together a programme of music.
cinema. He loves eating
(viii) Composer - (i) Makes up notes to
peanuts while seeing a film. homework related
create music.
After the film, they eat ice- instructions as (ix) Counsellor - (a) Advises people what
cream. Every one is in a
desired by the to do about jobs, personal problems, etc.
good mood feeling lucky
(x) Journalist - (d) Reports on recent
for being such a happy teacher.
news for newspaper, radio, or TV.