Taller 4 - Hello World
Taller 4 - Hello World
Taller 4 - Hello World
Fabio Lopez
Assistant teaching - tutor
Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia
SAP HANA Development
This series of cases uses HANA’s Web-Based Development Workbench (WDW). As a development
environment, the WDW has some limitations. For one thing, as is often the case with online
applications, it is only partially compatible with each browser. I normally use Chrome because of
Chrome’s developer tools. However, I’ve found that Chrome does not show all the options on the
context menus in the WDW editor. As a result, I use FireFox when using the WDW but often use
Chrome’s developer tools to debug applications. FireFox also has an extension called FireBug which is
a very capable set of developer tools as well.
In spite of the limitations of the WDW compared to the alternative which is based on Eclipse, the WDW
has two advantages. One is that there is no local installation. For many institutions eliminating the
logistics of software installations is a significant advantage. The second advantage of using the WDW is
that SAP has made it clear the WDW, along with the WebIDE, are their development platforms of the
future. While the Eclipse based platform will be supported, more investment will be made in the web-
based environments. If you would prefer to work with the Eclipse based platform, there is an
alternative set of cases available.
SAP HANA Development
One helpful tip for using the WDW is that the connection to HANA times out and there are times you
will not receive an overt message that this has occurred. For example, you may find that a file does not
open even when you click it. When in doubt, refresh the browser to refresh your connection to the
Open the Editor. If it does not appear and you are on the catalog, so, click on the “Navigation Link” icon
and then select Editor
A package has been created for you with a name equal to GBI_### where ### is the last three digits of
your user id. Right-click your package and select Create Application. Select Empty application and click
Create. This makes any app you create in your package accessible.
Next, create an index.html file inside the webapp package.
The index.html file serves the purpose of bootstrapping the UI5 application. In a typical UI5 application,
the index.html loads the UI5 libraries and then hands off the application to UI5.
Listing 1
Click on Save or Ctr+S. This code doesn’t contain anything that is related to SAPUI5. It’s just simple
HTML. You can run the app by clicking the icon and the result is shown below.
SAP HANA Development
The next step is to add the bootstrap script. This script loads the UI5 libraries which are installed on the
HANA system in the sap/ui5/1 package. You can browse to them if you want to see them.
The main library is sap-ui-core.js. Once this is loaded then UI5 can manage all the other libraries that are
used. Add the script section highlighted below (or replace all the code) to your index.html.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Hello World</title>
sap.ui.getCore().attachInit(function () {
alert("UI5 is ready");
<p>Hello World</p>
Listing 2
SAP HANA Development
Note, when you add the code you will get a warning in the border on the left side of the editor. The
editor doesn’t like alerts. Don’t worry it will not interfere with the app running.
In the second script section the application is initialized and, once the initialization is complete, it
loads an alert message. If you run (or refresh the app if it is still open in a tab), you will see an alert
pop up.
Update UI5
The version of SAPUI5 that is delivered with a HANA system is often not the latest version. To make sure
the latest version is loaded, you can replace the string provided for the src parameter to a URL of a
Content Delivery Network (CDN) URL of whichever version you wish to use. In this case, we will use the
1.42 version (latest at the time this case was written) of OpenUI5 which is the open source version of
SAPUI5. Replace the highlighted portion of the code shown below in the index.html file.
data-sap-ui-libs="sap.m" data-sap-ui-
compatVersion="edge" data-sap-ui-preload="async" >
sap.ui.getCore().attachInit(function () {
alert("UI5 is ready");
<p>Hello World</p>
Listing 3
If you run (or refresh) the application, you won’t see a change. However, if you open the developer
tools (Use the F12 key) and look on the Network tab, you’ll see that the UI5 libraries are loaded from
the CDN.
SAP HANA Development
Now that we have UI5 loaded and initialized, we can load some UI5 controls. Update the code with the
highlighted portions shown below.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Hello World!</title>
src="https://sapui5.hana.ondemand.com/resources/sap-ui-core.js "
data-sap-ui-theme="sap_bluecrystal" data-sap-ui-libs="sap.m"
data-sap-ui-compatVersion="edge" data-sap-ui-preload="async" >
sap.ui.getCore().attachInit(function ()
{ new sap.m.Text({ text :
"Hello World"
<body class="sapUiBody" id="content">
Listing 4
Now, rather than showing an alert, the code creates a Text control, sets the text property to “Hello
World” and inserts it into the HTML element that has an id of “content”. The id of content is added to
the HTML body and the sapUiBody class is added to the HTML BODY tag for styling purposes. The result
We haven’t done much yet but we have laid the groundwork for creating a UI5 application. The SAPUI5
bootstrap libraries with some basic configuration. We could continue to build the app in this format but
SAP HANA Development
SAPUI5 is built on an architecture called Model-View-Controller and before we go any further, we will
arrange the application according to that architecture.
Model – The model accesses and manages the data. In SAPUI5 the data in models can be bound to
controls in views so that the flow of data between the model and the interface is handled automatically
by SAPUI5. You can define models based on XML, JSON or oData data sources in SAPUI5.
View – The view is used to create the user interface. SAPUI5 allows you to define views in JavaScript,
HTML, XML or JSON. The recommended method is to use XML because it reinforces the separation of
the application logic in the controller and the user interface in the view. Also, the WYSIWIG editor under
development works with XML views. Fiori apps use XML views.
Controller – The controller is used to define the application logic. In SAPUI5, the controllers are defined
in JavaScript and are tied to specific views.
Create a package called view inside your webapp package.
Note the small dot next to the App.view.xml file in the image above. This indicates the file has not
been activated. When you save files in the WDW, the design time file is saved and then HANA
attempts to activate it in the repository. If a file is not activated, it is not available when you run the
application. At times you save a file and it is not activated and you will see the small dot as in the
image. If this occurs you can attempt to activate it by right-clicking the file and selecting Activate.
SAP HANA Development
<Text text="Hello World"/>
Listing 5
The code is in XML format. You can also create views in JavaScript, JSON and HTML format, however,
XML has become the standard method.
XML views are encapsulated in the <mvc:View></mvc:View> element. The opening View tag also
references two namespaces (or UI5 libraries) that are required for this view: sap.m and sap.ui.core.mvc.
Notice that the Text control does not have a prefix indicating that it can be found in the sap.m
Update the code in index.html with highlighted portions of the code shown below.
SAP HANA Development
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Hello World!</title>
src="https://sapui5.hana.ondemand.com/resources/sap-ui-core.js "
data-sap-ui-theme="sap_bluecrystal" data-sap-ui-libs="sap.m"
data-sap-ui-compatVersion="edge" data-sap-ui-
"ui5": "./"
}' >
sap.ui.getCore().attachInit(function () {
viewName : "ui5.view.App"
Listing 6
We’ve added code to the bootstrap section that assigns a tag (ui5) to the root of our application (the
webapp package). This will be used to allow UI5 to find our project files.
The code that runs once UI5 is initialized now loads the App view file (App.view.xml) rather than creating
the Text control directly. Note the use of the ui5 tag in the code ui5.view.App which means that UI5 can
find the App view file in the view package which is located in the webapp package.
When you run the app, it looks the same but it has a more robust structure.
SAP HANA Development
Controllers provide the application logic (that implements the business logic) and are located in a
package called controller. Create the controller package in your webapp package.
The first thing we must do is modify the App.view.xml file to indicate that it is associated with the
App.controller.js controller and to add a Button control. Each view can be associated with one
controller and the standard is that the view and controller have the same name and the names begin
with uppercase letters. Update the App.view.xml code with the highlighted portions shown below.
text="Say Hello"
Listing 7
The controller file is identified at the top of the code. Note the use of the ui5 tag again.
SAP HANA Development
The Button control has a text property used to configure the text displayed on the button. The press
property identifies a function that will be executed when the button is pressed or clicked. This function
becomes the press event’s event handler. This function is implemented in the controller file using
], function (Controller) {
"use strict";
Controller.extend("ui5.controller.App", {
Listing 8
The first two lines initialize this as a controller. Once the initialization process is complete the function
(function(Controller)) is executed. In this function we will define our custom code. At this point, there is
none. If you run the app now, you will see a button but, since we haven’t created the onShowHello
function, nothing will happen if you press the button.
Modify the controller code as shown below. Now, when you click the button, an alert will appear.
], function (Controller) {
"use strict";
return Controller.extend("ui5.controller.App", {
onShowHello : function () {
Listing 9
SAP HANA Development
In UI5, libraries are called modules. In this section we’ll illustrate how to load a module
(MessageToast)by replacing the alert with a toast. Update the code in the controller file as shown
], function (Controller, MessageToast) {
"use strict";
return Controller.extend("ui5.controller.App", {
onShowHello : function () {
MessageToast.show("Hello World");
Listing 10
First, the MessageToast module is loaded (sap/m/ MessageToast, which in the beginning of this tutorial
was in /sap/ui5/1/resources/ and later was replaced by
https://sapui5.hana.ondemand.com/resources/)). Then it is injected into the controller
(function(Controller, MessageToast). Now we can access the module control in our onShowHello
Now, when you click the button you will see a toast message.
Next, we’ll add a model. Update the controller code with the code shown below.
SAP HANA Development
], function (Controller, MessageToast, JSONModel) {
"use strict";
return Controller.extend("ui5.controller.Ap p", {
onInit : function () {
// set data model on view
var oData = {
recipient : {
name : "World"
var oModel = new JSONModel(oData);
onShowHello : function () {
MessageToast.show("Hello World");
Listing 11
First, the module for creating models for data in JSON format is loaded and injected. Next, we add a
new function called onInit. This function is one of the lifecycle functions. Lifecycle functions are invoked
automatically at certain points in the view’s lifecycle. The onInit function is called when the controller is
first initialized. It’s used to initialize resources like models that will be used in the controller.
The code in the onInit function creates a variable called oData and sets it equal to a JavaScript object.
The next line initializes a JSON model using the oData object as its source of data and then assigns the
model to the App view.
Now that the model has been created and assigned to the view, we can access it in the view file. Update
the view file using the code below.
SAP HANA Development
text="Say Hello"
description="Hello {/recipient/name}"
width="20%"/ >
Listing 12
An Input control has been added. The attributes of the Input control are bound to properties in the
model. The curly brackets ({}) tell UI5 to bind, or link, the control attribute to the indicated value in the
Now, when you run the application the value for the model’s name property is inserted in the value and
description attributes of the Input control.
Note, that the binding is two-way by default so if you edit the value in the Input control, the description
is updated and click the Button, the changes are reflected in the toast message.
Internationalization (i18n)
Part of the process of adapting apps to different parts of the world is translating texts. The method used
in UI5 is called i18n (the first letter of internationalization, the number of letters in the word
internationalization and the last letter in internationalization). It relies on property files which contain
the text used in the app’s interface. You would have a separate property file for each language you
wished to support. UI5 will attempt to find a properties file that matches the language configured in the
user’s browser.
The property files in UI5 are located in a package called i18n. Create the i18n package in the webapp
package. Then create a file called i18n.properties in the new package.
SAP HANA Development
Listing 13
This code creates labels (on the left side of the equals sign) that we can used to look up the text assigned
to them. If we have multiple property files for different languages, we use the same labels in all of them
but change the text to match the language.
Now, update the controller file with the highlighted portions of the code shown below.
], function (Controller, MessageToast, JSONModel, ResourceModel) {
"use strict";
return Controller.extend("ui5.controller.App", {
onInit : function () {
// set data model on view
var oData = {
recipient : { name
: "World"
var oModel = new JSONModel(oData);
// set i18n model on view
var i18nModel = new ResourceModel({
SAP HANA Development
bundleName: "ui5.i18n.i18n"
this.getView().setModel(i18nModel, "i18n");
onShowHello : function () { // read
msg from i18n model
var oBundle = this.getView().getModel("i18n").getResourceBundle(); var
sRecipient = this.getView().getModel().getProperty("/recipient/name"); var sMsg =
oBundle.getText("helloMsg", [sRecipient])
// show message
Listing 14
This code loads and injects a module that is used to manage resource models (ResourceModel).
Property files are considered an application resource so they are managed with resource models. The
new code in the onInit function creates a new resource model which references the i18n.properties file.
It then set’s the model as a model used by the view and assigns it the name ‘i18n’.
The new code in the onShowHello function retrieves the resource model. It then retrieves the name
property from the JSON model. Next, it creates a variable called sMsg and assigns a string which is
constructed from the helloMsg label in the i18n.properties file and the name property from the JSON
model. Finally, it displays the message using a toast.
description="Hello {/recipient/name}"
valueLiveUpdate="true" width="20%"/>
Listing 15
SAP HANA Development
This code binds the showHelloButtonText from the i18n.properties file to the text property of the
button. If you run the app, it looks the same.
Provide a Translation
Create a new file in the i18n package called i18n_fr.properties. Insert the code shown below (You can
use another language if you want but make sure you use the correct language code. You can find the
language codes here: http://www.w3.org/International/O-charset-lang.html.):
Listing 16
If you a change the language settings of your browser to French, UI5 will choose the i18n_fr.properties
files for translations.
Notice in the image above, you still have an English word in the description. Update the app so that it
looks like this:
You will have to add another label to the i18n files and update the code in the App.view.xml file.