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Objections of Christmas Justifiers Answered!

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Objections of Christmas justifiers answered!

Mike Jeshurun

These objections are from a letter written to me in objection to my

tract- “The Christian and Christmas’!


Are you saying saved people will end up in hell because they practice
Christmas? This is not possible. But, if you are using the word 'Christian'
to mean the nominal unsaved person who thinks they are Christian, then
he will end up in hell anway, regardless of Christmas.

We expose the darkness of Christmas dear friend not to suggest that a

saved Christian will wind up in Hell if he celebrates Christmas, but to
provoke and challenge everyone who claims to be Christian to examine
himself whether he is truly a Christian. A Christian is not at liberty to
take anything and everything and ‘sanctify’ it to the Lord in worship.
This is what the ‘Regulative Principle of Worship’ is all about. A
Christian cannot take that which is obviously Pagan and ‘sanctify’ it for
the Lord! But even if after receiving clear light on the matter the
Christian insists to do so, he must examine himself whether he be in the

“the nominal unsaved person who thinks he is Christian, then he will end
up in hell anway, regardless of Christmas”. This is the most sickening
statement one can make with regards to preaching. The nominal
Christian will wind up in Hell anyway, so why make a fuss about

Dearly beloved, with all the spirit of discernment we have, we have no

way of knowing who the nominal’s are as opposed to true Christians.
And the preacher who goes about his preaching with this attitude and
mindset can never be genuine or zealous in his preaching. The greatest
Evangelist of them all said, “we preach, warning every man, and
teaching every man in all wisdom; that we may present every man
perfect in Christ Jesus”! [Col 1:28]

Who the elect or the nonelect are, is none of our business. The
commission He has given His servants is to preach the Gospel to and to
warn every creature, and they certainly have not fully obeyed until they
bid their hearers "Repent ye, and believe the Gospel" (Mark 1:15).
Whom God quickens, is His own affair; ours is to faithfully warn all the
unsaved, to show wherein their sins consists, to bid them to throw down
the weapons of their warfare against Him, to call upon them to repent
(Acts 17:30), to proclaim the One who receives all who come to Him in


“This is a very harsh thing to say. Most have no idea what Christmas is.
They cannot just be condemned out of hand”.

This may have been true say even ten years ago, but anymore. With the
coming of the ‘Information technology’ at least 90% of all so called
Christians know or at least have heard that this festival is spoken against
by many Christians the world over. Last year our own secular ‘Daily
News paper’ had a full page article questioning the origins of Christmas.
And this is one of the reasons that I did not take any pains to reiterate
what many Christians have already exposed, i.e. the roots of all that goes
with this Pagan practice….the tree, Santa Claus, the Star etc.

And the Holy Spirit is faithful to lead all His elect into ALL truth. And
should a newly born again Christian hear for the first time that
Christmas is Pagan then it is his bounden duty to examine whether it be
so! Ignorance is not bliss in the Christian walk!

“And what of those Christians who hold Christmas just as a holiday?
They do not use it as a disguise... it is just a holiday time”.

How lukewarm can you get! ChristMASS is an abomination done in the

name of my Lord who shed His blood for me! I could care less about
Ramadan or Halloween, for it does not blaspheme my Lord’s name. But
as one said – “The Christian has a moral imperative to examine what is
proclaimed and done in Jesus’ Name, and to expose and condemn false
teaching and unbiblical behaviour."

The true Christian is not content with having no fellowship with the
unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reproves (EXPOSES) them!
[Eph 5:11]. To stick your head in the sand and pretend everything’s okay
and have a ‘holiday’ is no mark of a Christian. What is written
concerning the Head is also true concerning all those who belong to the
body ….i.e. “The zeal of Thine house hath eaten me up”!!!


“Many do not enter into 'merrymaking'... our friend is making general

statements about people he does not know”.
Many do not, but sadly many do! And it is for these many for whom this
tract against Christmas is written. And incidentally this is a direct quote
from Pink’s tract on Xmas! Brethren, you have to remember that when a
message is preached warning people of evil, that same message is bound
to be heard also by those who are not guilty of the said evil. So was Pink
wrong in saying that many are merrymaking because a few don’t?! All
preaching against any given sin is done with the admonition –“If the
shoe fits, wear it”!

Every time a preacher stands up and exhorts a multitude to forsake a

certain sin, there will always be those in that same multitude who are not
in the least guilty of that sin. So should the preacher be silenced lest he
offend the sinless few! Absurd!
J. C. Ryle was right when he wrote in his warning to the Churches-
"Surely the dumb dog and the sleeping shepherd are the best allies of the
wolf, the thief and the robber."


“Yes, you are right to give the truth... but must be careful not to appear
to be hateful towards the brethren”.

This comment was made in response to the words – “Without labouring

the point, I as a true child of God should have no fellowship with the
unfruitful works of darkness but rather exposes them [Eph 5:11], not that
I might be saved, but because I am! It cannot be overstressed that
‘Christmas’ is a worldly festival, and everything connected to it - (the
Christmas Tree, Santa Claus, the Mistletoe, the elves all of them) has a
Satanic significance. And God’s Word makes it plain that if I am a
friend of the world then I am the enemy of God”!

Is it hateful to warn a professing Christian to examine himself whether

he is a friend or the enemy of God? Surely then as John was the Apostle
of ‘love’, James must have been the Apostle of Hate! For the whole
verse reads – “Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the
friendship of the world is enmity with God? Whosoever therefore will be
a friend of the world is the enemy of God”![Jam 4:4]. James opens this
letter addressing them as ‘Beloved brethren’ and now he chides them as
‘adulterers and adulteresses’. Is something wrong?! ‘If the shoe fits wear
it’ or Scripturally- “he that hath ears to hear let him hear’!

The Psalmist said, “Let the righteous smite me; it shall be a kindness:
and let him reprove me; it shall be an excellent oil, which shall not break
my head” [Psa 141:5]. And the Apostle asks – “Am I therefore become
your enemy, because I tell you the truth”? [Gal 4:16]

Dear Brothers, without laboring the point, this Tract on Christmas or

others like it are not written to say believers go to Hell for celebrating
Christmas. But this knowing willful participation in this abomination
may just be a symptom of a frightening truth – i.e. an unregenerate

This is what it means to sin willfully after receiving a knowledge of the

truth. When a professing Christian adamantly says – “I don’t care what
the Bible says, or history proves, I am going to take this ‘Pagan festival’
and sanctify it for the Lord”, then it must be questioned whether such an
one is truly a child of God!

Sure, there is now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus!

But those who are in Christ Jesus are classified not as those who do as
they please but those who walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit!
[see Rom 8:1]Those who are led by the Spirit of God, these are the sons
of God! Not those who rebelliously do whatever is right in their own


But isn’t Christmas a great opportunity to preach Christ to our loved

ones. Surely they are more open to the truth during this season.

John MacArthur says “I do see Christmas concerts attracting people to

the church”(GC-2022). Those who say this are ignorant of the fact that
men’s hearts are the same in every season. And again, would God truly
honour the witnessing efforts of those who observe Rome’s traditions
which are an abomination to Him? The idea that men’s hearts are more
receptive to the gospel during the Christmas season is a delusion of
those who seek to compromise.

On the other hand I think if you withdrew yourself from celebrating

Christmas, this would raise eyebrows and the unbelievers would ask (at
least out of curiosity) why you don’t celebrate Xmas when the whole
world is doing so. Then you can use this as an opening and preach not
just Christ but the whole truth about true and false Christianity!

“We know, that many who are believers follow silly or even evil ways.
But, it does not mean they are lost, or that God will destroy them...”

Sure there are many true believers caught in sin who are praying for
deliverance. But the stubborn Christian who justifies this pagan
celebration is not one who is helplessly caught in sin, but one who
deliberately is suppressing the truth in unrighteousness and is
determined to offer strange fire before the LORD, which He commanded
us not [Lev 10:1,2]. The Lord Jesus came to save His people from their
sins not in their sins! In all His dealings with us God acts in grace, but
His grace ever reigns “through righteousness,” and never at the expense
of it! [Pink]

“He that covereth his sins shall not prosper, but whoso confesseth and
forsaketh them shall have mercy” [Proverbs 28:13]. To seek to be
justified by Christ while deliberately following a known course of
sin, is one of the greatest delusions of the Devil!

For further reading –

The Calvinist and Christmas!
Is your ‘Pastor’ a ‘’Dumb Dog’?!
The Sin of celebrating Christmas! A.W. Pink

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