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Selecting A Thermal Fluid Heater Ebook PDF

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Selecting a Thermal Fluid Heater

There are many heater manufacturers out there, and what can seem like an endless array of heater design options. Each of
these myriad designs was conceived with a particular application, environment, or budget in mind. When selecting a thermal
fluid heater, one must first understand the application, installation requirements and space restrictions. Let’s review a few
important factors to consider when comparing heater types and heater options.

Cost is always a factor for any purchase; however the true cost of
a heater is more complex than just the initial purchase price. The When choosing a thermal fluid
tradeoff between capital costs, operating cost, and long term
heater, one must first understand
maintenance costs must be considered in a proper evaluation. A
well designed and efficient engineered heating system may cost you
the application, installation
more initially than an ‘off-the-shelf’ heater or a heater with a lower requirements and space restrictions.
efficiency, but the less expensive options can become far more
expensive than you think. Once operating costs such as fuel costs, By the Process Engineering Group, Sigma Thermal
thermal fluid replacement, parts and maintenance begin to
accumulate over the first years of use, your initial savings may
not seem so significant.

Fuel efficiency requirements vary depending on fuel type, fuel

availability, application, run time, etc… A simple process requiring
low supply temperatures and an inexpensive thermal fluid may not
demand a customized highly efficient system, in which case a less
expensive heater option may be ideal. In direct contrast, a more
complex or demanding application requiring high temperatures
and a more expensive fluid will certainly see the benefits of a
properly designed engineered heating system. The difference in
cost between a system designed specifically for an application with
higher efficiencies, higher heating temperatures, and /or heavy duty
operation can typically be made up in short payback periods when
looking at the total operating costs of the equipment.

Note: Pay close attention to the method of fuel efficiency calculation

used by different vendors. These numbers can be skewed based on
the chosen method of calculation, and seemingly small differences
in efficiency can actually represent large differences in operating cost.
Compare carefully and don’t be afraid to ask your potential vendors to
The single helical coil is simple to design and fabricate, and it can
explain their efficiency claims, support their design calculations, and be built in horizontal orvertical configurations.
guarantee the stated efficiency at your operating conditions.

4875 Deen Road, Marietta, GA 30066 P 770-427-5770 F 678-254-1762 www.sigmathermal.com sales@sigmathermal.com 2

Design Parameters to Consider

Surface area of the heater coil (heat transfer surface) is crucial. A generous surface area, whether the heater is fired or
electric, is the starting point for a sound heater design. Inadequate surface area in your heater coil or heating element will
limit your efficiency and lead to a higher film temperature. This ultimately means thermally degrading your expensive heat
transfer fluid. Running poor quality oil in your system will shorten coil life, coke heating elements and decreased heater
efficiency over time. Of course the primary benefit to a reduced coil or element surface is less cost. Be sure to carefully
consider coil and element surface area and relative heat flux rates when comparing heater options. This is an important area
where initial savings can result in massive costs down the road.

Fluid velocity and pressure drop are inherently related and vital in engineering an appropriate heater for any application.
In general, a higher fluid velocity means better heat transfer and lower film temperatures. This comes with a tradeoff though,
as pressure drop increases with fluid velocity. Higher pressure drop means more pump horsepower, which indirectly
increases your operating costs due to the increase in power consumption. You can have one heater design that has very low
pressure drop resulting in low fluid velocities that yield higher film temperatures, while another heater design is masking a
low coil surface area with extremely high velocities resulting in reasonable film temperatures, but very high pressure drop.
This design parameter is just one piece to the puzzle. In order to compare
more appropriately, be sure to obtain fluid velocities, pressure drops,
film temperatures, and heat flux rates. Be sure to discuss and
understand what pressure drops your heat user system may
allow in addition to what minimum and maximum flows are
safe for your heater.

Combustion chamber size and flame impingement are also

critical to heater design. The biggest potential for damaging
your coil and your fluid lies within the radiant zone of your
heater. A well sized combustion chamber will ensure proper
heat release within the radiant zone, but it also ensures that
there is no potential for flame impingement on the coil.
Flame impingement causes local hot spots on a heater coil
which result in localized fluid degradation and potentially
even coil damage. Ask your potential suppliers to discuss their
combustion chamber size as it relates to the burner flame size
and its proximity to the heater coil.

The design of the double helical coil thermal fluid heater

incorporates two concentric helical coils, one inside of the other.
This allows for three passes of flue gases.

4875 Deen Road, Marietta, GA 30066 P 770-427-5770 F 678-254-1762 www.sigmathermal.com sales@sigmathermal.com 3

Heater Design Types

Armed with a basic understanding of what is important to your application and/or facility, you now need to select the right heater
design. Unfortunately it is not always obvious to the casual buyer which type is best for their application. Each manufacturer will
tout the merits of their specific designs, and you need to be able to understand how those differences relate to your needs. We
will try to summarize several types and discuss the pros and cons of each relative to performance, cost, and footprint.

Single Helical Coil Thermal Fluid Heater

• The single coil is a simple cost effective design. Utilizing a single helical coil, this design
allows for two passes of flue gas along the heat transfer surface. The single helical coil is
very simple to design and fabricate, and can be built in horizontal or vertical configurations

• Generally speaking, this heater style will have lower efficiencies than other heater with
more available surface area. In some cases a manufacturer will require an additional waste
heat recovery unit to achieve the efficiencies capable in other base heater designs.

• High exhaust temperatures at the first turn require internal insulation to protect the heater
shell from extreme temperatures. This internal insulation is subject to wear and could need
to be replaced over time. Single Helical Coil Heater

Double Helical Coil Thermal Fluid Heater

• This design incorporates two concentric helical coils, one inside of the other. This
allows for three passes of flue gasses, and this additional pass of flue gas (compared with
a single coil heater) allows for additional heat transfer surface for a comparably sized unit.
The additional surface area typically makes these heaters more efficient than a
comparable single coil design.

• The double helical coil is typically more expensive than a single helical coil design. It
can be configured in either a horizontal or vertical arrangement.

• A dual helical coil allows for a large heat duty in a small overall footprint. If size is an
issue for your facility this may very well be a deciding factor. Larger duty requirements
may dictate that a dual helical design be used, as it is difficult to build a shippable single
coil unit above 25MM Btu/hr. Double Helical Coil Heater

• The flue gasses are relatively cool when first contacting the heater shell, eliminating the need for most internal shell
insulation. This minimizes long term insulation maintenance and/or replacement.

4875 Deen Road, Marietta, GA 30066 P 770-427-5770 F 678-254-1762 www.sigmathermal.com sales@sigmathermal.com 4

Heater Design Types (cont.)

Radiant-Convective Thermal Fluid Heater

• Worldwide, the traditional radiant-convective style heater is the most well-known and
commonly used style of direct fired heater. These heaters are physically larger than their
helical coil counterparts, utilizing both a bare tube radiant zone in combination with a
separate bare / finned convection zone.

• Radiant-convective style heaters are more complicated to design and build, and are
therefore typically more expensive than other heater types.

• A wide range of design capabilities allow for flexible performance and configuration
Cabin Style Radiant-Convective Heater
options. Efficiencies of a new heater can also vary from 70 – 90%, and footprints can be
small and tall with vertical-cylindrical heaters, or shorter and wide with cabin style heaters.

• Several manufactures have their own proprietary design for this radiant convective style of heater, but the most widely
accepted standard is API 560. API 560 heaters have been used for many years in the oil & gas industry to heat petroleum
streams in various stages of production. This specification is often applied to thermal fluid systems, which in almost all cases
is unnecessary. This specification is extremely conservative in nature, and is really only necessary when heating a non-
homogenous petrochemical stream with varying thermophysical properties. When applied to a thermal fluid, which is an
engineered fluid with well-known and homogenous properties, it adds unnecessary size, cost and complexity.

4875 Deen Road, Marietta, GA 30066 P 770-427-5770 F 678-254-1762 www.sigmathermal.com sales@sigmathermal.com 5

Heater Design Types (cont.)

In-Line Electric Circulation Heater

• This design uses an electric flanged immersion heater with a shell to allow flow
directly over the heating elements. Since there is no combustion, virtually 100% of the
energy goes into the media being heated.

• Can be mounted in horizontal or vertical position for space savings.

• Typically a smaller footprint because of smaller duties. Mounting options include

saddles, skirts, legs or mounting blocks.

• Vessel can be ASME Section VIII Div 1. Certified and “U” stamped.

• Simple design and lower maintenance that fired heaters.

• Can be installed in hazardous areas

For questions about this article or its contents, contact Sigma Thermal at sales@sigmathermal.com or 770-427-5770.

4875 Deen Road, Marietta, GA 30066 P 770-427-5770 F 678-254-1762 www.sigmathermal.com sales@sigmathermal.com 6

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