Back Analysis of Measured Displacements of Tunnels: Takeuchi
Back Analysis of Measured Displacements of Tunnels: Takeuchi
Back Analysis of Measured Displacements of Tunnels: Takeuchi
The present paper deals with a method of back analysis to be utilized for the
interpretation of field measurements in monitoring the stability of tunnels. The
method belongs to an inverse approach based on the finite element formulation,
assuming the ground media in which tunnels are excavated to be linear, isotropic
and elastic. Assuming Poisson's ratio and the vertical initial stress, the method de-
rives the complete initial state of stress and Young's modulus from a set of relative
displacements measured between adjacent measuring points. In order to verify the
applicability of the proposed method of back analysis to practical engineering
problems, a case study is presented.
1. Introduction
The knowledge of the initial state of stress in the ground and of the
material properties is of fundamental importance both for understanding the
structural behaviour and modelling the reality numerically. The initial stres-
ses, as well as the material constants, may be determined by various types
of in-situ tests. The stress relief method by overcoring is the most popular
for determining the initial stresses. Plate-bearing tests and direct shear tests
are extensively used, particularly in dam construction sites, for determining
the deformability and strength of rock masses. It is well known, however,
that the results of these tests in general indicate a certain amount of scatter
because of non-homogeneous characteristics of the ground, though the tests
are conducted at nearly the same geological formations. Besides this, the
mechanical properties of the ground must be evaluated in relation to the
size and shape of the structures. This means that the values obtained from
the in-situ tests cannot be used directly as input data for an analysis, and
so great care should be taken when interpreting the results of the tests.
In order to overcome these difficulties, field observation of the defor-
mational behaviour of tunnels during construction seems to be most pro-
mising. Observations by means of displacement measurements such as tunnel
convergence and borehole extensometer measurements are desirable because
i3 Rock Mechanics, Vol. 16/3
0723-2632/83/0016/0173/$ 01.60
174 S. Sakurai and K.Takeuchi:
3. F o r m u l a t i o n of B a c k A n a l y s i s
176 S. Sakurai and K.Takeuchi:
where [Ke] represents the stiffness matrix for the ground for E R = I and
[KL] that for the lining for E L= 1. If the FE-mesh is chosen in such a way
that the measuring points coincide with the nodes of the mesh, the displace-
ments may be grouped in a vector {u m} which contains measured points
only and a vector {u u} which represents the unknown displacements at
the rest of the nodal points
{~} = {u~) + {u%
If this relation together with the stiffness matrix [K*] expressed by (4) is
substituted in (3) for the load vector {P} = {p0} according to (2) one obtains
B~a j Ke2""J
Solving for {u u} and substitution leads to
ax ~ {B.} + av ~ {By} +zzy ~ {Bxy} = E R [KN*] {u m}
{gx} = {B11} - [K12;'] [K22"] -1 {B21},
{By}= {B12}-[K12;:][ K 2 2 * ] - 1 { B 2 2 } ,
{Bxy} = {B, a} - [K,2':] [K22"]-1 {B23},
[KN*]= [ K l l ' : ] - [K12':] [ K 2 2 ' : ] - 1 [K21':'].
~\~_0 .....
] Ul
Fig. 1. Displacementcomponents at two adjacent measuringpoints
4. Calculation Procedure
It should be noted, however, that if only the evaluation of the strain distri-
bution is required, there is no need to determine the initial stresses and
Young's modulus separately. Instead, only the ratio of these quantities is
4.2 L i n e d T u n n e l s
In the case of lined tunnels, the matrix [A*] is not known a priori even
when the Poisson's ratio ~r of the lining and E L are assumed, because it de-
pends on the ratio EL/E R. Therefore an iterative solution must be adopted. For
this an adequate value of ER is assumed, the procedure described for unlined
tunnels is carried out and the resulting value for E R defined by (11) is
compared with the assumed one. If the two values differ more than a pre-
scribed limit, this procedure is repeated with an adjusted value of E R until
satisfying the limit.
5. Illustrative Example
- 0.0001
Comparing these values it may be seen that the difference between the
two sets is very small. This means that for this case the convergence mea-
surements alone would be sufficient for a reliable back analysis.
The normalized initial stresses obtained may now be used to determine
the initial stresses. Assumption of the vertical component
The displacement and strain distributions in the vicinity of the tunnel are
now computed by means of an ordinary finite element analysis utilizing as
input data the initial stresses and Young's modulus obtained here. The
corresponding results are illustrated in Fig. 2. It may be seen that there is a
fairly good agreement between the computed and measured displacements.
e-----~ Measurement /
- - Back-Analysts /
CZ) 0
0 I 2 3 rn
r 3O
2O I I Back-Analysis
o 10 IN
9 @ @ 9 @ @ | @
Measurement Line Number b
Fig. 2. Comparison between the measured and back-analyzed displacements
a) Extensometer measurements; b) Convergence measurements
180 S. Sakurai and K.Takeuchi: Measured Displacements of Tunnels
6. C o n c l u s i o n s
In this paper a back analysis procedure based on the FEM has been
proposed for determining the initial stresses {o0} and Young's modulus ER
of the rock mass from displacement measurements. The main conclusions
may be summarized as follows:
- - If only the normalized stresses _~_{~0) are required, assumption of the
Poisson's ratio vR leads to the desired results. If E R and {(~0} should be
determined separately, one component of {~r0} or E e must be assumed.
- - In the proposed method relative displacements between two measuring
points can be taken into account. This is an advantage because in
practice measuring relative displacements is much easier than absolute
- - In the case of lined tunnels a small number of iterations is necessary
for the calculation of the initial stresses, while in unlined tunnels a
single calculation is good enough.
- - Compared with similar methods the proposed procedure is numerically
very stable. Thus it may be applied also for measured data with a
large scatter.
The authors are much obliged to the Nihon Doro Kodan (Japan High-
way Public Corporation) for the permission to publish some of the field
measurement data. The authors wish to express their gratitude to Dr.
P. Fritz, Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, for his useful suggestions
on the preparation of the manuscript. Thanks are also due to Mr. S. M o r i ,
Graduate Student of Kobe University, for his considerable assistance with
the case study computation.
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