Coventor Ware
Coventor Ware
Coventor Ware
Project Guide
Place : Tiruchirappalli
Date :
First of all I would like to thank God almighty for his divine grace and blessings
throughout this project.
I wish to thank my Project Guide, Dr.S.Raghavan for his guidance he showed us right
through every stage of the project, from the initial conception to final design and
I would also like to extend my sincere thanks to my classmates, friends and family for
their whole-hearted support and encouragement.
The project aims to design and compare the pull-in voltages of different
flexures. Flexures are structures used to reduce the spring constant of beams.
Different flexures were designed for a fixed-fixed beam using CoventorWare. These
flexures were analyzed using the Analyzer tools of CoventorWare namely
MemElectro, MemMech and CoSolve EM. Pull in voltage analysis was also
performed and the pull in voltage of different flexure designs were compared.
The report will reflect on the principles and procedures of CoventorWare,
design details of flexures and the results and conclusions.
1. INTRODUCTION.........................................................................................01
2. COVENTORWARE......................................................................................02
2.1 INTRODUCTION..................................................................................02
2.2 MPD EDITOR........................................................................................04
2.3 PROCESS EDITOR...............................................................................05
2.4 LAYOUT EDITOR................................................................................07
2.5 MEM ELECTRO....................................................................................10
2.6 MEM MECH..........................................................................................11
2.7 COSOLVE EM.......................................................................................12
5. REFERENCES..............................................................................................16
Switches play a main role in MEMS. These are the basic structures which
are used to implement any RF modules in RF MEMS. There are two type of switches
1. Series switch,
2. Shunt switch
For CPW switch usually fixed fixed beam shunt switch is preferred. In this
project we have designed a CPW switch with two cantilever switches using
The DESIGNER and ANALYZER modules support a physical design flow. The user
starts in DESIGNER by creating a 2-D layout in the Layout Editor. The Solid
Modeler uses the layout, in conjunction with the layer stack information provided in
the Process Editor, to automatically build a 3-D solid model. The user then works in a
3-D view in the Preprocessor to prepare the 3-D model for automatic mesh
generation. After a mesh has been generated, the user can select from a
comprehensive suite of field solvers that simulate the physical behavior of MEMS.
Both design flows require information about the fabrication process as a starting
point, and this information is provided via a Process Editor and the Material
Properties Database. The INTEGRATOR module provides a bridge from detailed 3-D
physical simulations in ANALYZER to the ARCHITECT system-level modeling
The Function Manager window shown in Fig 2.2 is the first to appear. All
CoventorWare functionality is accessed from the Function Manager. It consists of the
Material Properties Database: The first step in creating a design is to enter
the material properties associated with your fabrication process in the Material
Properties Database (MPD). Only the materials that are in the MPD are
accessible in the Process Editor and available for simulations.
Process Editor: The second step in creating a design is to enter a description
of the sequence of steps involved in the fabrication process in the Process
Analyzer 3-D Field Solvers: Analyzer provides a comprehensive suite of
3-D solver. With these solvers, you can perform analyses.
3D model:
MemMech analysis:
The original CPW switch was modified with two cantilevers and its
pullin voltage was obtained.
1. MEMS Design and Analysis Tutorials, Vol. 1, Physical and System Level
Design, CoventorWareTM 2008;
2. CoventorWare DesignerTM Version 2008; Reference: MEMS and
Microsystems Physical Design;