Calcium Regulation
Calcium Regulation
Calcium Regulation
Calcium homeostasis in the extracellular fluid is tightly relatively constant at 150 mg per day, the net calcium
controlled and defended physiologically. Hypercalce- absorption is ;150 mg per day for a healthy adult in
mia always represents considerable underlying pathol- normal calcium balance. Calcium absorbed from the gut
ogy and occurs when the hormonal control of calcium enters the blood and is filtered by the kidney. The
homeostasis is overwhelmed. The major hormones that majority of filtered calcium (.98%) is reabsorbed in the
are responsible for normal calcium homeostasis are proximal renal tubules; thus, only 150 mg per day is
parathyroid hormone and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D; excreted in healthy individuals (4 ).
these hormones control extracellular fluid calcium on a The skeleton is the major body storage site for calcium.
chronic basis. Over- or underproduction of these hor- A healthy adult contains ;1–1.3 kg of calcium, and 99% of
mones or the tumor peptide, parathyroid hormone- this is in the form of hydroxyapatite in the skeleton (5 ).
related peptide, are the major causes of aberrant extra- The remaining 1% is contained in the ECF and soft tissues.
cellular fluid calcium concentrations. These hormonal Additionally, ,1% of the skeletal content of calcium is in
defense mechanisms are reviewed here. bone fluid and exchanges freely with the ECF.
© 1999 American Association for Clinical Chemistry Although the hormonal control of calcium fluxes is
central to understanding of normal calcium homeostasis,
Control of Calcium Homeostasis Parfitt and co-workers (6 –11 ) have also emphasized the
The extracellular fluid (or plasma) calcium concentration importance of physico-chemical exchanges of calcium
is tightly controlled by a complex homeostatic mechanism between the bone fluid and the ECF. The bone fluid is rich
involving fluxes of calcium between the extracellular fluid in calcium because it is in equilibrium with the mineral
(ECF)1 and the kidney, bone, and gut. These fluxes are phase of bone at the bone surface. The exchanges between
carefully regulated by three major hormones: parathyroid the bone fluid and the ECF may be important in deter-
hormone (PTH), calcitonin, and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D mining the set point (mean concentration of serum cal-
[1,25(OH)2D3]. Important cellular functions are depen- cium at steady state) and error correction (by which
dent on the maintenance of the extracellular calcium serum calcium is returned to the set point and corrected
concentration within a narrow range (1 ). Disturbances of by oscillations in the ionized calcium concentrations
this tightly regulated homeostatic system leads to disor- about this mean). The relative importance of this ex-
ders of calcium metabolism that have predictable effects, change mechanism has been underappreciated.
which can be ascribed to effects on these cellular func- Neuman showed almost 40 years ago that there is a
tions. special bone fluid that is analogous to the cerebrospinal
The approximate fluxes of calcium into and out of the fluid. This bone fluid is separated from the ECF by a
ECF that occur during each 24-h period are shown in Fig. “bone membrane”, which is probably composed of the
1. Usually, bone mineral accretion equals skeletal mineral bone lining cells that cover bone surfaces in a continuum
resorption, and calcium content in the urine approximates (10, 12–14 ). This bone membrane functions to keep cal-
that of net intestinal absorption. An average Western diet cium in the ECF and out of the bone (the ECF is super-
provides a calcium intake of ;1 g of elemental calcium saturated with calcium compared with both the bone fluid
per day. Typically, ;30% (300 mg) is absorbed, the and the crystalline surface of bone). The hormonal mech-
majority across the small intestine and a small percentage anisms that might control calcium fluxes across the bone
in the colon (2, 3 ). Because gut secretion of calcium is membrane are unknown at present, as are any possible
influences on these fluxes by disease states such as the
1348 Mundy and Guise: Hormonal Control of Calcium Homeostasis
growth factor-b (TGFb) (32, 40, 41 ). RIAs have been de- many years such as those on the vascular system, what
veloped for PTH-rP, although these assays have not the signal transduction pathway that is connected to this
shown a perfect relationship between the presence and receptor is, and finally whether this receptor is related to
severity of hypercalcemia and expression of the protein the anabolic response of PTH. Early studies suggest the
(35, 42, 43 ). receptor is not as responsive to PTH-rP as it is to PTH and
It is now clear that PTH-rP has a pathophysiological that it may mediate its effects through cAMP and intra-
role not just in hypercalcemia but also in local osteolysis. cellular calcium signal transduction pathways (51 ).
Immunohistochemistry has been used to demonstrate that
there is increased expression of PTH-rP in bone sites calcitonin
compared with either soft tissue metastases or primary Calcitonin is a 32-amino acid peptide that is synthesized
tumors in patients with carcinoma of the breast (32 ). This and secreted by the parafollicular cells of the thyroid
has been shown experimentally by inoculation of the gland. The ionized calcium concentration is the most
human breast cancer cell line MDA-MB-231 into the left important regulator of calcitonin secretion (52 ). Increases
cardiac ventricles of nude mice. Osteolytic lesions caused in ionized calcium produce an increase in calcitonin
by metastasis occur over the following 4 – 6 weeks, and secretion, and conversely, a fall in the ambient calcium
there is an increase in PTH-rP expression in the tumor concentration inhibits calcitonin secretion. Gastrointesti-
cells that metastasize to bone. When tumor-bearing nude nal peptide hormones, gastrin in particular, are potent
mice are treated with neutralizing antibodies to PTH-rP, calcitonin secretogogues. This likely is responsible for
not only is there a decrease in the development of the increased calcitonin secretion after meals, but the physi-
osteolytic bone lesions, but there is also a decrease in the ologic relevance of this observation remains unclear.
tumor burden in bone (40 ). Pentagastrin, a gastrin analog, is used as a provocative
The physiological role of the PTH-rP remains unclear. stimulus to determine the capacity of a patient to secrete
It probably has no regulatory effect on calcium homeosta- calcitonin (53 ).
sis under physiological conditions. It is produced in The precise biological role of calcitonin in the overall
healthy skin cells as well as in amniotic cells, and it may schema of calcium homeostasis is uncertain. Calcitonin
have effects on epithelial cell replication and on smooth directly inhibits osteoclastic bone resorption (54 ), and the
muscle contraction during labor (44 ). It is also expressed effect is rapid, occurring within minutes of administra-
by lactating breast tissue and is present in large amounts tion. This inhibition is accompanied by the production of
in breast milk. However, most recent interest has focused cAMP (55 ) as well as an increase in cytosolic calcium (56 )
on its potential local effects in cartilage differentiation. in the osteoclast and leads to contraction of the osteoclast
PTH-rP knockout experiments performed by introducing cell membrane (57 ). These effects are transient and likely
the null-mutation into the germ line of mice have shown have little role in calcium homeostasis chronically, al-
that the mice have died before birth of an abnormality of though they may be important in short-term control of
the rib cage that causes impaired respiration (45 ). These calcium loads. Clinical observations support the notion
abnormalities are caused by an enhanced cartilage cell that calcitonin has little chronic effect because neither
differentiation and normal ossification in the rib cage. calcitonin-deficient patients (athyroid) nor patients with
Thus, PTH-rP is a naturally occurring and essential inhib- medullary thyroid cancer and excess calcitonin produc-
itor of cartilage cell differentiation, and its absence leads tion experience alterations in calcium homeostasis. The
to abnormalities at the growth plate. Overexpression calcitonin receptor has been cloned (58 ) and is structur-
experiments using transgenic mice in which PTH-rP ex- ally similar to the PTH receptor in that it also has seven
pression is targeted to cartilage cells by use of the type II transmembrane domains. Calcitonin is metabolized in
collagen promoter show a marked delay in endochondral minutes in the circulation, predominantly in the kidney
ossification (46 ) and also demonstrate cartilage abnormal- (1 ). The calcitonin receptor is related structurally to the
ities (46 ). Its effects on cartilage cells seem to be mediated PTH/PTH-rP and secretin receptors (58 ). The calcitonin
by Indian hedgehog protein produced by prehypertropic receptor exists in several isoforms, and its expression
cartilage cells in the growth plate (47, 48 ). seems to be influenced by ambient concentrations of
Two PTH receptors have been identified. The more calcitonin itself. This may be the reason for down-regula-
recently described receptor is a G-protein-coupled recep- tion of the receptor and the escape phenomenon that
tor that shares 51% amino acid homology with the well- occurs in the continued presence of calcitonin (59 ).
known PTH/PTH-rP receptor, but PTH appears to be the
major and possibly only active ligand (49 –51 ). The im- vitamin d metabolites
portance of this second PTH receptor is not clear, and The steroid hormone 1,25(OH)2D3 is the major biologi-
there are many important questions that need to be cally active metabolite of the vitamin D sterol family. The
addressed. These include the effects of PTH-rP on this vitamin D precursor (previtamin D3) is either ingested in
receptor and whether these are identical to those of PTH, the diet or synthesized in the skin from 7-dehydrocholes-
whether this receptor can explain some of the controver- terol through exposure to sunlight (60 ). Hydroxylation
sial non-bone effects of PTH that have been described for occurs in the liver at the C-25 position to form 25-
1350 Mundy and Guise: Hormonal Control of Calcium Homeostasis
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