Flammable Mixture Analysis For Hazardous Area Classification PDF
Flammable Mixture Analysis For Hazardous Area Classification PDF
Flammable Mixture Analysis For Hazardous Area Classification PDF
Abstract - The properties of flammable mixtures as they The probability that a flammable atmosphere exists is
apply to a hazardous area classification analysis are dependent on the chemical properties of the flammable
discussed. Mathematical formula and application rules of materials present, as well as the grade and rate of release.
thumb are provided to help estimate the relative density, The extent of the hazard will be influenced by the behavior of
group classification, autoignition temperature, material the flammable material under normal ambient pressure and
flashpoint and the flammability of a mixture. Application temperature conditions, the degree of ventilation within an
guidelines are provided on how to apply the results in the area, the geometry and velocity of the release and the
context of a hazardous area classification analysis. physical topography of an area.
There are several methods for classifying an area once the
Index Terms – Hazardous area classification, flammable flammable materials and physical parameters are identified.
mixture analysis, density, group classification, autoignition, The most common way is to use the direct example approach
flashpoint, flammability. where the facility is classified using diagrams that depict
typical situations. This method of classification is
I. INTRODUCTION incorporated into most industry recommended practices for
hazardous area classification.
The vast majority of flammable materials handled in oil, gas A second method uses the point source approach to
and petrochemical facilities consist of flammable mixtures of classify facilities. Potential release sources are identified and
various compositions. Performing a hazardous area a formal calculation is performed to determine the extent of a
classification risk assessment requires an understanding of classified area. The point source approach is more rigorous
the behavior of flammable mixtures and how they might and thus requires more detailed information on the nature of
influence the extent, group classification and autoignition the flammable materials to obtain a reasonable conclusion.
temperature of the classified area.
Unfortunately, very little guidance is given on mixture III. PROPERTIES OF FLAMMABLE MATERIALS
analysis by the various industry recognized standards and
recommended practices on area classification. The search To assess the risk and the extent of the hazard, several key
for the proper chemical relationships and formula can be properties of the flammable material must be determined.
frustrating. The mixture analysis must be performed with help They include:
of chemical textbooks and other references not specifically
written for the purpose of a hazardous area classification A. Vapor Pressure and Flashpoint
The purpose of this paper is to provide guidance on how to The hazard posed by flammable materials is influenced by
analyze the properties of flammable mixtures as they apply to how easily it will mix with air and potentially form a flammable
a hazardous area classification. The key flammable material mixture. This is a function of vapor pressure and
parameters and the test methods used to determine the temperature. Flammable gases have a very low vapor
properties of pure flammable materials are discussed. In the pressure and as such are always in a gaseous state at
absence of actual test results, a series of mathematical ambient temperatures. Flammable liquids in contrast, are in a
relationships and application rules of thumb are provided for state of transition between a liquid and a gas. The hazard
estimating the properties of flammable mixtures. Application posed by a flammable liquid is a function of how easily it
guidelines are also provided to assist in documenting the changes state from a liquid to a vapor at ambient
results within the context of a hazardous area classification temperatures. The temperature at which a liquid provides
analysis. sufficient vapor to form a flammable mixture on the surface of
the liquid is termed its flashpoint. This is the key parameter
II. HAZARDOUS AREA CLASSIFICATION used to classify the potential hazard associated with
OVERVIEW flammable liquids.
The flashpoint of a flammable material is determined
A hazardous area classification analysis is a structured risk experimentally using two recognized methods as illustrated in
assessment process used to determine the probability of a Fig. 1 and 2. The open cup flashpoint test procedure requires
flammable atmosphere being present during normal or heating the flammable material in an open cup and
abnormal operations. The analysis divides the facility layout periodically using an open flame to ignite the surface vapor.
into zones of risk which are then used to determine the When there is sufficient vapor to sustain combustion, the
appropriate equipment and wiring methods for safe operation. flashpoint temperature is recorded.
The closed cup flashpoint test procedure is similar to the Thermometer
open cup flashpoint test except the flammable material is
sealed within a closed cup environment. The closed cup Open Cup
flashpoint test typically results in a lower flashpoint with
temperature than observed with the open cup test. The Flame Flammable
flashpoint temperatures most often quoted for flammable Liquid
materials in various publications are derived using the closed
cup method.
Flashpoint is used as a basis for categorizing the volatility
of flammable liquids. NFPA 30 [1] categorizes flammable
materials into three classes based on their flashpoint and
boiling point vapor pressure (Table I). Class I materials are Bunsen
those that readily flash to atmosphere at ambient Burner
temperatures and pressures. They are considered highly
volatile and require due consideration with respect to an area
Class II materials typically do not flash at temperatures that
would normally be considered “ambient”. From an area
classification perspective, Class II flammable materials are
considered when they are stored or handled at temperatures Fig. 1 Open Cup Flashpoint Test Apparatus
above their flashpoint. Class III materials are only a
consideration when they are exposed to very high process Test Cup
temperatures and typically do not factor into a hazardous area Thermometer
classification. In all cases, the properties of the flammable Agitator
material and the process conditions must be assessed prior to
defining the degree and extent of a classified area. Bath
Part 15 (IP15) of the British Institute of Petroleum Model Thermometer
Code of Safe Practice in the Petroleum Industry has a similar
classification for petroleum liquids based on flashpoint. The
petroleum classes defined in Table II are used in conjunction Flammable
Liquid Flame
with a series of typical diagrams that define the degree and
extent of a classified area.
IP15 takes into account the process conditions and adjusts Liquid Bath
the extent of the classification based on if the material is
handled above or below its flashpoint temperature. It also
makes reference to situations where the fluid cannot be easily
classified by flashpoint and addresses the potential hazards
associated with flammable mists and sprays. Under these
circumstances, a judgment call must be made as to the fluid
Heating Vessel
category and the characteristics of the potential hazard. The
point source method of area classification is normally used in
these situations [2]. Fig. 2 Closed Cup Flashpoint Test Apparatus
NFPA Flashpoint (ºC) Examples IP Class Flashpoint (ºC) Application
Class BP = Boiling Point
IA < 22.8, (BP < 37.8) Ethyl Ether, Pentane 0 NA LPGs
IB <22.8, (BP > 37.8) Acetone, Gasoline I <21 Flam. at ambient conditions
IC ≥22.8 and < 37.8 Naphtha, Xylene II(1) ≥21 and ≤ 55 Handled below FP
II >37.8 and < 60 Fuel Oil, Kerosene II(2) ≥21 and ≤ 55 Handled above FP
IIIA ≥ 60 and < 93 Ethylene Glycol III(1) >55 to 100 Handled below FP
IIIB ≥ 93 Asphalt, Transformer Oil III(2) >55 to 100 Handled above FP
Unclassified ≥ 100
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