Topics For MSC Theses, Gis Unit: March 2017
Topics For MSC Theses, Gis Unit: March 2017
Topics For MSC Theses, Gis Unit: March 2017
Our group develops and utilizes methods that seek structure in spatio-temporal data, thus turning raw
data into geographic information, ultimately aiming at generating knowledge that leads to a better
understanding of geographic patterns and processes. Our research focuses on the following
application areas:
• Computational Movement Analysis and Simulation
• Language and Space
• Location Based Services (LBS) & Computational Cartography
Our methodological toolset draws from an interdisciplinary range of fields, including spatial analysis,
spatial statistics, algorithms development, and computational techniques such as data mining and
agent-based modeling.
Choosing a Topic
We recommend that you first take a look at the list of ongoing and past MSc projects, with
downloads of MSc theses:
Think about what interests you most, and what you are good at. Do you want to program, are you
good at it, or rather not? Do you like to work empirically, running experiments and analysing the
results, or would you rather develop something new (in which case you would probably have to
program)? Is real-world applicability important to you, or are you ready for blue skies research? Do
you have your own topic, or a topic that you wanted to pursue with a third party (e.g. WSL, ETH)?
Finally, come talk to us. In the topic descriptions below, we have listed the contact persons in our
group. Additionally, Robert Weibel can give an overview of the project topics in the GIS Unit.
Don’t forget that the MSc project is primarily a scientific project. Even if you might be more interested
in applied work, the outcome must be more than what would typically be achieved in GIS projects
undertaken by an engineering firm. Hence, what are the research questions you want to investigate?
We are there to help you formulate suitable research questions and bring your research to fruition.
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Department of Geography
Geographic Information Systems
The aim of this research would be to set up a system for collecting and labelling data of high
granularity, conducting a data collection and labelling campaign and exploring the trade-offs between
data compression and quality of the outcomes in e.g. transport mode detection. Assuming the trade-
off is non-trivial (i.e. the added granularity indeed leads to an improvement of the classification),
implications for future data collection efforts (classification at collection time, additional features to be
collected…) should be thought about and ideally demonstrated.
Initial readings:
Laube, P., Purves, R. (2011): How fast is a cow? Cross-Scale Analysis of Movement Data.
Transactions in GIS. 15(3): 401-418.
Prelipcean, A., Gidófalvi, G., Susilo, Y. (2016): Transportation mode detection – an in-depth review of
applicability and reliabilty. Transport Reviews.
Hemminki, S., Nurmi, P., Tarkoma S. (2013): Accelerometer-Based Transportation Mode Detection
on Smartphones. Proceedings of the 11 ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor
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Department of Geography
Geographic Information Systems
In a recently completed PhD thesis (Soleymani 2016, Soleymani et al. 2017), several multi-scale
methods for movement classification and for movement segmentation have been demonstrated to
outperform existing single-scale methods. An MSc project could take two orientations. It could either
take the new multi-scale methods and their implementations and apply these to different movement
classification problems, further validating and potentially improving these techniques. Or it could
develop these methods further. For instance, the segmentation method (Soleymani et al. 2017) has
potential for further development; multi-scale classification could be linked to geographical context
data; or further sensors (e.g. accelerometer) could be included.
Initial readings:
Soleymani, A. (2016): Cross-scale analysis in classification and segmentation of movement. PhD
Thesis, Department of Geography, University of Zurich !
Soleymani, A., Pennekamp, F., Dodge, S. & Weibel, R. (2017): Characterizing change points and
continuous transitions in movement behaviors using wavelet decomposition. Methods in Ecology and
Evolution. DOI: 10.1111/2041-210X.12755.
Mobility, Activity and Social Interaction Study of healthy older adults (MOASIS)
Short description: MOASIS collects individualized everyday-life health data in older adults. The
project started in August 2015 as a collaboration between researchers from GIS and the
Gerontopsychology Group at the Department of Psychology UZH. It ultimately aims to develop
computational models to measure, analyse, and improve health behaviors and health outcomes in the
everyday life of aging individuals. The study design of MOASIS includes baseline tests, self-reports,
and an evening questionnaire, complemented by the ambulatory assessment of the physical
(accelerometer), spatial (GPS) and social activity (audio) with the custom-built sensor uTrail.
Within the framework of MOASIS, potential research topics for MSc projects could be:
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Department of Geography
Geographic Information Systems
a labeled set of different activities tracked with the uTrail could be gathered in a data
collection campaign administered by the MSc student. Based on the GPS/ACC data
assessed, different methods of activity detection could be applied and validated based on the
ground truth labels. Note that this topic is related to the above topic “Trade-offs between
precision and aggregation …”, but takes a somewhat more pragmatic approach and is
focused on the particular needs of the MOASIS project.
• In the health sciences, accelerometers have been used extensively to measure the level of
physical activity (PA). In GIScience, on the other hand, accelerometry data has long gone
largely unnoticed; unlike GPS data, it lacks the ‘geographical’ scale. However, in order to
detect movement behaviors at the micro level, such as fine-grained PA types (e.g. different
modes of locomotion, or activities of daily living), accelerometer data is indispensable. It also
offers new dimensions for geographers, for instance by detecting PA types (possibly involving
also GPS) and by relating these to geographical context (i.e. which PA types takes place in
which environments? in which places? under which conditions?).
• More topics can be designed in coordination with the ongoing PhD projects of Hoda
Allahbakhshi and Michelle Fillekes. Since MOASIS is a long-term project, lasting at least until
the end of 2019, more topics and research problems are expected to evolve continuously
Methods, requirements: Depending on the focus, a combination of spatial statistics and empirical
analysis in R or Matlab. Potentially machine learning methods for classification of either audio or
movement and accelerometer data are included. A genuine interest in working in an interdisciplinary
setting is a prerequisite. You are not afraid of statistics and getting your hands “dirty” with some
programming. Some basic reading in the field of movement and potentially psychology will be
Supervisor(s): Robert Weibel, Hoda Allahbakhshi, and/or Michelle Fillekes (depending on the topic)
While deriving speed and other movement parameters from consumer-level GPS (e.g. in
smartphones or mid-range trackers) – due to its accuracy in the meter range – is feasible only over
longer distances covered and at higher speeds, locomotion speed can be accurately extracted from
accelerometer readings already over shorter distances. Since 3-axial accelerometers, like GPS, today
are a standard component of contemporary smartphones, there is a potential for ACC measurements
to be used to replace or complement traditional walking tests over short distances (4, 10, 20 m) used
in the health sciences. Since accelerometers do not rely on an external referencing system – in
contrast to GPS devices which require visibility of GPS satellites – they can be used both indoors and
outdoors. On the other hand, GPS is the optimal method to determine locations over longer periods of
time, and therefore the optimal method to assess life-space mobility.
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Department of Geography
Geographic Information Systems
Methods, requirements: This project would first implement a method to derive speed from ACC
measurements and then experimentally assess the validity and reliability of the results compared to
traditional walking tests. Furthermore, it would link these ACC-derived speeds to GPS measurements
in order to develop a smartphone-based mobility assessment methodology that has the potential to
replace existing traditional approaches, thus finding a more wide-spread deployment among general
Supervisor(s): Robert Weibel, Timo Hinrichs (Department of Sport, Exercise and Health, University
of Basel)
Initial readings:
Bertschi M et al. (2015). Accurate walking and running speed estimation using wrist inertial data. 3rd
Annual IEEE Intl. Conference on Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 8083-6.
Wilson AM et al. (2013). Locomotion dynamics of hunting in wild cheetahs. Nature 498(7453): 185-9.
This project aims to analyze how taxi drivers make route choice decisions when they have
passengers onboard, using a large-scale FCD (floating car data) dataset in Vienna (Austria).
Particularly, the following research questions will be addressed: Do taxi drivers with passengers
onboard take the fastest routes? How do the actually chosen routes differ from their corresponding
fastest routes? What are the route characteristics preferred by taxi drivers with passengers onboard?
Methods, requirements: This project will focus on computational movement analysis, especially on
big data analytics. Programming skills are required, at least in a scripting language.
This research aims to integrate heterogeneous data sources to provide a more comprehensive
picture of how people behave in the urban environment, particularly on urban semantics (e.g. how is
the city used by its inhabitants, and does this relate to urban functional zones?) and urban mobility
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Department of Geography
Geographic Information Systems
(how do people move around the city?). The following types of crowdsensed data will be used and
integrated: call detail record (CDR) data (i.e. mobile phone data), passenger flow data of public
transportation (via smart IC cards), taxi GPS data (floating car data, FCD) and bus GPS data. A
tentative study area will be the city of Shenzhen (China), which is one of the five largest cities in
China, and is located immediately north to the Hong Kong SAR.
Methods, requirements: This project will focus on spatio-temporal data analysis and computational
movement analysis, especially on big data analytics. Programming skills are required, at least in a
scripting language.
Potential projects: We are currently collaborating with several groups of animal ecologists, who
have collected data and who are interested in getting help in spatio-temporal data analysis. Examples
of past and ongoing MSc projects can be found at
Theses0.html. The precise topic of a new MSc project will be defined in collaboration with the external
animal ecology group.
Supervisor(s): Robert Weibel, and the corresponding (external) animal ecology expert
Additional remarks: A visit to the field site(s) of the species under study is an option.
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Department of Geography
Geographic Information Systems
“Language and Space” broadly describes the interdisciplinary field at the intersection between the
spatial sciences and linguistics. MSc projects in “Language and Space” can either have a primary
focus on the spatial sciences, with language being used as input information or, the focus lies on
research questions deriving from linguistics and the goal of the MSc project is to fruitfully apply
methods from the spatial sciences to linguistic data. The two types of projects are truly
interdisciplinary in the sense that the master student will be supervised by researchers from different
disciplines. This is ensured by the fact that our group participates in the University Research Priority
Program “Language and Space” of UZH and currently also pursues two Swiss National Science
Foundation projects jointly with research groups in linguistics. In the following, both types of projects
will briefly be introduced and exemplified. Precise project definitions would be developed in
discussion with the supervisors named below.
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Department of Geography
Geographic Information Systems
facilitates the propagation of linguistic features. When we observe evidence for language
diffusion and language contact, we observe evidence for human migration. Human migration
is influenced by both the environment (e.g. topography, land cover) as well as cultural factors
(e.g. population pressure, the emergence of empires). However, the role of geography for
human migration is not always clear. The aim of this MSc topic is to test hypotheses of
human migration in space and time using evidence from language diffusion and contact.
Which spatial factors have facilitated or constrained human migration? For example, do
linguistic features propagate along river networks, such as the Amazon?
This list of topics is not exhaustive and only gives a first overview of potential focus areas. All topics
are motivated by a broad linguistic hypothesis, followed by a detailed and extensive spatial analysis.
Examples of past MSc projects:
Methods, requirements: A basic interest in languages. A flair for spatial analysis and spatial
statistics. Little to moderate programming skills. Experience in working with large data is helpful.
Supervisors: Curdin Derungs, Peter Ranacher or Robert Weibel, plus a co-supervisor from
Dialectology or Linguistic Typology.
All of these examples are quite general and need further specification. If additional information is
desired please don’t hesitate to contact the supervisors listed below.
Supervisors: Curdin Derungs, Ross Purves or Robert Weibel, plus a co-supervisor from
Computational or Corpus Linguistics.
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Department of Geography
Geographic Information Systems
This research will explore methods to provide routes with other characteristics (e.g., simplicity,
fewest-turns and floor-first, and main-corridor-first), based on existing indoor data models (e.g.,
IndoorGML). The Irchel Campus of UZH (or other similar public places) will be used as a test area.
Methods, requirements: Starting from analysis of existing indoor data models, this research will
computationally formulate route choice criteria, and develop route-planning algorithms to provide
routes other than the shortest route.
Initial readings:
Golledge, R. G. (1995). Path selection and route preference in human navigation: A progress
report. In A. Frank & W. Kuhn (Eds.), Spatial Information Theory A Theoretical Basis for GIS
(Vol. 988, pp. 207-222). Heidelberg: Springer.
This research aims at empirically answering some fundamental questions of indoor semantic
wayfinding, such as “What are the direction and motion concepts used by humans to communicate
route instructions in indoor environments?” and “What are indoor landmarks?”. Specifically, user
studies will be implemented to collect participants’ route instructions in-situ. These collected
instructions will then be used to derive fundamental linguistic elements: motion concepts (verb, e.g.,
walk, cross, turn, pass), direction concepts (prepositions/adverbs, e.g., straight, along, through), and
landmark concepts (nouns, e.g., WC, lobby, printer). The instructions will be also analyzed to see how
these different kinds of concepts can be meaningfully combined for indoor route guidance.
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Department of Geography
Geographic Information Systems
Methods, requirements: This project will focus on user experiments. Methodology and approaches
from a previous research project SemWay (mainly focusing on outdoors; refer to the papers below for
more details) will be reused for the indoor environment.
Initial readings:
Karl Rehrl, Sven Leitinger, Georg Gartner, Felix Ortag (2009): An analysis of direction and motion
concepts in verbal descriptions of route choices. In: K. Stewart Hornsby et al. (Eds.): COSIT 2009,
LNCS 5756, pp. 471-488, Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg.
Gartner, G., Huang, H., Millonig, A., Schmidt, M. & Ortag, F. (2011): Human-centred mobile
pedestrian navigation system. Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Geographischen Gesellschaft
(Communications of Austrian Geographical Society), 153.
Methods, requirements: This project will involve mobile map design as well as user experiments.
You should therefore have an interest in empirical cognitive studies as well as the methods of user
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Department of Geography
Geographic Information Systems
standardize the input/output of geospatial data and processing services), then an indoor LBS
application would work smoothly across different indoor environments with different positioning
As a step further towards this ‘standardization’, the research aims to study what metadata are needed
to characterize and specify the service interface of different indoor positioning solutions. Existing
standards on geospatial metadata will be adapted and extended.
Methods, requirements: This research will involve analysis of diverse indoor LBS applications and
indoor positioning methods, as well as adaptation of existing geospatial metadata standards.
Initial readings:
Geospatial metadata,
Methods, requirements: Depending on the topic, different methods will be used and different skills
required. Mostly, the topics will be related to crowdsensing, mobile sensor data fusion and analysis
(e.g., detection of parking events and parking regulations/rules), and context-aware prediction of real-
time parking availability.
Supervisor(s): Haosheng Huang and Robert Weibel, with support from the corresponding contact
persons at Parkbob.
The questions is now, how effective are these methods in providing information to the mobile user
and supporting his/her information seeking process? How effectively is the user supported in
particular tasks such as wayfinding? How accurately can the user estimate distances, directions and
quantities? In this project, user experiments will be employed to establish evidence about these or
similar questions.
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Department of Geography
Geographic Information Systems
Methods, requirements: This project will focus on user experiments. You should therefore have an
interest in empirical cognitive studies as well as the methods of user testing. Preferably, you have
taken GEO 878 (Geovis) and GEO 884 (LBS).
Initial readings:
Bereuter, P. & Weibel, R. (2013). Real-time generalization of point data in mobile and web mapping
using quadtrees. Cartography and Geographic Information Science, 40(4): 271-281.
Bereuter, P., Weibel, R. & Burghardt, D. (2014). Content zooming and information exploration for
mobile maps. International Journal of Geomatics and Spatial Analysis / Revue internationale de
géomatique. 23(3-4).
Bereuter, P. & Weibel, R. (2017). Variable-scale maps in real-time generalisation using a quadtree
data structure and space deforming algorithms. International Journal of Cartography, 3(1).
Methods, requirements: Depending on the topic, different methods will be used and different skills
required. For projects linked to the GIS Unit, the focus will mainly be on topics of digital cartography
(automated generalization and symbolization of TLM data, mobile cartography, geodata in education).
Supervisor(s): Robert Weibel, with support from the corresponding contact person at swisstopo. Or
other staff member from GIS, GIVA or Gecomputation, depending on the topic chosen.
Additional remarks:
Information about the swisstopoEDU program, as well as a description of currently available topics,
can be found at
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