Build A Successful Fab Lab in 5 Easy Steps: Step 2: Create A Blueprint of The Space
Build A Successful Fab Lab in 5 Easy Steps: Step 2: Create A Blueprint of The Space
Build A Successful Fab Lab in 5 Easy Steps: Step 2: Create A Blueprint of The Space
The Fab Lab: Home to
If you’re interested in building a Fab Lab of your own — or
you’re just curious how it works — we’ve created this guide for
Innovators and Makers you. Here, we’ll explain each of the 5 steps in detail:
something than buy it 5. Embed your Fab Lab into your curriculum
6. Tips, tricks, and advice
Imagine a space where students, faculty, and industry experts can
come together to experiment, test, iterate, and repeat. Imagine a
We’d also like to give a shout out to our experts for sharing their
place where students get hands-on experience with real machinery
experience creating a Fab Lab at Ivy Tech Community College in
used in industry today.
This is a Fab Lab!
Jason Roth, Assistant Dean for the School of Advanced Manu-
Fabrication Laboratories (Fab Labs) are designed to be collaborative, facturing, Engineering, and Applied Science and Program Chair
innovative spaces where Makers can roll up their sleeves and, you for Design Technology
guessed it, start making things! Typically, Fab Labs are full of 3D
Jamie Hamilton, Associate Professor for Design Technology
printers, computers equipped with CAD software, laser cutters, and
and Mechanical Engineering Technology
additional tools for digital fabrication.
Lauren Watkins, Product Marketing & Education at Formlabs
Step 1: Set Your Fab Lab Goals Jason Roth and Jamie Hamilton had for their new Ivy Tech Fab Lab:
Or use the Fab Lab Locator to find different Fab Labs and see
which ones you want to model your lab after!
Talk to Industry Experts
Talk to local industries to see what skills they need incoming
employees to have. Then, consider how you can build your
Fab Lab in a way to foster those skills in your students.
Consider asking them
It’s also helpful to have an idea for how you’re planning on funding
the space, whether it will come out of your department’s budget, it
will come through grants or donors, or a combination of different
funding sources. (See our chart for ideas!)
Public grant money In most cases, this is “free money” that doesn’t Many grants are only available on a short-term basis,
have to be repaid so you’ll need to recoup that funding elsewhere when
Long-term grants can help increase the overall it runs out
viability of your Fab Lab It can be time consuming to apply for different grants
You can choose specific projects or materials to You’re dependent on the grants you can find
fund via grants
We have a list of grants to get you started
Membership fees Your Fab Lab will generate a reliable income source Lower income students and those with tight budgets
Incentivizes members to come to the Fab Lab, as might not be able to pay the fees
they’re paying to have access Your Fab Lab will need to devote resources to gaining
new members
Private funding and You’ll be working closely with an industry contact,
With a corporate sponsor, you might give up some
corporate partnerships which can open up doors with other industry
autonomy, for example, choosing the brand of machinery
contacts and provide important connections
you want or determining who else you might partner with
for students
There might be loans you have to pay back or revenue
You can get great publicity from taking on a
goals you have to hit
corporate sponsor
Fees for providing services If you start to charge for producing small items, This will require a large time investment on behalf of
you increase engagement with the local community staff, as they will need to monitor the projects closely to
You can also use this as an opportunity to enhance ensure they’re industry-ready
your students’ portfolios, as they’ll have experience Clients might want you to create products that are
creating usable products complicated or beyond the means of your students
You’ll need to consider any legal protections required
Fab Labs provide a safe space for students to try new things
and fail, so they won’t make those mistakes on the job.
Do they provide the ability to upgrade RAM and video cards? A CNC router: This fun machine is used for cutting various hard
materials like wood, composites, aluminium, steel, plastics,
Do you need dual monitors so that students can view
glass, and foams. CNC routers usually produce high-quality work
SolidProfessor tutorials and software simultaneously?
and improve overall factory productivity. Automation and
Who will be managing technology requests: you or your IT precision are the name of the game!
department? What system will you use to submit technology
work requests? A 3D printer: Fun, useful, and very popular, 3D printers are a
staple in any Fab Lab. There are tons of options, such as home
Next up, let’s investigate your software needs. You’ll need some kind printers like Makerbots and Ultimakers. Or, you can invest in
of CAD software (common CAD software include SOLIDWORKS, industrial 3D printers manufactured by 3D Systems, Strata-
AutoCAD, Inventor, Fusion 360, and more). For reference, Roth and sys-Objet, or EnvisionTEC. Roth and Hamilton chose: six Form-
Hamilton chose Fusion 360 and Inventor. You also need to purchase labs printers, 3DS 660 Projet, Stratasys 30Prime Objet, Mark-
the proprietary software for your 3D printers. Roth and Hamilton forged Mark 2, Axiom Airwolf, Monoprice III, and an FDM Home-
elected for Formlabs, Stratasys, and 3D Systems (3DS). made Printer.
Remember: Once you purchase the software, you need to install it on A milling machine: While a 3D printer adds material, milling
all the computers. This might be an IT task, so make sure you explicitly machines subtract it. They’re typically used for making all kinds
list out who’s responsible for that process. This also includes any train- of prototypes and products from jewelry to molds.
ing software or tutorials that you need to install (like SolidProfessor). Did
you know that SolidProfessor offers a Task Pane Add-In feature, so A vinyl cutter: You can use your vinyl cutter to make signs
you can view our interface directly within SOLIDWORKS? If you have stickers, apparel decoration, or large graphics. This is a great
any questions about this feature, please reach out at machine, especially if your school has a Formula SAE (FSAE)! team and they want to create custom vehicle decorations.
Power tools and hand tools: The Fat Cat Fab Lab lists out
important tools you might want to consider for your Fab Lab.
The list includes a table top drill press, cordless drill, chop saw, jig
saw, screw drivers, wrenches, ratchets, Alan key sets, scissors
and razors, glass cutters, and chisels.
FDM SLA SLS Stereolithography (SLA): This resin-based 3D printer uses UV lasers
guided by mirrors to selectively cure liquid resin, turning it solid layer
Applications Low-cost proto- Functional Short-run produc-
by layer to create the object, which makes it a more precise process.
typing; proof of prototyping, high- tion, custom
The result is a high-resolution, very accurate print that’s best for
concept models resolution models manufacturing
high-fidelity prototyping to validate form and fit. The material is
Benefits Low-cost consum- High accuracy, Strong functional liquid photosensitive resin that simulates plastic.
er machines and great value, parts, design
materials smooth surface freedom, no Selective laser sintering (SLS): This 3D printer uses a laser to center
finish, range of supports plastic-based powder material into a solid structure. The powder is
functional necessary dispersed in a thin layer on the platform and the laser scans a
applications cross-section of the 3D model, heating up the powder to a melting
point to fuse those molecules together. The result is a very strong
Support removal Washing station Post-processing
Ancillary object that’s great for testing functionality or even for creating
system, finishing (IPA), post-curing station for part
tools (sandpaper, station (optional), cleaning and end-use parts.
epoxy) finishing tools material recovery
into Your Curriculum tutorial videos and complete online reading in their own time. Then,
they come to class with their questions. Roth and Hamilton point out
that the goal is to make sure their students spend as much time as
possible in the CAD software, designing cool objects and honing their
Don’t Forget: Soft Skills Matter! techniques. They explain that the ability to assign SolidProfessor
One of the biggest benefits of Fab Labs is that they help videos really opened up class time for their students to dive into
students build soft skills as well as technical skills. The the software, while Roth and Hamilton help them address any
Workplace Learning Report surveyed thousands of experts problems or questions.
to determine the most important soft skills for engineering
Before changing to the flipped/blended classroom with SolidProfessor,
Roth and Hamilton spent their time giving step-by-step instructions
during class. This ate up a ton of time, didn’t help students really dig
1 Communication
into the material, and they had to stop the entire class whenever
2 Creativity someone had a question. Under the new model, they get more done
3 Adaptability and students have more hands-on experience with the software.
4 Collaboration
5 Leadership
Fab Lab Understand the limitations of your space. With a Fab Lab,
you’ll need power, water, air filtration, flooring finishes, painting,
lighting, HVAC, sound control, workbenches, computer desks,
and so much more. Have an incredibly detailed understanding
Have Questions? Ask Us! of how all of those factors and more will be accounted for in
SolidProfessor is here to help you with all your Fab Lab needs: your space.
As Roth and Hamilton launched into building their Fab Lab, they hit And, most importantly, when class is over, students want to hang out
some roadblocks and detours along the way. They’ve offered some in the Fab Lab, creating new things, experimenting, and being part of
advice to help you better navigate those roads when you look to the bustling atmosphere. Roth and Hamilton explain that this is a
create your own Fabrication Lab: huge culture shift, and it’s incredibly exciting to see students want to
come in to the Fab Lab and work.
Be ready to adjust! Have contingency plans for everything and
always prepare for a “no.” Sometimes that “no” means never, So, what are you waiting for? Get on the path to Fab Lab greatness!