ARB 101 Assignment Moja
ARB 101 Assignment Moja
ARB 101 Assignment Moja
hospital ) ُمستشفى1
ً ثقيل
ٌ احلجر
ُ heavy ثقيل )2
guest ) الضَّْيف3
َفىَت )4
) احلُُقول5
) َم ْد َر َسة6
) َسيَّارة7
َقلَم )8
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مسجد )9
َ )10خ ْل َ
السؤال الثاني :صحح األخطاء في الجمل التالية (قد يكون في الجملة الواحدة أكثر من خطأ)
Correct the errors in the following sentences. You may find more than one error
]in some sentences.[25 Marks
][Rewrite the sentence correctly
ذلك كتاب مفيد. تلك كتاب مفيدة. )1
الشجرة اليت أمام البيت طويل. الشجرة الذي أمام البيت طويل. )4
الباب.............املفتوةُ. .1
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ٌ درس
ٌ هذا .2
ٌ هذا طالب .3
ٌجديدة..........هذه سيارة .4
ُ هذا .5
1. Do not submit any part of the assignment as a scanned copy of handwritten text.
b. Students without Arabic keyboards or who want to vowel words easily can use the
following website to type Arabic:
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Uploading Instructions
1. Create a new MS Word file. Before typing your answer please add the following information
on the first page:
Student Name:
Student ID:
Course Name/Code:
Assignment Question:
Attempt Count: (1 or 2) [Type 1 if it is your first attempt. Type 2 if you are uploading a
revised version of your assignment after checking the plagiarism percentage.]
2. Please upload as a Word Document only; do not make a PDF file and upload it as this hampers
grading and giving comments on your work.
3. Before you upload, you should suffix your name to the file name along with the course code
and your attempt count. E.g., if a student is uploading AQD 101 assignment for the first time,
then the file name should be as follows: AQD101_FirstName_1
4. Students who wish to re-submit their assignments are requested to re-upload their
assignment files and change the attempt count. For example if the file name was
AQD101_firstname_1, you may rename it as AQD101_FirstName_2. Assignments re-uploaded
with the same file name as the original file will not be scanned well by the VeriCite system
resulting in the same similarity index value instead of reflecting the new percentage. After you
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re-upload (which is your second attempt), please also email your course faculty, informing them
about it so that they can verify and grade your work accordingly.
All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the universe and peace and blessing be upon the last
messenger Muhammad and all those who follow his path with righteousness until the Last Day.
Please read and understand this policy in details before attempting any assignments at IOU.
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, "He who deceives us is not one of us." (Saheeh
Definition of Plagiarism:
The Islamic Online University will not tolerate plagiarism in any form, and any student caught
plagiarizing will be penalized. Depending on the severity of the plagiarism, the penalty could
range from reduction of marks to rejection of the paper itself.
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To avoid plagiarism, be sure to:
Reword/paraphrase. Don’t write word for word what you have read. Take notes first in
your own words, then write your assignment from your notes (not the text).
For more information on how to avoid plagiarism and how to properly cite a source, visit the
following websites:
You may also test your understanding of plagiarism by using this link:
Similarity Indicator
IOU reserves the right to submit all academic assignments to a plagiarism checker to produce
similarity ratings for each assignment. The similarity indicator provides a rating of how similar
text in the assignment is to resources available on the Internet.
In line with universal academic writing practices, IOU prefers that text be paraphrased in the
words of the student and not quoted directly, with the original author of the knowledge being
duly cited and referenced.
As a University-wide norm, IOU recommends that the similarity indicator does not exceed 20%.
Result of Plagiarism
Assignments that contain a rating higher than 50% will be automatically rejected and validated
for plagiarism with a manual check by the tutorial assistant or relevant academic. The student
will be given a grade of 0 and there will be no second chances for submitting the assignment.
The Tutorial Assistant or relevant academic will use the similarity rating in determining the final
grade of the submission.
Remember that we are Muslims studying Allah’s religion, and so plagiarizing in Islamic Studies is
a sin and can rob your studies of reward.
May Allah bless you all with success with your coursework. Ameen.
IOU Admin.
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