1. The online Bids under Advertised Tender Enquiry (TWO BID SYSTEM) are invited by the
Director General of Ordnance Services for and on behalf of the President of India for supply of
items listed in Part II of this RFP for the defence forces. The Tender A/60169/Shirt Man’s
Khaki/DGOS/OS PII/Proc Sec can be viewed at www.defprocure.gov.in
2. The address and contact numbers for sending bids or seeking clarifications regarding this
RFP are given below:-
(a) Part I. Contains General Information and Instructions for the Bidders about the
RFP such as the time, place of submission and opening of tenders, Validity period of
tenders, etc.
(b) Part II. Contains essential details of the items/services required, such as the
Schedule of Requirements (SOR), Technical Specifications, Delivery Period, Mode of
Delivery and Consignee details.
(c) Part III. Contains Standard Conditions of RFP, which will form part of the Contract
with the successful Bidder.
(d) Part IV. Contains Special Conditions applicable to this RFP and which will also
form part of the contract with the successful Bidder.
(e) Part V. Contains Evaluation Criteria and Format for Price Bids.
4. This RFP is being issued with no financial commitment and the Buyer reserves the right to
change or vary any part thereof at any stage. Buyer also reserves the right to withdraw the RFP,
should it become necessary at any stage.
(a) Your quotation must indicate unconditional acceptance of all terms and conditions
of this RFP, failing which it is liable to be rejected. You, may, however indicate desired
terms and conditions which may be accepted/rejected at the sole discretion of the buyer.
Certificate with respect to unconditional acceptance must be put in Technical Bid.
(b) As per RBI, PAD New Delhi ruling, Government Departments maintaining accounts
with PAD, New Delhi are to switch over to electronic mode for making payment to vendors
and others. Hence details will be submitted as per Page 2, part 1, para 2 (a) (v) & (vi).
1. Critical Dates. The critical dates with respect to the tender A/60169/Shirt Man’s
Khaki/DGOS/OS PII/Proc Sec are as follows:-
2. Manner of Depositing the Bids. The bids will be submitted in the following manner :-
(a) Physical Documents. The original EMD instrument, as per Para 12 below shall
be submitted physically prior to bid submission closing date in an envelope duly marked
with Tender ID along with a covering letter under company letter head. In case EMD is
exempted, necessary proof of the exemption be submitted online.
(b) E-Bid Cover- 1 (online). Cover- 1 will contain the Technical Bids consisting of
following in a single PDF file:-
(i) Regd Firms. Firms which are regd with DGQA/DRDO/NSIC/MSME or any
other Central Purchase Organization for the similar product to submit scanned copy
of proof of valid Registration/Capacity Verifications (CV).
(ii) Unregistered firms claiming compliance to technical specification are
required to submit all capacity verification documents to concerned area
SQAO/SQAE(GS) prior to bid opening date as per JSG-015-2018 . List of
documents required for capacity verification are attached as per Appx ‘A’, ’B’ &
‘C’ to the RFP. Firms are also required to enclose proof of submission of these
documents to SQAO/SQAE(GS) along with Technical bid. If proof of submission
of CV documents is not found attached with Technical bid, the firm will be rejected
during TEC 1st stage itself. No extra chance for submission of
documents/deficiency documents will be given before conduct of TEC 1 st stage.
Confirmation regarding submission of capacity verification documents will be
obtained from concerned area SQAO/SQAE(GS). The machinery
norms/guidelines required for manufacture and supply of item be obtained from
CQA(T&C), Kanpur and also attached as Appx ‘D’. CV to be carried out after TEC
on TEC compliant firms on intimation from DGOS.
(iii) Vendors who are registered with DGQA or have supplied same/similar items
during last three (03) years from the date of issue of this RFP, will provide
documents/certificate in support of their claim along with the technical bids. No
claims whatsoever in this regards will be entertained at a later stage.
(iv) PAN No & GST Regn No. Scanned copy of PAN No, GSTIN Regn
certificate will be uploaded. Vendor will also mention HSN Code and the GST rates
applicable on a separate page alongwith the supporting documents.
(vi) Bank details. Following bank details will be uploaded on a separate page:-
“We, M/s……… certify that the firm has not been blacklisted or banned by any Govt
Deptt on any account”.
(x) Valid Tele Numbers of the firm and details of auth representative with
designation will be fwd on a separate page.
(xi) Certificate duly signed by bidder declaring that if they withdraw or modify
their bid during the period of validity, or if they are awarded the contract and they
fail to sign the contract or fail to submit PBG before the deadline defined, they will
be suspended for the period of time not less than one year for being eligible to
submit bids for contract with the buyer.
(aa) The average annual financial turnover of the bidder during last three
years ending 31 Mar 2019 should be Rs. 1.03 Cr as per annual report.
Accordingly, the bidder is reqd to enclose the audited balance sheet and
profit and loss certificate of last three completed financial year duly
countersigned by chartered accountant.
(ab) The bidder is also required to enclose a certificate stating that they
have not suffered any financial loss for more than one year, during the last
three years ending on 31 Mar 2019.
(xiii) Past Successful Supplier. In case the supplier have supplied the stores
with same specification and nomenclature within the past three years, he may be
considered as past successful supplier. However, the seller is reqd to intimate their
status of being past successful supplier alongwith the submission of online bids
duly enclosing a copy of the SO and the Inspection notes of the concerned
CQA/SQAE for waiver of advance sample clause. No waiver of advance sample will
be accorded in case intimation of being past supplier is not given with bid
(c) E-bid Cover- II (online). Commercial bid packet will be submitted as Cover II and
will consist of following and will be submitted online:-
(d) Address for Despatch of Physical Documents . All physical documents will be
forwarded/dropped in the Tender Box, placed at Gate No - 1, behind Guard Post, Sena
Bhawan, New Delhi - 110011 on or before tender opening date duly addressed to
Directorate General of Ordnance Services, Master General of Ordnance Branch,
Integrated Headquarters MoD (Army), CP cell, Room No. 101, D-II Wing, Sena Bhawan,
New Delhi -110 011.
3. Forwarding of Bids.
(b) The TECHNICAL and COMMERCIAL bid will be submitted “Online Only”
(c) The TECHNICAL BID and the COMMERCIAL BID should be submitted by the
bidder duly digitally signed by the legal owner of the firm or the person auth by him to do
(d) Instructions for Online Bid Submission/ Instructions to the Bidders to submit the
bids online through the Central Public Procurement Portal for e Procurement are available
at https://defprocure.gov.in/ defrocure/app. Brief of Instructions are also att as Appx
4. Time and Date for Opening of Bids. 18 Feb 2020 at 1230 Hrs.
Note. If due to any exigency, the due date for opening of the Bids is declared a closed
holiday, the Bids will be opened on the next working day at the same time or on any other
day/time, as intimated by the Buyer.
(a) The Technical Bids shall be opened as per critical date sheet mentioned in
this tender document. The evaluation of Technical Bid will be carried out off-line and the
results of the evaluation will be uploaded on the Central Public Procurement Portal
(b) The Commercial Bids of only those Bidders whose Technical Bids meet all the
stipulated (Technical) requirements shall be opened. The date of opening will be
intimated to the Bidders through Central Public Procurement Portal
(a) The Bidder may modify (resubmit) his bid after submission, as per the provisions
available of the portal. No bid shall be modified after the deadline for submission of bids.
(b) If bidder desires to withdraw before bid submission closing date/time, he may do so
online in the portal and offline EMD would be refunded. Once bidder withdraws online, he
cannot participate again in this tender.
(c) Bids will not be allowed to be withdrawn in the interval between the
deadline for submission of bids and expiry of the period of the specified bid
validity. Withdrawal of a bid during this period will result in forfeiture of Bidder’s Bid
Security/ EMD.
8. Clarification Regarding Contents of the Bids. The detailed instructions for bidders are
attached to this RFP. During evaluation and comparison of bids, the Buyer may, at its discretion,
ask the bidder for clarification of his bid. The request for clarification will be given in writing and
no change in prices or substance of the bid will be sought, offered or permitted.
9. Rejection of Bids. Canvassing by the Bidder in any form, unsolicited letter, willfull
default, forwarding of fake/forged documents in instant case or any other case with any
Government Department, Poor performance of firm, post-tender correction may invoke summary
rejection with forfeiture of EMD. Conditional Bids will not be accepted.
10. Unwillingness to Quote. Bidders unwilling to quote should ensure that intimation to this
effect reaches before the due date and time of opening of the Bid, failing which the defaulting
Bidder may be delisted for the given range of items as mentioned in this RFP.
11. Validity of Bids. The Bids should remain valid till 18 Feb 2021 (i.e. for a period of 365
days) from the last date of submission of the Bids.
12. Earnest Money Deposit
(a) Bidders are required to submit Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) for a sum of
Rs 10,36,000 /- (Rupees ten lakhs and thirty six thousand only ) in favour of PCDA,
New Delhi. The EMD may be submitted in the form of Fixed Deposit Receipt or Bank
Guarantee (BG) from any of the public sector banks or a private sector bank authorized to
conduct government business as per Form DPM-13 (Available on MoD website). BG form
for Earnest Money Deposit is attached as Appx ‘J’ to this RFP.
(b) EMD is to remain valid for a period of forty-five days beyond the final bid validity
period i.e. 02 Apr 2021 EMD of the unsuccessful bidders will be returned to them at the
earliest after expiry of the final bid validity and latest on or before the 30th day after the
award of the contract.
(c) The Bid Security of the successful bidder would be returned, without any interest
whatsoever, after the receipt of Performance Security from them as called for in the
contract. EMD submitted by firm will be accepted only after verification from issuing
(d) EMD is not required to be submitted by those Bidders who are registered for same
item/range of products/goods or services with the Central Purchase Organization, National
Small Industries Corporation (NSIC), MSME or Concerned Departments or Ministries of
the Govt of India. In case EMD is exempted necessary proof of exemption be submitted
on-line duly scanned.
(e) The EMD will be forfeited if the bidder withdraws or amends impairs or derogates
from the tender in any respect within the validity period of the tender.
13. Capacity Verification (CV).
(a) DGQA shall carry out CV on single shift basis. However at the time of submission of
tech bids, if the firm intimates that it opts to produce the item on multiple shift basis, DGQA
will also assess the capability of the firm to work in more than one shift which will be
clearly reflected in the CV report. Final decision on granting multi shift capability will be
taken by the CFA based on the recommendation of the procurement committee.
Regarding submission of documents required in case of the firm who were successfully
verified for capacity assessment during last three year from date of opening of tender, only
those documents where any changes have taken place in infrastructure, constitution of the
firm and any other documents subsequently, need to be submitted. The firm should also
submit the letter from PO to this effect that the CV was approved during last three
year for the said products involving similar Technology. After Price Bid opening, no claim
for enhanced capacity will be entertained. For multiple shifts refer Pt-III of Appx ‘B
(b) Capacity. The assessment of the capacity of firms will be for purpose of loading/placing
SOs based on their manufacturing ability and the financial health.
(c) The firm will be required to submit the prototype samples manufactured in presence of
Board of Officers at the time of visit to their firm.
(d) DGQA Registered Cases. Capacity of DGQA registered firms will also be
decided based on the registration of the firms.
14. Prequalification Criteria
(a) Capability Equipment & Manufacturing Feature . The bidder must have an
annual capacity to manufacture to and supply at least 68,543 Nos ( i.e 25% of total qty as
Qualifying qty)
(b) Relaxation to ‘Start Up’ under make in India initiative firms participating as
‘Start up’ under Make in India initiative on GOI, there will be no turnover clause required
(experience & financial capability). Firms claiming relaxation under this clause shall
submit proof of registration under ‘Start Up’ under Make in India Initiative.
Yours faithfully,
Lt Col
For and on behalf of the President of India
Copy to :-
2. GSO-1 (OS PII), CP Cell, Sena Bhawan, D-II Wing, Room No - 101, New Delhi - This has
reference to Indent No IND/OS/21/Shirt Mans CC Khaki/2019-20/DGOS/OS-PII dt 18 Nov 2019
* You are requested to go through the tender enquiry (TE) & if there are any discrepancies,
the same may please be intimated to this office for early amendment. If no response is received
within a week, then it will be presumed that the TE is in order.
(b) Description of Item : Shirt Man’s Cotton Cellular 1973 Pattern (Modified)
Khaki (All Sizes)
The Controller,
Government of India, Min of Defence,
Controllerate of Quality Assurance (T&C),
DGQA Store Complex, Kanpur-208004
Email - cqatc-dgqa@nic.in
Tele No – 0512-2328607-16
Fax No. - 0512-2324529
4. Two Bid System. In respect of Two Bid System, bidders are required to furnish clause by
clause compliance of specifications bringing out clearly the deviations from specifications, if any.
The Bidders are advised to submit the compliance statement in the following format alongwith
Technical Bid - Para of RFP specifications item wise.
6. Delivery Period.
(a) Full qty 2,74,173 Nos to be supplied within 13 months or earlier from the effective
date of contract including submission and passing of Advance Sample from concerned
(b) Please note that contract can be cancelled by the Buyer in case items are not
received within the contracted delivery period.
7. Delivery Period Extension.
(a) Any request for DP extension by the Seller should reach the Buyer minimum 45
days prior to the expiry of Delivery Period/Extended Delivery Period, as this much time is
required for processing case for Delivery Period extension by the Buyer. An undertaking by
the seller certifying that the supply shall be completed within the extended Delivery Period
is mandatory with the application. Seller should fwd Request for DP extension as per
format attached as Appx ‘O’.
(b) Extension of contracted delivery period will be at the sole discretion of the Buyer,
with LD, RR clause and Denial clause and other applicable clauses.
(c) Seller is also required to extend the validity period of the Performance Bank
Guarantee for the subject contract up to 14 months from the last date of DP extension
granted. The PBG will be submitted at the earliest, but not later than 15 days of the issue
of DP extension letter. In case of non receipt of PBG by the buyer within this period, the
DP extension will become null and void.
8. Advance Sample.
(a) Qty 05 Nos Shirt Man’s Cotton Cellular 1973 Pattern (Modified) Khaki should be
submitted to the Controller, CQA (T&C), Ashok Path, Kanpur-208004 within 30 days from
the date of signing of supply order for test and approval prior to commencement of bulk
manufacture. CQA (T&C) to inspect the advance sample within 45 days of submission of
advance sample by the firm. In case the advance sample fails in the test, the firm may re-
submit the rectified advance sample within 30 days from the date of issue of non
acceptance letter by CQA (T&C). CQA (T&C) to inspect the 2 nd advance sample within 45
days of re-submission of advance sample by the firm.
(b) The overall time for submission of advance sample and its passing by the AHSP is
included in the 13 month delivery period. Maximum two chances will be accorded for
submission of advance sample to CQA (T&C) (as mentioned above at para 8 (a).
(c) The date of clearance of advance sample intimation by AHSP will be considered as
the date of BPC. (No re-fixing of Delivery Period will take place after passing of advance
sample). CQA (T&C) to declare the results on receipt of confirmation of PBG by the buyer.
(d) Specification of the tendered item can be obtained by firms from concerned CQA
also attached as Appx ‘K’ of RFP.
(e) Testing of Sample. The testing of advance samples and bulk sample will be
carried out at the designated AHSP Labs. When test facilities are not available, facilities of
Govt Labs/NABL Accredited Labs will be utilized. Testing charges shall be borne by the
(f) Reference Sample. SQAE (GS) concerned shall select four reference samples
from the 1st accepted lot, two for consignee, one each for AHSP & SQAE (GS). These
reference samples will be marked and sealed as reference samples with proper tag to
avoid tampering & it will be mentioned on the tag that the reference sample shall be used
for make, shape, workmanship & finish only. The two reference samples for the consignee
will be put in package No.1 & the same will be mentioned on the I/Note. Further SQAE
(GS) shall forward the reference sample to AHSP through courier/any other suitable
(g) Random Sampling. The random sampling of subject item will be carried out by the
consignee from the bulk supplies and in case any discrepancy noticed with the reference
sample the item will be sent for testing of quality to DGQA/auth labs for analysis and
reporting. Final receipt will be issued subject to clearance of such samples during the
inspection. In case of any abnormality noticed the contract is liable to be cancelled at the
risk and cost of the seller.
9. Consignee Details. Delivery at site FOR Destination i.e. Comdt, COD Kanpur.
10. Timelines to be followed. The following are the timelines to be followed by the seller:-
(a) Submission of acknowledge copy of supply order - Within seven days from the
date of signing of contract.
2. Effective Date of the Contract. Normally the contract shall come into effect on the date
of signatures of both the parties on the contract except when some other effective date is
mutually agreed to and specifically indicated / provided in the contract. The deliveries and
supplies and performance of the services shall commence from the effective date of the contract.
3. Arbitration. All disputes or differences arising out of or in connection with the Contract
shall be settled by bilateral discussions. Any dispute, disagreement or question arising out of or
relating to the Contract or relating to construction or performance, which cannot be settled
amicably, may be resolved through arbitration within the Municipal limits of Delhi. The
standard clause of arbitration is as per Forms DPM-7, and DPM-9 (Available in MoD website and
can be provided on request). Defence Secretary/ Additional Secretary/CFA will be appointing
authority for appointment of Arbitrator to decide the dispute after legal advice sought from LA
4. Penalty for Use of Undue Influence. The Seller undertakes that he has not given, offered
or promised to give, directly or indirectly, any gift, consideration, reward, commission, fees,
brokerage or inducement to any person in service of the Buyer or otherwise in procuring the
Contracts or forbearing to do or for having done or forborne to do any act in relation to the
obtaining or execution of the present Contract or any other Contract with the Government of India
for showing or forbearing to show favour or disfavor to any person in relation to the present
Contract or any other Contract with the Government of India. Any breach of the aforesaid
undertaking by the Seller or any one employed by him or acting on his behalf (whether with or
without the knowledge of the Seller) or the commission of any offers by the Seller or anyone
employed by him or acting on his behalf, as defined in Chapter IX of the Indian Penal Code, 1860
or the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1986 or any other Act enacted for the prevention of
corruption shall entitle the Buyer to cancel the contract and all or any other contracts with the
Seller and recover from the Seller the amount of any loss arising from such cancellation. A
decision of the Buyer or his nominee to the effect that a breach of the undertaking had been
committed shall be final and binding on the Seller. Giving or offering of any gift, bribe or
inducement or any attempt at any such act on behalf of the Seller towards any officer/employee
of the Buyer or to any other person in a position to influence any officer/employee of the Buyer for
showing any favour in relation to this or any other contract, shall render the Seller to such liability/
penalty as the Buyer may deem proper, including but not limited to termination of the contract,
imposition of penal damages, forfeiture of the Bank Guarantee and refund of the amounts paid by
the Buyer.
5. Agents/Agency Commission. The Seller confirms and declares to the Buyer that the
Seller is the original manufacturer of the stores/provider of the services referred to in this
Contract and has not engaged any individual or firm, whether Indian or foreign whatsoever, to
intercede, facilitate or in any way to recommend to the Government of India or any of its
functionaries, whether officially or unofficially, to the award of the contract to the Seller; nor has
any amount been paid, promised or intended to be paid to any such individual or firm in respect
of any such intercession, facilitation or recommendation. The Seller agrees that if it is established
at any time to the satisfaction of the Buyer that the present declaration is in any way incorrect or
if at a later stage it is discovered by the Buyer that the Seller has engaged any such
individual/firm, and paid or intended to pay any amount, gift, reward, fees, commission or
consideration to such person, party, firm or institution, whether before or after the signing of this
contract, the Seller will be liable to refund that amount to the Buyer. The Seller will also be
debarred from entering into any supply Contract with the Government of India for a minimum
period of five years. The Buyer will also have a right to consider cancellation of the Contract
either wholly or in part, without any entitlement or compensation to the Seller who shall in such
an event be liable to refund all payments made by the Buyer in terms of the Contract along with
interest at the rate of 2% per annum above LIBOR rate. The Buyer will also have the right to
recover any such amount from any contracts concluded earlier with the Government of India.
6. Access to Books of Accounts. In case it is found to the satisfaction of the Buyer that
the Seller has engaged an Agent or paid commission or influenced any person to obtain the
contract as described in clauses relating to Agents/Agency Commission and penalty for use of
undue influence, the Seller, on a specific request of the Buyer, shall provide necessary
information/ inspection of the relevant financial documents/ information.
8. Liquidated Damages. In the event of the Seller's failure to submit the Bonds,
Guarantees and Documents, supply the stores/goods and conduct trials, installation of
equipment, training, etc as specified in this contract within stipulated time frame, the Buyer may,
at his discretion, withhold any payment until the completion of the contract. The BUYER may also
deduct from the SELLER as agreed, liquidated damages to the sum of 0.5% of the contract price
of the delayed/undelivered stores/services mentioned above for every week of delay or part of a
week, subject to the maximum value of the Liquidated Damages being not higher than 10% of the
value of delayed stores.
9. Termination of Contract. The Buyer shall have the right to terminate this Contract in
part or in full in any of the following cases:-
(a) The delivery of the material is delayed for causes not attributable to Force Majeure
for more than one month after the scheduled date of delivery.
(c) The delivery of material is delayed due to causes of Force Majeure by more than
one month provided Force Majeure clause is included in contract.
(d) The Buyer has noticed that the Seller has utilized the Corrupt or fraudulent
practices/services of any Indian/ Foreign agent in getting this contract and paid any
commission to such individual/company etc.
10. Notices. Any notice required or permitted by the contract shall be written in the
English language and may be delivered personally or may be sent by FAX/speed post or
registered pre-paid mail/airmail to the address and/or e-mail ID thus provided in the bid
document. It will be the seller’s responsibility to retrieve correspondence sent on the given
address/e-mail ID. Buyer will not be responsible for any postal/technical delay in receipt of
communication at given address/e-mail ID. Seller will be responsible for notifying any change in
address/e-mail ID.
11. Transfer and Sub-letting. The Seller has no right to give, bargain, sell, assign or sublet
or otherwise dispose of the Contract or any part thereof, as well as to give or to let a third party
take benefit or advantage of the present Contract or any part thereof.
12. Patents and Other Industrial Property Rights. The prices stated in the present
Contract shall be deemed to include all amounts payable for the use of patents, copyrights,
registered charges, trademarks and payments for any other industrial property rights. The Seller
shall indemnify the Buyer against all claims from a third party at any time on account of the
infringement of any or all the rights mentioned in the previous paragraphs, whether such claims
arise in respect of manufacture or use. The Seller shall be responsible for the completion of the
supplies including spares, tools, technical literature and training aggregates irrespective of the
fact of infringement of the supplies, irrespective of the fact of infringement of any or all the rights
mentioned above.
13. Amendments. No provision of present Contract shall be changed or modified in any way
(including this provision) either in whole or in part except by an instrument in writing made after
the date of this Contract and signed on behalf of both the parties and which expressly states to
amend the present Contract.
14. Taxes and Duties in Respect of Indigenous Bidders.
(a) General.
(i) Bidders must indicate GST likely to be paid in connection with delivery of
completed goods specified in RFP. In absence of this, the total cost quoted by them
in their bids will be taken into account in the ranking of bids. The GST component
should clearly specify the IGST, SGST and CGST components of the tax
(ii) If a Bidder is exempted from payment of GST upto any value of supplies
from them, he should clearly state that no such tax will be charged by them up to
the limit of exemption which they may have. If any concession is available in regard
to rate/quantum of any duty/tax, it should be brought out clearly. In such cases,
relevant certificate will be issued by the Buyer later to enable the Seller to obtain
exemptions from taxation authorities.
(b) GST. GST has been implemented with effect from 01 Jul 2017. All participating
firms should be GST compliant/registered only.
The Bidder is required to give confirmation of their acceptance of Special Conditions of the RFP
mentioned below which will automatically be considered as part of the Contract concluded with
the successful Bidder (i.e. Seller in the Contract) as selected by the Buyer. Failure to do so may
result in rejection of Bid submitted by the Bidder.
2. Option Clause. This contract has an Option Clause, wherein the Buyer can exercise
an option to procure an additional 50% of the original contracted quantity in accordance with the
same terms & conditions of the present contract. This will be applicable within the currency of
contract. It will be entirely the discretion of the Buyer to exercise this option or not.
3. Tolerance Clause. To take care of any change in the requirement during the period
starting from issue of RFP till placement of the contract, Buyer reserves the right to 25%
plus/minus increase or decrease the quantity of the required goods upto that limit without any
change in the terms & conditions and prices quoted by the Seller. While awarding the contract,
the quantity ordered can be increased or decreased by the Buyer within this tolerance limit.
4. Payment Terms for Indigenous Sellers. It will be mandatory for the Bidders to
indicate their bank account numbers and other relevant e-payment details so that payments
could be made through ECS/EFT mechanism instead of payment through cheques, wherever
feasible. A copy of the model mandate form prescribed by RBI to be submitted by Bidders for
receiving payments through ECS is at Form DPM-11 (Available in MoD website and can be given
on request). The payment will be made by Paying Authority as per the following terms:-
(a) 90% of the price in full against each part of consignment will be paid by the paying
authority on production of following documents by vendor:-
(b) The bills shall not be routed through the consignee or this office but shall be raised
direct on the Paying Authority.
(c) In case of part payment, 90% payment of the quantum of goods delivered will be
made subject to production of the documents mentioned in para 5 (a) above.
(d) Balance 10% shall be paid on receipt of complete consignment and adjusting the
amount of LD , if applicable.
(e) PBG will be released to the firm only on receipt of No Loss Certificate (NLC from
the consignee, after completion of all contractual liability including warranty.
7. Paying Authority for Indigenous Sellers. PCDA, ‘G’ Block, New Delhi-11. The
payment of bills will be made on submission of the following documents by the Seller to the
Paying authority.
(c) Copy of Supply Order/Contract with U.O. number and date of IFA’s concurrence,
where required under delegation of powers.
(f) Claim for statutory and other levies to be supported with requisite documents / proof
of payment such as GST challan, Customs duty clearance certificate, Octroi receipt, proof
of payment for EPF/ESIC contribution with nominal roll of beneficiaries, etc as applicable.
(m) Any other document / certificate that may be provided for in the Supply Order /
Contract/User acceptance.
8. Fall Clause. The following fall clause will form part of the contract placed on successful
(a) The price charged for the stores supplied under the contract by the Seller shall in
no event exceed the lowest prices at which the Seller sells the stores or offers to sell
stores of identical description to any persons/ Organizations including the purchaser or
any department of the Central government or any Department of State government or any
statutory undertaking of the Central or State government as the case may be during the
period or till the performance of all Supply Orders placed during the currency of the
contract is completed.
(b) If at any time, during the said period the Seller reduces the sale price, sells or offer
to sell such stores to any person/ organization including the Buyer or any Deptt, of central
Govt. or any Department of the State Government or any Statutory undertaking of the
Central or State government as the case may be at a price lower than the price
chargeable under the contract, he shall forthwith notify such reduction or sale or offer of
sale to the purchaser / contracting authority and the price payable under the contract for
the stores of such reduction of sale or offer of the sale shall stand correspondingly
reduced. The above stipulation will, however, not apply to:-
(i) Exports by the Seller.
(ii) Sale of goods as original equipment at price lower than the prices charged
for normal replacement.
(iv) Sale of goods at lower price on or after the date of completion of sale /
placement of the order of goods by the authority concerned under the existing or
previous Rate Contracts as also under any previous contracts entered into with the
Central or State Govt. Depts, including their undertakings excluding joint sector
companies and/or private parties and bodies.
(c) The Seller shall furnish the following certificate to the Paying Authority along with
each bill for payment for supplies made against the Rate contract – “We certify that there
has been no reduction in sale price of the stores of description identical to the stores
supplied to the Government under the contract herein and such stores have not been
offered/sold by me/us to any person/organization including the purchaser or any
department of Central Government or any Department of a state Government or any
Statutory Undertaking of the Central or state Government as the case may be up to the
date of bill/the date of completion of supplies against all supply orders placed during
the currency of the Rate Contract at price lower than the price charged to the government
under the contract except for quantity of stores categories under sub-clauses (i),(ii),(iii) and
(iv) of sub-para (b) above details of which are given below - ........”.
(a) Should the stores or any installment thereof not be delivered within the time or
times specified in the contract documents, or if defective delivery is made in respect of the
stores or any installment thereof, the Buyer shall after granting the Seller 45 days to cure
the breach, be at liberty, without prejudice to the right to recover liquidated damages as a
remedy for breach of contract, to declare the contract as cancelled either wholly or to the
extent of such default.
(b) Should the stores or any installment thereof not perform in accordance with the
specifications / parameters provided by the SELLER during the check proof tests to be
done in the BUYER’s country, the BUYER shall be at liberty, without prejudice to any other
remedies for breach of contract, to cancel the contract wholly or to the extent of such
(c) In case of a material breach that was not remedied within 45 days, the BUYER
shall, having given the right of first refusal to the SELLER be at liberty to purchase,
manufacture, or procure from any other source as he thinks fit, other stores of the same or
similar description to make good:-
(ii) In the event of the contract being wholly determined the balance of the
stores remaining to be delivered there under.
(d) Any excess of the purchase price, cost of manufacturer, or value of any stores
procured from any other supplier as the case may be, over the contract price appropriate
to such default or balance shall be recoverable from the SELLER.
(a) Neither party shall bear responsibility for the complete or partial non performance
of any of its obligations (except for failure to pay any sum which has become due on
account of receipt of goods under the provisions of the present contract), if the non-
performance results from such Force Majeure circumstances as Flood, Fire, Earth Quake
and other acts of God as well as War, Military operation, blockade, Acts or Actions of State
Authorities or any other circumstances beyond the parties control that have arisen after
the conclusion of the present contract.
(b) In such circumstances the time stipulated for the performance of an obligation
under the present contract is extended correspondingly for the period of time of action of
these circumstances and their consequences.
(c) The party for which it becomes impossible to meet obligations under this contract
due to Force Majeure conditions, is to notify in written form the other party of the beginning
and cessation of the above circumstances immediately, but in any case not later than 10
(Ten) days from the moment of their beginning.
(e) If the impossibility of complete or partial performance of an obligation lasts for more
than 6 (six) months, either party hereto reserves the right to terminate the contract totally
or partially upon giving prior written notice of 30 (thirty) days to the other party of the
intention to terminate without any liability other than reimbursement on the terms provided
in the agreement for the goods received.
11. Specification. The following specification clause will form part of the contract placed on
successful bidder:-
The Seller guarantees to meet the specifications as per Part-II of RFP and to
incorporate the modifications to the existing design configuration to meet the specific
requirement of the Buyer Services as per modifications/requirements recommended after
the Maintenance Evaluation Trials. All technical literature and drawings shall be amended
as the modifications by the Seller before supply to the Buyer. The Seller, in consultation
with the Buyer, may carry out technical up Gradation/alterations in the design, drawings
and specifications due to change in manufacturing procedures, indigenization or
obsolescence. This will however, not in any way, adversely affect the end specifications of
the equipment. Changes in technical details drawings, repair and maintenance techniques
along with necessary tools as a result of upgradation/alterations will be provided to the
Buyer free of cost within 10 days of affecting such upgradation/ alterations.
12. OEM. The Bidder should be Original Equipment Manufacturer/OES only. In case the
bidder is not the OEM, the agreement certificate with the OEM for supplying the item shall be
mandatory. The format of which is attach at Appx ‘Q’.
13. Earliest Acceptable Year of Manufacture. The item should be brand new and should not
be mfr beyond six months prior to SO date. Quality /Life certificate will need to be enclosed with
the bill.
14. Packing and Marking. The following Packing and Marking clause will form part of the
contract placed on successful Bidder:-
15. Quality. The quality of the stores delivered according to the present Contract shall
correspond to the technical conditions and standards valid for the deliveries of the same stores
as per specifications enumerated as per RFP and shall also include therein modification to the
stores suggested by the Buyer. Such modifications will be mutually agreed to. The Seller confirms
that the stores to be supplied under this Contract shall be new i.e. not manufactured before (Year
of Contract), and shall incorporate all the latest improvements and modifications thereto and
spares of improved and modified equipment are backward integrated and interchangeable with
same equipment supplied by the Seller in the past if any. The Seller shall supply an
interchangeability certificate along with the changed part numbers wherein it should be
mentioned that item would provide as much life as the original item.
16. Quality Assurance. As per relevant Clause of Specification
(i) For advance sample : CQA (T&C), Ashok Path, Kanpur - 208004
(a) Franking Clause in the case of Acceptance of Goods “The fact that the goods have
been inspected after the delivery period and passed by the Inspecting Officer will not have
the effect of keeping the contract alive. The goods are being passed without prejudice to
the rights of the Buyer under the terms and conditions of the contract”.
(b) Franking Clause in the case of Rejection of Goods “The fact that the goods have
been inspected after the delivery period and rejected by the Inspecting Officer will not bind
the Buyer in any manner. The goods are being rejected without prejudice to the rights of
the Buyer under the terms and conditions of the contract.”
19. Claims. The following Claims clause will form part of the contract placed on successful
(d) The description and quantity of the stores are to be furnished to the Seller along
with concrete reasons for making the claims. Copies of all the justifying documents shall
be enclosed to the presented claim. The Seller will settle the claims within 45 days from
the date of the receipt of the claim at the Seller’s office, subject to acceptance of the claim
by the Seller. In case no response is received during this period the claim will be deemed
to have been accepted.
(e) The Seller shall collect the defective or rejected goods from the location
nominated by the Buyer and deliver the repaired or replaced goods at the same location
under Seller’s arrangement.
(f) Claims may also be settled by reduction of cost of goods under claim from bonds
submitted by the Seller or payment of claim amount by Seller through demand draft drawn
on an Indian Bank, in favour of Principal Controller/Controller of Defence Accounts
(g) The quality claims will be raised solely by the Buyer and without any certification/
countersignature by the Seller’s representative stationed in India.
20. Guarantee/Warranty. The following Warranty will form part of the contract placed on
the successful Bidder and will be given in duplicate to the Inspecting Officer under the contract
alongwith the offer letter/challan:-
“Except as otherwise provided in the invitation tender, the Seller hereby declares
that the goods, stores articles sold/supplied to the Buyer under this contract shall be of the
best quality and workmanship and new in all respects and shall be strictly in accordance
with the specification and particulars contained/ mentioned in contract. The seller hereby
guarantees that the said goods/stores/articles would continue to conform to the
description and quality aforesaid for a period of 12 months from the date of delivery of the
said goods stores/articles to the Buyer or 15 months from the date of shipment/despatch
from the Seller’s works whichever is earlier and that notwithstanding the fact that the
Buyer may have inspected and/or approved the said goods/stores/articles, if during the
aforesaid period of 12/15 months the said goods/stores/articles be discovered not to
conform to the description and quality aforesaid not giving satisfactory performance or
have deteriorated, and the decision of the Buyer in that behalf shall be final and binding on
the Seller and the Buyer shall be entitled to call upon the Seller to rectify the
goods/stores/articles or such portion thereof as is found to be defective by the Buyer
within a reasonable period, or such specified period as may be allowed by the Buyer in his
discretion on application made thereof by the Seller, and in such an event, the above
period shall apply to the goods/stores/articles rectified/replaced from the date of
rectification/replacement mentioned thereof, otherwise the Seller shall pay to the Buyer
such compensation as may arise by reason of the breach of the warranty herein
21. Correctness of the Quality and Quantity. On receipt of stores at consignee’s premises,
the stores are checked for ascertaining the correctness of quality, quantity and documents. In
case the stores are found deficient in any way, the consignee has the right to reject the stores
even if these were inspected and cleared by the Inspector. The Vendor should associate along
with the AHSP during any defect investigation even after expiry of warranty period of the
equipment i.e. upto service life of the equipment.
22. Apportionment of Quantity. If the L-1 does not have the capacity to supply the entire
quantity, the order may be placed on L-2, L-3 and so on for the balance quantity at L-1 rates
provided this is acceptable to them.
23. Rectification Clause. In the event if a store is returned for rectification of defects to
supplier, the supplier shall ensure that the defects are attended immediately so that rectified
stores can be re- inspected. It should be noted that supplier would not be entitled to dispose off
that store which is given for rectification but not rejected, without prior permission of the Quality
Assurance Officer.
24. No Claim. No Claim for the payment from the contractor/seller shall be entertained after
lapse of three years of arising of the claim (as per Rule 225 (xix) of GFR 2017).
25. Termination of Contract. In addition to the clauses given at para 9, part II of RFP, the
Buyer shall have the right to terminate the Contract in part or in full in any of the following cases:-
(a) If the Supplier fails to deliver any or all the Goods within the period specified in the
Contract, or within any extension thereof granted to the Buyer.
(b) If the Supplier fails to perform any other obligation(s) under the Contract.
(e) When the item offered by the supplier repeatedly fails in the inspection and/or the
supplier is not in a position to either rectify the defects or offer items conforming to the
contracted quality standards.
(f) Any special circumstances, which must be recorded to justify the cancellation or
termination of a contract.
(g) Any fact which comes to the notice of the buyer which is detrimental to the terms
and conditions of the contract.
(h) “ In case of failure of supply under sub clauses (a), (b) & (d) of Para 9 Part III of
Standard Conditions of RFP and sub caluse (a), (b), (c), (e) & (g) of Para 26 Part IV of
Special Condition of RFP, the Bank Guarantee of the supplier will be liquidated thereof.”
26. Punitive Provisions. As per Para 3.2.4 of Manual for Procurement of Goods 2017,
without prejudice to and in addition to the rights of the Procuring Entity to other penal provisions
as per the bid documents or contract, if the Procuring Entity comes to a conclusion that a
(prospective) bidder/supplier, directly or through an agent, has violated the code of integrity or
any condition of contract in competing for the contract or in executing the contract, the procuring
Entity will take appropriate measures including one or more of the following:-
(iii) Rejection and exclusion of the bidder from the procurement process.
(i) Cancellation of the relevant contract and recovery of compensation for loss
incurred by the procuring Entity.
(i) Removal from the list of registered suppliers and banning/debarment of the
bidder from participation in future procurements of the procuring entity for a period
not less than one year.
1. Evaluation Criteria. The broad guidelines for evaluation of Bids will be as follows:-
(a) Only those Bids will be evaluated which are found to be fulfilling all the eligibility and
qualifying requirements of the RFP, both technically and commercially.
(b) In respect of Two-Bid system, the technical Bids forwarded by the Bidders will be
evaluated by the Buyer with reference to the technical characteristics of the equipment as
mentioned in the RFP. The compliance of Technical Bids would be determined on the
basis of the parameters specified in the RFP. Buyer reserves the right to give
opportunity to firm (s) for compliance in the interest of generating healthy
competition and to avoid resultant single vendor situation. The Price Bids of only
those Bidders will be opened whose Technical Bids would clear the technical evaluation.
(c) The Lowest Bid will be decided upon the lowest price quoted by the particular
Bidder as per the Price Format given at Para 2 below. The consideration of taxes and
duties in evaluation process will be as follows:-
(i) L-1 bidder will be determined by excluding levies, taxes and duties levied by
Central/State/Local governments such as GST etc on final product, as quoted by
bidders. BCD on import content would be part of basic cost for determination of L-1
(d) Denomination in Indian rupees (for Import cases only) - NOT APPLICABLE.
(e) If there is a discrepancy between the unit price and the total price that is obtained
by multiplying the unit price and quantity, the unit price will prevail and the total price will
be corrected. If there is a discrepancy between words and figures, the amount in words
will prevail for calculation of price.
(f) Evaluation of offers involving more than one currency - NOT APPLICABLE
(g) The Lowest Acceptable Bid will be considered further for placement of contract /
Supply Order after complete clarification and price negotiations as decided by the Buyer.
The Buyer will have the right to award contracts to different Bidders for being lowest in
particular items. The Buyer also reserves the right to do Apportionment of Quantity, if it is
convinced that Lowest Bidder is not in a position to supply full quantity in stipulated time.
2. Price Bid Format (to be used for L-1 determination). The Price Bid Format in general
is given below and Bidders are required to fill this up correctly with full details, as required under
Part-II of RFP (The format indicated below is only as an illustration. This format should be filled
up with items/requirements as mentioned in Part-II of RFP.) –
Basic price of -
(b) Accessories
(c) Installation / commissioning
(d) Training
(e) Technical literature
(f) Tools
(g) AMC
(h) Any other requirement
Note. Determination of L-1 will be done based on total of basic prices (not including levies,
taxes and duties levied by Central/State/Local governments such as GST, Octroi/Entry tax, etc on
final product) of all items/requirements as mentioned above.
3. Additional information in Price Bid on Taxes and Duties (not in scope of L-1
(i) GST notification number under which exemption of GST can be given.
(i) Custom notification number under which CDE can be given (enclose a copy)
(ii) CIF value of stores to be imported.
4. Price Bid Format. The Commercial bid format is provided as BoQ_XXXX.xls alongwith
this tender document at https://defprocure.gov.in/defprocure/app. Bidders are advised to
download this BoQ_XXXX.xls as it is and quote their offer in the permitted column.
(a) Please confirm that the store offered by you is exactly as required under tender
enquiry description specification/drawing.
(b) In case there is any deviation the same shall be specifically stated.
Appx ‘A’
Place : Seal
Date : Signature :
Name :
Designation :
Enclosures : Appendix A (Details of Stores under production or development))
M/s. ________________________
(To be filled in by the firm)
Present Production
Name of firm
Appx ‘B’
Note-1 General Registration as well as registration against RFP, the Appx ‘B’ & ‘C’of
JSG 015:2018 (Fourth Revision) is additionally required to be filled by
Registration team
registration RFP
Appx ‘C’
1. Strike out whichever is not applicable.
2. This information be submitted to the respective registration authority.
3. All pages of this application and enclosures are to bear full signatures with the Stamp,
serially numbered and linked with relevant Para.
4. This Appendix contains eight pages and Annexure I & II.
5. This information will be treated as ‘Confidential’.
A-1.1 Administrative Information
(a) Name of the Manufacturer
(b) Addresses with Telephone No.
and registered mobile No. with
STD code/Fax/ E-mail :
(i) Registered Office
(ii) Factory / Works
(iii) Branch offices if any
(iv) Name, address, telephone
and registered mobile No. of the
MD/ Proprietor.
(f) Details of Defence Products Mention Supply Order No. and Description of store.
under production, if any.
A-2.1.1 Details of Defence Stores for which Registration is sought (if it is product specific):
A-2.1.3 Details of Supply Order executed during last three years with respect to
stores/equipment for which registration sought. If any:
A-2.1.6 Complete details on facilities & infrastructure available as per following format:
a) Plant and machinery specific to item (s) for which Registration is sough:
ii) Components.
v) Assemblies
I/We confirm that the information furnished in Part I & II above is correct. In the event of
any information given by me/us is found incorrect/false at any time, I/we understand our
registration will be cancelled without notice, besides any other appropriate action against me/us.
Signature of MD/Proprietor
SEAL Or his authorized representative
Name with seal
1. Certified that we have verified the information given by the manufacturer and same is
observed to be Correct/Not Correct.
3. It is also certified that all the documents have been verified with the originals and
enclosures attested.
Date :
Place :
Indian Manufacturer/OEM Certificate for its Sole Selling Agents/Marketing Firms for
2. We Confirm that:
c) The goods supplied to Consignee will be brand new, in our current production and
conforming to Indian conditions as per technical specification.
3. We M/s __________________ are willing to get our manufacturing facility assessed for
Registration in terms of JSG 015 : 2018.
Place :
Date :
1. “ Notwithstanding that Registration Certificate and Supply Orders are awarded to the
M/s___________________ (Sole Selling Agent/Marketing Firm), the (Parent Company) and M/s
___________ (Sole Selling Agent/Marketing Firm). Jointly and severally, undertake the following:
(b) The named M/s _____________ (Parent Company) as well as M/s ___________
(Sole Selling Agent/Marketing Firm), jointly as well as severally shall be liable/responsible
and accountable for due performance of the supply order as well as supplies thereof in all
respects and also for all such claims of the purchases arising thereof including legal
liability in competent court of law.
NOTE- The above joint undertaking should be signed & dated by authorized person on behalf of
M/s _______ (Parent Company) as well as M/s ________ (Sole Selling Agent/Marketing Firm).
The signing person must attach a necessary power of attorney evidencing his authority to bind
the company on whose behalf the above undertaking has been given.
Appx ‘D’
Ser Items Minimum Essential Plant & Machinery MPC Per Line Essential Parameters Remarks
No qualifying MPC Name of Machinery No required Ref : Appendix for
for Registration (Minimum) test Eqpts ‘F’ for
Physical & ‘G’ for
1 2 3 4(a) 4(b) 5 6 7
1. Shirts Man’s 10,000 Nos (i) Power Driven Light /Medium Duty sewing 50 Nos MPC/ machine (i) Firm should have (i) Firm should
Cotton Cellular, Machine /shift / month can facilities for maintain
1973 Pattern (ii) Cutting Table Size 5m x 1.5 m 01 No be calculated by dimensional checking documentary
(Modified) Khaki dividing min of garments, proof /
(iii) Power Operated Cutting Machine 01 No qualifying MPC by workmanship & documents to
50. Example = finish. ensure pre
(iv) Button Stitching machine 10000 Nos -inspection of
01 No (ii) The firm should
(v) Button Stitching machine 50 have facility for various fabric
01 No = 200 Nos / Per checking physical used in
(vi) Pressing Table Shift /month and chemical fabrication of
01 No parameters of basic garments.
(vii) Electric Steam Press
(viii) Fusing Machine 02 Nos Or
Should have
(ix) Thread Bit Removal Machine 01 No arrangements with
NABL accredited
01 No Labs for the same.
1. Capacity Verification Team during visit shall make time study and will note flow chart of manufacturing, Cycle time of operation and operators including helpers
required for manufacturing .
2. Industrial Sewing Machines mentioned above may be of brands like Juki, Brother, Pegasus and Toyota etc. Having provisions for controlling No of stitches per
unit length, quality of stitches and automatic thread trimming with fabric pensioner.
3. The firm shall have skilled /trained manpower for each operation /machinery.
4. The prefabrication and cutting shop shall be well spaced in a separate enclosure.
5. The input material stacking with traceable identification mark after completion of prefabrication shall be systematically maintained and documented on ground.
6. The arrangement of fabrication machinery shall be systematically placed in sufficient covered space/ area to properly support flow process of fabrication and
quality check up during production. All safety measures and balance of material handling aspects shall be taken caser of at production layout.
7. The chronology of fabrication, component wise and subsequent assembly of components shall be systematically arranged in production line to achieve
adequate accuracy, quality and productivity of the production unit.
8. These norms being mere guidelines, any improved infrastructure /technology shall be either included or deleted with adequate justification.
Appx ‘E’
Dear Sir,
1. I/We have downloaded/obtained the tender document(s) for the above mentioned
‘Tender/Work’ from the web site(s) namely:
____________as per your advertisement, given in the above mentioned website(s).
2. I/ We hereby certify that I / we have read entire terms and conditions of the
tender documents from Page No. _______ to ______ (including all documents like
annexure(s), schedule(s), etc .,), which form part of the contract agreement and I/we
shall abide hereby the
terms /conditions/clauses contained therein.
3. The corrigendum(s) issued from time to time by your department/ organisations too
have also been taken into consideration, while submitting this acceptance letter.
5. The Tech Bid and its enclosures as submitted in physical form as mentioned in
para 2 of part I of RFP is the true copy of the documents uploaded on the Central
Public Procurement
Portal (https://defprocure.gov.in/defprocure/app).
6. In case any provisions of this tender are found violated , your department/
organisation shall be at liberty to reject this tender/bid including the forfeiture of the full
said Earnest Money Deposit absolutely and we shall not have any claim/right against
deptt in satisfaction of this condition.
Yours Faithfully,
(Signature of the Bidder, with Official Seal)
Appx ‘F’
Appx ‘G’
The following additional Charged Levied / Discounts Offered over and above the prices
quoted in the BOQ which will have financial implication on the bid value quoted by me
Signed by:
Date: Official stamp:
2. The certificate will be signed by the owner of the firm or any person auth to
do so on behalf of the owner.
3. The certificate will be scanned, digitally signed and uploaded along with the
BOQ in the Cover II containing Financial Bid. (Ref para 2 (b) of Part I of RFP)
Appx ‘H’
Instructions for Online Bid Submission Instructions to the Bidders to submit the
bids online through the Central Public Procurement Portal for e Procurement at
https://defprocure.gov.in/defprocure/app are as follows
2. Bidder should do the enrolment in the e-Procurement site using the “Click
here to Enrol” option available on the home page. Portal enrolment is generally free
of charge. During enrolment/registration, the bidders should provide the correct/true
information including valid email-id. All the correspondence shall be made directly with
the contractors/bidders through email-id provided.
3. Bidder need to login to the site through their user ID/ password chosen during
4. Then the Digital Signature Certificate (Class II or Class III Certificates with
signing key usage) issued by SIFY/TCS/nCode/eMudra or any Certifying Authority
recognized by CCA India on eToken/Smart Card, should be registered.
5. The DSC that is registered only should be used by the bidder and should ensure
safety of the same.
6. Bidder logs in to the site through the secured log in by giving the user id/ password
chosen during enrolment/registration and then by giving the password of the
eToken/SmartCard to access DSC.
7. In case of limited tender the regd dealers/ the bidders invited to participate in the
tender will receive a notification through e-mail wrt to tender and after log in the bidder
selects the tender and moves it to “my tenders ‟ . In case of open tenders the bidder
selects the tender which he/she is interested in by using the search option & then moves
it to the “my tenders‟ folder.
8. From my tender folder, the bidder selects the tender to view all the details indicated.
10. If there are any clarifications, this may be obtained online through the tender site, or
through the contact details or during the pre -bid meeting if any or during the pre -bid
meeting if any.
11. Bidder should take into account the corrigendum published before submitting the
bids online and accept the corrigendum else the bid will be rendered invalid.
12. It is construed that the bidder has read all the terms and conditions before submitting
their offer. Bidder should go through the tender schedules carefully and upload
the documents as asked; otherwise, the bid will be rejected.
13. The Bidders can update well in advance, the documents such as certificates, annual
report details etc., under My Space option and these can be selected as per tender
requirements and then sent along with bid documents during bid submission. This will
facilitate the bid submission process faster by reducing upload time of bids.
14. Bidder, in advance, should get the bid documents ready to be submitted as indicated
in the tender document/schedule and generally, they can be in PDF/xls/rar/zip/dwf
formats. If there is more than one document, they can be clubbed together and
can be provided in the requested format. Each document to be uploaded online for
the tenders should be less than 2 MB. If any document is more than 2MB, it can be
reduced through zip/rar and the same can be uploaded, if permitted. Bidders Bid
documents may be scanned with 100 dpi with black and white option. However of
the file size is less than 1 MB the transaction uploading time will be very fast.
15. Bidder should submit the Tender Fee/ EMD as specified in the tender. The original
should be posted/couriered/given in person to the Tender Inviting Authority, within the bid
submission due date & time for the tender. Scanned copy of the instrument should be
uploaded as part of the offer.
16. While submitting the bids online, the bidder must read the terms & conditions and
accept the same to proceed further to submit the bid packets.
17. The bidder has to select the payment option as offline to pay the Tender
FEE/ EMD as applicable and enter details of the instruments.
18. The details of the DD/any other accepted instrument, physically sent, should tally
with the details available in the scanned copy and the data entered during bid
submission time. The submitted bid will not be acceptable if otherwise.
19. The bidder has to digitally sign and upload the required bid documents one
by one as indicated. Bidders must note that the very act of using DSC for downloading
the bids and uploading their offers shall be deemed to be a confirmation that they have
read all sections and pages of the bid document including General conditions of contract
without any exception and have understood the entire document and are clear about the
requirements of the tender requirements.
20. The bidder has to upload the relevant files required as indicated in the cover content.
In case of any irrelevant files, the bid will be rejected. The tech bid acceptance will be
subject to physical receipt of specified docu at the time of tech bid opening. Further, the
TIA will not be held responsible for any sort of delay or the difficulties faced during the
submission of bids physically by the bidders under any circumstances whatsoever.
21. If the price bid format is provided in a spread sheet file like BoQ_xxxx.xls, the rates
offered should be entered in the allotted space only and uploaded after filling the relevant
columns. The Price Bid/BOQ template must not be modified/replaced by the bidder,
else the bid submitted is liable to be rejected for this tender.
22. The bidders are requested to submit the bids through online e-tendering
system to the Tender Inviting Authority (TIA) well before the bid submission end
date & time (as per Server System Clock). The TIA will not be held responsible for
any sort of delay or the difficulties faced during the submission of bids online by the
bidders at the eleventh hour.
23. After the bid submission (i.e. after Clicking “Freeze Bid Submission” in the
portal), the acknowledgement number, given by the system should be printed by
the bidder and kept as a record of evidence for online submission of bid for the
particular tender and will also act as an entry pass to participate in the bid opening date.
24. The time settings fixed in the server side & displayed at the top of the tender site, will
be valid for all actions of requesting, bid submission, bid opening etc., in the e-tender
system. The bidders should follow this time during bid submission.
25. All the data being entered by the bidders would be encrypted using PKI
encryption techniques to ensure the secrecy of the data. The data entered will not
viewable by unauthorized persons during bid submission & not be viewable by any one
until the time of bid opening.
26. Any bid document that is uploaded to the server is subjected to symmetric
encryption using a system generated symmetric key. Further this key is subjected to
asymmetric encryption using buyers or the procurement officer openers public keys.
Overall, the uploaded tender documents become readable only after the tender opening
by the authorized bid openers.
27. The confidentiality of the bids is maintained since the secured Socket Layer
128 bit encryption technology is used. Data storage encryption of sensitive fields is
28. The bidder should logout of the tendering system using the normal logout option
available at the top right hand corner and not by selecting the (X) exit option in the
29. For any queries regarding e-tendering process, the bidders are requested to
contact TIA as provided in the tender document. The bidders for any further queries can
also to contact over phone: 1-800-233-7315 or send a mail over to – cppp-nic@nic.in .
30. All the pages of Technical-Bid and commercial-bid should have been duly
signed by the bidder/auth rep and hard copy will be submitted in the office of TIA.
31. The undertaking to the effect that the terms and conditions stipulated in the tender
docu are acceptable by the auth signatory of the bidders Regd firm will have to be
submitted. The subject undertaking on a forwarding letter shall be uploaded on CPP
portal during bidding by the bidders.
Appx ‘J’
WE undertake to pay the Buyer up to the above amount upon receipt of its first
written demand, without the Buyer having to substantiate its demand, provided that in its
demand the Buyer will note that the amount claimed by it is due to it owing to the
occurrence of one or both the two conditions, specifying the occurred condition or
This guarantee will remain in force upto and including 45 days after the period of
tender validity and any demand in respect thereof should reach the Bank not later than
the above date.
(Signature of the authorized officer of the Bank)
Name and designation of the officer
Seal, name & address of the Bank and address of the Branch
Appx ‘K’
Appx ‘L’
(ii) Samples for lab testing will be drawn from the samples drawn and mentioned
in column No (2) only.
(iii) Samples for chemical test (Column No. 7) shall be drawn out of physical test
samples (Column No. 5).
Appx ‘M’
1. New Packing System (Modular Packing), as given in succeeding Pares, has been
introduced in place of existing packing. The store shall be delivered/ packed in new, clean, duly,
pressed and in absolutely dry condition. Stores of same dimension (size) and similar in shade,
shall be packed in one package.
(b) 05 Nos of garments should be tied with Jute Twine to form a unit bundle.
(c) 04 Nos of such unit bundles will be packed in a 5-ply inner box of dimension (L x B
x H) 420 x 330 x 375, as per specification No IS : 2771 (Latest).
(d) Two such inner boxes will be packed in a outer box of dimensions (L x B x H) 700 x
450 x 400 mm, as per specification No CQA (GS)/US/460.
(e) Then Outer box will be covered by HDPE Bag Size-750 x 500 x 1000 mm as per
IS : 11652 (Latest).
(f) Outer box shall be bound with two bands of polypropylene strapping of 0.5 mm
thickness and 12 mm wide conforming to JSS: 8135-10 (latest) across length and width.
The ends shall be sealed with heat sealing/punching machine.
Appx ‘N’
Place : Signature
(Name of Signatory in Block letters)
Date : (Completer address of the firm, and firm’s Seal)
Appx ‘O’
1. SO No and date :
2. Item on SO :
3. Qty on SO :
4. Original DP : (a)
5. Re-fixed DP :
6. No of DP extn availed
Till date :
(a) That I will supply complete qty with in extended DP and will not ask for any more DP extn
(b) That I will not represent later for deduction of LD on account of DP ext.
(c) That I am fully aware that min of 45 days is required for processing of DP extn case for
which I am liable for payment of LD not applied for DP extn within 45 days prior original DP.
Place :
Appx ‘P’
Bank _______________
The President of India
Ministry of Defence
Government of India
New Delhi
Dear Sir,
Whereas you have entered into a contract No_________________ dated __________
(hereinafter referred to as the said Contract with M/s _______________, hereinafter referred to
as the “seller” for supply of goods as per Part-II of the said contract to the said seller and
whereas the seller has undertaken to produce a bank guarantee for (%) of total Contract value
amounting to ______________ to secure its obligations to the President of India. We the
________________bank hereby expressly, irrevocably and unreservedly undertake and
guarantee as principal obligors on behalf of the seller that, in the event that the President of
India declares to us that the goods have not been supplied according to the Contractual
obligations under the aforementioned contract, we will pay you, on demand and without demur,
all and any sum up to a maximum of _________________Rupees __________________only.
Your written demand shall be conclusive evidence to us that such repayment is due under the
terms of the said contract. We undertake to effect payment upon receipt of such written
2. We shall not be discharged or released from this undertaking and guarantee by any
arrangements, variations made between you and the Seller, indulgence to the Seller by you, or
by any alterations in the obligations of the Seller or by any forbearance whether as to payment,
time performance or otherwise.
4. This guarantee shall remain valid for .......months from the date of JRI acceptance of test
consignment in India or until all the store, spares and documentation have been supplied
according to the contractual obligations under the said contract.
5. Unless a demand or claim under this guarantee is made on us in writing or on before the
aforesaid expiry date as provided in the above referred contract or unless this guarantee is
extended by us, all your rights under this guarantee shall be forfeited and we shall be
discharged from the liabilities hereunder.
6. This guarantee shall be a continuing guarantee and shall not be discharged by and
change in the constitution of the Bank or in the constitution of
Appx ‘Q’
Government of India
Integrated Headquarters MoD (Army)
Master General of Ordnance Branch
Dte General of Ordnance Services
CP Cell, ‘DII’ Wing, Sena Bhawan
Room No 101, New Delhi-110 001
Sub: OEM authorization of channel partner of our products for empanelment under
contract with CP Cell, IHQ of MoD (Army), CP Cell, ‘D-II’ Wing, Sena Bhawan, Room No 101
and supplied to Govt of India.
Dear Sir,
1. We are the reputed Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) and authorize our under
mentioned Indian channel partner firm to submit/negotiate the tender, process the same further
and enter into Rate Contracts for (Manufactured products to Govt user in India).
2. We further confirm/certify/undertake the following:-
(a) The said channel partner shall quote offer supply our OEM products at most
competitive price and commercial terms which are settled from time to time based on
requirements and market conditions.
(b) No other supplier / firm / company or individual is authorized by us for the said
purpose (Rate Contracts).
(c) Our OEM standard Guarantee / Warrantee shall be applicable for our products,
which shall be supplied by the said channel partner under Rate Contract.
(d) The products supplied against Rate Contract will be brand new, in our current
production. The versions going out of productions and / or upgraded shall also be
immediately informed to the purchaser.
(e) Our said channel partner would sign and execute all required documents including
integrity pact for said purpose with the purchaser and continue to perform up to validity
period mentioned hereunder and also extendable thereafter.
(f) We also agree to submit all the required certificate including quality certification for
our OEM products and audited financial documents as and when required by the
(g) In event of failure on the part of said Channel Partner, the pending liabilities under
the Rate Contracts shall be complied by us through our changed channel partner.
(h) In the event of any change in the aforesaid matter, the same shall be immediately
informed to the purchaser.
3. Our channel partner details are briefly stated as under :-
(a) __________________________
(Name and complete address of main/head office of OEM, including name of concerned
contracts official, phone number and e-mail).
(b) __________________________
(Name and address (es) of all the manufacturing /production facilities of OEM across the
glob evidencing country of origin of concerned products).
(c) __________________________
(List of board category of concerned products including specific models of OEM for Rate
(d) __________________________
(Name and complete address of the said channel partner firm including name of
concerned official , phone number and e-mail).
(e) __________________________
(Present validity period of this authorisation / agreement , extendable thereafter ).
4. This authorization / agreement has been signed , executed and extended from time to time
if any by us , duly signed by our authorized authority who is the competent authority in
accordance with the power of attorney authorized by our bd of director (evidence encl).
Enclosure: as above.
Date :
Yours faithfully,
(signature with date, Name and designation)
Copy to :_
M/s ____________
(Name and full address Channel Partner)
Note : This letter of authorization should be on the letter head of the manufacturing firm
(OEM) and should be signed by a person competent and having the power of attorney to legally
bind the manufacturer (OEM). Documents evidencing the same to be attached.