1.5 Swot Analysis: Full Professors Associate Professors PHD Students
1.5 Swot Analysis: Full Professors Associate Professors PHD Students
1.5 Swot Analysis: Full Professors Associate Professors PHD Students
SWOT analysis
The lab meetings take place regularly, once a month. The council discusses the budget, the
lab life, the scientific animation and the main directions the lab should promote, the open faculty
positions, the invitations of foreign researchers, the interactions within the ecosystem... Concerning
the budget, a part is directly handled by the teams. The remaining common part and the actions
to be taken are discussed by the lab council. On all these points, the council makes decisions.
Scientific animation Although the scientific animation on each main research axis is mostly
done by the teams, a transversal animation takes also place at the lab level. This includes a general
scientific seminar (Journée Recherche du LTCI3 ), once a year, and the promotion of transverse
seminars, across teams (for instance, the Data Science seminar4 or the newly launched seminar on
Critical Embedded Systems5 ). Also, all invited researchers give talks open to all the teams.
Equality of chances Although no parity exists in the scientific domains of the LTCI, we pay
attention to the equality of chances, both in recruitment and in communication. This includes an
attention paid to the language itself, to ensure equal communication in a process of deconstructing
discrimination, whether conscious and subconscious.
In the LTCI, the proportion of woman is around 21% among the professors (slightly increasing
during the last years) and around 15% among associate professors (slightly decreasing). For PhD
candidates, the proportion is around 21%, also decreasing, which calls for a specific attention. An
effort for the promotions from associate professors to professors is visible, and is still ongoing.
Three teams of the LTCI are headed by women.
It should be noted that a lot of national committees require to tend towards parity, which
means a huge additional charge for the women of the lab.
Prof: woman Prof: men AP: woman AP: men PhD: woman PhD: men
Figure 1.7: Gender distribution of the faculty and the PhD students.