Acclimation To Hypothermic Incubation in Developing Chicken Embryos (Gallus Domesticus)
Acclimation To Hypothermic Incubation in Developing Chicken Embryos (Gallus Domesticus)
Acclimation To Hypothermic Incubation in Developing Chicken Embryos (Gallus Domesticus)
Chronic exposure to a low incubation temperature populations. Late stage (HH43–44) embryos incubated
clearly slows the development of poikilothemic chicken at 38°C could maintain VO∑ (approximately
embryos (or any other poikilotherms), but little is 27–33·µl·g–1·min–1) during an acute drop in Ta to
known about the more subtle developmental effects approximately 30°C. However, at the same stage 35°C
of temperature, especially on physiological regulatory embryos acutely measured at 38°C were unable to
systems. Consequently, two populations of chicken similarly maintain their VO∑, which fell as soon as Ta
embryos were incubated at 38°C and 35°C. When reached 36°C. Thus, while hypothermic incubation does
compared at the same development stage, incubation not affect gross development (other than would be
temperature had no significant impact on embryonic predicted from a simple effect of Q10), there is a significant
survival or growth. Moreover, the relative timing of major delay in the relative timing of the onset of
developmental landmarks (e.g. internal pipping), thermoregulatory ability induced by hypothermic
expressed as a percentage of development, was unaffected incubation.
by temperature. The ability to maintain the rate of oxygen
consumption (VO∑) during an acute drop in ambient
temperature (Ta) improved from Hamburger–Hamilton Key words: chicken embryo, Gallus domesticus, thermoregulation,
(HH) stages 39–40 to 43–44 in the 38°C but not the 35°C hypothermia, incubation, development, heterokairy.
The developing chicken embryo is a poikilotherm, and embryo as a unit (Bull, 1980; Temple et al., 2001; Gutzke and
consequently any decrease in ambient temperature precipitates Crews, 1988; Johnston et al., 1996; Spicer and Burggren,
a series of cascading events: embryo temperature follows the 2003). Susceptible to change in the chronically hypothermic
decline in ambient temperature (Ta), which in turn reduces embryo, then, are the absolute as well as the relative timings
metabolic rate and energy production, slowing embryonic of onset of different physiological process and the systems that
growth and maturation (Tazawa et al., 1988; Pelster, 1997). regulate them. This phenomenon has recently been termed
The most obvious consequence of experimental hypothermic ‘heterokairy’ to differentiate it from the rather broadly and
incubation is that it will take longer for a chronically loosely used ‘heterochrony’ (see Spicer and Burggren, 2003).
hypothermic embryo to reach the required level of maturity for The shift from poikilotherm to homeotherm in bird embryos
hatching. Not surprisingly, embryonic growth and the is an important physiological transition, beginning within the
development of physiological systems in chicken embryos last 20% of incubation. This thermoregulatory transition
incubated at 35°C are retarded compared to embryos incubated requires heat-producing metabolism and supporting oxygen
at the optimum temperature of 38°C, with an additional 4 days transport to mature as essential steps in the precise regulation
required for hatching (Tazawa et al., 1988). of body temperature. Such developmental events may be
Less obvious than the simple lengthening of the embryonic particularly susceptible to temperature-induced qualitative
period by chronic hypothermia, but potentially of considerable adjustments. In this and the following study on the late stages
physiological importance, is the impact on both the absolute of incubation of the chicken embryo (Gallus domesticus), we
and relative timing of the onset of different physiological examine both acute and chronic temperature influences on
processes and their regulation. Indeed, temperature changes metabolism, changes in blood-oxygen transport supporting
during development often have complex affects that go beyond metabolism, and thermoregulatory responses of chicken
simply accelerating or decelerating the development of the embryos. Our goal is to determine if chronic hypothermia
1544 J. L. Black and W. W. Burggren
(35°C) alters standard developmental patterns, providing pipping, external pipping and hatching was expressed by the
additional evidence for heterokairy. As a self-contained temperature quotient (Q10) calculated using the van’t Hoff
embryo that is very well characterized anatomically and equation:
reasonably well understood physiologically, the chicken
Q10=(k2/k1)10/(t1–t2) ,
embryo is an excellent model to examine how the changes in
the thermal environment can quantitatively and qualitatively where k1 and k2 are the timing of events expressed as a
influence the developmental timeline. percentage of incubation at temperatures t1=38°C and t2=35°C,
In this first study, we test the hypothesis that chronic respectively.
incubation in hypothermia (35°C) not only lengthens the
embryonic period but also alters the relative timing of hatching Static VO∑ measurements at 35°C and 38°C
events, the normal pattern of changes in metabolic activity, and Six eggs from each incubation temperature, at each stage,
the ability of the embryo to respond physiologically to acute were implanted with thermocouples. Thermocouple wires were
decreases in Ta. inserted immediately beneath the shell through a 0.5·mm hole,
and held in place with a 1·cm2 piece of tape. Preliminary
experiments revealed no detectable thermal gradient from
Materials and methods inside the embryo’s body to the shell exterior in incubating
Source and incubation of eggs eggs. Consequently, ‘surface temperature’ measured
Fertilized White Leghorn eggs (Gallus domesticus L.) were immediately under the shell is assumed to be embryo
obtained from Texas A&M University (College Station, Texas, temperature. The eggs were placed in an air-tight, water-tight
USA) and shipped to the University of North Texas (Denton, respirometer (240·ml) through which air was pumped
TX, USA) where they were incubated in commercial continuously at 70–75·ml·min–1. Water and carbon dioxide
incubators. All experimental procedures were approved by the were removed from the outflow air by passing it through
University of North Texas’ Institutional Animal Care and Use Drierite™ and soda lime, respectively. Analysis of O2 content
Committee. of the air and calculation of oxygen consumption was carried
Populations of eggs were incubated at 38.0°C (control), or out using an oxygen analyzer (model FC-1B, Sable Systems
35.0°C (hypothermic), all at a relative humidity of 60%. To Inc., Henderson, NV, USA). The ventilated chamber was
determine the gross effects of incubation temperature on partially submerged in a programmable water bath (ISOTEMP
development, nine or more embryos incubated at each 1028P, Fisher Scientific, Hampton, NH, USA) and allowed to
temperature were staged for developmental maturity on days equilibrate to incubation temperature for a minimum of 30·min
13–14, 15–16, 17–18 and 19–20 (Hamburger and Hamilton, before measurements were started. Measurements of oxygen
1951). Hypothermic embryos have a slower rate of consumption were recorded simultaneously with egg
development than embryos incubated in control conditions, so temperature and ambient temperature (Chart software and
staging was completed through hatching to determine the Powerlab data acquisition system, ADInstruments, Colorado
length of incubation required for the 35°C embryos to reach Springs, CO, USA). All values of VO∑ (µl·O2·g–1·min–1) were
developmental stages equivalent to the 38°C embryos. expressed on an embryo mass-specific rather than egg mass-
All subsequent metabolic experiments were conducted on specific basis, unless otherwise indicated.
embryos at the following stages: stage 39–40, reached on days Basal VO∑ measurements made at constant Ta were
13–14 for 38°C and days 15–16 for 35°C; stage 41–42, designated as ‘static’ VO∑ measurements (in contrast to
reached on days 15–16 for 38°C and days 17–18 for 35°C; measurements during gradual cooling or warming, described
stage 43–44, reached on days 17–18 for 38°C and days 19–20 below). Static measurements were always recorded first at the
for 35°C. chronic incubation temperature of that particular egg. After this
initial measurement (for approximately 30·min), the water bath
Rates of survival and timing of hatching temperature was changed at a rate of 3°C·h–1 to expose the egg
Fertilized eggs (N=40 for 38°C and N=32 for 35°C) were to the other treatment incubation temperature (e.g. 35°C if the
incubated as described above. Eggs were candled every 2 days incubation temperature was 38°C) for a minimum of 2·h. VO∑
(D) from D4 to D18 of incubation, to determine survival. From was then determined for the same egg at the other treatment
D19 to D25 of incubation eggs were candled daily to determine temperature as described above.
survival at the pre-pip stage, internally pipped stage, externally
pipped stage and hatching success. Survival rates were VO∑ measurements during gradual cooling
calculated as number of eggs alive compared to total number VO∑ was also measured during gradual cooling, because the
of eggs incubated at that temperature. Counts of eggs on each Ta at which basal VO∑ (and the accompanying heat production)
day were converted to relative frequencies and plotted for each can no longer be maintained during cooling – the Tcrit – is an
day of incubation. Egg counts also allowed the calculation of indication of the maturity of thermoregulatory ability. Hence,
percentage survival and the timing of pipping and hatching eggs (N≥6 for each incubation temperature) with implanted
events. thermocouple wires were placed in metabolic chambers.
The effect of temperature on length of incubation to internal Chamber and egg surface temperature were simultaneously
Metabolism in hypothermic chicken embryos 1545
recorded as described above. Static basal VO∑ A
measurements were determined at the egg’s chronic 100
38°C Infertile
incubation temperature before the start of the gradual 90 Dead
cooling protocol. For those eggs incubated at 38°C, Pre-IP
measurement of VO∑ at 38°C was followed by IP
continuous VO∑ measurements during gradual cooling 70 EP
(3°C·h–1) of the water bath and metabolic chamber to a 60
final egg temperature of 30°C. For those eggs incubated
in hypothermia (35°C), a static VO∑ measurement was
determined at 35°C and the temperature of the water 40
bath was then increased to 38°C. Eggs were allowed a 30
Table·1. Effects of chronic incubation at 35°C and 38°C on the length of incubation and the relative amount of development
each day
Survival to Days to Time to event
Event interval Sample size event end (%) end event (% of total)
Start → End 35°C 38°C 35°C 38°C 35°C 38°C 35°C 38°C effect (Q10)
0 → IP 13 16 40.6 40.0 22.2 19.3 93.5 93.6 1.0
0 → EP 9 9 28.1 22.5 22.8 19.8 96.1 96.2 1.0
0→H 9 9 28.1 21.8 23.7 20.6 100 100 1.0
IP → EP 9 9 69.0 56.2 0.6 0.5 2.6 2.6 1.0
EP → H 9 9 100.0 77.7 0.9 0.8 3.8 3.8 1.0
Incubation is divided into intervals based on hatching events from day 0 (0), internal pipping (IP), external pipping (EP) and hatching (H).
Metabolism in hypothermic chicken embryos 1547
A 0.30 A
* (15) 35°C
38°C 0.25
20 * (17)
Embryo wet mass (g)
39–40 41–42 43–44
41–42 43–44
6 B
0.014 B
5 38°C
38°C * (17) 35°C
Embryo dry mass (g)
120 120
35°C, HH 39–40 38°C, HH 39–40
110 110
100 100
90 90
80 80
70 70
60 60
50 50
35 38 36 34 32 30 38 36 34 32 30
Normalized oxygen consumption (% of VO2 at 38°C)
120 120
110 35°C, HH 41–42 110 38°C, HH 41–42
100 100
90 90
80 80
70 70
60 60
50 50
35 38 36 34 32 30 38 36 34 32 30
120 120 38°C, HH 43–44
35°C, HH 43–44 110
100 100
90 90
80 80
70 70
60 60
50 50
35 38 36 34 32 30 38 36 34 32 30
Measurement temperature (°C)
Fig.·6. VO∑ during gradual cooling for individual embryos incubated at 35°C and 38°C to stages 39–40 (A and D, respectively), stages 41–42 (B
and E, respectively), and stages 43–44 (C and F, respectively). Data are normalized to the measured VO∑ value at 38°C; cross hatched bars
represent 5% variation from the measurement at 38°C.
(Tazawa et al., 1971; Dzialowski et al., 2002). The difference total body water in D18 (HH 44) embryos at 81.8%. Their
in wet body mass at HH 43–44 between incubation study also determined that D12 embryos (HH 38) contained
temperatures in the present study is accounted for by the higher 91.7% body water, a value comparable to that in our study for
total body water content in the 35°C embryos. Calculations of HH 39–40 embryos incubated at both 35°C (89.6%) and 38°C
% total body water from the wet and dry mass data confirmed (90.8%).
that at stage 43–44 the 35°C the wet mass of the embryo Overall, these data reveal that embryo growth is proportional
consisted of 81% water, compared to only 76% in the 38°C to developmental stage, irrespective of how long it takes to
embryos. Dzialowski et al. (2002) reported similar values of reach that stage. This emphasizes the importance of making
1550 J. L. Black and W. W. Burggren
evidence of complex temperature effects. The ventricle mass
of stage 43–44 embryos incubated at 38°C (0.10g±0.01)
30 HH 41–42 closely resembled the heart mass data for D18 chicken
embryos (0.12g±0.01) obtained by Dzialowski et al. (2002).
25 Our study revealed that both ventricle mass and the size of the
* ventricle relative to embryo mass were significantly higher in
20 *
the 35°C embryos (Fig.·4) at stage 41–42. Previous studies
15 examining the effects of hypoxic stress on the development of
* (5) the chicken embryo saw increases in heart mass of D12
38°C embryos that were exposed to hypoxia between days 6 and 12
5 35°C of incubation (Dzialowski et al., 2002). That study, however,
was unable to show a similar response in D18 embryos or in
0 hatchlings. Future experiments to examine the differential
35 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30
effects of incubation temperature on heart mass will help to
unravel why hypothermic incubation leads to cardiac
C hypertrophy.
Baseline temperature = 38oC; Tcrit = temperature at which basal VO∑ can no longer be maintained.
*Values are means ± 1 S.E.M.
SNK, Student–Newman–Keuls test.
activity was not significantly correlated with reductions in gas suggesting the onset of thermoregulatory ability in late-stage
conductance, accomplished by applying wax to the shell. embryos: (1) the ability of some individual embryos actually
Incubation temperature did not profoundly affect basal VO∑ to increase briefly their VO∑ by 5–10% upon a 1°C drop in Ta
of chicken embryos in the final stages of development. The very and (2) the ability of the embryo generally to maintain VO∑
similar VO∑ exhibited by 35°C- and 38°C-incubated embryos at during an 8°C drop in Ta.
HH 43–44 and the general trend of a decrease in mass-specific Incubation temperature appears to modify the
oxygen consumption with development may both be explained developmental onset of the chicken embryo’s ability to trigger
by the internal O2 levels late in development. In such late stages, endogenous heat production as part of developing
VO∑ of the embryo is constrained by O2 diffusion rates across thermoregulatory mechanisms. Specifically, hypothermic
the shell. Reduced embryonic mass-specific VO∑ results because incubation delays the onset of the embryo’s ability to maintain
the embryo continues to grow at the expense of establishing stable VO∑ in the face of acutely declining temperature.
hypoxia within the egg (Romijn and Lokhorst, 1951; The youngest embryos examined from both incubation
Wagensteen et al., 1970; Rahn et al., 1974; Ar et al., 1980; temperatures significantly reduced VO∑ at a Tcrit of 34°C
Tazawa, 1980). If late stage chicken embryos are provided with (Fig.·7A). By stages 41–42 and 43–44, the 35°C embryos
increased O2 (hyperoxic environment), they increase their experienced significant decreases in metabolic activity earlier,
metabolic activity (Tazawa et al., 1992). An examination of the but only at 36°C. The ability of the 38°C embryos to maintain
early stages of development would probably reveal lower VO∑ VO∑ improved with continued development, and by stage
in embryos incubated at 35°C, supporting the slower rate of 43–44 they experienced a significant decline in oxygen
growth and development and the increased length of the consumption only after a full 8°C decline in egg surface
developmental timeline. temperature, thus surpassing the performance reported for
chicken embryos by Tazawa et al. (1988). While some of the
Temperature and thermoregulatory activity statistically significant differences individually may be of
A homeotherm must be able to regulate precisely limited biological significance, collectively these data show
endogenous heat production as well as heat loss in order to that over all incubation conditions, hypothermic incubation
maintain a stable body temperature in the face of fluctuating temperatures produce embryos that are less efficient in
ambient temperatures. Chicken embryos are certainly not responding physiologically to acute Ta decreases.
homeotherms, but at some point in very late development the Important differences exist between measurements of static
embryo makes the transition from poikilothermy to VO∑ made after longer periods of exposure (2·h) to altered
homeothery, using elevated VO∑ to produce heat used to ambient temperature compared with the ‘gradual cooling’
maintain body temperature. Tazawa et al. (1988) slowly cooled experiments. First, after longer exposure, the temperature effect
late-stage embryos from 38°C to 30°C over a period of 8·h, on VO∑ was the same for all stages and both incubation
minimizing the imbalance between heat loss and heat temperatures, with Q10 values ranging from 1.49±0.08 to
production. They noted that embryos as young as stage 43 were 1.57±0.17. Although there is something inherently different
able to maintain a maximal oxygen consumption until the about the 38°C embryos that allows them to better resist gradual
ambient temperature reached 34°C, and proposed that the decreases in ambient temperature, these data suggest this effort
embryo was an apparent poikilotherm, unable to maintain body is short-lived, lasting for only a few hours. The constraints
temperature, only because of the thermal constraints of the egg imposed by the egg environment include a complete lack of
environment, not because they lacked the mechanisms required insulation (Whittow and Tazawa, 1991), high thermal
for regulating metabolic activity. In support of the contentions conductance (Tazawa et al., 1988) and limited diffusion of
of Tazawa et al. (1988), we propose two lines of evidence respiratory gases (Wagensteen et al., 1970; Rahn et al., 1974).
1552 J. L. Black and W. W. Burggren
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helpful editorial comments. This work was supported by NSF Wagner-Amos, K. and Seymour, R. S. (2002). Effect of regional changes to
shell conductance on oxygen consumption and growth of chicken embryos.
Grant no. IBN-0128043 to W.W.B. Respir. Physiol. 129, 385-395.
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