A Direct Composite Resin Stratification Technique For Restoration of The Smile
A Direct Composite Resin Stratification Technique For Restoration of The Smile
A Direct Composite Resin Stratification Technique For Restoration of The Smile
3 authors:
Juan Carlos Pontons- Adilson Y Furuse
Bauru School of Dentistry, University of São Paulo, Bauru, SP, Brazil
Universidad Científica
José Mondelli
University of São Paulo
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All content following this page was uploaded by Juan Carlos Pontons-Melo on 14 January 2017.
Composite resins can be used to improve the esthetics of the smile at a
low cost and with relatively high clinical performance. The aim of this article was to
describe an approach to restore and enhance the esthetic appearance of the anterior
dentition through vital tooth whitening and the direct layering of composite resin during
predictable esthetic proce- dures. (Quintessence Int 2011;42:205–211)
Nowadays, the cosmetic and The range of composites allows the use of
esthetic parameters dictated by society different combinations of shade, hue, trans-
have com- pelled patients to seek lucency, and opacity. Thus, specific details
dentofacial harmony and improve their and aspects that exist in the patient’s
physical appearance. Additionally, the natural dentition may be obtained. This
evolution of dental materi- als has restorative approach of layering approach
increased the indication of esthet- ic has been called an “anatomic buildup tech-
restorative procedures. In this context, nique,”11 a “trendy three-layer concept,”12
composite resins occupy a paramount posi- or a “natural layering concept.”3 The goal
tion among restorative materials for anterior of these methods is to mimic the natural
teeth because they offer good predictabil- anatomy of enamel and dentin.13
ity, acceptable longevity, and the possibility The application of a layering concept
of more conservative procedures at a lower through the use of separate composite
cost than indirect restorations.1–6 resin masses that mimic the natural tooth
In addition, during the replacement of anatomy presents clear advantages for the
decayed or missing dental tissue, compos- clinician and makes the entire procedure
ite restorations allow either minimally inva- more efficient and predictable.3 When eval-
sive or no preparation. They also provide uating the polychromatic characteristics
an excellent esthetic outcome, due to the of a tooth, age should also be taken into
variety of available colors and effects.7–10
account. With increasing age, there is an
Professor, Department of Restorative Dentistry,
increase in chroma, a decrease in value,
School of Dentistry, San Marcos University, Lima,
Peru; Professor of Esthetic Dentistry, Spazio Oral and probably a change in hue. Actually,
Dental Education, Lima, Peruw. phenomena such as wear, acquired or dys-
Professor, School of Dentistry, Positivo plastic discoloration, and cracks or micro-
University, Curitiba, Brazil. fractures will require an individual
Professor, Department of Restorative Dentistry, approach for the restorative work.7 Thus,
Bauru School of
as is true of all art, a heightened sense of
Dentistry, University of São Paulo,
Bauru, Brazil. observation is required.14 The excellence in
Correspondence: Dr Juan Carlos Pontons-Melo, esthetic dentistry demonstrates further
Av Alberto del Campo 452 Dpto 303 San Isidro, Lima confirmation
27, Lima, Peru. Email: drjcpontons@spaziooral.com
Q u i n t e s s e n c e i n t e r n at i o n a l Q u i n t e s s e n c e i n t e r n at i o n a l
Fig 1 Preoperative photographs that show an inadequate incisal display and disharmonic relation with the
Fig 4 The palatal silicone guide was fabricated Fig 5 Cosmetic contouring was performed to
on a study cast after optimizing the shape and better align the maxillary central incisors prior to
function of the incisors with a wax-up. starting definitive restorations.
a b
Fig 6 (a) After prophylaxis, modified rubber dam isolation was established. (b) Restorations were
removed with the aid of abrasive disks and diamond burs. (c) Final preparations before restorative
a b
Fig 7 (a) Etching with phosphoric acid. (b) After rinsing and blotting with an
absorbent paper, a bonding agent was applied and light cured.
amount of time to wait before creating an incisors (Fig 5). After tooth prophylaxis,
adequate bond after the bleaching pro- modified rubber dam isolation and a retrac-
cess,17 new tooth positions and restorations tion cord were placed. The compromised
were planned with the aid of a waxed old restorations were removed, and circum-
dental cast. Enhanced predictability of the ferential chamfer bevels were created (Fig
treat- ment can be obtained with a silicone 6). Prior to the restorative
index (Fig 4).18
procedure, 15 seconds of etching with
To avoid any interference in the chroma
37% phosphoric acid, followed by a water
and opacity evaluations due to tissue dehy-
rinse, was applied. Then, an adhesive
dration, tooth shade was determined first.
system (Adper Single Bond 2, 3M
Cosmetic contouring was
ESPE) was applied in accor- dance
performed to cor-
with the manufacturer’s guidelines
rect the alignment of the maxillary central
(Fig 7). Using a composite resin instrument
c d
Seasons) for the cervical third; shade A1 the correct facial embrasure forms (Fig 9).
Finally, both the buccal and palatal sur-
enamel (4 Seasons) for the medium third;
faces were light cured for 40
and High Value (4 Seasons) for the incisal third
seconds. Before polishing, excess
(Fig 8). All composites were carefully applied with a flat
material at the margins was
spatula and blended with the aid of a no. 4 flat-tipped
removed with a no. 12 surgical scalpel blade
brush (Kota). Increments of composite resin were light
cured for 20 seconds for each layer. A Mylar strip was
a b
Fig 10 (a) Lines were drawn along the proximolabial regions to determine the light-reflecting and
mamelon areas of the maxillary anterior teeth. (b) The surface texture was achieved with a tapered
diamond bur. (c) In sequence, the polishing was completed with silicone rubber cups and other finishing
a b
Fig 11 Maxillary Fig 12 (a) Final outcome after recontouring and restoring the anterior
bite splint in position. teeth. (b) Patient’s smile and the new incisal edge position.
anatomy and achieve symme- try between (Ivoclar Vivadent), a felt wheel and an alu-
similar teeth. After the desired cervicoincisal minum oxide polishing paste (Enamelize,