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Review Article

Clinical Consideration, Lens and Ceramic Veneers, and its Applicable

Ceramic Material

Patricia Uribe Vargas1,2,3*

Prosthodontics, Universidad San Martin, Bogota, Colombia
Esthetic and Oral rehabilitation, NYU, College of Dentistry NY, USA
Implantologists, EIRO, Buenos Aires, Argentina

*Corresponding Author: Patricia Uribe Vargas, The Beauty Smile®, Bogota, Cundinamarca, Colombia.

Received: February 25, 2019; Published: March 29, 2019

Aesthetic result s of lenses and veneers in cosmetic treatments may vary depending on the clinical application; therefore, selec-
tion of this material should be selected by the dentist who is the one is aware of clinical requirements, instead leaving the choice to
the lab technician. Ceramic laminates have been used for more than 20 years to treat esthetic and/or functional glitches, mainly in
the anterior zone. A variety of dental ceramic materials are available on the market, nowadays exist m any different type of ceramics,
depending on its composition, optic properties, strength and manufacturing processes. Clinicians need to know and understand the
newest ceramic materials in order to be able to recommend apply techniques, and treatments to ensure success of clinical cases. Cur-
rent literature was revised to pursuit for the most important parameters to determine the long-term success in cosmetic treatments
involving lenses and ceramic veneers, giving to clinicians correct bases to choose the right application, being aware of its clinical

Keywords: Lens; Ceramic Veneers; Ceramic Material

The wide variety of vestibular coating systems available today offers excellent alternatives with optimum results. In order to achieve
excellence, we must respect the requirements of the patient, who may want a quality treatment but also fast, or it can be more detailed and
expect results that have a high degree of aesthetics and naturalness, regardless of the number appointments. Another factor to consider
is the working philosophy of each dentist. Some dentists strive artistic results with a high degree of complexity, while others prefer the
safety, longevity, and the ability to make changes to the initial treatment and whose purpose is not strictly artistic.

All considerations are important in order to determine which material and technical fulfill the expectations of the patient and the
dentist in the realization of a cosmetic treatment.

This article will review how you can achieve excellent aesthetics with materials and techniques ranging from highly complex relative

Initial Picture Direct Mock Up Final Smile

Figure 1

Citation: Patricia Uribe Vargas. “Clinical Consideration, Lens and Ceramic Veneers, and its Applicable Ceramic Material”. EC Dental Science
18.4 (2019): 794-806.
Clinical Consideration, Lens and Ceramic Veneers, and its Applicable Ceramic Material


An esthetic smile is a wellness manifestation... as well as it is Health... and therefore... wellness is Health; furthermore using a correct
ceramic material will improve periodontal health, aesthetics, longevity, and an everlasting beauty.

The key to success in oral rehabilitation today is not only eliminates pathologies, returning anatomy or function, but also restore
dentofacial aesthetics of our patient.

How to differentiate between the terms “cosmetic” and “aesthetic” is to consider aesthetics as the theory and philosophy that explore
the beauty while cosmetics refers to a preparation designed to beautify the body by direct application (http://www.thefreedictionary.

The word aesthetic is defined by Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary as “a branch of science that studies the beauty found in nature
and art”.

According to Hegel: “beauty, as the substance of imagination and perception, cannot be an exact science” [1] and smiles neither be
created. The combination of biological concepts and mechanics are as important as the artistic and subjective when outlining the smile of a
patient concepts in this chapter fundamental objective and subjective criteria will be developed to implement the protocol for performing
dynamic and harmonious smiles with laminate ceramic, which can be veneers or lenses also called veneers.

Veneers laminated ceramic are delicate restorations that require a high degree of training thus part of the restorative dentist, as the
ceramist, for adaptation, shape, strength, color and appropriate texture, and to satisfy the biological expectations and functional dentist
and of course, the aesthetic expectations of the patient.

Dentists with an emphasis on cosmetic dentistry area should have an extensive knowledge of chemistry, physics, biology, architecture,
engineering, psychology, art, morphology, color, among other fields and obviously health; today successful cosmetic procedures for short,
medium and long term, and provide highly esthetic treatments, implies that must be and protocols.

Figure 2: The challenge for the modern dentist is to imitate nature, natural teeth are not flat, nor smooth, nor monochromatic.

Balance, proportion, symmetry, in a harmonious and aesthetic smile should take into account several parameters [2].

One of the most important is the relevance between the left and the right of both the face and the mouth and turn the similarity
between the same type of tooth, such as the two central, lateral and canines, the more later are the similarity may be more irregular, and
the more above the position of the teeth, the similarity should be higher. All of the above causes a smile cohesive forces, i.e. harmonious
and for the same reasons a more aesthetic smile is created.

Citation: Patricia Uribe Vargas. “Clinical Consideration, Lens and Ceramic Veneers, and its Applicable Ceramic Material”. EC Dental Science
18.4 (2019): 794-806.
Clinical Consideration, Lens and Ceramic Veneers, and its Applicable Ceramic Material


Figure 3

1. Nature has same properties we look for to imitate dental cosmetic treatments, translucency, opacity, brightness, texture,
polychrome, harmony, balance, color, fluorescence, proportion.
2. Laminate veneers and lenses, reflect naturalness and move away from superficiality.

All these findings philosophers, thinkers and artists lead us to conclude that aesthetics is a subjective perception, which manifests
itself in different ways depending on the individual, and is closely related to the ability of appreciation, culture, education, experiences,
and association capability information of visual perception. All of these findings are easily influenced by fashion, race, culture, media,
and trends. Generally speaking Beauty, involves talking about harmony and proportion, but not necessarily only these requirements are
essential to create something beautiful.

From the Paleolithic cave paintings to modern digital photography, man has always tried to describe the world through images. Vision
dominates our perception of the world: the human brain devotes more than 70% of its capacity in the sense of vision.

The vision is also closely connected with learning and memory. Concepts learned through the images are easier to remember concepts
learned through word or deed. This phenomenon is known as superiority effect image. The art of visual thinking allows us to articulate
complex thoughts and thus able to express more clearly and efficiently. and as a cosmetic dentists charge of offering patients more
harmonious, aesthetic and healthy smiles, it is essential to apply the artistic criteria on scientific grounds based on evidence.

Figure 4: Proportion, harmony, symmetry, brightness, translucency in a smile frame.

Dental aesthetics

The aesthetic prosthetic treatment is an integral procedure performed based on clinical examination and diagnosis, many elements
have to do and are necessary to ensure long-term success of each of the restorations. Patient expectations, facial contour, eye position,
shape, contour and lip movements are some of the factors that determine the incisal position, length and width of the veneers. The angle
and position of each tooth is also determined taking into account these factors. Therefore it is important to know the essential parameters
to create highly esthetic smiles.

Citation: Patricia Uribe Vargas. “Clinical Consideration, Lens and Ceramic Veneers, and its Applicable Ceramic Material”. EC Dental Science
18.4 (2019): 794-806.
Clinical Consideration, Lens and Ceramic Veneers, and its Applicable Ceramic Material


The aesthetic prosthetic dental treatment involves restoring anterior teeth to the premolars, which are usually visible when speaking,
this procedure is done to improve the aesthetics and function looking for functional stability and dentofacial harmony, and promote oral
health and facial beauty, taking into account biological, aesthetic and mechanical principles.

A previous restoration or veneer natural, should mimic a natural tooth, and is considered ideal for a large proportion of dentists.
However, the subjective point of view of the patient on the essence and objective view of the dentist not always coincide. Today, the
aesthetic restoration must be balanced between the large desired by the patient and the preferred natural looking teeth by the dentist and
white teeth.

The lips are the frame of a smile, to design a natural smile, nice and beautiful, you must take into considerations parameters that
determine the position, length, shape and even the color. See Lips at rest.

Initial Picture Direct Mock Up Veneers, final result.

Figure 5

One of the biggest challenges of modern cosmetic dentistry is to achieve shapes and textures simulating what created by nature,
nowadays for many patients have a completely natural smile is not aesthetic, so the criteria of today have changed, the important thing is
apply the current high standards of aesthetics, combined with the knowledge and application of new technologies and new materials, thus
creating highly aesthetic and highly natural smiles [5].

Treatment with ceramic veneers are very aesthetic and durable, they are ideal for creating attractive smiles with lasting success,
performed in short, medium and long term; minimally invasive techniques are used, technology and materials with high physical and
mechanical properties, are used to ensure patient aesthetic and mechanical satisfaction, and biological and functional requirement of the

The author Naoki Hayashi, RDT [6], it has established a classification based on restorative treatment complexity. Desires and expectations
of a patient can be organized using this classification and to plan a treatment. Each case has a particular treatment objective. Each type of
restoration is special to harmonize both patient’s dentition and facial aesthetics and likewise the overall aesthetics of the patient.

• Type 0: Basic restorative treatment. Treatment is limited to vital problems (i.e. pain, dislodged or damaged pre-restoration).
• Type 1: Natural restorative treatment. Treatment is limited to a decayed tooth discoloration. The main goal of treatment is to
harmonize the color, shape and function of the treaty with the adjacent tooth dentition.
• Type 2: Natural restorative treatment improved. Multiple teeth are involved in the treatment to fix all the teeth to look and function
• Type 3: Aesthetic treatment. The prosthetic treatment is performed to improve the aesthetics of the above teeth mainly to
harmonize with the dynamics of the face and lips. Treatment is indicated for aesthetic purposes, not solving a functional problem.

Citation: Patricia Uribe Vargas. “Clinical Consideration, Lens and Ceramic Veneers, and its Applicable Ceramic Material”. EC Dental Science
18.4 (2019): 794-806.
Clinical Consideration, Lens and Ceramic Veneers, and its Applicable Ceramic Material


• Type 4: Asthetic + total oral rehabilitation treatment. Comprehensive treatment includes orthodontic and surgical treatment in
addition to the prosthetic treatment. Dentition, including the shape and color of teeth idealizes according to the wishes and
expectations of the patient. The appearance of the face, lips dynamics and dentition, need to be harmonized to improve aesthetics
and function.

Choice of ceramic material according to clinical indication

According to this indication we can classify patients into two groups:

1. Need to Change Color: When the intrinsic tooth color is very dark, the end result of cementless veneer may be affected. The final
color depends on the translucency and thickness of the veneer, and the amount of light that is absorbed, reflected and transmitted,
which depends on the nature and particle size of the ceramic material.
2. Functional forces: When occlusal functional forces are excessive is necessary to use a material with high resistance to fracture.
I.e. in cases of overbite, bruxism, fractures or large diastema.

Figure 6: Ceramic lens: cervical thickness 0.2 mm/incisal thickness 0.5 mm.

Figure 7: Ceramic Veneer: cervical thickness 0.5 mm/incisal thickness 1.1 mm.


Basis of enamel and dentine

Tooth structure has several important properties, which are desirable to replicate in biomimetics and bio-ceramic. Paramount is the
mechanical efficiency; largely it is a function of the crown, enamel thickness, its microstructure, and the root structure [12]. Related to
this proprioception, internal perceptions that discourage individuals to transmit excessive loads through enamel, dentin and supporting
structures and therefore reduce the likelihood of catastrophic failure con fracture [13].

Citation: Patricia Uribe Vargas. “Clinical Consideration, Lens and Ceramic Veneers, and its Applicable Ceramic Material”. EC Dental Science
18.4 (2019): 794-806.
Clinical Consideration, Lens and Ceramic Veneers, and its Applicable Ceramic Material


Clinical success in implementing aesthetic treatments with modern dental ceramics is based on a number of factors, such as physical
properties, and its method of manufacture, besides clinical considerations. This article will summarize the logic behind engineering
materials, biomimetic ceramic, and clinical dental restoration, then critically I describe the basic methodology and protocols reported in
the recent literature.

It is responsibility of the dental technician to use their knowledge to guide the choice of ceramic material to be used, based on the
expressed needs of the patient and transmit it to him by dentists, but in turn, dentists must have the necessary knowledge about dental
materials, and its clinical applicability.

Properties of ceramic materials

Before entering in subject of Ceramic Veneers, it is important to get to know some basic characteristics of ceramic materials, today
there is great diversity of types of ceramics and each has different indications. To achieve the success of a cosmetic treatment with ceramic
veneers, it is essential to learn at least the microstructure of ceramic materials and their method of manufacture, and to better know their
usage characteristics and properties and to apply this knowledge in practice dental.

The new generation of ceramic materials has several interesting options, both in selection materials and manufacturing techniques [14].

Depending on the clinical case, the choice of material must be very rigorous; meanwhile long-term success depends on it. Clinical
materials with more resistance require more power to generate a crack, and are more resistant to stress corrosion (crack generated
chemically) and residual defects (inside the material), but exist the fact that while material is more resistant, it is less aesthetic,
subsequently more fragile [15,16].

Figure 8: Diagram of ceramic crack.



Opposition exerted by the materials to be altered, deform, penetrated, abrasion, scratched, or chopped permanently.

Citation: Patricia Uribe Vargas. “Clinical Consideration, Lens and Ceramic Veneers, and its Applicable Ceramic Material”. EC Dental Science
18.4 (2019): 794-806.
Clinical Consideration, Lens and Ceramic Veneers, and its Applicable Ceramic Material


Fracture Toughness

All ceramic fracture need a crack propagation of a minimum of 0.1 MPa [17]. Most dental ceramics exhibit superior resistance greater
than enamel fracture resistance.


Fluorescence is the property of materials or substances to reflect light with longer wavelength than that the one received. A fluorescent
object radiates a larger amount of light that receives, making brighter than a non-fluorescent object.

Figure 9


Property of a body to let pass a light through itself. The opposite it is called opacity.

Ceramic materials

The industry strives to maintain a development plan structured and systematic to ensure the quality of products within specific
guidelines greater aesthetics and durability. Today there are many new ceramics in the market, generating more alternatives and more
controversy to dictate clinical use. I’ll do a recount of some ceramic materials available today, to facilitate the choice of material to use in
each case and create successful treatments Veneers.

Ceramics are inorganic, nonmetallic solids produced by heating high temperatures of compounds as nitrides, carbides, borides and
metal oxides [18] and its subsequent cooling.

The way ceramics are processed have great influences In its mechanical behavior and, in consequence, in their clinical behavior.

This article will classify ceramics into two groups for better understanding and clinical applicability. According microstructure [19]
and as its method of manufacture [20].

Only by knowing the characteristics, virtues and drawbacks generated in each type of ceramic according to their mode of production
and composition, the dentist will have safety and provide quality in the planning and execution of their treatments, All ceramics are
different, some are more fragile, or more resistant to fracture, more translucent or more opaque. Knowing only this material may be

Citation: Patricia Uribe Vargas. “Clinical Consideration, Lens and Ceramic Veneers, and its Applicable Ceramic Material”. EC Dental Science
18.4 (2019): 794-806.
Clinical Consideration, Lens and Ceramic Veneers, and its Applicable Ceramic Material


Ceramics classification according to their microstructure [18,19]:

1. Predominantly glass: Have high glass content making this type of ceramic very esthetic; it has excellent optical and aesthetic
2. Glass reinforced particles: Glass matrix filled with particles to improve mechanical properties.
3. Polycrystalline: The atoms are packed in a regular crystal thereby making it more resilient and less susceptible to crack propagation.
This is ceramic is so much resistant to fracture than others above.

Important: high aesthetic ceramic are predominantly glass, therefore more fragile.

To improve aesthetics of anterior teeth, many time is the same language of lenses, veneers or laminates, nowadays, commonly two
types of materials are recommended; for its translucency and its potential to use thin thicknesses. According to their mode of manufacture
the sintered feldspathic and filled with particles ceramic can also used with manufacturing CAD/CAM (computer) techniques. According
microstructure ceramics can vary from being very translucent to opaque thus the glassier microstructure (non-crystalline), more
translucent ceramics will be, if more polycrystalline more opaque the ceramic will be. To offer an aesthetic translucent ceramic veneers it
must be made with materials that expose optical.

Then, I will make a short to better understand ceramics, according to their microstructure, as McLaren summary [21].

Glass ceramics: powder-liquid

Traditionally feldspathic porcelain is usually used for covering veneers and metal structures. These liquid porcelains are created from
materials containing mainly silicon dioxide and have a glassy matrix and varying amounts of a crystalline phase within a glassy matrix.
These ceramics are made by hand, typically use powder and liquid. They are generally the most conservative and the most translucent of
all ceramic materials, but are also the most fragile. The high translucency and aesthetics of these materials create an illusion of natural
teeth. Porcelain materials made of powder/liquid are ideal for cases where remaining enamel is significant and there is healthy tooth
structure, 50% or more and 70% or more of the margin is in the enamel.

The technique for creating this type of wet ceramic is done with a special brush, layer by layer, compacting it by removing moisture
excess with absorbent paper, and then it is overheated on ceramic vacuum, increasing its compaction. The feldspar ceramic compressive
strength is 60 to 70 MPa. Veneers made with feldspathic ceramics must be cemented on teeth with very good thickness of remaining
enamel, teeth that do not need correction of severe versions or teeth with extensive fractures, or teeth that need excessive length
increments and dark colored teeth because of its high fragility and low resistance.

Figure 10: Feldspathic Ceramic.

Citation: Patricia Uribe Vargas. “Clinical Consideration, Lens and Ceramic Veneers, and its Applicable Ceramic Material”. EC Dental Science
18.4 (2019): 794-806.
Clinical Consideration, Lens and Ceramic Veneers, and its Applicable Ceramic Material


Glass-ceramic filler particles

It is the same feldspathic ceramic with glass matrix, but some particles are added to increase their strength. Clinical use depends on the
type of filler particles and manufacturer. These materials generally using CAD/CAM technology or pressed, commercial form is in blocks
and are available monochromatic or multicolored. This ceramic is indicated for almost all types of restorations, including inlays, crowns,
short bridges, veneers and ceramic abutments.

The composition of this type of ceramic is similar to feldspathic porcelain because both have a glassy matrix, but the two classes differ
in their glass-crystalline and crystalline types relationships. Based on its type of glass and its mechanical behavior; the reinforced glass
ceramics particles are subdivided into two types:

1. Glass ceramics reinforced with leucite, less than 50%,

2. Glass ceramics reinforced with lithium disilicate, more than 50%.

Glass ceramics reinforced with leucite. They have demonstrated clinical success in long term on medium stress situations. They can be
very translucent, but traditionally this ceramic required slightly thicker dimensions, i.e. thickness 0.8 mm for laminated with a porcelain
coating. The materials on this subcategory have demonstrate increment in the material strength, mainly due to the processing using a
thick block, due to leucite and its ability to alter the thermal expansion coefficient, inhibiting the spread cracks. Its hardness is 120 MPa.
So, the ceramic veneers made with this material should be very good when cemented with enough a tooth remainder, not large diastema
or big cracks.

Glass ceramics reinforced with lithium disilicate, more than 50% when fabricated monolithic be used for full crowns, including the
molars. Veneers made of this material can have a thickness up to 0.2 mm and still remain resistant and highly esthetic. Its hardness in
MPa is 360 - 500. for its high fracture resistance, hardness, chameleon effect, ceramic veneers reinforced with lithium disilicate, can
be cemented in the most aesthetic and functional situations, allowing hide the intrinsic color of the tooth, providing translucency, high
aesthetic and giving the fracture toughness and hardness requiring anterior restorations in teeth requiring large changes in shape, size
and color. 0.2 mm still will remain resistant and highly esthetic.

Figure 11: Waxed laminates lenses, ready for coating process, followed by wax evaporation
process to continue with press injection of reinforced ceramic with lithium disilicate.

Citation: Patricia Uribe Vargas. “Clinical Consideration, Lens and Ceramic Veneers, and its Applicable Ceramic Material”. EC Dental Science
18.4 (2019): 794-806.
Clinical Consideration, Lens and Ceramic Veneers, and its Applicable Ceramic Material


Figure 12: Injected lenses even with the sprue in position.

The new addition to this category are ceramics reinforced with lithium disilicate more than 50% of its composition is reinforcing with
zirconia particles (ZLS). ZLS materials include glass-ceramic lithium silicate which is reinforced with about 10% of zircon crystals. These
materials are new in the market, in initial vitro tests have shown that possess excellent optical and physical, similar to lithium disilicate
properties. However, only lithium disilicate have long-term clinical data to support its use as unique restorations anywhere in the mouth,
keeping its optical properties. Since this type of ceramic includes zirconia particles, translucency decreases, making it more opaque, and
therefore less aesthetic. Restorations made from materials in this subcategory, show high resistance to fracture, providing a versatile and
strong alternative to a smaller variety of indications. They are indicated when there is higher risk (for example, less than 40% of enamel
remains in the tooth, less than 50% of the substrate, or when 30% or more of the margin is in dentin or there complement is metal crown.

Classification According to Griggs [20] for manufacturing ceramic veneers according to their method of manufacture: (More Popular

Heat pressing

The heat pressing using lost-wax technique, similar to that used to melt gold crowns in a mold investment developed from a wax
pattern evaporates in an oven, the ceramic selected tone is pressed in the mold at high temperature (about 1160°C) and pressure (0.4
MPa), with a denser core.
Press or Injected ceramics are available as ceramic ingots supplied by manufacturers. However, ingots have a similar composition to
powder porcelains; but less porosity and crystalline content [24,25]. The ingots are heated to an elevated temperature, where it becomes
a highly viscous liquid, and then slowly pressed into the preforming mold.


Several pre-processed ceramic materials are available in blocks for use with CAD/CAM technology. An optical impression of the
prepared tooth either in the dental office or transmitted to the dental laboratory is made [26,27]. A computer program is used to design the
restoration to set the contours, proximal contacts, occlusal contacts and margins. A block of ceramic material is selected with appropriate
color and placed in a milling machine. A computer, using the design created, instructs the milling device to mill the restoration. Depending
on the selected material, a thermal or sintering processing may be necessary to complete the firing of the ceramic material. Custom
staining and glazing of the restoration can be made to achieve maximum aesthetics.

Citation: Patricia Uribe Vargas. “Clinical Consideration, Lens and Ceramic Veneers, and its Applicable Ceramic Material”. EC Dental Science
18.4 (2019): 794-806.
Clinical Consideration, Lens and Ceramic Veneers, and its Applicable Ceramic Material


Porosities of ceramic are weakest points in the material leading to the development of small cracks propagating and eventually cause
a fracture on the restoration. In general, monolithic restorations are stronger than covered ceramic restorations. Coated restorations have
the potential to be fragmented or separated into the binding material and into core material (called delamination) [28].


Before entering this issue it is important to know that some modern ceramics require additional process to improve its features.
Sintering occurs when the ceramic particles are heated to the point that they melt and fuse to adjacent particles at their edges. Firing
the ceramic vacuum is necessary to reduce the porosity to produce a stronger material [29]. When a material is sintered it increases its
flexural strength. Nowadays ceramic sintered is less common and ceramics heat machined or pressed are more used [30].

1. Initial ceramic particles. 2. Diffusion: Neck formation in contacts points. 3. Reduction of pore size. 4. Pore Size is totally reduced,
standardized shrinking-fully sintered part.
Figure 13

An ideal material that meets all aesthetic and mechanical requirements of all ceramic veneers treatments is lithium disilicate reinforced
ceramic. Ceramic blocks of this material have high stability values (360 - 500 MPa), which makes them suitable for manufacturing highly
compact and high fracture resistance veneers, which also have different degrees of opacity and translucency allowing very thin structures,
resistant with excellent color stability aesthetic restorations.

Advantages and disadvantages of ceramic laminates


• Color, It is a double advantage; new ceramics offer natural shades while providing long-term stability and permanently concealing
dentin or enamel intrinsic alterations.
• Fracture Strength, ceramic reinforce; adding filler particles that makes veneers more stronger and more resistant to fracture.
• Periodontal stability, veneers by its self-glaze opposes plaque deposition more than any other system, sometimes the accumulation
of plaque is even less than the human enamel.
• Abrasion resistance, Its wear resistance is exceptionally high compared with composite resin material, being similar to tooth
• Hardness, a single un-cemented veneer or lens is highly fragile but once adhesion to enamel is in place, cohesive, tensile forces
increase considerably, bond strength is much stronger.
• Longevity depends on its hardening, clinical studies report success up to 10 years and with good maintenance, even 20 years.
• Esthetic, The aesthetic factor is considerably better than any other material, it is easy to control color, thickness, shape, fluorescence,
opacity, gloss, texture, translucency, producing aesthetic treatments with dynamism and vitality perception.

Citation: Patricia Uribe Vargas. “Clinical Consideration, Lens and Ceramic Veneers, and its Applicable Ceramic Material”. EC Dental Science
18.4 (2019): 794-806.
Clinical Consideration, Lens and Ceramic Veneers, and its Applicable Ceramic Material



• Time, an unflawed veneer treatment is a sensitive technique and therefore requires more time and dedication.
• Repair, once cemented veneers or lenses are not easy to repair.
• Sensitive technique, it is an indirect technique that requires at least two visits and high expertise both dentist and laboratory
• Fragility, these restorations are very thin so they are very fragile and easily fractured prior to cementation.
• Costs, because of its manufacturing process, costs increases.

The use of porcelain laminates (lenses and veneers) to improve similes with aesthetic or functional problems have shown to be an
enhancement management option, but it is critical that clinicians know all ceramic options that are available in the market today, knowing
different ceramic systems, characteristics and properties dentists would be able to offer a suitable, esthetic and long lasting cosmetic
treatment result for each individual case.

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Citation: Patricia Uribe Vargas. “Clinical Consideration, Lens and Ceramic Veneers, and its Applicable Ceramic Material”. EC Dental Science
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Volume 18 Issue 4 April 2019

©All rights reserved by Patricia Uribe Vargas.

Citation: Patricia Uribe Vargas. “Clinical Consideration, Lens and Ceramic Veneers, and its Applicable Ceramic Material”. EC Dental Science
18.4 (2019): 794-806.

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