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Algorithm Trading

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Design of High-Frequency Trading Algorithm Based on Machine


Boyue Fanga and Yutong Fengb

School of Mathematical Sciences, Fudan University ; b Electronics Science and Technology,
arXiv:1912.10343v1 [q-fin.TR] 21 Dec 2019

Fudan University

Compiled December 24, 2019

Based on iterative optimization and activation function in deep learning, we pro-
posed a new analytical framework of high-frequency trading information, that re-
duced structural loss in the assembly of Volume-synchronized probability of In-
formed Trading (V P IN ), Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedastic-
ity (GARCH) and Support Vector Machine (SVM) to make full use of the order book
information. Amongst the return acquisition procedure in market-making transac-
tions, uncovering the relationship between discrete dimensional data from the pro-
jection of high-dimensional time-series would significantly improve the model ef-
fect. V P IN would prejudge market liquidity, and this effectiveness backtested with
CSI300 futures return.

High Frequency Trading; CSI300 Futures; V P IN ; GARCH; SVM

1. Introduction

How to mine the information of the order book has always been a concern of mar-
ket traders, especially the high-frequency market traders. Many conventional models
researched over one dimension of information like price change and volatility, but
these models only employed part of the order book information. This article composes
an optimizer acting on GARCH and V P IN throughout the activation SVM layer.
In the CSI300 futures market, the performance of this method is better than using
one-dimensional data.
Market makers use trading techniques to benefit from promoting the trading of spe-
cific securities. High-frequency trading (HFT) structure has a significant impact on the
profit mechanism of high-frequency traders(HFTs). Álvaro Cartea [2] divided traders
into ordinary traders, informed traders and market makers, and statistical arbitragers
that, in the usual sense, were considered to be the informed trader. Market makers are
more conservative than other traders. Because their strategies used adaptive trading
techniques in the market, they can only gain small benefits in a single transaction, so
it may take several thriving market making actions to make up for one loss caused by
market volatility.

Email: byfang16@fudan.edu.cn
Liquidity traders mainly purpose on medium and long-term investments, so they
will participate in transactions by formulating strategies based on the business activ-
ities of securities that they hold. Most of the profit of such trading strategies comes
from portfolio management and risk-return, and there is little short-term price infor-
mation that returns by taking risks, which is exceeding the information provided by
the size of their positions. Thus, we can treat transactions of this type of traders as
noise transactions from the perspective of HFT. Because informed traders have some
undisclosed information, they get excess returns privileged by information advantage,
but these returns come from losses from market makers and liquidity traders. So the
number of informed traders will affect the profitability of market-makers.
Therefore, market makers want to measure the effect of reducing their losses. Gross-
man [15]and Easley [10] discussed that liquidity traders provide liquidity premiums
to compensate for the risk during market makers’ holding period. By maximizing the
utility function, they provided the principle that the market makers solve the liquidity
demand of the liquid trader and place the risk premium. Other models also measured
informed trading probability, such as the non-synthetic risk metrics used by Benston
[4] and the delegated imbalance indicators used by Aktas [1], but these methods are in-
directly measuring the probability of informed trading. The EKOP model proposed by
Easley [11] provided a new idea for directly measuring the degree of informed trading.
The method calculated the expected number of orders received to get the informed
trading probability (PIN), and Easley [12] furthered V P IN by taking the informed
transaction rate into account. Cheung [6] applied the V P IN method to the manda-
tory recall event(MCE) of Hong Kong stocks. The V P IN value observation increased
significantly before the incident occurred; in other words, the effect approached the
liquidity risk warning. Liu [22] used the V P IN method in China Commodity futures
markets, and the V P IN method also fitted for the commodity futures market. Be-
sides, Lu [18] tested various forms of heterogeneity in the framework of nonparametric
varying-coefficient models; the idea is similar to the V P IN method. High-frequency
trading involves massive data, which consists of a growing number of heterogeneous
subpopulations. The V P IN method uses homogeneity testing to find the test statistic
aggregated over all sub-populations. In a word, after obtaining liquidity risk warning in
V P IN , market makers can get better earnings performance in specific trading markets.
Low [17] found support for the application of the BV-V P IN model in international
equity markets as a risk monitoring and management tool for portfolio managers and
regulators.Yan(2018)[24] compared the DPIN method and V P IN method in predict-
ing the future price in the CSI300 index futures market. They found that DPIN could
effectively capture price information in the future index markets in China.
However, the V P IN method only used part of the information of the securities, the
information of the higher dimensional time series was not fully excavated. Therefore,
we introduced the GARCH model for analytics on the logarithmic rate of return.
Engle [14] proposed the autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity (ARCH)
model. He applied it to study the volatility of financial time series. Bellerslev [5] pro-
posed the GARCH model based on the ARCH model to fit heteroscedastic functions
with long-term memory. Wang [21] applied the GARCH model to the Xinhua FTSE
A50 stock index futures. He found that the stock index futures made the volatility of
China’s stock market larger. Deng [9] used the GARCH-VaR model to forecast the risk
of investors portfolios. The experimental results on the transaction data of the futures
portfolio showed the effectiveness of their proposed approach. Choudhry [7] used the
GARCH model to forecast the daily dynamic hedge ratios in emerging European stock
futures markets. By comparing the different models, they found the GARCH-BEKK

and GARCH-GJR had excellent performance.
Reconciling the models above over different dimensions needs the understanding
of the relationships between logical iterative optimization methods. Therefore, this
article uses the Granger causality test to test the original hypothesis that the value of
V P IN is not the Granger cause of the logarithmic rate of return of CSI300 futures.
The result showed that after a two-stop lag, the test result of the P-value about the
value of V P IN is not the value of the Granger cause of the logarithmic rate of return
of CSI(Chinese stock index)300 futures is 0.02. If the significance level is 5%, rejected
the original hypothesis. Therefore, V P IN is the Granger causality of the logarithmic
rate of return of CSI300 futures.
Moreover, when V P IN is large enough, informed traders are flooding the market,
market-makers need to turn into a robust strategy to prevent massive losses. When
V P IN is reasonable, they can change into aggressive market-making strategies. Lopez
[16] used machine learning to analyze the critical and reductive importance of some
of the best-known market microstructural features. Machine learning skills helped
them to analyze tick-data history in 10 years. In order to balance the combination of
these two models, this article uses the support vector machine (SVM) to increase the
forecasting ability of strategies. The effectiveness of this optimization methodology was
backtested with observations of the CSI 300 futures and illustrated a more profound
excess return.

2. Background

This section provides a necessary background for market making. Liquidity traders
provide a liquidity premium to compensate for the price risk of market makers holding
securities. Here, we use a simple model to illustrate the problem of financial market
liquidity premium from the perspective of microstructure. Assume market makers have
certain initial assets to purchase securities, t ∈ {1, 2, 3}. Liquidity trader 1 (LT1 ) who
holds I unit securities is willing to sell securities at t = 1, and liquidity trader 2 (LT2 )
is willing to buy securities at t = 2, where transaction cost was assumed zero to
emphasize the securities price change.
The value of the securities at t = 3 is S3 = µ + ξ2 + ξ3 , where µ is a constant,
ξ2 , ξ3 ∼ IIDN (0, σ 2 ). ξ2 reflects the change from t1 to t2 , ξ3 reflects the change from
t2 to t3 . All traders are risk averse, the utility function U (X) = −e−γX , where γ > 0
is the risk aversion parameter, which reflects the loss of utility for risk. So they are
aim to maximize the E[U (X3 )].
Market makers (M M ), LT1 , LT2 holds the securities in quantities of q1M M , q1LT1 ,
q1LT2 respectively at t = 2. Shorthand for q1j , where j ∈ {M M, LT1 , LT2 } (eg: qtj = 2
means the trader j holds 2 unit securities at t + 1), traders are aim to maximize
expected returns, that is:

E[U (X3j )|ξ2 ],

where X3j = X2j + q2j S3 , X2j + q2j S2 = X1j + q1j S2 .

And ξ2 , ξ3 ∼ IIDN (0, σ 2 ), so

1 2
E[U (X3j )|ξ2 ] = −exp{−γ(X2j + q2j E[S3 |ξ2 ]) + γ 2 (q2j ) σ 2 }.
So for all traders, the optimal number of securities held is:

E[S3 |ξ2 ] − S2
q2j,∗ = .
γσ 2

At t = 2, supply is equal to demand, so

nq1M M + q1LT1 + q1LT2 = nq2M M + q2LT1 + q2LT2 .

As we evidence above, q2j are equal for all j, so

E[S3 |ξ2 ] − S2
nq1M M + q1LT1 + q1LT2 = (n + 2) .
γσ 2

The total value of all securities at t = 1 is the value of the securities sold by LT1 , so
nq1M M +q1LT1 +q1LT2 = i+q1LT2 = i−i = 0. At t = 2, S2 = E[S3 ] = µ+ξ2 + E[ξ3 ] = µ+ξ2 ,
so q2j = 0. The economic meaning of this formula is that when t = 3, no one wants to
hold risky securities.
When t = 1, there are only n market makers and LT1 in the market, which means
that no matter what they do, the future market is valid, and they would not hold
securities at t = 3, so X3 = X2 . and the portfolio strategy goal is

max E[U (X2j )],


where X2j = X1j + q1j S1 , X1j + q1j S1 = X0j + q0j S1 .

Repeating the analysis like t = 1, For all traders at this time, the optimal decision
is q1j,∗ = E[Sγσ
2 ]−S1
2 . Similarly, when t = 1, the supply and demand of the securities are
equal, so

nq0M M + q0LT1 = nq1M M + q1LT1 ,

where q0LT1 = i which is the share that LT1 wants to sell), q0M M = 0, so S1 = µ −
γσ 2 n+1 . The following figure shows this process.

q0j q1j q2j

n +1
S1 S2
n +1

Figure 1. Transaction process

From this analysis, this paper explains how the market solves the liquidity require-
ment of LT1 . When the market makers get sufficient liquidity compensation, they will
accept the securities, and LT1 is price sensitive, so if he accepts liquidity compensa-
tion, he will not sell all securities at once. In equilibrium, LT1 and market makers
hold q1j,∗ unit securities; ultimately, the transaction price is lower than the valid price.
Furthermore, the spread |S1 − µ| = γσ 2 n+1 shows that as the competition between
market makers increases (n increases), the risk premium decreases, which is related to
the Chinese futures markets. It also shows the importance of the information differ-
ences. This article will use the V P IN method later to measure the impact of informed
High-frequency trading will bring lots of trading volume to the market, but each
transaction will affect the current equilibrium price. So we need to focus on how to
minimize the expectation of the total execution cost. In order to solve this stochastic
control problem, This article uses the dynamic programming theorem and the nonlin-
ear partial differential Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation.

3. Theoretical Concept

3.1. Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity(GARCH)

the structure of the GARCH model is as follows:

 p

 ε t = e t ht
 yt = γx0t + εt

X q p
αi ε2t−i + α0 ,

h = γ h +

 t j t−j

j=1 i=1

where et ∼ IIDN (0, 1), α0 is constant and α0 > 0, αi > 0,γi > 0, i=1 (αi + γi ) <
1, ε is the residual term, εt obey the GARCH(p,q) process. ht−j is the conditional
variance term, which describe the memory effect of volatility. And it is necessary to
examine the ARCH effect before using the GARCH model.

3.2. Volume-synchronized Probability of Informed Trading(V P IN )

V P IN method uses the bulk volume classification to divide the transaction volume in
the sample period into 50 parts, define each as a basket, and denote the volume of the
transaction in the basket as V BS. The basket is filled in: from the beginning of the
transaction. If the transaction volume exceeds the current basket, then the remaining
portion will be calculated in the next basket. Finally, there will be a list of baskets.
For any basket τ , buy and sell transaction volume is:

t(τ )
X ∆Pi
VτB = Vi Φ( )
i=t(τ −1)+1

t(τ )
X ∆Pi
VτS = Vi [1 − Φ( )] = V BS − VτB ,
i=t(τ −1)+1

where Vi is the volume of time i, i ∈ [t(τ − 1) + 1, t(τ )], t(τ ) represents the time of the
last transaction in the τ trading basket, Φ is the distribution function of the standard
normal distribution, ∆Pi is the price change for the time interval, and σ∆P is the
standard deviation of price change for all samples. In economics, this formula means:
For a certain time interval, if VτB = VτS , the motivation for buying and selling is
consistent, and the influence of the information is just balanced; if VτB > VτS , then the
buying motivation is greater; if VτB < VτS , then the selling motivation is greater. Note
that this rough estimation would not interfere with the measure of market liquidity
affection, as the ultimate goal is not to seek accurate buying and selling volume, and
such analytics would detect the inconsistency between the buy and sell orders.
The V P IN also assumed that the price affected by the information event is α.
Therefore, the probability of bad news is δ, the bid price will be −µ + ε and the offer
price will be ε; and the probability of good news is 1 − δ, the bid price will be ε, and
the offer price will be µ + ε. If there is no such information, the bid and ask price
will be ε. The situation illustrated in table 1. (The letters in parentheses indicate the
probability of occurrence)

Type of bid ask
information price price

good news
information ε µ+ε
bad news
−µ + ε ε
no information
ε ε
(1 − α)
Table 1. The effect of information on prices

The imbalance of each trading basket is OI = |VτB − VτS |, expectation is E[OI] ≈

αµ, total transaction volume arrival rate is E[V BS] = αµ + 2ε, the trading volume
of expectations brought by good news is α(1 − δ)(2ε + µ), the trading volume of
expectations brought by bad news is αδ(2ε + µ), the trading volume of expectations
is 2(1 − α)ε if there is no such information.
The value of V P IN can obtain by following formula:
Pn B
αµ αµ τ =1 |Vτ − VτS |
V P IN = = ≈ .
αµ + 2ε V nV

Calculations of V P IN would give an estimate of the proportion of informed traders

in the market.
However, V P IN does not work well in high-frequency trading, because the V P IN
method combines the ask volume and the bid volume in the market, then use the
difference between them to predict the volatility changing later. For example, more
pending orders on the bid side than the offer side would forward an upstream. Nev-
ertheless, in high-frequency trading, it is hard to balance the number of baskets and
forecasting ability. If the number of V P IN baskets is too hefty, it may lead to a sig-
nificant decline in the overall forecasting ability. If the number of baskets is too small,
it may miss many trading opportunities. So after combining the HAR-RV model, it is
a good idea to use different scales volatility to hedge.

3.3. Support Vector Machine (SVM)

The support vector machine is one of the most robust and accurate methods in classical
data mining algorithms, and this is one of the reasons why we choose it. In high-
frequency trading, both the rate of return and the efficiency of the algorithm are
Consider the linear separability problem, SVM hopes to find a hyperplane with the
largest interval to separate the two types of samples, so that w and b respectively
represent the weight vector and the optimal hyperplane offset, then the hyperplane
can be defined through wT x + b = 0, the distance from the sample to the optimal
hyperplane is r = ||w|| , where g(x) = wT x + b is the functional interval of x that w
and b had been given. Through the training set, w and b can be given by minimum r.
That is, for a given training set {xi , yi }i∈[1,n] ∈ Rm × {±1}, it has:

wT xi ≥ 1 yi = +1
wT xi ≤ 1 yi = −1.

Then by using the Sequential Minimal Optimization(SMO) algorithm, the optimal

solution of w and b can be given.
For the indivisible linear problem, employing soft interval optimization or kernel
technique would map the original space into high-dimensional space and then trans-
forms the problem into a linear separable problem in high-dimensional space. The
radial basis kernel function is a suitable choice for this problem. The function form is
||x1 −x2 ||2
K(x1 , x2 ) = e− 2σ2 , which represent a set of functions that map the original space
to the infinite-dimensional space. This kernel appeared to have better generalization
capability and is more capable of high-frequency trading with huge data volume. In
the next section that revised the GARCH model with SVM, the performance improved

4. Data Inspection Based on SCI300 Futures

4.1. V P IN
Through the V P IN theoretical concept, this paper went through the V P IN value
from October 8, 2015, to September 30, 2018 1 , and combine the following figures with
the CSI 300 futures changes:

1 200
Difference value VPIN
0.9 150

0.8 100

0.7 50

0.6 0

0.5 -50

0.4 -100

0.3 -150

0.2 -200

0.1 -250

0 -300
2015/10/8 2016/3/4 2016/7/28 2016/12/26 2017/5/26 2017/10/24 2018/3/21 2018/8/15

Figure 2. V P IN

1 IF.CFE data

data sources: Wind

Trending the value of the futures price, it oscillates more significant when V P IN
becomes larger. After the stability testing, it is not difficult to know that the two
time-series are stable. The Granger test can show that V P IN is useful to predict the
fluctuation of futures prices. For the two-step lag, under the 0.05 significance level, the
V P IN value is the Granger causality for the logarithmic yield of stock index futures.

Null Hypothesis: Obs F-Statistic Prob.

Y does not Granger

730 0.19412 0.8236
Cause X
X does not Granger
3.82724 0.0222
Cause Y
Table 2. The result of Granger Causality Test

So, in the case of a larger V P IN value, it indicates that the informed trader is flood-
ing the market. High-frequency market makers need to trade in a more preservative
way to prevent significant losses. On the contrary, they can consider more aggressive
market-making strategies.

4.2. GARCH
Again This paper uses the CSI300 futures data from January 1, 2018, to October 1,
20182 , the time series are its logarithmic rate of return.


0 10000 20000 30000 40000

Figure 3. logarithmic rate of return time series

2 IF.CFE data

data sources: Wind

1) The time series average is −3.69 × 10−6 , the standard deviation is 6.32 × 10−4 , the
skewness is -7.27, and the kurtosis is 355.63, which is much higher than the normal
distribution. The sequence has the characteristics of leptokurtosis and fat-tail. The
Jarque-Bera statistic is 2.30×108 , and the P-value is 0.00, rejecting the assumption
that the sequence obeys the normal distribution.
2) Consider the stationariness of the sequence. The station’s stationarity means that
the mean, variance, and autocovariance are independent of time t. The ADF test
shows that the t statistic value is -101.31; the corresponding P-value is 0.0001,
indicating that the logarithm rate of return time series is stable.
3) With testings on sequential and partial autocorrelation, no significant correlation
in the time series was identified.
4) In order to analyze whether the time series has an ARCH effect, each number in
the time series is de-equalized and then squared. The updated time series have
autocorrelation (see Appendix), so there is an ARCH effect. Then consider the
GARCH (1,1), GARCH (1,2) GARCH (2,1) model, respectively. All coefficients of
the three models pass the residual test; for example, in the GARCH (1,1) model,
α + β value is 0.93, which is close to and less than 1. In other words, the process of
GARCH (1,1) is more stable, and the influence of fluctuation is gradually decaying
under a slow attenuation, indicating that the market has a strong memory.
5) The TGARCH model illustrated a positive leverage effect in the market. In other
words, the impact of bad news on volatility is more significant than the good news.
(leverage effect can be simply understood as there is a negative correlation between
current earnings and future fluctuations.) When income increases, the volatility de-
creases, and vice versa. The insignificance of the ARCH-M test coefficient indicated
that there is no ARCH-M process.

5. Study Design

The above discusses the initial warning of liquidity risk and the study of the volatility
of high-frequency data. This paper will review the implementation strategy of high-
frequency trading. In general, high-frequency trading is more profitable by arbitrage.
However, it also leads to it is more difficult to make high-frequency trading profits,
so it is necessary to examine new directions. Furthermore, we use machine learning to
combine the existing technology to innovate the model to market-making.
As mentioned above, we have obtained some predictions on the liquidity risk and
analyzed the volatility of the logarithmic rate of return time series. We naturally hope
to utilize the obtained conclusions to guide the design of the high-frequency trading
algorithms. The statistical arbitrage aims to judge the arbitrage opportunity according
to the established model. Because of the lag and asymmetry of information, there are
some arbitrage opportunities in the market. According to the established correlation,
we can find the law of individual securities prices by using statistical tools, to establish
a position profit in the direction of the mean return. This process is similar to the idea
of using the GARCH model. In other words, arbitrage and market-making are not
entirely separate.
First, we use the GARCH model to make the most fundamental predictions and
determine the trading direction, as discussed in the GARCH section. The key here is
the choice of thresholds. The threshold is determined based on the principle of volatility
aggregation, and our goal is to maximize the yield. So firstly, we need to determine the
time window. This paper chooses the current time (excluding the current time) to 1

hour before, the initial threshold δ1 ∈ [0.02, 2], the step size is 0.02, and then take the
value step by step, finally, choose the threshold that maximizes the yield one second
before as the current threshold.
Algorithm 1 GARCH Section
Input: logarithmic rate of return time series
Output: determine the direction of trading for futures
1: Input logarithmic rate of return time series
2: Use GARCH(1,1) model to get predicted value
3: Output variance
4: for δ1 ∈ [0.02, 2], step size = 0.02 do
5: for time ∈ [now − 1hour, now) do
6: if predicted value > δ1 then
7: buy IF in bid1 price
8: else if predicted value < −δ1 then
9: ask IF in ask1 price
10: Output: the rate of return
11: end if
12: Output: arg maxδ1 {rate of return}
13: end for
14: if predicted value > δ1 then
15: buy IF in buy1 price
16: else if predicted value < −δ1 then
17: ask IF in ask1 price
18: end if
19: Output: the direction of trading for futures
20: end for

Then, as we discussed in the V P IN section, the Granger causality test between

the V P IN value and the logarithmic rate of return time series shows that the V P IN
method is useful for improving the high-frequency trading algorithms. Moreover, the
GARCH model does not use the trading volume information, so combining the V P IN
method can help to improve the stability and profitability of the high-frequency trading
model based on the GARCH model.
We consider the specific use of V P IN in combination with GARCH. First, the
algorithm needs to compare the current V P IN value with the threshold δ2 and δ3 ,
which depends on a similar way as threshold delta1 in GARCH model and delay the
two ”basket” time to adjust the trading threshold of the GARCH model. Therefore,
to obtain the threshold, we first select the previous trading day, and today until the
current time (excluding the current time), the threshold is in the range of [0,1]. The
stochastic gradient descent algorithm gives the V P IN delay. The most appropriate
value (i.e., if V P IN exceeds the δ2 threshold two ”basket” times before, the price
does have large fluctuations, if V P IN is less than the δ3 threshold two ”basket” times
before, the price does have few fluctuations. ”basket” time means the time interval
between start filling the basket to fill the basket, and it depends on the market trading.)
for the actual fluctuations is used as the threshold two ”basket” time later. Moreover,
if V P IN is larger than the δ2 threshold, the GARCH threshold will be revised to the
arithmetic mean of the standard threshold and the maximum threshold for the current
day. If V P IN is less than the δ3 threshold, the threshold of the GARCH model will be
revised to the arithmetic mean of the standard threshold and the minimum threshold

for the current day.
Algorithm 2 V P IN Section
Input: logarithmic rate of return time series
Output: determine the direction of trading for futures
1: Import V P IN model
2: Import stochastic gradient descent model as stoc
3: for δ2 , δ3 ∈ [0, 1] do
4: for time ∈ [now − 1hour, now) do
5: use stoc to determine δ2 ,δ3 which fit best that when V P IN > δ2 ,the fluc-
tuation(after 2 periods)>0.15%,and when V P IN < δ3 ,the fluctuation(after 2
6: end for

δ1 + maxt∈nowaday δ1

 V P IN > δ2
δ1 = 2
 δ1 + mint∈nowaday δ1 V P IN < δ

8: end for
SVM: Take the RBF kernel function, σ parameter takes 0.0001, train the predicted
value in the GARCH model of the first 30 trading days, and the IF.CFE price to
correct the GARCH model (i.e., if the SVM predicts that the trading of IF.CFE will
make some loss, but in the GARCH model(or GARCH+V P IN model) it suggests to
trade, then cancel this trading).

Algorithm 3 SVM Section

Input: logarithmic rate of return time series
Output: determine the direction of trading for futures
1: Use RBF kernel, σ = 0.0001
2: The training set includes the predicted value by using the GARCH model and the
IF.CFE value for the latest 30 trading days.
3: if SVM predicted value is -1(which means the price will fall) then
4: if in GARCH model we will trade in bid1 price then
5: Interrupt the trade
6: end if
7: end if
8: if SVM predicted value is 1(which means the price will rise) then
9: if in GARCH model we will trade in ask1 price then
10: Interrupt the trade
11: end if
12: end if

Finally, review the number of securities held and the position of stop loss. As the
analysis in V P IN , V P IN is essentially a measure of the impact of informed trading,
so the addition of V P IN will affect the choice of position. This article used 10% of
currently available funds in each trading if the V P IN method not added. After adding
the V P IN method, adjust the position similar to the GARCH threshold. If the V P IN
is greater than the threshold, then reduce the investment, and vice versa. The feature

Strategy net value
Performance benchmark


2016/01/01 2016/07/15 2017/02/01 2017/08/15 2018/03/01 2018/09/15

Figure 4. Using GARCH model(without V P IN , SVM)


-25.85% 0.28% 3.17% 24.23%
-10.55% 0.11% 1.17% 8.42%
annualized returns
-18.02% 8.11% 11.00% 32.06%
rate for return
Alpha -7.66% 3.15% 2.49% 9.88%
Beta 0.983 1.008 0.722 0.744
-32.01% -21.74% -29.98% -17.70%
Sharpe -0.693 -0.141 -0.111 0.310
Table 3. Comparison of strategy evaluation indicators

of intraday transactions would trap the stop loss within two standard deviations.
Next, analyze the performance of whether to combine the GARCH model and the
V P IN method and SVM.
Although the use of 500 milliseconds of transaction data is more in line with high-
frequency trading, the strategy tests 500 milliseconds of data and one minute of data,
respectively. It shows the change is very little, indicating that the strategy is not
sensitive to ultra-high frequency(UHF) data. This paper will explain this phenomenon
later and propose new improvements.
The initial capital of the strategy is set at 10 million, the margin is 25%, and the
transaction fee is 6.87%%. The backtest interval is from January 1, 2016, to September
30, 2018. Backtesting during the whole time in minute-level data. The figures[3-8]
shows the backtesting performance.
The figure 4 5 6 show the strategy performance without V P IN , and the figure 7
8 9 shows the strategy performance combined with V P IN . And in 3, it shows some
indicators which evaluate profitability and stability of the strategy.
Through the previous discussion, this paper improves the customary trading strat-
egy. After considering the liquidity risk and the volatility loss, we have got a strategy

Strategy net value
Performance benchmark

2016/01/01 2016/07/15 2017/02/01 2017/08/15 2018/03/01 2018/09/15

Figure 5. Using GARCH model(SVM only)


GARCH only

Performance benchmark

2016/01/01 2016/06/01 2016/11/01 2017/04/01 2018/09/01 2018/02/01 2018/07/01

Figure 6. Effect comparison(without V P IN )

Strategy net value
Performance benchmark

2016/01/01 2016/07/15 2017/02/01 2017/08/15 2018/03/01 2018/09/15

Figure 7. Using GARCH model(V P IN only)

Strategy net value


Performance benchmark

2016/01/01 2016/07/15 2017/02/01 2017/08/15 2018/03/15 2018/09/15

Figure 8. Using GARCH model(V P IN and SVM)


Performance benchmark

2016/01/01 2016/06/15 2016/12/01 2017/05/15 2017/11/01 2018/04/15 2018/10/01

Figure 9. Effect comparison(Combined with V P IN )

that far exceeds the industry benchmark. Even if we do not classify through SVM, with
the combining of the GARCH model and V P IN method, the strategy also exceeds the
industry benchmark, indicating that the preceding discussion has a significant effect
on the improvement of the strategy. Moreover, this paper compares the performance,
whether adding the above methods. After the combination of the V P IN method and
the GARCH model, although the performance after adding SVM in some time inter-
vals is inferior to the performance of not adding SVM, but consider the β and medium-
and long-term benefits, combining SVM does have some advantages.
As a result of these, to control risk, we would modify the GARCH threshold with
the parameter of SVM to cope with the challenge faced by traditional algorithms.
We would further discuss the consequences of high positions. Meanwhile, the V P IN
method proved not sensitive to 500 milliseconds of UHF data because of its noise.
Easley et al. divide the ”basket” into a large number, to avoid the influence of noise on
the evaluation ability of V P IN , but also affect the ability to process more exceptional
data. Therefore, to employ the prediction capability of the GARCH model, this paper
dealt with UHF data, used wavelet analysis to reduce noise, and then improve the
V P IN method to make this algorithm more suitable for the trading rules of China’s
stock index futures.

6. Model Refinement

First, this paper chooses wavelet analysis to process UHF data. From the calculation
method of V P IN that the V P IN method divides the baskets by volume, which also
results in a different value of V P IN if changing the number of baskets. So, this paper
also improves the V P IN method of volatility hedging. The key to high-frequency data
for processing is noise reduction. The simplest way to do this is to abandon some parts
of high-frequency data and reduce the frequency to achieve the denoise signal effect
naturally. However, it is not reasonable from a statistical point of view. Correct the
deviation of noise fluctuations was widely accepted. Many scholars have made efforts

in this direction, such as Moving Average Filter used by Andersen [18], Kalman Filter
used by Owens [19], These methods have been tested based on other trading market
data and have obtained good results. They utilized weighted averaging to denoise.
This paper use wavelet analysis to denoise, taking the 500 ms data of March 15, 2019,
as an example for denoising.
This paper use Haar wavelet as the basis function, level is 6, and the threshold
method is fixed from thr.(unscaled wn), soft threshold. Haar function is:

1 06t<1
Ψ(t) =
0 otherwise.

The data fluctuation comparison before and after denoising is shown in the figure:

De-noised signal
Original Signal

0 5000 10000 15000 20000

Figure 10. comparison before and after denoising

This figure illustrated the significance of the denoise algorithm and prepared for
further melioration. In the meantime, nevertheless, V P IN does not work well in high-
frequency trading, because the V P IN method combines the ask volume and the bid
volume in the market, then use the difference between them to predict the volatility
changing later. Nevertheless, in high-frequency trading, it is hard to balance the num-
ber of baskets and forecasting ability. If the number of V P IN baskets is too hefty,
it may lead to a significant decline in the overall forecasting ability. If the number of
baskets is too small, it may miss many trading opportunities. So after combining the
HAR-RV model, it is a good idea to use different scales volatility to hedge.
The HAR-V P IN model can be written in:

RVt,t+H = β0 + βF RVtf + βH RVt−12,t

h d
+ βD RVt−48,t + βV Vt + βV P IN V P INt + εt+H ,

where RVtf is the currently implemented 5 minute volatility, RVt−12,th is the currently
implemented 1 hour volatility, RVt−48,t is the currently implemented one day. Using
regression can get the β coefficient. This allows for hedging at different scales.
The logic of this model is that different investors have different investment prefer-
ences and investment habits. Especially for the Chinese futures market, manual trading
is still in the mainstream, so the difference in trading behavior of this group of people
will It has a significant influence on price fluctuations. Take into account this feature.
It is necessary to analyze multiple time scales.
The HAR-V P IN model has excellent theoretical value. We can perform regression
calculation on the HAR-V P IN model to obtain the current short-term and long-term
dominant conditions, and adjust the time-window of the previous algorithm according
to this situation. Denoised data gets excellent strategic performance. Since the focus
of this article is on the idea of the using of high dimensional data, the improvement
of the basic model is no longer discussed more.

7. Conclusion

In deep learning, the weight values continuously updated through the process shown
in the figure,


1(0)  3(0)

 2(0)
Order book Volume
M×T Decision
Gradient flow
Backward optimizer

Figure 11. Model structure diagram

Our model design adjusted through the layers of GARCH, V P IN , and SVM. The
loss function is obtained based on the maximum yield by adjusting the weight continu-
ously. Stepping on econometrics, creatively employ predictive toolkits in deep learning
to complement GARCH, and V P IN provided information beyond the time series.
In other words, the activation functions are not necessarily superpositions of simple
functions. Instead, when combining the conventional approach with optimization in
the stacked layers of networks. The model would improve.


Funded by FDUROP Xi-Yuan Program.


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Null Hypothesis: R has a
unit root
Exogenous: Constant
Lag Length: 3 (Automatic
- based on SIC, maxlag=55)

t-Statistic Prob.*

Augmented Dickey-Fuller test statistic

Test critical values: 1% level -3.430328
5% level -2.861415
10% level -2.566744
Table 1. ADF test result

After the first, second and third order lag, the goodness of fit is obviously improved.

Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.

R(-1) -0.800608 0.007903 -101.3066 0.0000

D(R(-1)) 0.062440 0.007046 8.861728 0.0000
D(R(-2)) -0.008693 0.005910 -1.471012 0.1413
D(R(-3)) 0.022056 0.004754 4.639846 0.0000
C -3.00E-06 2.91E-06 -1.030397 0.3028

R-squared 0.381027 Mean dependent var -1.32E-08 0.0000

Adjusted R-squared 0.380971 S.D. dependent var 0.000777 0.1413
S.E. of regression 0.000611 Akaike info criterion -11.96209 0.0000
Sum squared resid 0.016519 Schwarz criterion -11.96111 0.3028
Log likelihood 264498.9 Hannan-Quinn criter. -11.96179 0.0000
F-statistic 6804.754 Durbin-Watson stat 2.000228 0.3028
Prob(F-statistic) 0.000000
Table 2. The degree of goodness of fit after the first, second and third order lag

GARCH(1,1) is GARCH = C(1) + C(2) ∗ RESID(−1)2 + C(3) ∗ GARCH(−1),

It shows that GARCH(1,1) passed the residual test, and the α + β value is 0.93, the
process of GARCH(1,1) is stable.

Variable Coefficient Std. Error z-Statistic Prob.

Variance Equation

C 3.35E-08 8.37E-10 40.08253 0.0000

RESID(-1)ˆ2 0.030665 0.001008 30.41325 0.0000
GARCH(-1) 0.900759 0.002432 370.4532 0.0000
R-squared -0.168849 Mean dependent var -0.000260
Adjusted R-squared -0.168823 S.D. dependent var 0.000632
S.E. of regression 0.000683 Akaike info criterion -11.79085
Sum squared resid 0.020646 Schwarz criterion -11.79026
Log likelihood 260734.2 Hannan-Quinn criter. -11.79067
Durbin-Watson stat 1.293097
Table 3. GARCH(1,1) model test

GARCH(1,2)is:GARCH = C(1) + C(2) ∗ RESID(−1)2 + C(3) ∗ GARCH(−1) +

C(4) ∗ GARCH(−2), it also shows that coefficient of GARCH(1,2) model passes the
residual test.

Variable Coefficient Std. Error z-Statistic Prob.

Variance Equation

C 5.09E-08 1.39E-09 36.55706 0.0000

RESID(-1)ˆ2 0.047587 0.001751 27.17560 0.0000
GARCH(-1) 0.359953 0.032990 10.91088 0.0000
GARCH(-2) 0.488657 0.030789 15.87141 0.0000
R-squared -0.168849 Mean dependent var -0.000260
Adjusted R-squared -0.168823 S.D. dependent var 0.000632
S.E. of regression 0.000683 Akaike info criterion -11.79260
Sum squared resid 0.020646 Schwarz criterion -11.79182
Log likelihood 260773.9 Hannan-Quinn criter. -11.79236
Durbin-Watson stat 1.293097
Table 4. GARCH(1,2) model test

GARCH(2,1) is:GARCH = C(1) + C(2) ∗ RESID(−1)2 + C(3) ∗ RESID(−2)2 +

C(4) ∗ GARCH(−1), it also shows that coefficient of GARCH(2,1) model passes the
residual test.

Variable Coefficient Std. Error z-Statistic Prob.

Variance Equation

C 1.66E-07 3.05E-09 54.29680 0.0000

RESID(-1)ˆ2 0.131852 0.004239 31.10273 0.0000
RESID(-2)ˆ2 0.042368 0.004652 9.108157 0.0000
GARCH(-1) 0.532821 0.008584 62.07213 0.0000
R-squared -0.168849 Mean dependent var -0.000260
Adjusted R-squared -0.168823 S.D. dependent var 0.000632
S.E. of regression 0.000683 Akaike info criterion -11.77636
Sum squared resid 0.020646 Schwarz criterion -11.77557
Log likelihood 260414.7 Hannan-Quinn criter. -11.77611
Durbin-Watson stat 1.293097
Table 5. GARCH(2,1) model test

TGARCH model is:GARCH = C(1)+C(2)∗RESID(−1)2 +C(3)∗RESID(−1)2 ∗

(RESID(−1) < 0) + C(4) ∗ GARCH(−1). Through the TGARCH model, we can see
that there is a positive leverage effect in the market. So when we set the threshold,
we can consider the influence of bad news and good news, and give different impact
factors to achieve higher returns.

Variable Coefficient Std. Error z-Statistic Prob.

Variance Equation

C 3.03E-08 8.04E-10 37.76715 0.0000

RESID(-1)ˆ2 0.047646 0.001880 25.34682 0.0000
RESID(-1)ˆ2*(RESID(-1)<0) -0.027411 0.001535 -17.85833 0.0000
GARCH(-1) 0.910709 0.002263 402.3632 0.0000
R-squared -0.168849 Mean dependent var -0.000260
Adjusted R-squared -0.168823 S.D. dependent var 0.000632
S.E. of regression 0.000683 Akaike info criterion -11.79251
Sum squared resid 0.020646 Schwarz criterion -11.79173
Log likelihood 260771.8 Hannan-Quinn criter. -11.79226
Durbin-Watson stat 1.293097
Table 6. TGARCH model test


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