What Is A Fistula
What Is A Fistula
What Is A Fistula
A fistula is the name given to an abnormal connection between two organs or vessels which are
not normally connected. Fistulas can develop in a wide range of locations all over the body. For
example, a fistula can develop between the stomach and duodenum, or between the rectum and
the surface of the skin.
Fistulas can develop for a variety of reasons, depending on the location of the fistula. Rectal and
anal fistulas, for example, are most commonly caused by bowel diseases such as ulcerative
colitis and Crohn’s disease. Fistulas may develop as a complication of certain types of surgery,
or as a result of traumatic physical injury.
Fistulotomy and fistulectomy are the two most common surgical treatments for fistulas.
Depending on the location and nature of a specific fistula, either a fistulotomy or a fistulectomy
is performed as a surgical treatment.
Generally, a fistulotomy is performed in cases where the fistula is located close to the skin. For
example, when an anal fistula is located close to the rectum and anal tract, the fistulotomy is the
preferred surgical treatment. This is carried out by opening the anal fistula, draining pus and
other fluid, and then merging the fistula tract with the anal canal to allow the fistula to heal.
In cases where the fistula is located deeper within the body, the preferred surgical treatment is a
fistulectomy, in which the fistula is removed entirely. This is often the preferred option in cases
where a fistula has developed between two organs, for example.
Both procedures are usually carried out under general anesthetic, but side effects and risks vary
depending on the type of procedure that has been performed, and the location of the fistula. As a
general rule, there are fewer risks and shorter recovery times associated with fistulotomy as
compared to fistulectomy.
Andre Hebra, MD. Perianal Abscess: Treatment