Communications: A Practical Synthesis of - Oseltamivir
Communications: A Practical Synthesis of - Oseltamivir
Communications: A Practical Synthesis of - Oseltamivir
DOI: 10.1002/anie.200701754
Drug Synthesis
( )-Oseltamivir phosphate (1·H3PO4, tamiflu) is a potent could best be constructed by an asymmetric Diels–Alder
inhibitor of neuraminidase and is used worldwide as a drug reaction between dihydropyridine 6 and the acrylic acid
for influenza of both type A and type B.[1] The recent spread derivative 7.
of the avian virus H5N1 has prompted governments to Our synthesis commenced with the reduction of pyridine
stockpile tamiflu as a precautionary measure against an (8) in the presence of benzyl chloroformate to give dihydro-
influenza pandemic. However, the high cost of the drug pyridine 9 (Scheme 2).[4] Asymmetric Diels–Alder reactions
makes it difficult for developing countries to stockpile between dihydropyridine derivatives and acrylic acid deriv-
tamiflu. The starting material in the current industrial syn- atives have not yet been developed to a high enough level to
thesis of oseltamivir is shikimic acid, which is obtained either be used practically in synthesis.[5] We therefore turned to a
by the extraction of Chinese star anise or by the fermentation two-step sequence involving the use of acrolein. The treat-
of genetically engineered E. coli through tedious purification ment of 9 with acrolein in the presence of the MacMillan
processes.[2] Furthermore, special production facilities are catalyst (10)[6] at room temperature led to a mixture of
needed to handle the explosive intermediates and reagents aldehydes which included the desired Diels–Alder adduct
involved. Therefore, intensive efforts have been made to 11.[7] This mixture was subjected without purification to Kraus
improve the synthesis of oseltamivir.[3] Herein, we report a oxidation to give the corresponding carboxylic acid 12 among
practical synthesis of oseltamivir. the products.[8] After the removal of basic impurities by
Our retrosynthesis of oseltamivir (1) is outlined in washing a solution of the product mixture in ethyl acetate
Scheme 1: We proposed the bicyclo[2.2.2] lactam 2 with a with dilute HCl, the carboxylic acids were extracted into an
aqueous solution of sodium bicarbonate. Upon addition of
bromine, a facile bromolactonization proceeded to give the
desired lactone 13. As acidic by-products remain in the
aqueous phase, simple extraction followed by crystallization
from methanol afforded practically pure 13 (> 99 % ee) in
26 % yield from benzyl chloroformate. Thus, neither tedious
chromatographic separations nor expensive reagents are
needed to prepare bromolactone 13.
Having developed a highly efficient route to this key
intermediate, we then focused on the further transformation
of 13 into oseltamivir. The Cbz group in 13 was exchanged for
a Boc group by hydrogenolysis in the presence of Boc2O to
give 14 (92 % yield),[9] which was oxidized with a catalytic
amount of RuO2·n H2O (10 mol %) and NaIO4 to furnish
Scheme 1. Retrosynthesis of oseltamivir (1). imide 15 in 86 % yield.[10] Ammonolysis of the lactone
followed by mesylation of the resulting alcohol afforded
leaving group X at C2 as a key precursor to 1 and envisaged mesylate 17 in 86 % yield from 15. When treated with
that 2 could be derived from carboxylic acid 3 by either a iodobenzene diacetate and allyl alcohol, amide 17 underwent
Curtius or a Hofmann rearrangement of the corresponding the Hofmann rearrangement to give allyl carbamate 18 in
amide. Lactone 4, a precursor of 3, could in turn be derived 88 % yield.[11]
from 5 by halolactonization. Finally, the bicyclic system 5 As initially anticipated, 18 underwent a series of trans-
formations upon treatment with a slight excess of sodium
[*] N. Satoh, T. Akiba, Dr. S. Yokoshima, Prof. T. Fukuyama ethoxide (2.02 equiv) at 0 8C: Thus, ethanolysis of the N-Boc
Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences lactam, dehydrobromination, and aziridine formation pro-
University of Tokyo vided 19 in 87 % yield. The regioselective cleavage of
7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033 (Japan) aziridine 19 was effected by treatment with BF3·Et2O in 3-
Fax: (+ 81) 3-5802-8694 pentanol to give ether 20 in 62 % yield.[1, 12] Removal of the
Boc group and acetylation of the resulting amine afforded 21
[**] This research was supported financially in part by a grant for the
in 88 % yield. Finally, deprotection of the Alloc-substituted
21st Century COE Program and a Grant-in-Aid (15109001 and
16073205) from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, amine with a combination of Pd/C, Ph3P, and 1,3-dimethyl-
and Technology of Japan. We are indebted to Dr. Kunisuke Izawa of barbituric acid in ethanol at reflux, removal of the Pd/C
Ajinomoto Co. for an ample supply of d-phenylalanine. catalyst by filtration, concentration in vacuo, and the addition
Supporting information for this article is available on the WWW of phosphoric acid[3d] furnished crystalline oseltamivir phos-
under or from the author. phate (1·H3PO4) in 76 % yield. The spectroscopic data of
5734 2007 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2007, 46, 5734 –5736
Scheme 2. Synthesis of oseltamivir phosphate (1·H3PO4). Alloc = allyloxycarbonyl, Bn = benzyl, Boc = tert-butoxycarbonyl, Cbz = benzyloxycarbonyl,
Ms = methanesulfonyl, M.S. = molecular sieves, TFA = trifluoroacetic acid.
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In conclusion, we have synthesized oseltamivir phosphate 2006, 128, 6310; f) Y. Fukuta, T. Mita, N. Fukuda, M. Kanai, M.
(1·H3PO4) in 22 % yield from the readily available lactone 13 Shibasaki, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2006, 128, 6312; g) X. Cong, Z.-J.
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domino reactions · lactones · rearrangement
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5736 2007 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2007, 46, 5734 –5736