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Structural Elucidation of Manganese (II), Iron (III), Cobalt (II), Nickel (II), Copper (II) and Zinc (II) Complexes of A New Multidentate Dihydrazino Quinoxaline Derivative

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Transition Metal Chemistry, 19 (1994) 75-77 Metal dihydrazino quinoxaline complexes 75

Structural elucidation of manganese(II), iron(III), cobalt(II),

nickel(II), copper(II) and zinc(II) complexes of a new multidentate
dihydrazino quinoxaline derivative
Dikonda S. Rani, Parupalli V. A. Lakshmi and Vuppalapati Jayatyagaraju*
Department of Chemistry, Osmania University, Hyderabad 500 007, India

Summary out on a microanalytical Perkin-Elmer 240C elemental

Manganese(II), iron(III), cobalt(II), nickel(II), copper(II) analyser. Chloride contents were estimated argentometri-
cally after igniting a definite weight of the complex in
and zinc(II) complexes of a new multidentate oxygen-
nitrogen donor, bis(N-salicylidene)-2,3-dihydrazino-l,4- oxygen in the presence of K O H and HzOz tv). For metal
estimations, the complexes were decomposed by slow
quinoxaline (HzBSDHQ) were prepared and characterised
by elemental analysis, conductance, thermal, spectral and evaporation of HC104 and H N O 3 solutions and the
resulting metal salts were dissolved in H 2 0 to give
magnetic data. H2BSDH Q deprotonates to give a dibasic
aqueous solutions of known dilution. The metal contents
O N N O donor set in a trivalent iron(III) complex, which
were estimated by the emission spectrophotometry tech-
binds to the divalent metal ions in a bis-tridentate fashion,
nique using a Lab tam plasma Scan-8410.
using two monobasic O N N donor sets, and resulting in
polymeric complexes. Octahedral geometries are proposed
for all these complexes, and preliminary studies show that Synthesis of H2BSDH Q
they possess potential antimicrobial activity. The H2BSDH Q ligand was prepared by a four step
process from the synthesis of quinoxaline-2,3-dione (QD) ~8~
Introduction and 2,3-dichloro quinoxaline (DQ) t9).
Quinoxalines are a class of fused six-membered heterocycles
2,3-Dihydrazino quino xaline ( QD H )
containing two nitrogens para to each other. Substituted
quinoxalines have featured widely in antimicrobial, M e O H (t 00 cm 3) was added to 2,3-dichloro quinoxaline
pharmacological, pesticidal, insecticidal and herbicidal (10 g), NzH4" H 2 0 (50 cm 3) and the mixture boiled under
studies "-4). The preparation of multidentate oxygen reflux in a steam bath for 8 h. The orange-yellow com-
nitrogen donor systems containing 1,4-quinoxaline and pound which separated was removed by filtration, washed
their metal complexes was undertaken to further investigate with small amounts of M e O H and dried in vacuo. Yield
their antimicrobial applications. This paper discusses the 65%; m.p. 240~ (dec) (found: C, 47.6; H, 5.2; N, 40.42,
synthesis and characterization of bis(N-salicylidene)-2,3- CaHx2N60 calcd: C, 46.15; H, 5.8; N, 40.4%). 1H n.m.r.
dihydrazino-l,4-quinoxaline (H2BSDHQ) (Figure 1) and (DMSO-d6): 6 11.0 (ring NH) (2), 6 6.8-7.5 (aromatic) (4),
its complexes with manganese(II), iron(III), cobalt(II), 65.4-5.8 (NH2) (4). Q D H - H 2 0 re~z=208. I.r. 3150-
nickel(II), copper(II) and zinc(II). 3300 c m - 1, v(NH2) (sym and asym); 1625 c m - 1 v(C=-N)
(exo) and v(C=C); 1600 cm-1 v(NH)(def) and v ( C = C )
Experimental and 1500cm- 1 v(C=N)(ring). U.v.-vis (VmaX in cm 1)
37174 (benzene ring), 26178 (ring NH), 24875 (azomethine),
Materials 23474 and 22075 ( N 2 H 4 chromophore).
AnalaR Grade metal chlorides were used as supplied. Bis(N-salic ylidene )-2,3-dih ydrazino-1,4-quinoxaline
Silicylaldehyde and NzH4"HzO were obtained from E.
Merck. Solvents were purified by established procedures (5). Salicylaldehyde (0.73 c m 3) w a s added to a solution of
2,3-dihydrazino quinoxaline (1.14g) in D M F (50cm3),
and the mixture boiled under reflux for 3 h. The mixture
Physical measurements and analysis was then poured into H 2 0 (150cm 3) and the pale green
Mass spectra were recorded on a Perkin-Elmer Hitachi compound which separated was removed by filtration,
RMU-6L spectrometer. 1H n.m.r, spectra were recorded on washed with a small amount of aqueous E t O H and dried
a Varian XL-200 MHz in DMSO-d 6. I.r. spectra (KBr in vacuo. Yield 70%; m.p. 142 ~ C. (Found: C, 64.85; H, 4.1;
discs) were recorded in the 4000-200 cm-~ region on a N, 20.9, C22HlsN602 calcd: C, 66.3; H, 4.5; N, 21.1%),
Perkin-Elmer 283-B. Reflectance spectra of solids were m/z = 398. 1H n.m.r. (DMSO-d6): 6 8.5 (azomethines CH)
recorded on a Cary-2390. Magnetic susceptibilities were (2), b 6.6 (NH) (2), 6 6.9-7.5 (aromatic) (12), 6 12.1 (OH) (2).
measured on a Faraday balance CAHN-7550-03, at room l.r. bands (cm-~): 3300-3000 br I v ( O H ) + v(NH)], 1620 s
temperature using HgCo(NCS)4 as the calibrant. Dia- v(C=N)(exo), 1540s, v(C~N)(ring), 1240s v(C O)
magnetic corrections using Pascal's constants and tem- (phenolic) and 1030 v(N--N). U.v.-vis. (Vm,x in cm-1):
perature-independent paramagnetic corrections were 37174 (ring rc ~ n* transition) and a multiple bond 25974-
computed (6). The electrical conductance measurements 21739 with components 25974, 25000, 22988 and 21739
were recorded using 10-3 molar solutions in D M S O with (~z--, g* and r/---,n* transitions). The data are consistent
an Elico conductivity bridge (Model CM-180) and a dip with the expected structure (Figure 1).
type cell calibrated with KC1 solutions.
Carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen analyses was carried Preparation of the complexes
The following general procedure was adopted. A M e O H
* Author to whom all correspondenceshould be directed. solution of the metal chloride (1 mol) was mixed with

0340-4285 9 1994Chapman& Hall

76 Rani et al. Transition Metal Chemistry, 19 (1994) 7 5 - 7 7

H complexes was established by d.t.a. E n d o t h e r m s indicate

N~N--N ~CH -- C6H4OH --O deaquation in a one step process for each complex in the
265-300 ~ C range.
N N -- N ~ CH -- C6H4OH -- O I.r. studies
The i.r. spectral data of the complexes are given in Table 1.
The manganese(II), cobalt(II), nickel(II), copper(II) and
Figure 1. Ligand structure: H2BSDHQ. zinc(II) complexes show changes in v ( C - - O ) , v ( C = N )
(ring) and v(C~-N)(exo), indicating binding to the metal
H 2 B S D H Q (1 mol). T o this a 5% M e O H solution of t h r o u g h an O N N sequence involving phenolic oxygen
a m m o n i a was added to maintain the reaction at p H 7, and
and azomethine nitrogens (x ~-~ 3). As these complexes are
the mixture was boiled under reflux in a steam bath for
isolated from neutral media, d e p r o t o n a t i o n of phenolic
3 h. The complex which precipitated was r e m o v e d by
oxygen has p r o b a b l y occurred. Indeed, the ~Hn.m.r.
filtration, washed with M e O H and dried in vacuo. The
spectrum of the zinc(II) complex confirms this fact (dis-
purities of H z B S D H Q and metal complexes were checked
appearance of the 6 12.1 signal). The u p w a r d v ( N - - N )
by t.l.c. The analytical data and p r o p o s e d formulae for the
shift in all the complexes in the 1 0 - 3 0 c m ~ range
complexes are given in Table 1.
supports involvement of one of the nitrogens in bonding ~14);
the iron(III) complex being the exception in v ( C = N )
Results and discussion (ring) ~'~ The b a n d at 2 9 0 0 - 3 4 0 0 c m - ~ in the iron(III)
The H 2 B S D H Q complexes are coloured and oxygen complex is assumed to be due to side chain v(OH) and
stable. They are insoluble in c o m m o n organic solvents but v(NH) ~s) and the m e d i u m intensity b a n d observed at
soluble in D M F and D M S O . They decompose at high 8 5 0 c m - ~ is assignable to the rocking m o d e (x6) of coor-
temperatures. Analytical data are c o m m e n s u r a t e with a dinated H 2 0 molecule. However, in the zinc(II) complex
1 : i metal to ligand stoichiometry in all complexes, except the b r o a d b a n d at 2 9 0 0 - 3 4 0 0 c m - i is a v(OH) and
in the zinc(II) complex (2:1). They have low m o l a r v(NH) c o m b i n a t i o n and shows the presence of H 2 0 and
conductances (f~M = 2.0-4.0 mhos m o l - 1 cm 2) in 1 x 10 3 ammonia ~ in c o o r d i n a t i o n sphere as established by
molar D M S O solutions at r o o m temperature and are M - - O H 2 and M--NH3(XT) rocking modes (850 and
therefore nonelectrolytes ~ m. The chloride in iron(III) and 910 c m - ~, respectively).
zinc(II) complexes lies within the c o o r d i n a t i o n sphere. The new bands in the far i.r. region (Table 1) are
The presence of coordinated H 2 0 in iron(III) zinc(II) attributed to v ( M - - O ) , v ( M - - N ) and v ( M - - C 1 ) (ls'19).

Table l. Analytical and i.r. data of the metal complexes of H2BSDHQ a'b.
Complex/ Found (calcd.)(%) v(NH) v((OH) +(NH)) v(C~N) v(C~N) v(C--O) v(N N) New bands
Stoichiometry M N (exo) (ring) (phenolic)
[MnUL] 12.55 18.5 3000-3300 - 1600 1520 1250 1260 1060 630, 490
(12.2) (18.6)
[FemLCI(H20)] 11.3 16.7 - 3000-3400 1600 1550 1240 1260 1040 850, 640, 385
(11,0) (16.6)
[ConL] 11.95 18.9 3000 3300 - 1600 1520 1240-1250 1040 620
(12.95) (18.5)
[NiUL] 13.1 18.4 3000-3300 - 1600 1520 1240-1250 1040 620
(12.9) (18.5)
[CunL] 14.1 18.7 3000, 3200, - 1600 1500 1230-1260 1040 640, 620
(13.8) (18.3) 3300
[Zn~L(NH3)z(H20)2Clz] 19.4 16.5 - 2900-3300 1600 1520 1240-1260 1050 910, 850, 630,
(19.6) (16.77) 610, 300
aAll i.r. bands in cm- 1; babbreviation: H2BSDHQ = bis(N-Salicylidene)-2,3-dihydrazino- 1,4-quinoxaline (C22H 18N602), L = C22H1 6 N 6 0 2 '

Table 2. Magnetic moment and electronic spectral data of metal-H2BSDHQ complexest

Complex ~eff (B.M.) Vmax Assignment

(temperature in K) (cm-1)

[MnIIL] 5.85 25316, 23255, 22222, -

(295) 19607, 17543, 15625,
15151, 13888, 12987
[FemLCI(H20)] 6.06 25641, 22727, 21737,
(295) 16393, 15625, 14925,
13888, 12820
[foUL] 3.95 25000-20000 4 Z i g --4 4Tlg(p )
[-NinL] 3.03 23255 3A20 ~ 3Tla(P )
(295) 17543 3A2 --~3T1
10869 3A g __+3T g
~2g 20 *

16393-15151 SA2_-* 1E_

[CuIIL] 1.73 18181 2Bf---~ZE"
(295) 17241 2 B Ig~ 2 Bz.
15625 2Big ~ 2Alg

"HeBSDHQ = bis(N-salieylidene)-2,3-dihydrazino-l,4-quinoxaline (C22HlsN602) , L = C22H16N602.

Transition Metal Chemistry, 19 (1994) 75-77 Metal dihydrazino quinoxaline complexes 77

azomethine chromophore-metal binding. The broad bands

in this range may also have d - d component transitions
corresponding to the complexed transition metal ions.
The electronic spectra of manganese(II) and iron(III)
exhibit several weak absorptions due to doubly forbidden
N'N"U N''- N. d - d transitions (2~). As such, no specific assignments for
the electronic transition could be made, The nephalauxetic
and inter electron repulsion parameters for the nickel(II)
complex are B = 546.06 and fl = 0.524, which indicate a
strong ligand field around the metal ion. The analytical,
conductivity, thermal and spectral characteristics correlate
to suggest a bis-tridentate mode towards divalent metal
ions and a tetradentate mode towards iron(Ill). The
dependence of this binding mode on charge is interesting.
U = Un II, CuI], NiH, CoH In manganese(II), cobalt(II), nickel(lI) and copper(II)
complexes these interactions can be justified in terms of
(2) polymers and the proposed structures of complexes are
Figure 2. H z B S D H Q - M n u, - C o u, - N i n and - C u H complexes. given in Figures 2-4.
Preliminary studies on the bactericidal properties of
H z B S D H Q , its metal complexes, QD, DQ, Q D H and
related compounds, indicate promising activity against
Staphylococcus Aureus and Escherichia Colt. Detailed
studies are in progress.
HN NH One of the authors (P. V. A. L.) thanks the CSIR, India,
\ Cl I for the Senior Research Fellowship.
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