6 Pay
6 Pay
6 Pay
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Pre-revised scale (S – 7)
Revised Pay Band PB-1 + Grade Pay
Rs.4860-20200 + Rs.2400
Basic Pay in the Pre-revised ScaleRevised pay in the running pay bandGrade
PayTotal Pay
Basic Pay in the Pre-revised ScaleRevised pay in the running pay bandGrade
PayTotal Pay
Pre-revised scale (S - 9)
Revised Pay band PB-2 + Grade Pay
Rs. 8700-34800 + Rs. 4200
Basic Pay in the Pre-revised ScaleRevised pay in the running pay bandGrade
PayTotal Pay
Basic Pay in the Pre-revised ScaleRevised pay in the running pay bandGrade
PayTotal Pay
Basic Pay in the Pre-revised ScaleRevised pay in the running pay bandGrade
PayTotal Pay
Basic Pay in the Pre-revised ScaleRevised pay in the running pay bandGrade
PayTotal Pay
Basic Pay in the Pre-revised ScaleRevised pay in the running pay bandGrade
PayTotal Pay
General Secretary
Posted by AIPEU P3 CHQ at 1:50 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Dear Comrades - Please find the press statement and the latest circular issued
by the Confederation of CG Employees on the recommendations of the pay
commission. It contains the details about the common issues. Our stand on the
recommendations of the secional issues of postal employees will be published
shortly. - K.V.Sridharan General Secretary
The Sixth Central Pay Commission which submitted its report to the
Govt. yesterday has fixed the minimum wage at Rs. 5740/-only. The Central Govt.
employees had demanded the fixation of Minimum wage as per the norms formulated
by the 15th ILC which works out to Rs. 10,000 p.m. The computation has been
rejected by the Commission on untenable and unsustainable grounds. Had the
minimum wage been computed on the basis of the norms laid down by the 5th CPC.
i.e. the percentage increase of the Net National Product over a period of ten
years, which the Govt. had accepted in 1997, the minimum should have been
determined at Rs. 7400/-. Thus the minimum wage determined by the 6th CPC is
even less than what had been recommended by the 5th CPC and accepted by the then
Government as fair and reasonable. The Pay Commission has gone on record to
state that no comparison could be made to the wages obtaining in the Public
Sector Undertaking.
The first four scales of pay suggested by the 5th CPC for the Group D
Employees of the Government have been now removed. The existing employees in
these grades are to be moved to Group C cadres through a process of training
thereby indicating that the unskilled functions in the Governmental sector would
be contractorised or outsourced. On this specious plea the Commission has
flaunted that the Minimum wage in the Governmental sector would hereafter be Rs.
6660 and thus calculated the ratio between the minimum and maximum wages at
1:12. The real ratio between the minimum and maximum wages have been raised
from 1:11.76(determined by the 5th CPC) to 1:15.68. While huge rise in
emoluments have been provided to the senior officers of the Government, the
Group B,C and D employees have been totally neglected.
Dear Comrade,
The Commission has fixed the minimum wage at Rs. 5740 against the
demand we had placed for the grant of Rs.10000 as the need based minimum wage
computed as per the formulations of the 15th ILC norms. The CPC has mutiliated
the norms to bring down artificially the quantum.
The first four scales of Pay I;e S1,S2,S2A and S3 have been knocked
off. The S 4 scale of 5th CPC i.e. 2750-4400 has been taken as the base scale
of pay, the total emoluments of which at the beginning will be Rs.
4860+1800=6660. The Commission has stated that this would be the minimum wage
for future as the existing group D employees who are matriculates will be
allowed to be migrated to this scale of pa. Those who are not matriculates may
be allowed to come over to the said scale of pay on a successful completion of
training programme. This has been used as a clever device to flaunt the minimum
wage at Rs. 6660 and thereby to show that the ratio of the minimum and maximum
salary has been kept at 1:12. The fact is that the minimum wage is 5740 and the
maximum being the salary of the Cabinet Secretary at Rs. 90000. This brings
about the ratio of 1: 15.68, an all time high to boost the emoluments of the
officers of Gr A services. There had been not a single valid argument or reason
adduced the Pay Commission to reject the demand for the need based minimum wage.
Even as per the norms adopted by the 5th CPC the minimum wage ought to have
been fixed at Rs. 7408/=
A new concept of Grade Pay has been imported to give the impression
that a 40% rise is given at the fixation stage in respect of each employee. If
we take into account the revised fitment formula of the 6th CPC in which they
had taken out the benefit of merge of 50% DA given in 2004, the net increase
will only be 28%. The chicanery could be further seen from the fact that a mere
Rs. 360 has been added to the pre revised S8 scale of pay i.e. Rs. 4500-100-7000
to replace it with the new scale of pay of Rs. 4860-20200. The fallacy in the
construction of the revised scale of pay is further evidenced from the fact that
the replacement suggested by us for S 8 in our memorandum begins with Rs. 20000
with an annual increment rate of Rs. 1000. Besides even as per the 6th CPC
conversion factor the initial pay of S 8 ought to have been Rs. 10125. By
employing a clever device in the name of Grade Pay, the Pay Commission has
virtually retained the pre revised scale of pay with a little cosmetic change.
The fact of the matter is that the Government is empowered to alter or
altogether dispense with the grade pay in the case of any single employee in the
name of extension of the performance related pay scheme later to the Gr B,C and
D cadres.
Without going much into the details of the impact, we should convey
to you that the present dispensation is absolutely unacceptable and requires to
be re-negotiated bilaterally with the Government. What should be our
formulation in the light of the scheme of things brought about through various
recommendation of the Pay Commission is a matter for discussion, deliberation
and consensus with the Railways and Defence Federations. Efforts are on the
anvil for bringing about a united approach both in the matter of formulating the
demand and the manner and methodology of pursuing it to its logical end.
You may kindly go through the enclosed note as also the various
other recommendation of the Commission in the meantime and convey us your
considered views so as to help us to formulate the demands that we should place
for discussion at the staff side meeting of the National Council JCM
With greetings,
Yours fraternally,
K.K.N. Kutty
Secretary General
The much expected 6th CPC recommendations are out but we are shocked to find
many retrograde recommendations. On the basic and foremost question of minimum
scale of pay of Group D employees, we are cheated by the Pay Commission. The
calculations of the Pay Commission by eliminating the basic tenets of 15th ILC
like the components of HRA, Medical etc from the computation of the minimum
wages of Group D has done maimum damage. The fixing of 6660/- is even below the
formula applied by the 5th CPC in 1996.
As per the decision arrived at by the meeting of the extended National Executive
of the Confederation of Central Government Employees and Workers in Mumbai on
2nd and 3rd March 2008, the entirety of the Postal Employees are called upon the
agitate by way of protest demonstrations, rallies etc on 26.03.2008 throughout
the country as per the call of the Confederation. NFPE and FNPO Federations have
jointly calling upon all of the postal workers to implement the above call
Even the vital postal employees issues are ignored by the Pay Commission. The
TBOP, BCR issue not given due consideration. The System Administrators and
Marketing Executives and PO & RMS Accountants issues are sidelined. No mention
about RTP period also by the Pay Commission. The Postal Employees feel totally
All Comrades are requested to raise their united voice of protest against these
injustices. All Comrades are also requested to visit the web site of the
Confederation www.confederationhq.blogspot.com for detailes analysis of the
common issues after 11.00 A.M today. All comrades are requested to study the
entire recommendations which is available in the government web site and send
your valued comments to the NFPE and P3 CHQ for our consideration of future
course of action.
On a decision of the NFPE Federal Secretariat two all India Associations for
SBCO employees and Civil Wing employees have been formed. I am reproducing the
NFPE circular hereunder in this regard. I request all Circle Secretaries and
Divisional and Branch Secretaries to undertake all measueres to enroll as much
SBCO employees as members of the newly formed SBCO Association. CHQ will issue a
separate circular in this regard shortly. With regards. - KVS General Secretary.
9868819295 / 9444919295
email: nfpehq@gmail.com
1st Floor, North Avenue Post Office Building, New Delhi – 110001
Dated 24.03.2008
Dear Comrades,
Majority of NFPE P3 SBCO Members are made non-members. Earlier they were
active members and leaders of P3 Union.
There is no recognized union for Postal Civil Wing employees.
Their participation in our strikes and programmes are purely voluntary basis
and no organisation of our own is there to guide them and mobilize them in all
The problems of SBCO Employees cannot be effectively focused before the
Government and the Department and the existing unions or associations of SBCO
are not associating with the general NFPE movement in our programmes and
strikes and always keep distance with the mainstream of the TU Movement; and
Since the present membership verification is for 5 years, there would not be
any possibility for us to end the present stalemate with regard to our members
working under these wings of the department for such a long time till the next
verification is ordered.
Taking all these factors into consideration, and the restriction of time
available before us to form any association and submit application for
verification before 25th March 2008, the Federal Secretariat of NFPE, which met
on 12.03.2008 in the Office of the NFPE, had unanimously decided to explore all
possibilities for forming our own All India Associations for SBCO and also for
Postal Civil Wing and submit to Department before due date. On recognition these
Associations start the process of democratization of the organisation by holding
CWC meeting and would apply for affiliation with the NFPE and then the Circle
Conferences and ultimately the first AIC. There is no other alternative before
Accordingly a meeting of leading SBCO Comrades met in the NFPE on 13.03.2008 and
formed the All India Postal SBCO Employees Association. [AIPSBCOEU]. The
list of CHQ Office Bearers is enclosed herewith.
After mutual consultation with the Comrades in the Postal Civil Wing who are
much interested to form a union, the All India Postal Civil Wing Employees
Association [AIPCWEA] was also formed. The list of Office Bearers of the CHQ is
enclosed herewith.
The newly formed Associations have submitted their application forms to the
Department of Posts for undergoing verification of membership along with all
documents. The General Secretary of the SBCO Association Comrade Asit Das would
be releasing a separate circular to all SBCO Employees inviting them to join the
newly formed NFPE brand of SBCO Association in order to defend the rights of
SBCO employees and effectively ventilate their problems before the government
and department along with the mighty NFPE Federation and its all other
affiliated organizations. The General Secretary P3 CHQ also would issue a
circular shortly requesting the full support and cooperation of all P3 Circle
Secretaries and Divisional Secretaries to strengthen the newly formed All India
postal SBCO Employees Association [AIPSBCOEU].
Similarly the General Secretary of the All India Postal Civil Wing Employees
Association [AIPCWEA] Com. S.A.Raheem would release a circular to all employees
of Postal Civil Wing seeking them to join the organisation of their own under
the banner of NFPE to defend their interests and rights. The General Secretary
Admn Union would release a circular to all Admn Circle and Regional Secretaries
to help in building the Postal Civil Wing Employees Association.
The newly formed Associations may not have representatives in the CHQ body from
all Circles and therefore the Circle Secretaries of our affiliated Organisations
in general and the P3 Circle Secretaries in particular are requested to help in
identifying a Circle representative for these Associations to sign the
membership declaration forms for submission to DDOs in such circles where no CHQ
office bearer at present.
The verification of membership for all Unions / Associations is under issue. The
All India Unions / Associations have submitted our applications to the
Department of Posts before due date. The Orders under issue will stipulate the
method to be followed by the Divisional Secretaries. There will be 40 days time
from 1.4.2008 to 10.05.2008 for collection and submission of declarations to
DDOs. It is our task to enroll as much membership with a target of 80%
membership in all our affiliated unions. Take the task seriously and accomplish
in style. NFPE is confident that our entire rank and file will register its
strength and emerge the winner in all categories.
NFPE requests our Circle Secretaries to circulate the Photostat copies of this
Circular to all their Regional / Divisional / Branch Secretaries and guide them
in our task at hand.
With Regards
Comradely Yours
Secretary General
Posted by AIPEU P3 CHQ at 10:25 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Dear Comrades,
The proposed revised syllabus for LGO Examination with the sample question
papers circulated by the Department is reproduced below for your study and
suggestions - General Secretary
Sub: Revision of Syllabus for the LGOs for promotion to the cadre of
Postal Assistants / Sorting Assistants- regarding.
Existing Syllabus:
DescriptionDurationTotal Marks
Paper I –Essay, General English/General Hindi and Grammar 2 hours100
Paper II-Arithmetic2 hours100
Paper III- test based on Postal Manuals and Guides2 hours100
Proposed Syllabus:
DescriptionDurationTotal Marks
Paper I – Language –English
Part A
· Comprehension (with simple question and fill up the blanks –25 Marks
· Question of multiple choice in General to test the knowledge of
English-50 Marks
Part B
· Translation of English passage into local language-25 Marks
2 hours
Paper II- Arithmetic (basic) and Test Reasoning
· Addition
· Subtraction
· Multiplication
· Division
· Simple Interest Calculation
· Test of Reasoning
2 hours
Paper III- Departmental Rules
· Multiple Choice Questions –which will be circulated **2 hours100
** This will be Online test. The candidates must know how to read the text
(Question) on the computer screen and select the right answers by performing
minimum operations in a key board like using Arrow Keys; Space Bar; Enter Key;
Number or Alphabet Keys and the Mouse. (Necessary dummy trials will be given
before the examination)
A. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follows:
Early rising is good for our health. It helps us to work hard. The morning air
is cool & fresh. It is very useful for our lungs. It gives strength to our
body. Early rising is a very good habit. It is very calm at that time. There is
no noise. A student can read well. He can learn his lessons quickly. Therefore,
every student should get up early.
a. He knocked---------the door.
b. Shankar lived ---------a village.
c. The King gave people gifts --------his birthday.
d. Sachin was going -------Delhi.
e. You can earn a lot-------this piece of Iand.
a. East
b. West
c. North
d. South.
a. white colour
b. rose colour
c. yellow colour
d. red colour.
17, 19, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 36.
a. Find out the average time taken by the students to complete the
b. How many students took more than the average time to complete
the test?
7. A person starts his job with a certain monthly salary and earns a
increment every year. If his salary was Rs.4,500/- after 4 years of
service, find
his initial salary and the annual increment.
B. Test of Reasoning:
31 CA 25 BE 57 EG 46-------
Ans: a) CG b) DE C) GA d) DF
Posted by AIPEU P3 CHQ at 11:32 AM 0 comments
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Dear Comrades,
Greetings. The items discussed and decisions reached in the Standing Committee
Meeting of JCM National Council on 7.3.2008 are reproduced from the
Confederation Circular:
Dated: 8th March, 2008
Dear Comrade,
The Standing Committee of the National Council met on 7th March, 2008. The
meeting was presided over by the Secretary, Personnel, Shri S. Misra. The
meeting discussed the left out items in the agenda of the 14th December, 2007
meeting. In the initial remarks made by the Staff Side, the following issues
were raised.
Agenda items:
With greetings,
Yours fraternally,
Secretary General.
Circular No.2/2008
A/2/95 Rajouri Garden
New Delhi. 110 027
No.D.11/02 /08
Dear Comrade,
The extended meeting of the National Executive of the Confederation was held at
Mumbai on 2nd and 3rd March,2008. The CoC Mumbai had made excellent arrangement
for the boarding and lodging of the members attending the meeting. The
Confederation CHQ takes the opportunity to place its gratitude and thanks to the
CoC Mumbai and the volunteers who made all out efforts for the smooth conduct of
the meeting. The decisions taken at the meeting are enumerated below:
The meeting considered the report presented both in writing and orally by the
State CoCs and the Chief executives of the affiliates. On review, it came to the
conclusion that serious efforts had been undertaken by all concerned with the
result that the strike on 30th October, 2007 elicited great support and
participation of large number of CGEs despite the non-participation by Railways
and Defence organizations. The meeting also identified the weak areas arisen
mostly due to the non-formation of co-ordination Committees. The meeting
decided to approach the leadership of CGHS, CPWD and Passport Organizations once
again to reiterate the necessity of partaking in the united movement in the
background of their non-serving of Strike notice on 30/10/2007. The meeting
unanimously resolved to appeal all affiliates and CoCs to extend solidarity and
support actions to the CGHS employees who have decided to go on indefinite
strike action from 11-03-2008.
The Customs and Central Excise Gr.D and Ministerial employees have decided to
organize a day's strike on 20rd March, 2008 in pursuance of their legitimate
demands. All units of confederation will organize solidarity action on that date
to support the struggles of Central Excise and Customs employees.
The meeting after hearing the representatives of the Maritime College employees
unions decided to adopt the following resolution and extend full support to
their struggles against the privatization of these prestigious educational
institutions of the country.
This extended meeting of the National Executive of the Confederation held on 2nd
and 3rd March, 2008 at Mumbai expresses dissatisfaction over the delay in the
formation of maritime university in three cities viz., Kolkata, Mumbai and
Chennai as promised by the Govt. in the floor of Parliament in acceptance of the
demand of the people at large of these states and especially of the employees
and workers of various maritime institutions in the country. The meeting notes
with disappointment that no budgetary proposal to give effect to the said
assurance has been made by the Finance Minister.
The meeting notes that dubious methods have been employed by the Government to
lower the states of the existing institutions by handing over its governance to
nominated contractors forcing the employees to launch agitational programmes
demanding setting up of maritime university immediately to protect this
prestigious educational institution from privatization. The meeting extends
support to the struggling employees of maritime colleges and resolves to stand
by them.
Agenda Item No.2: Pay Commission related issues and future course of action:
Copy of Resolutions
The meeting noted that despite an annual growth rate of 8% engineered by the
largesse extended to the rich entrepreneur class, the Indian traditional
manufacturing and agricultural sectors which provide large scale employment have
not been able to make any significant gains. The increased budgetary allocation
to educational and health sectors touted as an impressive endeavour to address
to the social sector regeneration is only a mirage in the light of the
uncontained high voltage inflation. The working class especially in the
unorganized sector who constitute the largest chunk of the working population in
the country has been totally left out from any of the welfare schemes of the
Govt making them the soft target for further exploitation of the bourgeoning
corporate sector. The meeting also notes with dismay that the Finance Minister
has not chosen to make any provision for an eventual financial liability that
might arise from the 6th CPC recommendation giving room for a legitimate
apprehension in the minds of the CGEs of the remote possibility of having a
reasonable wage settlement in the ensuing financial year.
The meeting has therefore decided to revitalize the movement of the CGEs to
fight against the neo-liberal economic policies of the Govt. along with other
segments of the working class to ensure that further pauperization of the poor
section of the people of the country is halted.
The meeting has also decided to reiterate its vehement opposition to all
measures of downsizing, corporatisation, contracturisation, privatization, off
loading/outsourcing and to fight against any such retrograde recommendations of
the 6th CPC.
The meeting apprehended that the recommendations of 6th CPC shall fall short of
the employees' expectations and has decided to call upon the entirety of CG
employees and their organizations to organize massive protest, rallies, and
demonstrations etc on the date following the day the recommendations of the 6th
CPC are made known.
It is apprehended that the above move of the Govt. is aimed clearly to deny the
legitimate aspirations and demands of the Grameen Dak Sevaks. This extended
meeting of the Confederation further resolves to demand the Government to:
The meeting further resolved to caution the government that any measure to
submit retrograde recommendations by the non-judicial GDS committee and the
acceptance of the same by the Govt. will result in launching serious programmeof
action including indefinite strike.
4. The meeting has decided to place on record its strong resentment and
opposition to the observation made by the Finance Minister while placing the
economic survey to increase the working hours. The meeting decided to fight
against the anti-labour policies of the Govt. in unison with the other sections
of the working class in the country.
Agenda Items No.3 & 4: Organisational Matters and formation of State CoCs
With greetings,
Yours fraternally
We met in the meeting of Postal JCA of NFPE and FNPO with all our affiliated
Unions / Associations in the NFPE office on 1.2.2008 to assess the actual state
of implementation of 19th April 2007 agreement by the Department of Posts and
the sufferings and suffocation of the postal employees. We assessed that the
Department of Posts is not serious in implementing the April settlement but in
practice violated many assurances contained therein.
We also took into account the different Action Programmes under launch by
various Unions / Associations of both of our federations jointly to ventilate
the serious grievances of respective category of employees.
Taking into account of all aspects we have unanimously decided to continue with
the agitational programmes of individual unions / associations as already
declared. We have also decided in addition to launch a common programme of
action under the banner of All India Postal Joint Council of NFPE and FNPO
federations in the following manner to seek the settlement of all our pending
19.02.2008 to 15.03.2008
Intensive Post Card Campaign to Hon'ble MOC&IT and Secretary [P]; Protest
demonstrations all over the country. The text of the Post Card campaign is as
All India JCA will meet and announce the Indefinite Strike.
We request our Circle Secretaries to circulate this JCA Circular along with the
Charter of Demands to all Divisional and Branch secretaries under their circles
immediately to enable them to submit the same to the respective Head of
Division. We also request our Circle Secretaries to hold demonstrations and
submit the same to respective Regional / Circle Heads on 15.02.2008 and also
take all efforts to the success of the second phase of the Post Card campaign
etc and prepare all the employees for the eventual industrial action to win our
justified demands.
Comrades and Colleagues! We wish to assure you that the Postal JCA has full
confidence on the rank and file that they would play their due role in carrying
out the above programme of action with all seriousness.
Comradely Yours
D.Theagarajan K.Ragavendran
Secretary General Secretary General
Encl: Letter to be submitted to the Secretary [P] with full Charter of Demands
in Dak Bhawan and at all places.
Shri. I.M.G.Khan
Secretary [P]
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan
New Delhi - 110001
The Government is more and more succumbing to the pressure of multinational and
Indian Corporate Courier lobby and not shows the acumen and urgency to protect
the letter mail monopoly as recommended by the Parliamentary Standing Committee
headed by Shri. Somnath Chatterjee.
The GDS Unions are exempted from affiliation with the federations; many trade
union rights are not made granted to them. Their status and pension are denied.
Even maternity leave is a mirage. Sudden reduction of TRCA is taking place. The
request transfer facility is arbitrarily cancelled. There is no urgency to
implement the Judgment of Supreme Court on the matter of grant of gratuity under
Gratuity Act. But they are threatened for squeezing out unattainable RPLI
Erstwhile RTP candidates are shown a bad deal and their chances for getting full
social security is denied; no attempt to end the discrimination between the APS
RTPs and other RTPs is being made by the Department. The promotional avenues and
opportunities for JAO qualified officials are not even acknowledged properly;
Despite the DOPT consent the Department of Posts is dilly-dallying on the
proposal of common cadre and merger with DOT. The life of those JAO qualified
hands will be doomed despite passing a tuff examination.
The Department was totally dependent on PA/SA officials with in depth knowledge
on computers for erecting a wide network of computerization. These officials who
are known as system administrators have toiled without any work hours; without
any rest; without any time of night or day. Not only there is no acknowledgement
of their great services and grant of many essential incentives, but there is
serious remarks about their integrity that wounds the sentiments of all such
hard working personnel.
Absorption of RRR Candidates that was assured is forgotten and an SLP has been
filed in a most inhuman way. Casual labours with Temporary Status is given a raw
deal and despite the Judgment of Supreme Court no orders are released for
counting of their earned increments, leave etc on regularization. The full-time
casual labours are denied Temporary Status; Part-time casual labours and
Contingent paid are not cared for and not considered for even GDS. Paid
substitutes are needed for the department to do free
karsewa in many offices, but the Judgment of High Court of Chennai to give them
wages including HRA/CCA quantum under the Main Finance Orders is denied to
hundreds of similarly placed persons. The Judgments supporting the standpoint of
the department and supporting the staff interests are treated on the different
The Postal JCA of NFPE and FNPO with all their affiliated all India Unions and
Associations after an in depth analysis of the situation prevailing has come to
the unanimous conclusion that a comprehensive Postal Sectional Charter of
Demands should be submitted by the JCA on 15th February 2008 to the Department
of Posts with demonstrations at all level. A Campaign should follow at the base
level upto middle of March 2008. A decision to go on an Indefinite Strike by the
entirety of postal employees shall be announced after the meeting of JCA in the
first week May 2008.
The Postal Joint Council of Action of NFPE and FNPO is still confident that
earnest effort would be definitely made by the Postal Board to seriously address
all the issues and problems that are acutely agitating the minds of the entirety
of postal employees to restore peace and tranquility.
Thanking you,
Yours Faithfully
D.Theagarajan K.Ragavendran
Secretary General Secretary General
Recognize Federations under CCS [RSA] Rules 1993 and restore all forums of
negotiating machinery; Restore holding of Periodical Meetings with the
Federations and All India Unions.
Amend the GDS Conduct & Service Rules for payment of Gratuity under the
Gratuity Rules, 1972 as per the Supreme Court Judgment; Grant Status, Pension,
Maternity leave and other benefits on prorata basis; Count the service period
of GDS for pension on their regularization; Liberalise recruitment rules for
GDS to appear for the examination for PA/SA; No reduction of TRCA under any
circumstances; No Cycle Beat Formula; Allow request transfer to GDS; Stop
harassing with unreasonable RPLI targets; Introduce uniforms and kits to
outdoor GDS; and Grant all Trade Union rights to GDS including right to
affiliate with Federation by amending the Recognition Rules.
Restore sorting offices and ensure at least one RMS office in every revenue
State and revenue District.
Fill up all vacant posts of MMS Drivers and Technical Staff and ease the
workload; Impart necessary computer training to handle new generation power
Grant Temporary Status to all eligible full time casual labours; absorb TS CLs
and GDS in Group D vacancies under 25% - 75% formula without abolishing Group
D vacancies as per the Ernakulam CAT Judgment; Regularize all part time casual
labours and contingency paid and absorb them as GDS; Treat all the Temporary
Service CLs as pre-2004 entrants and re-commence recovery of GPF; and Restore
payment of wages including HRA/CCA quantum to substitutes as per Madras High
Court Judgment.
Grant notional promotion to eligible seniors by holding the DPC year by year
basis from 1983 to Postal and RMS wings and from 1993 in Administrative wing
within a time frame of one month; Restore periodicity of Junior Accountant
Promotion to Senior Accountant as 3 years.
Withdraw the SLP and absorb all RRR Candidates recruited under compassionate
ground of recruitment.
Regularize the services of RTP for promotion and pension by ending the
discrimination between the APS RTPs and others.
Create avenues of promotion to all JAO qualified officials and approve the
proposal for common cadre with DOT.
Fix time factor for all work to which no norms available at present.
Get funds from Ministry of Finance for one time clearance of all pending OT
Bills, Medical Bills etc; Take measures to get the Arbitration Award on Postal
OTA rates implemented by the Government; Revise the OTA rates @ double the
normal wages in future; stop compulsory OT Duty.
Remove all trade union victimization and vindictive punishments awarded for
lapses committed due to unbearable workload.
Settle all long pending and urgent Sectional issues listed in the enclosed
Annexure I, II, III, IV and V for different sections of postal employees:
3 Filling up the APM Accounts LSG, HSG II posts as per 1976 LSG
Accountant recruitment Rules.
Include the Workload of Speed Post mails / hybrid mails etc. as accountable
articles for calculation of time factor and grant of postmen staff.
Fill up of all vacant posts of postmen and Group 'D'. The large number of
vacancies of postmen and Group 'D' are lying vacant for various administrative
reasons at local level since long which is causing operational difficulties
for efficient and smooth functioning of delivery system. Immediate action be
ensured to fill up all vacant posts of postmen and Group 'D'.
(a) Replace the present uniform with that of earlier Khakhi Uniform and assure
supply of best quality and quantity of cloth.
(b) The periodicity of summer uniform should be two sets in one year and
periodicity of winter uniform should be one set in two years and it should be
ensured that supply should be made timely and of best quality.
(d) Postmen and Group 'D' staff at Solan and Shimla should be included in that
area for Supply of Far Ka Coat and it should be ensured that the supply should
be made timely and best quality which is very indispensable to cope up with the
prevailing climate.
(e) Postmen and Group 'D' staff at Shimla should be treated at par with Kinnor
and Lohspiti and Supply of Snow Boots and Goggles timely .to this area.
(i) A very good quality of shoes and Chappals be supplied in time to avoid
complaints from entirety of staff
(ii) The present rate of shoes repair charges are very less and this need to be
enhanced to Rs 50/-
The good quality folding type umbrella be supplied to Postmen staff to avoid
inconvenience while performing their duties during rainy season.
Supply of Rain Coats: Ensure timely and durable quality of the rain coats.
(h) Supply of Postman Bag. Durable and timely supply of Postman Bag should be
ensured being very indispensable for safety of mail.
8. The rate of OTA (FMC) for postmen staff should be revised as under:-
Existing Rate
Rate to be revised
Full Beat Rs 29.00 Rs
Beat divided Rs 14.00 Rs 80/-
Holiday duty Rs 43.00 Rs 200/-
Restriction of 3 hours limit of OTA to Sorting Postmen & Group 'D' worked on
Holiday duty should be removed with enhanced Rate of Rs 200/-.
The department arbitrarily changed the designation of test category Group 'D'
vide its letter dated 27.10.2004 as peon and Mail Peon instead of packer. Peen
is not acceptable as the said staffs are doing hard, skilled, arduous and
hazardous of official duties. The orders dated 27.10.2004 be reversed and
restore the original designation of packer to all test category of Group 'D'
staff of department of posts.
ACP promotion scheme should also be implemented on wiremen and electrical staff
in the department of posts
Enhance the financial powers of SPOs /SSPOs in sanctioning the NHA of Mail
Overseers to Rs 1,000/- instead of Rs 500/-
12. Payments of OSA and other benefits on par with RMS staff to MMS
drivers working in long distance schedules and allow to engage casual drivers
temporarily to work till regular arrangement is made.
15. Fill all Group 'D' posts from GDS / Temporary Status
Employees @ 25% & 75% without any abolition under screening committee.
2. Increase the Number of HSG-I, HSG-II and LSG posts in Circle and Regional
Offices to boost the promotional avenue.
3. Hold the LGO examination for Administrative Group D also under the
liberalized syllabus to fill up all residual vacancies in CO/RO and DPLI
4. Allow the left out Categories of Circle Office viz Lift Operator etc to
appear for LGO exam.
9. Introduce the system of competitive examination for PSS Group 'B' along
with postal employees instead of existing reservation system by increasing the
percentage of Group B for General Line.
10. Count RTP service for the purpose of pension and ACP.
Rectify the anomaly due to promotion of Gr. 'D' to LDC cadre in PAO viz Senior
Group D promotees in Sorter Cadre remaining as Sorters and Junior Gr.'D'
becoming LDCs.
Grant special pay/allowance to D/E passed Group 'D' /Sorter awaiting promotion
as in the case of other cadres; also grant ACP in the scale of Sorters for those
Group 'D' officials passed DE before 2000.
Fix pay of T/S group 'D' on regularization by taking all annual increments
already eamed; count T/S service for pension and ACP purpose as in Indian
Merger Sorter cadre into LDC cadre as recommended by GOM and also
Postal Board.
Upgrade 61% posts of LDC cadre to Jr. Accountant Cadre as per recommendations of
Restructuring and Dutta Committee.
Fill up all vacant posts in all trhe cadres of Departmental Canteens with
special reference of D/E passed canteen employees of PAO , Kolkata.
18. JA Cadre:
Hold JAO part II exam followed by Part I; restore its qualifying nature.
Grant special allowance Rs.140.00 from the date of passing the examination of
JAO Part II similar to other organized Accounts Wing and IA & AD.
Sanction justified posts of JAO in PLI/RPLI & BD without diverting the popsts of
existing JAOs.
20. Stenographers:
The Highlights of the NFPE Memorandum submitted to the 6th Central Pay
Commission on 6th December 2007 are given below. Though the Department of Posts
had unilaterally constituted Nataraja Murti Committee instead of referring the
GDS issues to a Judicial Committee, the NFPE as guided by its Federal Executive
has submitted the Memorandum covering all issues of more than 2.75 lakhs of
Gramin Dak Sevaks with special emphasis on Departmentalisation of GDS as well on
Social Security and other issues.
1.Three Promotions to all GDS on completion of 10th, 20th and 25th year of
their service shall be granted.
1. No separate Conduct Rules for GDS is required since they function under
Constitutional Provisos 309, 310 and 311.
2. Non-statutory GDS Conduct & Employment Rules 2001 shall be scrapped.
3. As per the Judgments of the Honourable Supreme Court and the CAT of
Ernakulam, the GDS also should be covered by the CCS [Conduct] Rules, 1964 like
other Government employees.
4. Subject to the above changes, the ex-gratia payment during Put Off Duty
shall be changed as 'Put Off Duty Allowance' and at least 50% of emoluments
should be paid for the first 90 days and thereafter the enhancement or decrease
as per the FR 53 should be accepted.
5. The retrograde provision in the GDS Conduct Rules for withholding the
appeal is to be scrapped.
6. Under any circumstances the GDS Conduct Rules shall be made statutory
since the GDS are civil servants within the purview of Article 309.
7. The penalties should be classified into minor and major by bringing
necessary changes in the type of punishments to avoid awarding of major penalty
for minor lapses.
8. The present prohibition imposed against transfer to the vacant posts
under Rule 2, Note II of GDS Rules should be removed and transfer entitlement as
pronounced by the Judgment of Ernakulam CAT should be implemented.
1. All Trade Union facilities to the recognized unions of GDS with the
right to affiliate with Federations.
2. Grant of special casual leave for attending conferences and meetings.
3. Recovery of subscriptions from pay and ensuring the remittance to the
union as per the assurance of check off system.
4. Facility to depute on Foreign Service terms on par with regular
employees unions.
5. Allocation of JCM seats.
Dear Comrades,
The Federal Executive held on 01.12.07 has decided to launch Trade Union
Programmes focussing the sectional demands. Accordingly, the Charter of demands
of our Union have been framed and a copy there of has been furnished and
circulated to the Branch Unions for expressing their consent and opoinion.
You may singly and collectively but through the Divisional/Branch/Circle Union,
communicate your views to the CHQ so as to reach, the CHQ not letter than
31.01.08 for incorporation in the final 'Charter of Demands' to be prepared and
placed in the programme of action to be decided and declared by the JCA.
I seek all your assistance to make our charter containing all the problems
confronting the Postal Group C comrades.
3 Filling up the APM Accounts LSG, HSG II posts as per 1976 LSG
Accountant recruitment Rules.
The Departmental will notify the verification of membership during the current
year at any time. All Branch/Divisional secretaries are requested to conduct
more meetings, gatherings at work spot, organise the comrades to our fold. Meet
each and every individual and take all out efforts to enrol more membership in
their divisions/Branches.
Comradely yours,
(K V Sridharan)
General Secretary
Posted by AIPEU P3 CHQ at 5:01 PM 5 comments
Shri. I. M. G. Khan,
Department of Posts,
Dak Bhawan New Delhi - 110001
Sub: Indifferent attitude in settling the serious and burning demands of Postal
Group 'C' employees.
Adding fuel to fire, the Directorate has caused instructions to all the Circle
heads to disturb the FTP qualified officials from their present position and
post them in delivery offices thereby causing unwarranted disturbances and
placements in the middle of the tenure. The discrimination with in the LSG as if
regular and FTP is deplorable. This instruction is violative to the principles
of R.T, request transfer and connected statutory rules.
When we are pleading to set right the irregularities in the notional promotion
in LSG cadre and accord HSG II/HSG I promotion with retrospective effect since
April 2007 as assured, it is still in initial stage in many circles. The
affected seniors are retiring from service without availing due promotions. The
irregularities in the notional promotion accorded in Orissa Circle has not been
rectified so far.
The assurances given in resolving the shortage problem like allowing retired
personnel to work in absentism, grant of incentive to WMT, RPLI, PLI work etc,
liberal grant of OTA to operative staff and allotment of sufficient funds for
clearance of pending bills have not been implemented in true spirit.
It is requested to sort out the issues, implement the assurances and withdraw
the arbitary, unilateral anti worker orders affecting the morale, hard work and
honesty and ensure peace.
Yours faithfully,
18.01.08. Demonsration
05.02.08 Dharna
Dear Comrades/Colleagues
The postal Group C employees are mounted under severe attacks one after another
ignoring the sufferings we are having in Post Offices due to under staffing over
six years. Adding salt to injury various new business activities without any
norms, ethics or incentives are being launched. Our genuine demands are not
properly taken care of.
The problems confronting us are multifying. On such vital issues like LSG, HSG
II, HSG I promotions, the Circle Heads are lethargic and the department is
unable to pull them to implement its own orders. There are more than ten
thousand PA posts remains unfilled in many circles even after issue of orders
simply by raising unwarranted clarifications. Even they are not attended by the
Department and persuing them in a casual manner.
The Department on its own and without any talks or discussions is issuing
various retrograde orders in the past like Declining LSG Promotion causes
postponement of BCR, preventing second posting in same single handed Post
offices, discrimination between regular and FTP LSG, sarcastic orders on the
System Administrators etc. Our sincere, persistent endeavours to settle the
issue have proved to be in fructuous.
We have been pushed to the wall to resist such onslaughts purported against the
Group C employees. We have no other alternate except to launch series of
agitational programmes against the wrong decisions, orders and lethargy in
mitigating the agreed demands.
"Withdraw all unilateral and arbitary orders mentioned in the 20 point charter
of demands immediately AAA. Settle all agreed demands placed in April 2007
strike AAA Ensure peace and amity and avoid further confrontation AAA."
Addressed to:-
The programme of action has been drawn based on the consultation of Federations
which will endorse our call and further course of programme beginning with 'Non
cooperation & Work to rule to indefinite strike will be decided with the
consultations of Federations and other Unions.
Let us prepare for the programme with seriousness and sincerity and stead fast
efforts to ensure the programme a grand success to wrest the demands.
3 Filling up the APM Accounts LSG, HSG II posts as per 1976 LSG
Accountant recruitment Rules.
"Shape up or Ship Out is our Mantra , Chairman Sixth Pay Commission Justice B N
Srikrishna "
Q. Is the Sixth Pay Commission going to advocate a hire and fire policy for
government employees?
A. The terms of appointment of existing employees cannot be changed to their
disadvantage. What the Government can do is to adopt a contractual approach for
hiring of government employees for specific jobs at certain levels. It is a
logical corollary for ensuring better performance that needs to be looked at.
The spirit of competitiveness in the world of trade and commerce must be
introduced in governance.
Q. How much more will the recommendations of the pay commission cost the
exchequer? The public are fed up of government servants being paid more and more
for non-performing?
A. The successive Pay Commissions have increased salaries of the employees. We
believe that every rupee being paid to central government employees is coming
out of taxes being paid for by the common man. Each time they received a pay
hike, the taxes go up accordingly. Every time a small section of society is
placated, the man-on-the street (who pays for this) is going to get upset.
Hence, any increase should result in better delivery to the common man. We are
working towards achieving this end. We are also trying to ensure that the
additional burden on the government is well within its means. We are also well
aware of the fact that Central employee salary hikes are bound to have a
spiraling effect on state governments who will also be forced to increase
salaries even though some of them are already (financially) in a bad shape and
are facing deficits. The impact of our recommendation on State governments is
also included in our Terms of Reference.
Q. Are government pay scales going to be made at par with private companies?
A. There is the general expectation that government pay scales be brought at par
with salaries in the private sector. It will not possible to match private
sector salaries. Boys coming out of school are getting salaries of over Rs one
lakh per month and more. We have to look into this whole issue to see how much
parity we can achieve.
Q. Has the Finance Ministry instructed you to work within the framework of the
budget or will your exercise end up being open-ended?
A. We have to keep the financial implications of our recommendations in mind.
What is the comfort level of the Finance Ministry going to be ? Can they afford
our recommendations or not. There is no point in recommending an increase of Rs
50 when all they can afford is Rs ten.
Q. You must be facing pressure from all quarters to increase salaries. How are
you coping?
A. There is no doubt that everybody wants a larger slice of the cake – the
question of course is just how much more can be given. I'm working with a team
of efficient people who are doing most of the work. I guide them wherever it is
necessary in that sense it is not very different from judicial work. Wherever
there are conflicting interests, I step in to try and hold the balance.
Q .If government employees have contractual jobs, how will they receive pension
A. Persons on contract would be entitled to a higher compensation package and
not to pension for the contractual period. Those employed prior to 1/1/2004
would continue to get pension. Those employed on or after 1/1/2004 will continue
to be governed by the New Pension Scheme.
The Government has appointed UTI MF and SBI MF as fund managers of the Postal
Life Insurance Fund (POLIF) and Rural Postal Life Insurance Fund (RPOLIF), a
move which will pave the way for investment of part of these funds in stock
The cabinet has given its go-ahead to the appointment of these public-sector
mutual funds as managers of the over Rs.10, 000 crore corpus of these two funds.
It has also approved setting up of an investment board for deciding investment
policies. This would primarily be applicable to new deposits into these schemes
as much of the existing corpus in already invested in government bonds. While
focusing primarily on safety of investments, the fund managers would seek
investment avenues that would fetch better returns for these funds. In effect,
this could mean investing part of the corpus of these funds in stocks, mutual
funds which provide higher returns.
While POLIF has a corpus of Rs 8,934 crore, deposits under RPOLIF stood at Rs
1,625 crore as on March 2006. As of now, the entire corpus of these funds go
into government's special deposit scheme which fetches a fixed return of 8% but
is fully secured due to sovereign backing. The finance minister P Chidambaram
said the scheme has been formulated on the lines of the National Investment Fund
-- a disinvestment corpus, which has been entrusted to three PSU managers. Norms
for National Investment Fund stipulate that only up to 15% of the total funds
can be invested into equity funds while 85% has to be parked into debt funds.
In the case of postal funds, however, the government constituted an investment
board for laying down policy guidelines and investment strategy for the postal
funds. A chief investment officer with the rank of additional secretary will be
appointed along with four directors for managing and devising day-to-day
strategies for these investments. In effect, this could mean that more than 15%
of the funds could be invested in stocks and mutual funds.
Mr. Chidambaram said the move to allow SBI and UTI mutual funds follows the
decision of the Department of Post to invest the funds in a manner which will
bring better returns to the investors. Till now, funds from both postal schemes
were directed towards Special Deposit Scheme under which government gives a
fixed return of 8%. Investors will be able get a higher return through
investment of their funds in mutual funds. The finance minister said since LIC
is a competitor for POLIF and RPOLIF, it was not considered to manage the funds.
Posted by AIPEU P3 CHQ at 4:16 PM 0 comments
Government today denied that there is any proposal to increase the retirement of
the Central Government Employees.
Posted by AIPEU P3 CHQ at 4:12 PM 0 comments
The Widow of a deceased GDS official namely Sri Ram Murti has recorded a great
victory in the Court of law, which has a significant, and far reaching positive
impact on the question of payment of Gratuity to the entirety of Gramin Dak
Sevaks in the Department of Posts. It is more or less identical to 1977 Rajammas
case as if the ED employees are holders of civil post.
On the death of her husband who was working as a GDS in Hoshiarpur Division in
Punjab Circle, Smt.Sham Dulari filed a case before the Controlling Authority
appointed under the Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972 claimed a sum of Rs.57,692/-
as gratuity for the period of service rendered by her husband (18 years 9 months
and 25 days), which was far greater than the amount being paid to the GDS by the
Department of Posts at present under the Gramin Dak Sewak (Conduct and
Employment) Rules, 2001.
The Department negated the claim that the GDS are covered by the EDA Rules 1964,
which are now known as Gramin Dak Sewak (Conduct and Employment) Rules, 2001
that regulate the payment of gratuity to them and, the Gratuity Act 1972 would
not be applicable to them. Under the above Rules the retired GDS official has
already been paid the gratuity amounting to Rs.16,520/- and as such no further
gratuity is payable as the provisions of the Gratuity Act which do not apply to
the instant case.
The Controlling Authority cum Asst. Labour commissioner (C) Chandigarh rejected
the argument of the Department of Posts and ordered payment of another
Rs.12,286/- with interest @ 10% w.e.f. 25.12.2001to the widow over and above the
gratuity amount paid to her by the Department of Posts.
The Department of Posts appealed against the order to the Appellate Authority of
Gratuity Act. The Appellate Authority cum Regional Labour commissioner also held
and confirmed the decision of the earlier orders with the following:
In view of the above findings, this Appellate Authority after affording the
opportunities to the parties hereby confirmed the decision dated 21.8.2003 of
the ld. Controlling Authority-cum-Asstt. Labour Commissioner (C) Chandigarh."
We have thoughtfully considered the submissions made by learned counsel for the
petitioner- department and regret our inability to accept the same because the
definition of expression 'employee' in Section 2 (e) has to be read with Section
5 and 14 of the Gratuity Act. The aforementioned provisions of Section 2 (e), 5
and 14 are extracted below for faclity of reference: -
"2 Definitions.- In this Act unless the context otherwise requires, (e)
"employee" means any person (other than an apprentice) employed on wages, (*
* *) in any establishment, factory, mine, oilfield, plantation, port, railway,
company or shop, to do any skilled, semi-skilled, or unskilled, manual,
supervisory, technical or clerical work, whether the terms of such employment
are express or implied, (and whether or not such person is employed in a
managerial or administrative capacity, but does not include any such person who
holds a post under the Central Government or a State Government and is governed
by any other Act or by any rules providing for payment of gratuity.
14. Act to override other enactments, etc.- The provisions of this Act or
any rule made thereunder shall have effect notwithstanding anything inconsistent
therewith contained in any enactment other than this Act or in any instrument or
contract having effect by virtue of any enactment other than this Act."
"3. The Extra Departmental Agents are government servants holding a civil
post and are entitled to the protection of Article 311(2) of the Constitution
(See: Supdt. of Post Offices v. P.K. Rajamma).They are governed by separate set
of rules, viz., the Posts and Telegraphs Extra Departmental Agents (Conduct and
Service) Rules, 1964 (hereinafter referred to as "the Rules").The Central Civil
Services (Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules are not applicable to this
category of employees in view of the notification dated 28.1.1957 issued by the
Government of India under Rule 3 (3) of the said Rules.
We are further of the view that the scheme of the Gratuity Act indicates that it
is not applicable to cases where any other rule or statute is more beneficial
than the Gratuity Act. For the aforementioned proposition, reliance may be
placed on a judgment of the Supreme Court in the case of E.I.D. Parry (I)
Limited v. G. Onkar Murthy, (2001) 4 SCC 68. The converse would also be true
that in cases where the Gratuity Act is more beneficial than the Rules,
Regulations or any statute then the Gratuity Act would apply. It is evident that
Section 5 of the Gratuity Act expressly requires an order of exemption in favour
of any organistion exempting it from the operation of the Gratuity Act in
respect of any establishment etc. to which this Act applies. Section 5 further
lays down that the declaration is given in cases where the gratuity or
pensionary benefits are not less favourable then the benefits conferred under
this Act. A perusal of Section 14 makes it obvious that the provisions of the
Act and the Rules framed there under ought to have the effect notwithstanding
anything inconsistent therewith contained in any enactment other than this Act.
This non-obstante clause also excludes the application of any other rules. The
aforementioned view is fully supported by a judgment of the Supreme Court in the
case of Municipal Corporation of Delhi v. Dharam Parkash Sharma and other,
(1998) 7 SCC 221. The short question which was considered by their lordships
was, whether an employee of the Municipal Corporation, Delhi was entitled to
payment of gratuity under the Gratuity Act when the Corporation itself had
adopted the provisions of Central Civil Service (Pension) Rules, 1972, which
provide both for payment of pension as well as of gratuity. The Hon'ble Supreme
Court rejected the argument of the Corporation, namely, that when the Central
Civil Service (Pension) Rules, 1972, provide a package by itself, which has been
applied to the employees of the Corporation then the provisions of Gratuity Act
were not applicable and held as under: -
"We have examined carefully the provisions of the Pension Rules as well as the
provisions of the Payment of Gratuity Act. The Payment of Gratuity Act being a
special provision for payment of gratuity, unless there is any provision therein
which excludes its applicability to an employee who is otherwise governed by the
provisions of the Pension Rules, it is not possible for us to hold that the
respondent is not entitled to the gratuity under the Payment of Gratuity Act.
The only provision which was pointed out is the definition of "employee" in
Section 2(e) which excludes the employees of the Central Government and State
Governments receiving pension and gratuity under the Pension Rules but not an
employee of the MCD. The MCD employee, therefore, would be entitled to the
payment of gratuity provided for under the Payment of Gratuity Act. The mere
fact that the gratuity is provided for under the Pension Rules will not
disentitle him to get the payment of gratuity under the Payment of Gratuity Act.
In view of the overriding provisions contained in Section 14 of the Payment of
Gratuity Act, the provision for gratuity under the Pension Rules will have no
effect. Possibly for this reason, Section 5 of the Payment of Gratuity Act has
conferred authority on the appropriate Government to exempt any establishment
from the operation of the provisions of the Act, if in its opinion the employees
of such establishment are in receipt of gratuity or pensionary benefits not less
favourable than the benefits conferred under this Act. Admittedly, MCD has not
taken any steps to invoke the power of the Central Government under Section 5 of
the Payment of Gratuity Act. In the aforesaid premises, we are of the considered
opinion that the employees of the MCD would be entitled to the payment of
gratuity under the Payment of Gratuity Act notwithstanding the fact that the
provisions of the Pension Rules have been made applicable to them for the
purpose of determining the pension. Needless to mention that the employees
cannot claim gratuity available under the Pension Rules."
The argument of the learned counsel that the respondent workman is not covered
by the definition of expression 'employee' as used in Section 2 (e) of the
Gratuity Act does not require any detailed consideration because of the view
expressed by the Hon'ble Supreme court in Dharam Parkash Sharma's case (supra).
In that case also Central Civil Service (Pension) Rules, 1972 were adopted by
the Municipal Corporation, yet the Hon'ble Supreme Court held that the Gratuity
Act would apply in view of Section 5 read with Section 14 of the Gratuity Act.
Therefore, we have no hesitation in rejecting the argument raised on behalf of
the petitioner- department .
For the reasons aforementioned, this petition fails and the same is dismissed.
Accordingly, we direct that the respondent- workman be paid her dues within a
period of one month from today, failing which the annum from the date, the
amount became due till the date of actual payment .
The office is directed to send a copy of 'this order to the respondent- workman
for information and further necessary action.
The Department subsequently went on SLP in the Supreme Court as usual. The
Honorable Supreme Court also dismissed the SLP on 7.12.2007.
Therefore the Government now has no other alternate except to pay the gratuity
to the widow of the deceased GDS as per the Gratuity Act, 1972, which states
that Gratuity is a lump sum payment made by the employer as a mark of
recognition of the service rendered by the employee when he retires or leaves
service. According to this Act the Gratuity is payable @ 15 days wages for every
year of completed service or part thereof in excess of six months. In case of
seasonal establishment, gratuity is payable @ 7 days wages for each season.
Wages will include basic and D.A. The daily wages in respect of piece rated
employees are to be computed on the average of the total wages received by an
employee for a period of three months. The maximum amount of Gratuity payable is
Rs. 3.5 lakhs.
This is a landmark Judgment and the three lakhs of Gramin Dak Sevaks stand
benefited immensely.
The NFPE has immediately taken it up with the Government of India by writing to
the Honourable Prime Minister of India for immediate extension of the benefit of
the Judgment to all Gramin Dak Sevaks without any delay by making necessary
changes in the Rules, since the retiring GDS every day shall not be losing the
Let us sincerely ensure all efforts to make the judgment applicable to all the
GDS officials.
The Postal Joint Council of Action of NFPE and FNPO has endorsed the programme
of action of the Confederation of CG Employees and called upon the Circle
Secretaries and Divisional / Branch Unions of both the federations to implement
the programme unitedly with other CG Employees on 3rd January and from 7th to
11th January 2008. The JCA Circular is being despatched to all Circle
Secretaries and its copy is placed hereunder:
The Postal Joint Council of Action of NFPE and FNPO notes with deep concern that
the Government has taken a negative and unjustified stand to deny the benefit of
increase in bonus ceiling for the CG Employees from 2500/- to 3500/- even after
the amendment of Bonus Act by the Government.
The Postal JCA finds that despite our launching of a nationwide protest
demonstrations last month and sending of telegrams / savingrams to Hon'ble
Finance Minister as per the call of the Confederation of Central Government
Employees, the Government has chosen to ignore the justified voice of the
central government employees. The Staff Side has been told by the Secretary
[Finance] that the Government has decided not to extend the above benefit to CG
Employees. The Staff Side has sharply reacted and communicated that a show down
would become inevitable if the Government don't come forward to settle the
Similarly we could find that the Government has taken retrograde stand on many
issues including lifting the 5% cap on compassionate appointments. The CGHS
rates in cities except Delhi have been reduced arbitrarily by the Government
causing denial of treatment to beneficiaries in specialist hospitals; 16
Arbitration Awards are yet to be accepted by the Government; and daily rated
mazdoors are yet to be regularized.
The Postal JCA of NFPE and FNPO has therefore decided to endorse and implement
the following call of the Confederation of CG Employees with the addition of
withdrawal of SLP on RRR Candidates, in a united manner to mobilize the entirety
of the Postal Employees behind the Charter. The 5 point charter of demands is
not directly related to 6 th Pay Commission and settlement is over due.
Charter of Demands:
Programme of Action:
3 . To take up the issues through a memorandum with all MPS by the C-O-Cs of
the respective constituencies and by CG Employees Unions, where no C- O-C is in
Dear Comrades,
The Postal JCA of NFPE and FNPO once again call upon the Circle / Divisional /
Branch Secretaries of all Unions / Associations to make the above programme a
grand success. We request the Circle Secretaries to circulate this call to their
divisional and branch secretaries, directing them to conduct the programme of
action unitedly by the unions / associations of both the Federations along with
other CG Employees in their areas.
Let us March ahead to compel the Government to concede our just and legitimate
Comradely Yours,
The meeting of the Standing Committee of the JCM National Council was held
today. Secretary (Personnel) presided. On behalf of the Confederation, Com.
S.K.Vyas President and Com. KKN Kutty, Secretary General attended the meeting.
All agenda items could not be discussed as the meeting had to be ended at 3.00
PM. The next meeting will take place within three months. Decisions taken on
each of the agenda items discussed will be circulated shortly.
The following were the prominent issues that came up for discussion today:
(a) Bonus: Official side informed that the Cabinet had excluded the Central
Govt. employees from the purview of the recent amendment to Bonus Act, whereby
the ceiling limit for calculation of bonus had been raised from Rs. 2500 to Rs.
3500. The Staff Side reacted sharply to this statement and informed the
Secretary Personnel that they would be left with no alternative but to withdraw
from the discussion forum and resort to action programmes if the Govt. persists
with its untenable decision. The Secretary (Personnel) assured the Staff Side
that he would convey their strong resentment over this issue to the Cabinet
Secretary and will convey the Government's position. The Staff side has decided
to meet in the first week of January, 2008 and consider the outcome of efforts
of the Secretary Personnel in this regard and take appropriate decision.
(b) Interim Relief and the CPC Report: The Staff Side Secretary conveyed in his
initial remarks that the employees are concerned over the delay in the
submission of the report by the 6 th CPC due to the various references being
made by the Govt. at the last minute. He also informed the Secretary Personnel
that most of the Public Sector undertaking employees have been granted interim
relief ranging from Rs. 20000 to Rs. 60000 while the Central Govt. employees are
denied despite specific terms of reference to the 6 th CPC. He urged the
Secretary Personnel to appreciate the injustice caused to the Central Govt.
employees in this regard.
(c) Arbitrary reduction of CGHS rates for hospitalization and pathological tests
in recognized hospitals. The Stand of the Health Ministry officials was that the
rates had been revised on the basis of the tender and naturally the recognized
hospitals were not entitled to object to it. The Staff Side pointed out that
none of the recognized hospitals had entered into an MOU with the Govt. on the
reduced rates and the beneficiaries are denied the treatment in all places.
After some discussions it was decided that:
(i). the Health Ministry officials will interact with the CGE organizations in
all Cites and towns where the scheme is in vogue and report as to which
hospitals are providing treatment on the basis of the reduced rates and which of
them were refusing to take corrective steps;
(ii). The calendar of such meetings pertaining to various CGHS centres would be
prepared by the Health Ministry and would be submitted to the Secretary (Per)
within 10 days.
(d) Arbitration awards: It was indicated that discussions on all items had been
completed and the matter is being considered at the level of the Cabinet
Secretary as to the next course of action.
(e) New Pension scheme: Both the Sides reiterated their position. The denial of
family pension and other retirement benefits in respect of the employees
recruited after 1.4.2004 and the remedial actions were stated to be under
consideration of the Govt. In respect of those employees who were given the
temporary status prior to 1.4.2004 and in whose cases, 50% of the services
rendered as casual/contingent/daily rated workers are to be counted for the
purpose of pension, the Secretary Pension informed the staff side that the
question of treating them as having been recruited prior to 1.4. 2004 would be
(f) Compassionate appointments: The Official side has gone back on their earlier
assurance and has now stated that no further relaxation would be available in
this regard further to what had been already announced. The Staff side contested
the position taken by the Department of Personnel in the matter and reminded
them of the promise held by the Cabinet Secretary when the issue was discussed
with him as part of the strike charter. The continuing discrimination in the
matter of compassionate appointment between the employees of the Railways and
other Central Govt. employees was also brought home. After discussion, it was
decided that the Joint Secretary (E) in the Department of Personnel will discuss
the issue once again with the staff Side to prepare a note to the Cabinet
Secretary incorporating the views of the staff side properly for his
(g) At the end of the meeting Staff Side Secretary enquired whether there was
any proposal to raise the retirement age from 60 to 62 to which the Secretary
Personnel clarified that to the best of his knowledge and information that
neither the Department of Personnel nor the Finance has officially mooted any
such proposal.
With greetings,
Secretary General Confederation.
Posted by AIPEU P3 CHQ at 2:56 PM 1 comments
Minutes of the Meeting of the National Executive of Confederation of Central
Govt. Employees & Workers held at Bangalore on 09-12-2007
The house decided that the Head quarters should write to the affiliates once
again requesting them to file a report on the strike participation in order to
have a clear picture of the weaknesses manifested to take corrective steps as a
sustained and prolonged industrial action will become inevitable in March next
when the 6 th CPC makes over its report to the Govt. The Secretary General
informed the house that reports were received only from the following C-o-Cs:
Andhra Pradesh; Madhya Pradesh; Western UP, Lucknow; Allahabad; Delhi; Puduchery
and Tamil Nadu.
Though the other C-o-Cs had reported with details of the strike participation,
written reports are yet to be filed. They will be reminded to send their
The meeting came to the conclusion that the strike call had been well responded
and the danger of losing pension has been well understood by the rank and file
of the workers.
Com.Secretary General reported to the house that he along with Com. President
had met Com.Manna, Secretary General, CPWD Workers Union in a bid to explore the
possibilities of the CPWD Union endorsing the call for one day strike. Com.Manna
had explained the difficulties encountered by them in the background of the
nugatory attitude of the Govt. in not recognizing the Union and the impasse
created in the functioning of the JCM and various other problems created due to
the proliferation of Union and disruption of the once united and strong movement
of the CPWD workers. Com .Secretary General informed the house that Com.Manna
had assured all possible cooperation in the given circumstances by the CPWD
workers. He said that some of the branches of CPWD Union had in fact
participated in the strike and hoped that more number of CPWD workers will
participate in future struggles of the Confederation.
The meeting noted that although the All India CGHS Employees Union had not
served the strike notice, some of its branches had participated. So was the case
with the All India Passport employees Association. The meeting asked the
President and Secretary General to discuss the matter with the leaders of these
two organizations. It was reported that some of the Survey organisations had
gone back on the decision to go on the strike, after serving the notice at the
last moment. It was decided that Com.M.K.Sharma and Com.T.D.Banerjee will talk
to the various organizations in Survey of India at Dehradun and arrange a
meeting for an interaction with all of them by the President and Secretary
It was noted by the house that the 6th CPC recommendations on the following are
likely to be totally unsatisfactory:
a) Minimum Wage(especially in the back ground of the salary of the President
having been fixed at Rs.1,00,000/-)
b) Rate of increment;
c) Date of effect
d) Pension
e) Health Scheme.
1. Compassionate Appointment
2. Revising Bonus for 2006-07 on account of revision of ceiling;
3. Regularisation of daily rated workers;
4. Arbitration Awards;
5. Reducing of CGHS rates for inpatients treatment and various pathological
tests to cities other than Delhi arbitrarily by the Health Ministry.
The extended meeting of the National Executive along with the State C-o-Cs
Secretaries will be held at Mumbai in the 3 rd week of February. The house
decided to move a resolution in the said meeting to make it mandatory for
National Executive members to attend the National Executive meeting failure of
which to result in the forfeiture of the elected posts. Com.M.S.Raja and
Com.Jairaj will interact with the CoC Mumbai to make necessary arrangements for
the meeting.
Review of 30th October 2007 Strike performance by each affiliate and steps to
remove the weaknesses.
Pay Commission related tasks and the extended National Executive Meeting.
Urgent issues including Bonus Ceiling on which immediate action programme is
Parliamentary Committee on subordinate items and our task.
The Executive noted that there has been a better performance by several
affiliates and the strike was a very successfully organized in many states. This
naturally provides a sense of enthusiasm and encouragement but at the same time
the Executive decided to look into the weaknesses in some areas in order to
strengthen our future struggles. Various steps have been decided upon in this
The Executive noted that going by the trends as available today, there is every
chance that the VI CPC submits its recommendations before March or February 2008
and that many negative recommendations could be submitted on our basic issues
like Need based Minimum Wage, Date of Effect, Increment rate, DA Formula,
Defined Benefit Pension, Medical Care etc. The Government may also take a
negative stand on these issues even if the CPC is in favour of some of the
issues. Therefore the Executive decided that these shall have to be met with our
violent reactions through our united might for which we shall have to be
prepared. The exact form of our struggle will be decided in the extended
National Executive Meeting to be convened in Mumbai during middle of February
General Secretary
Posted by AIPEU P3 CHQ at 9:10 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
The latest from the General Secretary Desk
(i) We met the member (P) Ms. Radhika Doraiswamy on 23.11.07 & also
on 26.11.07 and discussed elaborately on all pending issues.
(ii) All the Chief PMGs have been instructed to send details about LSG
Vacancies from 1983 onwards and the notional promotions accorded.
(iii) The process of completion of LSG, HSG II will be carried out with
strict instructions.
(iv) Director SPN will be directed to Orissa Circle in the first week of
December'07 to sort out all the issues pertaining to notional LSG promotion.
(vi) Agreed to arrange a meeting shortly to sort out the pending issues
with DDG (P) & DDG (Estt)
LGO Exam
We have already sent 40 Questions already and sent further 25 Questions today.
The process is going on completion of Question Bank, this will be implemented
for the ensuing exam.
PA Recruitment Rules
The revised PA recruitment rules is under scrutiny with law ministry and will be
released shortly which will resolve many issues like LGO exam, Allowing ED
officials without any mark limitation, confirmation etc.
The Finance Minister has not favourably responded for extending the benefit of
increased bonus ceiling limit to Central Govt. employees. The Confederation of
CG Employees & workers held a Massive demonstration at North Block in front of
Finance Ministry's office on 23.11.07.
Postal Act
It is shocking to note that the Govt has turned down the postal Dept proposal to
amend the Postal Act. The news item appeared in the Economic Times dt 23.11.07
is appended alongwith this note for information.
Please Note.
Due to sudden tour programme from 09.12.07 to 15.12.07, the General Secretary is
missing the great opportunity in participating the Orissa CWC meeting form
07.12.07 to 09.12.07. the CHQ wishes the CWC meeting a Grand success.
The General Secretary on return from tour will try to attend the Karnataka
Circle conference which is scheduled to be held from 16.12.07 to 18.12.07.
Similarly he will be attending the All India conference of A3 union at
Trivandrum from 18.12.07 to 20.12.07.
As usual, during his absence in the Headquarters Com. Balwinder Singh, Asst.
Treasurer will manage the CHQ and attend the problems as officiating General
With greetings,
Comradely yours,
(K V Sridharan)
General Secretary
Dated- 27.11.2007
Posted by AIPEU P3 CHQ at 6:10 PM 8 comments
Thursday, November 15, 2007
The TBOP/BCR court case was heard on 13.11.2007. The Next hearing of Court case
will be held on 19.03.2008.
(K V Sridharan)
General Secretary
Posted by AIPEU P3 CHQ at 5:52 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Dear Comrades!
The Confederation has given a call for nationwide protest demonstrations and
dharna demanding immediate orders on the bonus ceiling from Rs.2500/- to
Rs.3500/- to the Central Government Employees. The call has been endorsed by the
Postal JCA of NFPE and FNPO also. The call of the Confederation and the
endorsement of the Postal JCA are reproduced below. All Circle Secretaries are
requested to circulate the copy of the call to all branches and make the
programme a resounding success.
Yours Comradely
General Secretary AIPEU Group 'C'
Dear Comrades!
The Central Government had already through its Ordnance amended the Bonus Act to
raise the bonus ceiling from Rs.2500/- to Rs.3500/- and the same was Gazette
notified also.
The Staff Side Secretary to the National Council JCM had already wrote letters
to the Secretary Expenditure and the Secretary DOPT demanding immediate orders
to raise the same in respect of all Central Government Employees also.
The leaders of the Confederation also have been moving with the Finance Ministry
to get the orders issued by the Ministry of Finance but the issue is being
delayed unnecessarily. We are given to understand that the file is on the table
of the Honourable Finance Minister who will decide about the course of action to
be taken in this matter.
The Central Government Employees all over the country are very eagerly awaiting
the orders and the delay is causing lot of resentment and anxiety. It was
anticipated that the orders will be issued before Diwali Festival but even after
the festival no orders are forthcoming from the Ministry of Finance. The Central
Government Employees cannot be ignored when the Bonus Act had already been
amended by the Government with retrospective effect from 1.4.2006 and all other
section of the workers are being paid the bonus at the enhanced level.
Comradely Yours
K.Ragavendran D.Theagarajan
Dear Comrades,
As you are aware., the Government took the decision to raise the bonus ceiling
for the purpose of computation from Rs 2500 to Rs 3500 after more than a decade.
As per the Press Information Bureau release, this decision of the cabinet is
applicable to the bonus payable to the workers for the FY 2006-07 onwards.
The Adhoc and productivity linked bonus in the case of CG Employees were
declared and paid in Sept. Oct. 2007.
Confederation has taken up this issue with the Government. The Secretary of
the Staff Side of the JCM National council had also written to the Secretary,
Expenditure and Secretary Personnel, indicating the need for making this
applicable to the CGEs. for the year 2006-07 and revise the orders issued in
respect of PLB and adhoc bonus. We have been informed by the Officials in the
Finance Ministry that the proposal is awaiting the approval of the Finance
Minister. Perhaps this may require the sanction from the cabinet too as that
has been the procedure adopted in the earlier occasion. Since the matter is
being unduly delayed for no ostensible reason as the Finance Minister was party
to the earlier cabinet decision for raising the ceiling limit to Rs 3500,the
Confederation desires that Demonstration/Dharna should be organized in front of
all Offices and send the following telegram/Saving gram to Shri P.
Chidambaram, Finance Minister, Govt. of India, North Block, New Delhi- 110 001.
The programme of action may be carried out immediately on receipt of this
letter by the Units of all affiliates. The affiliates are requested to kindly
convey the decision to their branches and units so that the programme will have
wider participation and create sanction to compel the Govt. to take an
expeditious and positive decision in this matter. We are sending this
communication through our e-mail and copy of the same has been placed in our
web-site. Programme may be carried out as and when the message is received by
the State/Divisional/Branches. Confederation has also sent SMS to all the
National Executive Members.
Text of Telegram
With greetings,
Yours fraternally,
K.K.N.Kutty ,
Secretary General.
The TBOP/BCR court case was heard on 13.11.2007. The Next hearing of Court case
will be held on 16.03.2008.
(K V Sridharan)
General Secretary
Confederation Secretary General and Chairman met the JS [Per] and ascertained
that the file on enhancement of bonus ceiling from Rs.2500/- to Rs.3500/- to the
CG Employees is sent to the Honourable Finance Minister for decision. It is
informed to our leaders that on both the earlier similar occasions the decision
to extend the benefit to the CG Employees was taken by the Cabinet only. However
the Finance Minister will take a decision as to whether the issue should go to
the Cabinet for approval. It is gathered that the Railway Ministry is also
sending the issue to the Cabinet for taking a decision in this matter. Our
leaders have pointed out to the authorities concerned that the issue for all CG
Employees be decided without any delay.
At the call of the Postal JCA of NFPE & FNPO, the Postal and RMS workers all
over the Country have magnificently responded and made the one Day Token Strike
on 30.10.2007 a grand and total success.
The response in this strike is stupendous in many circles. It was a total strike
in Assam, Chhatisgarh and West Bengal. Many circles like Andhra, Kerala, North
East Surpassed 90% mark. In respect of Karnataka, Maharastra, Tamilnadu, Punjab,
Uttrakhand, Orissa, the Strike was success exceeding 80% participation.
For the first time in the history of the Postal employees of Delhi Circle, more
than 70% of employees went on strike. New Delhi GPO, Delhi GPO, I.P. HPO were
paralysed, There was total strike in which more than 75% of delivery post
offices were closed in Delhi Circle.
The reports pouring in from various parts of the country show that the
participation of Postal employees in this strike is better than the previous
strikes. Particularly there is a vast improvement in our P3 while comparing the
past. Now P3 led the strike in many circles.
This strike is a warning to the UPA government and also a caution to Sixth Pay
Commission. We are sending the message that we are united and will fight against
any injustice if caused by the Sixth Pay Commission. Congratulations once again
comrades and request to maintain this struggle unity at all levels.
The Ministry of Law & Justice has issued Gazette Notification on 27.10.07 under
the payment of Bonus (Amendment) ordinance, 2007 (No 8 of 2007).
The Communication Minister Thiru A. Raja while delivering his speech on 21.10.07
at a state level conference held at Dindigul, Tamilnadu mentioned that the
strike period of 2000 (14 days) will be treated as leave and Postal Employees
will get salary for the period.
This was the announcement of our Minster. Let us hope that he will implement his
assurance soon.
The Department has sent proposal to amend the Indian Post Office (Amendment) Act
to the cabinet for approval. The following are the main substance:
(i) The letters & Packets up to 150 grams may be the exclusive
preserve of India Post.
(ii) The private couriers will have to charge 2.5 times the tariff
specified for Speed Post.
(iii) There is a cap of 49% on FDI in courier business. 51% of the paid
- up share is held by the citizens of India.
The draft bill has been sent to the Cabinet and, once approved, the Government
can introduce the Bill in the Parliament.
This item is appeared in the 'Economic Times' on 31.10.07 and we exhibited full
text in our CHQ Website.
2 Gujarat: - Com. K.B . Barot, Circle Secretary has well organised the
meeting under the banner of JCA on 25.10.07 evening at Ahmedabad. There was
another meeting at Rajkot, organised by the Postal JCA on 26.10.07 at 1700
hours. Prior to the meeting, Com. K.B. Barot has organised a Divisional
Secretaries interaction session in the noon which was very useful and
purposeful. At Rajkot meeting, there was more than 200 participants and the
office bearers of Rajkot division deserve all appreciations.
3 New Delhi GPO: - A well organised Demonstration & Gate meeting was
conducted on 29.10.07 at 1300 hours at New Delhi GPO. General Secretary & Com.
Balwinder Singh, ATR CHQ attended and orated before the gatherings. Com. Geeta
Bhattacharya, President, Com. K.K. Verma, Divisional Secretary & Com. A. K.
Chawla, Ex- Branch President deserve all appreciations for is historic success
of strike at New Delhi GPO on 30.10.07.
Our beloved Circle Secretary Punjab Com. Ravinder Sharma and his wife met with
and road accident and died on the spot on 19.10.07. On behalf of CHQ, Com.
Balwinder Singh ATR attended the funeral on 20.10.07.
All the Branch/ Divisional Secretaries are requested to clear the dues for
Bhartiya Post & also the cost of Venture immediately. All are requested to remit
donation of Rs. 10/- to NFPE and Rs. 7/- to CHQ and Rs. 3/- to Confederation
through CHQ as per the decision of the Allahabad CWC meeting, positively in the
first fortnight of Nov'07.
Comradely yours,
(K V Sridharan)
General Secretary
Posted by AIPEU P3 CHQ at 2:15 PM 1 comments
While we discussed about the non completion of LSG Promotion process in many
Circles like Bihar, U.P. Gujarat, Rajasthan, A. P. etc, and also non according
due HSG II & HSG I promotions, you have informed that a cut off date will be
fixed and all the DPS & APMG staff will be invited and sort out all the pending
issues. No improvement could be seen. The position remains static.
It is also instructed to the DDG (P) to depute one of the officers to Orissa
Circle to sort out the mistakes in notional promotion. The assurance given in
April 07 to depute Director (SPN) to rectify the mistakes in notional promotion
has not yet been honoured. The senior officials are retiring every month with
out any benefits.
During discussions, you have directed the DDG (P) to cause immediate
instructions to all circle heads to fill up all the pending residual vacancies
irrespective of the years of unfilled and there is no need to obtain revival
sanction etc to fill up the posts. No instruction has been emanated from your
office so far. The Circle Heads are taking a ruse under seeking clarifications
for their inaction to fill up the residual vacancies.
This serious issue is being delayed despite your assurances and instructions.
It was assured to fix incentive for the works like Western Union money transfer,
processing of Pass Port applications, I.M.O etc. it was also assured to instruct
all the circle heads to fix incentive at the time of introduction of any new
service and supply the copy of the instruction to Unions. We could see no
improvement in the assurance.
4. Shortage of Staff
Similarly it was assured to issue instructions to all the circle heads to grant
OTA to manage the shortage in the Post offices.
It was assured to revise the LGO exam syllabus and conduct a special exam in
Nov'07 to fill up the Vacant Posts.
While requesting to withdraw the order dt. 21.05.07 on declining the regular LSG
Promotion affecting BCR, you have agreed that LSG is the regular promotion and
TBOP & BCR are financial upgradation and the order is the arbitary and
instructed the DDG (P) to withdraw the instruction.
In short, all the assurances and directions to DDG (P) you have given on
28.09.07 have not been carried out or implemented and we are very much fed up
over the inordinated delay in mitigating the genuine grievances of the staff
which were agreed for settlement in April 2007 itself. The staff are very much
agitated and it causes a concern.
It is once again requested kindly cause appropriate action and orders on all the
above items without any further delay.
Yours sincerely,
(Balwinder Singh)
Offg. General Secretary
Posted by AIPEU P3 CHQ at 1:46 PM 0 comments
Thursday, November 1, 2007
No. 8 of 2007
Promulgated by the president in the Fifty -Eight year of the Republic of India.
Now, THEREFORE, in exercise f the powers conferred by clause (1) of article 123
of the Constitution, the President is pleased to promulgate the following
Ordinance: -
(II) It shall be deemed to have come into force on the 1st day of April, 2006.
3 In section 12 of the principal Act, for the words "Two thousand and
five hundred rupees", in both the places where they occur, the words "three
thousand and five hundred rupees" shall be substituted.
Secy. to the Govt of India
NEW DELHI: This is one mail courier companies would be praying is returned to
sender. A Cabinet note circulated by the department of posts has mooted 49% cap
FDI in courier business.
If the proposal goes through, multinationals like Fedex, DHL, UPS and TNT who
hold more than 49% in Indian ventures will have to pare stake. The draft of the
Post Office (Amendment) Bill has another whammy in store for the private sector.
The proposal to amend the Indian Post Office (Amendment) Act has been revived
despite opposition from other government departments and the courier industry. A
source said posts secretary I M G Khan has sent a communication on the proposed
changes to department of industrial policy & promotion (Dipp) secretary Ajay
The proposals specify that a person eligible to seek registration for operating
in the
mail sector has to be a company in which not less than 51% of the paid-up share
capital is held by the citizens of India.
The draft Bill has been sent to the Cabinet and, once approved, the government
introduce the Bill in Parliament, source added.
"The proposal to charge 2.5 times the Speed Post rates is not only unfair
advantage being provided to a competitor (India Post), it would also be a unique
not prevalent anywhere in the world. The global practice is to charge a price
on the lowest weight slab of the basic postal service offering. In India, it
should be on
the 20-gm weight of an envelope and not on corresponding weights and on a
business segment like Speed Post," Mr Kumar added.
The private courier companies had vehemently opposed the amendments earlier too.
"In an era of free economy, if the country is embracing any legislation of such
it would send a wrong image internationally and it would also wipe out a vibrant
of our economy," EICI had said in a communication to telecom minister A Raja.
EICI had also said that the proposed amendment, if approved, could maim the Rs
3,500-crore domestic industry, especially the small players, and limit choice
consumers. Dipp had opposed the earlier draft of the proposed Bill and is likely
to do
so again. Officials feel the final decision, however, rests with the Cabinet.
Note: -
1. According to cabinet note of Postal Dept, the letter & Packers upto 150
gram may be made part & parcel of India Post Portfolio.
(K V Sridharan)
General Secretary
Dated- 31.10.2007
Posted by AIPEU P3 CHQ at 1:26 PM 0 comments
All efforts will be made to protect the interests of postal employees. The
strike period will be treated as holiday, said A. Raja, Union Minister for
Communications and Information Technology.
"I am supporting your demands. I fully believe the genuineness in your demands.
At the same time, you should realise my position. What I can assure you is that
I can take all your demands for an amicable solution. First, a meeting will be
convened to sort out your problems," the minister said.
"At the same time postal employees must understand the changes taking place in
service sector and its present scenario," he added.
Advance technology have changed the face of service sector and weeded out letter
services. Technology development has not only brought convenience to people, but
also paralysed the lives of thousands of postal employees, he added.
" The Minister while delivering his speech has mentioned that the strike period
will be treated as leave and the Postal Employees will get fourteen days wages."
(K V Sridharan)
General Secretary
Posted by AIPEU P3 CHQ at 12:54 PM 0 comments
At the call of the Postal JCA of NFPE and FNPO, the Postal and RMS workers all
over the country have magnificently responded to make the One Day Token Strike
call of the Confederation of CG Employees and State Government Employees and
Teachers on 30.10.2007 a total success.
The reports pouring in from various parts of the country show that the
participation of postal employees in this strike is better than the previous
strikes. The following is the percentage of strike in various circles as
available at present and the same will be updated as and when the CHQ receives
more information:
This is a warning to the UPA Government. This is a caution to the 6th Pay
Commission. This is a clear signal that the Central and State Government
Employees and Teachers would fight with all their might if the Government wants
to deny our rightful demands and to snatch away our social security and pension.
Congratulations once again Comrades. Maintain this struggle unity at all levels.
Justice Srikrishna said there was a "dire need" to develop "a sprit of
competitiveness in governance in order to end the prevailing 'mai baap'
attitude." In a no-holds-barred interview to this newspaper, he added: "We
believe a bureaucrat's salary must be related to his performance. If he performs
well, he must be rewarded; if not, he should be taken to task. As the Indian
Navy says, 'Shape Up or Ship Out'. We are at present working out the parameters
of how such a policy can be implemented."
The Pay Commission chairman said there was need for a complete overhaul of the
entire administrative system. "We are studying the whole issue of the extent to
which excessive security of tenure has affected government servants at all
levels. The Administrative Reforms Commission has also looked into this at
considerable length. When departmental action has to be taken against a
bureaucrat, the matter will drag on interminably for years and years."
"The question to be asked is: why does a private company provide results,
whereas this is not the case with the government? We keep talking about making
India a superpower with growth rates exceeding nine percent. To bring this
about, every aspect of the nation needs to gear up to achieve these results. We
cannot have a BMW engine attached to a khattara gadi. I am an optimist. Yeh
kyoon nahi ho sakta hai?" He said he was not suggesting that all government
employees be hired on a contract basis: this was only for officials at a senior
level. "I am not suggesting that all government jobs be made contractual. All I
am emphasising is that jobs up to a certain level must remain contractual,"
Justice Srikrishna said. "This will help translate into more discipline, more
conscientiousness and extreme accountability from government employees. The
employee must be able to account for every rupee that the government spends. The
public is fed up of government servants being paid more and more for
non-performance," he said. Justice Srikrishna denied that government pay scales
were going to be put at par with private sector salaries. He said: "Boys coming
out of school are getting salaries of over Rs 1 lakh per month and more. We have
to look into this whole issue to see how much parity we can achieve." He also
denied that there were plans to give government secretaries annual pay packages
of over Rs 1 crore and more. "I don't think too much credence should be given to
rumours. All sections are demanding substantial increases in salaries." He said:
"We have to keep in mind the financial implications of our recommendations.
There is no point in our recommending an increase of Rs 50 when all that the
finance ministry can afford is Rs 10."
Justice Srikrishna agreed that an increase in salaries at the Centre was bound
to have a ripple effect on state governments as well. "The exact proportion (of
the increase) would vary from state to state. But it must be remembered that our
recommendations are not binding on the states, in fact they are not binding on
the Central Government-it is within their discretion to accept or reject" he
If government employees have contract jobs, how will they be entitled to pension
benefits? Justice Srikrishna said: "Persons on contract would be entitled to a
higher compensation package and not pension for the contractual period. Those
employes prior to 1.1.2004 would continue to get pensions, while those employes
prior to 1.1.2004 would continue to get pensions, while those employes on or
after 1.1.2004 would be governed by the New Pension Scheme".
Justice Srikrishna said he did not want the Sixth Pay Commission to become one
more ritualistic exercise to dole out more money to government employees,
particularly since a huge chunk of government revenues were being spent on
The above item was approved in 'Asian Age' News Paper dt. 13.10.07. You can
imagine now what the Sixth CPC will provide justice to C,G. employees. We are
amidst of lot of expectation ?????
(K V Sridharan)
General Secretary
Posted by AIPEU P3 CHQ at 12:46 PM 1 comments
Friday, October 26, 2007
Dear Comrades!
We have information that the Railway Board has issued orders for payment of
BONUS to railway staff @ 3500/- pending declaration of Ordnance by the
Government of India for enhancing the ceiling from 2500/- to 3500/-. The
Confederation of CG Employees is approaching the Ministry of Finance for
immediate release of similar orders for payment of Bonus @ 3500/- to all CG
Employees as in the case of Railway Employees.
General Secretary
Posted by AIPEU P3 CHQ at 5:49 PM 5 comments
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Bonus announced for 60 Days
(K.V. Sridharan)
General Secretary
Posted by AIPEU P3 CHQ at 11:55 AM 18 comments
Friday, October 5, 2007
Dear Comrades,
Leaders of the Postal JCA of NFPE & FNPO, Viz, Com. C.C. Pillai (Wkg. Chairman,
Confederation & Ex- SG NFPE), Com. K.V. Sridharan (GS-P3), Com. D Theagarajan
(SG-FNPO), and Com. K. Ragavendran (Wkg. President - P3 CHQ) met the Secretary
(P) on 4.10.2007 and urged him to withdraw the 'SLP' filed in the Supreme Court
on the issue of absorption of 'RRR Candidates' from Tamilnadu.
The efforts of the Postal JCA leaders on 3.10.2007 to settle the issue continued
on 4.10.2007 also. We placed all the points effectively and sought from the
Secretary (P) to withdraw the SLP and implement strike agreement.
The Secretary (P) has finally consented to have a relook in the matter and will
cause to obtain another legal opinion on the matter. He also assured to help in
this matter and withdraw the SLP after seeking the second legal opinion. He also
requested the Member (P) to look into the matter.
We also met the Member (P) and requested for earlier and favourable action in
this matter, which she agreed.
The efforts are all united and the NFPE & FNPO federations and Unions will
strive every nerve to settle this issue to prevent the Department from pursuing
its legal battle to cause agony to our hundreds of RRR candidates and their
The Postal JCA thereupon advised the 'RRR' Candidates to temporarily postpone
their hunger fast until the next meeting of the JCA with the Secretary (P) on 11
th & 12th of Oct 2007.
Postal JCA will continue its all out efforts for amicable settlement on this
issue. While the rank & file is requested to carry on the postal JCA Programme
on 5.10.2007 effectively, the Postal JCA requests the RRR Candidates and all
members to keep the gun powder dry for higher form of action if need be.
One of the leading vernacular dailies of the country, "Mathubhumi", has today
brought out a sensational news on the probable recommendations of the Sixth
Central Pay Commission purported to have come from a reliable source. As per
the report, the Commission has submitted an interim recommendation to the Govt.
on a specific request made by the Finance Ministry. In the absence of any
provisions in the terms of reference for an interim report except on the
question of "interim relief", which the commission has flatly refused to
give, both the requisition made by the Ministry of Finance and the obedience
thereof by the Pay Commission are startling. The report if it is true (we have
no reason to disbelieve it, given to the respectability and reliability
Muthurbhumi commands amongst its readership), will trigger off serious
industrial action, as the demand for minimum wage on the basis of the need
based minimum wage formula which works out to Rs 9730 as on 01.01.2006 stands
rejected for no valid or tenable reason , especially in the present
socio-economic condition in the country and the financial resource of the Govt.
of India.
K.K.N.Kutty ,
Secretary General.
Revised payscales for Central government and Central PSU employees may be
announcedearlier than expected as theManmohan Singh government, faced with the
possibility of snap polls to theLok Sabha, is understood tohave sounded the
Sixth PayCommission for early submission of its recommendaBut the employees
areunlikely to get as attractiveapackage as they have demanded in the
presentations they have alreadymade before the Pay Commission through
theirunions and associations.Expected salary increasesfor an estimated 55
lakhCentral employees could be in the range of 30 to 35 percent of the existing
salariesand new scales will be operative from January 1,2006. The Pay
Commissionheaded by Justice B N Srikrishna is understood to havebeen asked by
the Union Finance Ministry to submit asummary of its recommendations on the new
payscales along with its financial implications for thetreasury so as to help
itwhile preparing the nextbudget. As such, the Pay Commission, which started
itswork in October 2006, hastime till April next to finalise its recommendations
since it was given 18 months'time. Obviously,the possibilityof a mid-term poll
has introduced an element of urgency about announcing revised pay scales. The
various unions and associations have sought, on an average, a 50 per cent hike
in salaries,with a basic salary of Rs one lakh and above at the top executive
level. However, the Pay Commission is not likely toendorse this view of the
various unions. How much for whom As per a draft recommendation prepared by the
Pay Commission, gross salary increases which would beimplemented with
retrospective effect from January 1, 2006, would be in the range of 30 to 35 per
cent of the existing salaries. According to sources familiar with the draft
recommendations already prepared by the Pay Commission, the basic salary of the
Cabinet Secretary — the topmost civil servant of the Government of India — is
proposed to be Rs 80,000 as against the existing basic pay of Rs 30,000.
Comrades are once again informed that the above is only the news item from the
Deccan Herald without our comments. We could not get any confirmation on this
from the Governement side.
General Secretary
Posted by AIPEU P3 CHQ at 3:56 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 1, 2007
Debate on Pay
Manishinath Bhawan,
A-2/95 Rajouri Garden,
New Delhi. 110 027.
Dated: 1st October, 2007
Dear Comrade,
We place hereunder the two articles that appeared in the
Financial Express today. The subject matter of discussion was :should
the Government salary be at par with the private sector: We were
asked to respond to this question. Our article has come in its full
The Government has today announced the raising ceiling
limit for calculation purpose of Bonus from Rs. 2500 to Rs. 3500 a
month. The UNI news in this regard is published hereunder. It
requires another order from the Ministry of Finance for those who are
in receipt of adhoc bonus and from the concerned Ministries in the
case of PLB. In the case of Govt. has already issued the bonus order
without raising the ceiling limit. This order will require to be
revised. In the light of the decision of the Govt. we hope that the
bonus in the case of Postal, Defence and railway employees and others
in whose case, the bonus order is yet to be issued, will get the
benefit of increased bonus this year itself. The Confederation will
take steps to get the "adhoc bonus" order revised on seeing the order
in the case of PLB.
UNI News:
New Delhi. Oct. 1. (UNI) The Centre today brought the employees in the
construction sector under the Bonus Act and raised the eligibility
limit for payment of Bonus from Rs. 3500 to Rs. 10000 a month and the
ceiling for calculation purpose from Rs. 2500 to Rs. 3500 a month. The
decisions were taken at a meeting of the Cabinet chaired by the Prime
Minister Manmohan Singh, Labour Minister Oscar Fernandes and
information and Broadcasting Minister Priya Ranjan Dasmunsi told
Close Window
Print Story
Growth has made pay parity possible
KKN Kutty
Posted online: Monday , October 01, 2007 at 0024 hrs
A wage is considered the product of collective bargaining reckoned
with reference to the productivity and profits of an enterprise. Trade
unions play a vital role in making the bargain effective from the
workers' standpoint. In the case of government employees, though the
right to form associations is afforded, the right to strike is denied.
Having thus shut out collective bargaining, the periodical wage
revision for government employees had been—and continues to be—through
the Pay Commission. Even before the Royal Commission (presided over by
Raymond Priestly) on UK's civil services propounded the theory of
"fair comparison" as the primary principle of wage determination, the
First Pay Commission set up by the colonial rulers in the wake of the
phenomenal price rise in the post-war economy of our country, had
advocated that a fair relativity should be maintained between the
rates of pay of civil servants and outside rates, with a caveat that
in no case should pay be less than a living wage.
The Second Pay Commission, which came into existence in 1957-59,
asserted further that comparison should be with the rates of
remuneration in enterprises in which personnel problems, viz,
recruitment, condition of service etc, are dealt with in a systematic
manner. The commission went on to suggest that while at the lowest
level, the socio-economic necessity of providing a fair wage or a
living wage is to be adhered to, with regard to the highest salaries,
retaining persons with requisite talent and qualifications must be an
important criterion. The commission approvingly quoted the dictum
incorporated in the First Five-Year Plan report that the "wages in
public undertakings should not be less favourable than those
prevailing in the neighbouring private enterprise".
It is also pertinent to note that the Royal Commission was of the view
that "fair comparison" as the primary principle of wage determination
is not only fair to employees but also to the community at large. For,
if the government, which represents the interest of taxpayers, pay
what responsible employers pay for comparable work, citizens cannot
reasonably complain that they are being exploited.
Having stated this laudable principle of wage determination, none of
the pay commissions translated it into reality. The 15th Indian Labour
Conference (ILC) resolution on "need-based minimum wage", basing upon
the Dr Aykroyd formula of a net intake of food which provides 2,700
calories for an average Indian adult of moderate activity, was
deliberated at length by the Third Pay Commission and discarded.
It is the bounden duty of the government to provide the "need-based
minimum wage" computed on the basis of the 15th ILC norms at the
lowest level of the government hierarchy, given the fact that the
country's economy has registered a growth rate of 8-9% in recent years
and its revenue has gone up considerably, whereby the wage bill as a
percentage of tax revenue has come down to 9% today from 21% in
In the matter of salaries at the highest level, the government has to
be guided by the requirement of retaining persons with talent, ability
and qualifications needed for a highly complex job. Some of the large
corporate houses in the country pay exorbitant salaries to their
executives. This has led to personnel at various levels in government
service migrating in search of the fabulous monetary benefits offered
by private entrepreneurs. While it would be inadvisable to disregard
this fact, the government's decision in the matter will have to be
tempered with the equally important requirement of maintaining a
reasonable ratio between the minimum and maximum salary. The principle
of wage determination for government employees has undoubtedly to be
the basis of a fair comparison of wages obtaining in private and
public sector undertakings.
—The writer is secretary-general of the Confederation of Central
Government Employees & Workers
Print Story
Consider the perks & job security, too
Alakh N Sharma
Posted online: Monday , October 01, 2007 at 0026 hrs
Globalisation and the consequent stiff competition in the labour and
product market has led to a demand from several quarters for the need
to have parity in pay and allowances between government/ public sector
jobs and those in the private sector. It is argued that in the absence
of such parity, there will be a flight of talented and competent
manpower from government to private sector, seriously eroding the
efficiency of the former. Such a trend is already visible to some
Although it should be admitted in general that such a challenge might
exist in a few sectors, such an argument has serious limitations, and
is in fact dangerous at this stage of our development. First, the
nature of a government job is overwhelmingly that of public utility
and non-commercial. That is why such jobs are mostly treated as
services and hence the nomenclature 'Indian Administrative Service',
'Indian Foreign Service', etc. Most public utilities are heavily
subsidized by the government (and, hence, taxpayers' money).
In such a situation, it would be erroneous to treat these jobs in the
same category in those in the profit-making private sector. This also
suggests that while selecting people for government and public sector
jobs, the spirit of service should be kept in mind. However, a
distinction may be made between public sector commercial undertakings
and public utilities. While some parity in crucial jobs (not CEO)
between public sector commercial undertakings and private sector may
be considered, the social responsibility of the former (eg, lending by
commercial banks to the priority sector, etc) should also be kept in
Second, most government jobs have many other hidden benefits such as
housing, shorter working hours and a higher welfare component
(pension, etc). Around 90% of employees in the private sector do not
get pension, whereas it is almost universal in the case of government
jobs, notwithstanding recent reforms in the pension system. A
secretary to the government of India living in a posh Delhi colony
with several other perks cannot be compared only in terms of so-called
monthly salary with private sector professionals. That is why the real
difference between the two groups may not be as high as is generally
thought to be. Further, it should be kept in mind that an overwhelming
large percentage are disadvantaged as their counterparts in
Thirdly, there is almost universal security of job in the government
sector, against high risks in private sector. The psychological and
mental stress through which professionals in the private sector go
through is enormous. Even lower middle and lower level employees in a
vast majority of the private sector face extreme uncertainty.
Lastly, the very high salary and perks for a small percentage of
people is also unethical as well as has the potential of leading to
social unrest in a country like India with widespread poverty and
where more than half of rural labourers do not get a minimum wage
(which is just a subsistence wage).
And, ironically, there has been a significant growth in consumption by
middle and higher income groups. Such a widening social divide is very
unhealthy for Indian society and its polity. The incidence of Naxalism
and violence in a vast tract of rural India is a manifestation of such
acute social and economic deprivation.
Therefore, one should not loose sight of these aspects while
considering an income and pay policy. There is need for a delicate
balance between equity and social stability on one hand, and meeting
the challenge of globalisation on the other. Hopefully, the Sixth Pay
Commission will not be blindly dictated by market considerations.
—The writer is director, Institute for Human Development, New Delhi
Posted by AIPEU P3 CHQ at 5:07 PM 0 comments
The cabinet has today raised the Bonus Payment Ceiling from Rs. 2500/-
to Rs. 3500/-. Similarly the eligibility ceiling has also been revised
as Rs.10000/-
See Tomorrow WebSite about dismissions we had today at PLI Directorate.
(K.V. Sridharan)
General Secretary
Posted by AIPEU P3 CHQ at 2:53 PM 6 comments
Saturday, September 29, 2007
General Secretary's Desk
Meeting With Secretary, Posts.
A delegation consisting Com. C.C. Pillai, Secretary General, Com.
Desraj Sharma, Deputy Secretary General, Com K.V. Sridharan, General
Secretary, Com. Ishwar Singh Dapas G/S P4, & Com. P. Rajanayagam, G/S
Postal Accounts met Secretary, Posts on 28.09.07 and had discussions
for an hour on various issues. Sri Kamalesh Chandra D D G (P) also
present during the discussions. The following are the important
decisions arrived in the discussion.
(i) All Circle Heads will be addressed to fill up all the pending
residual vacancies by fixing target date irrespective of the years of
unfilled vacancies or obtaining revival sanction to fill up the Posts.
The clarifications sought for by some of the circles will be disposed
(ii) Another meeting at Directorate will be convened with the APMG/ AD
(staff) of all Circles to dispose all the pending issues prevailing in
LSG, HSG II & HSG I promotion at their circles.
(iii) One officer will immediately be deputed to Orissa circle as
assured earlier to sort out the discrepancies in the notional LSG
(iv) The revised syllabus for LGO exam is in progress and will be
finalised very shortly.
(v) The Secretary assured to issue instructions to all Heads of
Circles that whenever any business activity is introduced,
compensation should be fixed at the introduction stage itself.
Incentive in respect of IMT work will be finalised shortly.
(vi) The Secretary sought the details about the circles which are not
granting OTA for Postal operative staff. We mentioned that except four
or five circles, the OTA is not granted in other Circles for the
absentism. The Secretary assured to cause appropriate instructions.
(vii) A new scheme of engaging Retired Postal employees with fixed
remuneration is under consideration and will be decided soon.
(viii) While demanding to withdraw the order dt 21.5.07 on declining
regular LSG promotion affecting BCR, the Secretary instructed the DDG
(P) to cause necessary orders since BCR & regular promotions are two
distinct categories. We requested to release earlier orders.
(ix) The Secretary reiterated once again that there will he no
curtailment of deliveries and assured to pursue the incidents we
discussed about Rajasthan Circle.
We discussed further about the arbitary Rule 37 transfer orders issued
to the Circle President of Postal Accounts Union from Patna to
Ahmedabad. The Secretary assured to intervene.
So for the filing of SLP against High court Chennai judgment
pronounced in favour of the approved wait listed RRR candidates of
Tamilnadu directing for their immediate absorption, we registered our
strong protest to the secretary and requested him to withdraw the move
and save the life of 622 Postal families as assured earlier. The
secretary assured that he will discuss the issue once again with the
Member (P) on 3.10.07 and decide further.
Hold Demonstration on 5.10.07 & Send Savingrams/ Post card campaign.
The Postal JCA has decided to hold Demonstration at all work spots on
5.10.07 demanding to drop the move of filing SLP in the Supreme Court
against the High Court judgment on RRR approved candidates and
implement the assurances made during the discussions on 19.4.07 to
absorb all the approved candidates of Tamilnadu circle as one time
measure. Similarly Savingrams campaign may also be organised to exert
pressure to implement the commitment. All Branch/ Divisional/ Circle
Secretaries are requested to send report after observing the programme
Federal Council from 7.10.07 To 9.10.07
The Seventh Federal Council Session of the National Federation of
Postal Employees is scheduled to be held at Monlali Yuva Kendra,
Kolkata 14 form 7.10.07 to 9.10.07. Out of 64 Federal Councillors,
our union is entitled only 18 Councillors due to improper remittance
of quota by the divisional/ Branch Unions.
Nationwide Strike on 30.10.07
The Confederation of Central Govt Employees & Workers, NFPE & FNPO
have decided jointly to organise one day nationwide strike demanding
settlement of 12 Point charter of demands on 30.10.07. All the Branch/
Divisional/ Circle Secretaries are requested to launch Campaign
Programmes sincerely & seriously for the successful conduct of the
Strike Programme.
While discussing with Secretary, Posts on 28.9.07, he informed that
more number of days than last year has been recommended to Ministry of
Finance this year and MOF has to clear the same. We demanded to remove
the cap of 60 days and grant full entitled bonus.
It is unfortunate that even though the prime minister has given
statement for enhancement of payment ceiling from Rs. 2500/- to Rs.
3500/- nothing has been decided in the cabinet till date.
Financial Asst To NFPE
The NFPE has made an appeal for collection and remittance of Rs 10/-
per member to Federation whose finance has reached nil balance due to
various court cases. We also requested the Divisions through CWC
meeting Allahabad to remit Rs. 3/- to confederation through CHQ and
Rs. 7/- to CHQ as donation so that we could stand with good financial
All Branch/ Divisional Secretaries are requested to collect the same
and remit to NFPE, Confederation & CHQ through CHQ during the first
fortnight of October' 07.
Madhya Pradesh Circle office bearers Election.
According to the decisions of the Allahabad CWC meeting to sort out
the Dispute of M.P. Circle Union, the CHQ notified the Election of
office bearers on 23.09.07 at Bhopal. Com. K.V. Sridharan General
Secretary conducted the election and he was assisted by Com. Balwinder
Singh, Asst Tr. Com. I. L. Purohit, Com. V.K. Jain, Com.S.C. Gupta
were duly elected as Circle President, Circle Secretary & Circle
Treasurer respectively. We record our congratulations to the newly
elected office bearers.
One copy of compilations of rulings named as 'Venture' has been
despatched to all the Branches/Divisions in the first fortnight of
September ' 07. All would have received the copy. Please indent the
required number of copies for your division and remit money. All
activists should keep the 'Venture' on hand and it will help in their
endeavour to serve in the movement.
Okay: Let us meet in the next.
With fraternal greetings,
Comradely yours,
New Delhi - 110008
Date- 29.09.2007
General Secretary
Posted by AIPEU P3 CHQ at 4:40 PM 1 comments
I Floor, North Avenue Post Office Building, New Delhi 110001
T-24, Atul Grove, New Delhi 110001
Comradely Yours
Sd… Sd…
R.N.Parashar D.Theagarajan
Offg. Secretary General Secretary General
All the service unions had also appealed the Secretary to honour his
commitment and absorb all the approved wait listed candidates.
It is rather shocking and dismayed to note that the Dept of Posts
instead of honouring its commitment extended to service unions has
decided to file a SLP before the Hon'ble Supreme court of India. It is
a naked attack on the Postal families and nothing but kicking below
the belt. We record our strong protest and resentment.
If the Dept file SLP, the life of the most of the approved candidates
who are regularly working for more than 10 years will be under
question. They have decided to sit on indefinite hunger fast
culminating to death. We cannot shut our eyes over these developments
and remain as silent spectators even after violating your own
assurances and taking cruel decision to crush the life of 622 Postal
It is therefore requested to withdraw such action and implement the
assurance in order to keep peace and amity in the Postal Service.
Soliciting your immediate response by causing orders to absorb all the
wait listed candidates.
Yours faithfully,
(R.N. Parasar)
Secretary General
Ref: P/4-1/Staff Dated- 26.09.2007
Ms. Radhika Doraisamy,
Member (P)
Dept of Posts,
New Delhi- 110001
Sub: Long pending and burning problems - Request to arrange an
interview for discussion and expeditious settlement.
It is constrained to bring to your kind notice that despite our
persistent requests to mitigate the enclosed issues confronting the
Postal Group 'C' for months together, there is no improvement and
things are moving in snails pace only. The assurances given during the
talks we had on 19.4.07 have not been implemented but protracted under
one pretext or the other. We are very much fed up with the delay which
is causing serious resentment amidst the employees.
We shall be obliged if you will arrange a meeting for discussions on
the issues enclosed herewith and arrange immediate and expeditious
settlement of the problems mentioned therein at the earliest.
Shall I seek your response Madam,
With kind regards,
DA: as above.
Yours sincerely,
General Secretary
Copy to:-
All CHQ office bearers &Circle Secretaries
1. Filling up the Posts of LSG, HSG II & HSG I Posts
Despite the orders of the Directorate dt. 20.11.06 Prescribing the
checklist for LSG, HSG II & HSG Promotions, subsequent orders, and I
the issue has not been totally implemented in many circles.
I. In many circles, the LSG Promotion on notional basis was not
accorded and has given with prospective effect only resulting denial
of HSG II & HSG I Promotions. In M.P. circle & A.P. Circle, the LSG
Promotions are not accorded so far.
II. In respect of Orissa circle, the notional promotion was granted
only from 1993 instead of from 1984, the Dept assured to depute the
Director SPN Sri V.C. kajla to verify the file in May'07 itself but
yet the problem remains as it was. The Orissa circle administration
mentioned that there were 258 number of surplus LSG official as on
1.1.84 and adjusted them up to the vacancies of 1991 which is not at
all possible and prior to 1984, the LSG was accorded based on the
vacancies. Then there was no chance of surplus LSG.
Despite the assurances to sort out the mistake and grant notional
promotion to the seniors, this is not being exercised so far resulting
deprival of their dues to the senior officials.
III. The orders of the Directorate dated 22.5.07 to verify the
exercise of notional promotions and correct the same in case of any
mistakes in order to ensure due promotions to the senior officials
has not been carried out in any circle. There was no check prescribed
for this purpose. The seniority list of LSG officials after correcting
the date of notional promotion to LSG official has not been circulated
in many circles for making reprasentation by the affected officials.
IV. The 1/3 rd LSG vacancies earmarked for general category from
4-1-02 to 18-05-06 and unfilled vacancies of 2/3rd earmarked for FTP
examination should also be filled up on notional basis.As the date of
national promotion has not been corrected in many circles, there is a
dearth of eligible LSG officials for HSG II promotion as per the
recruitment rules resulting non-filling up of such HSG II Posts.
V. Similarly, the assurances to relax the minimum qualifying service
for HSG II promotion in order to fill up the HSG II posts in the
absence of eligible LSG official has not been implemented. There are
several HSG II Posts existing vacant.
VI. The DO P&T had agreed as a special case to fill up the HSG I
vacancies among HSG II officials as one time measure for a period of
one year on adhoc basis with out prescription of any minimum service
in HSG II. According to the DO P&T instructions, the revised
recruitment rules for HSG I should be notified before the end of
Oct'07. Otherwise, there will be problem once again in filling up the
Posts of HSG I. This may please be expedited.
VII. According to the DO P&T guidelines & also the Directorate orders
the Bench mark for LSG Promotion was introduced only in 2002 vide
notification No GSR 88 (E) communicated in letter No. 137-10-96-SPB II
dt. 19.2.02. Where as in many circles, the benchmark of the current
period had been applied for notional promotions for the vacancies from
1984 onwards resulting denial of due LSG Promotion for the vacancies
of earlier periods. Moreover the Directorate instructions contained in
letter No 137.04/2006 SPB II (pt) dt 16.5.07, (i.e.) "the DPC should
be realistic and objective in their assessment in order to avoid
unnecessary staff grievances and depriving dues of the staff for
Promotion"- has not been practiced in any circle.
VIII. In many circles like Tamilnadu, Ordered LSG promotion on regular
basis against the vacancies and intimated that the promotions of the
officials will take effect form the date on which the officials
actually join the Post of LSG, Some officials have been posted in the
same office or nearby who could immediately assumed charge on receipt
of orders. Whereas other are awaiting for relives to hand over charge
before join the new Posts. This will result Postponement of HSG II
promotion for the later and loss his seniority in LSG. Hence, the
condition that promotion will take effect form the date on which they
actually join the post of LSG should be removed. The date of promotion
should take effect form the date of order of promotion issued by the
circle office.
IX. The following anomaly has been arisen due to notional promotion
now accorded since 2006.
i. Since the LSG notional promotion was granted on notional basis, in
some divisions due to more number of LSG Posts in existence, the
juniors got their LSG promotion. In other divisions due to dearth of
LSG Posts, the seniors are deprived notional LSG promotion.
ii. Similarly, the Rule 38 transferees could not get their LSG
notional promotion due to application of Divisional gradation List.
In order to mitigate the genuine grievances of the above said
officials in promotional aspects, modifications of LSG' by granting
national promotion may be explored since the anomaly is prevailing due
to various changes if the procedures of the LSG/HSG II recruitment
X. The pay scale of HSG II & BCR is one and the same. After the
modification of FR 22 on 30.8.99, any official holding/drawing the pay
of HSG II on regular basis even for a single day can very well
officiate in HSG I, as these promotions are in the same general line.
The officiating pay for the officiation in HSG I Posts by the BCR
officials have been denied in many circles. This may please be
XI. In same circles like Tamilnadu, west Bengal, same BCR officials
were allowed to officiate in HSG I Posts for more than one year during
2002-2005 in the absence of clarity order and the circle needs
referred the matter to regularise the arrangement beyond one year as
one time measure which is pending at the Directorate over one year.
The due officiating pay had neither drawn nor taken for pensionary
XII. The unfilled 2/3rd vacancies in LSG earmarked from 2002 to 2006
may also be filled up alongwith 1/3rd vacancies among senior officials
on notional basis which will facilitate to have more number of
eligible LSG officials to avail HSG II promotion without resorting for
exemption and seniors will be benefits.
2. Clarificatory orders on TBOP equating with LSG- declining
promotion- contained in Directorate letter No. 22-5/95-PEI dt
21.5.07-request to withdraw the instructions.
In Para 2 of the above said letter, it is clarified that if an
official declines regular promotion after getting higher pay scale
under TBOP/BCR promotion schemes, his/her placement in higher pay
scale under BCR scheme/regular promotion be delayed for the period
he/she declined regular promotion.
This is arbitrary, unjust and against to the spirit of TBOP/BCR
schemes, which were introduced after surrendering posts on matching
savings as per the agreement, reached between the Dept & staff side.
'The placement of and official in higher pay scale under BCR promotion
scheme' can be delayed only when a TBOP official due for BCR promotion
declined BCR promotion and the period of such declination is valid for
one year normally.
Declining promotion is the right of an official and it is not and
offence for which no punishment such as reduction in the pay or pay
scale could be ordered as there are no such provisions in the FR
commonly applicable for all central Govt Servants, similarly there is
also no provision or procedure in the FRS for such delaying of a scale
of pay to and official who has not committed any punishable offence.
The dept vide its letter no. 137-18/2001-SPB II dt 23.4.01 clarified
that upgradation under TBOP/BCR schemes and promotions to LSG/HSG II
as per the provisions of recruitment rules are two distinct matters.
As such the present linkage with BCR with regular LSG is in
contradiction of such orders. This will tantamount to the wrong
application of powers and freezing the benefits of financial
upgradation like ACP miscounstruing the normal channel of regular
This is nothing but a farce as BCR officials in the pay scale of RS.
5000-8000 are being given promotion to a cadre with a lower pay scale
of Rs 45000-7000. Without any monetary benefits but involving change
of work spot, maintenance of double establishment etc.
It is requested to withdraw the orders forthwith
3. Filling up the post of APM Accounts LSG & HSG.II posts
In almost all the circles, the notional promotion to APM (LSG)
Accounts cadre since 1986 has not been granted to the PO and RMS
Accounts qualified officials based on the gradation list prepared with
the date of qualifying in the PO & RMS Accountants Examination.
In some circles, the FTP qualified officials possessing accounts
qualifications were considered for the APM Accounts post. They are of
the considered opinion that there is no discrimination between General
and Accounts line and Accounts line lost its identity.
The CAT Chennai in its OA No. 201/2006 in the case of Shri P. Ramadoss
vs. The Principal Chief PMG, Tamil Nadu Circle held the separate
identity of APM Accounts cadre and directed to conduct the DPC for
Accounts line without any procastination based on the Recruitment
Rules dated 13-09-76 and issue necessary promotion orders to the
eligible PO and RMS Accounts line officials within a period of four
Since there is no amendment has given to the LSG Accountants Rule 1976
and it will be most appropriate to maintain a separate entity of the
cadre, it is requested to issue necessary clarificatory orders to all
the circles to issue notional and regular promotion to LSG & HSG.II
from 1986 onwards to the Accounts line cadre.
4. Filling up of Residual Vacancies.
While thanking the kind gesture of the Dept in causing orders to fill
up the Residual vacancies vide its letter No. 60-5/2007- SPB I dt
15.5.07 in very clear terms, it is constrained to note that this has
not been implemented in true spirit in any circle.
I. In respect of Tamilnadu circle, decision has not been taken to fill
up 858 PA vacancies and seeking clarifications on flimsy reasons. The
regularisation of adhoc candidates was held in direct recruit
vacanciesduring 2001,2002 &2003. The marks obtained by them may be
taken as the cut off mark for the recruitment year and the Posts may
be filled up.
II. So far the case of Andhra Circle, the chief PMG,AP Circle has
sought permission by extending one time relaxation form the
recruitment rule vide Col II of schedule to recruitment rules 2002 to
fill up the 1045 PA Posts kept unfilled under this catogary.
III. Similarly, the chief PMG, Chattisgarh has sent proposal for
approval to fill up the PA Posts.
IV. In respect of Rajasthan, there are 292 PA Posts kept unfilled up
and the chief PMG has not initiated any action.
V. The chief PMG, Jharkhand Circle informed that there are 134 PA
vacancies kept unfilled up under this category
VI. The chief PMG, Orissa submitted proposal to approve for filling up
of 190 PA Posts vide his letter dt. 11.06.07.
VII. In Uttarakhand Circle, no action has been initiated to fill up
the 112 PA vacancies which are kept unfilled up under this category.
VIII. The chief PMG West Bengal has also sought clarification to fill
up the vacant posts which is more than 1000 under this category.
In short, the guidelines issued by the directorate have not been
strictly implemented. All circle heads are seeking clarifications or
approvals from the Directorate resulting in unwarranted delay in
filling up of such vacant posts. Suitable action may please be taken
to fill up all the vacant posts under this category at the earliest.
5. Recovery of alleged over Payment of Pay & Allowances to Postman on
account of fixation from the officials of Accounts branches of Head
Post offices.
Please refer this union letter No P/4-2/Pay dated 5.4.07 on this subject.
The drawing and disbursing officers have been made as scapegoats in
this case. According to Rule 87 of P&T FHB. Vol I, any excess payment
can be recovered at any time. The apex court also confirmed that any
excess paid due to administrative mistake, there is no rule which
prohibits such recovery (udayasankaran Vs. Union of India JT 1996 (4)
The most pertinent point that the inspection parties like ICIR and
audit have approved and certified such drawals in many places. the
clarification regarding fixation of pay of postmen in scale of Rs.
2750-4400 (with two advance interments) was issued only on 10.6.99
wide letter no. 23-66/97-PEI (PCC) dt. 10.6.99. The defective order dt
9.10.97 resulted in over payments. For this over payments and
consequently for obtaining undertakings, accounts branch alone cannot
be held responsible.
It is inhuman to recover the amount in lakhs from the poor officials
of Account branch for minor negligence of not obtaining undertakings.
It is therefore requested to stop such recovery and drop action if any
initiated anywhere to recover the amount from the officials working in
Accounts branch.
6. Counting of Special Allowance for pay fixation – case of PO and RMS
A kind attention is invited to the letter No. 9 (1)/2004-PA Admn.
I/501 to 504 dated 29-10-2006 from Shri T.K. Mitra, ADG (PA and Admn)
of the Directorate wherein it is informed that the Special Pay, which
is now called as Special Allowance drawn in lieu of higher pay scale,
may be taken into account for fixing pay under ACP to the JAO
examination qualified candidates on ACP promotion.
The above said instructions were issued in consultation with DOP&T and
the same and similar analogy should be applied in the case of PO and
RMS Accountants also and their Special Allowance should be taken for
fixation of pay in the higher cadre on promotion.
Further, vide letter No. 8 (1)/2004-PA-Admn/1/54 to 76 dated 23-04-07,
it was mentioned that this issue relates to operative offices, the
matter may be taken up with Directorate through CPMG, which exhibits
lack of coordination among the branches in the Directorate.
General Secretary
Posted by AIPEU P3 CHQ at 4:30 PM 0 comments
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