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Reviews: The Orthodontic Mini-Implant Clinical Handbook

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cone beam computed tomography and options. This is valuable in enabling that the patient’s presenting complaint
computer-assisted surgery, for example the audience to draw comparisons with is often only the ‘tip of the iceberg’
in hard tissue reconstruction in Chapter conventional anchorage techniques. and for many adult patients managing
13, which can significantly reduce post- Each clinical scenario is supported with expectations and achieving realistic
operative complications by simulating a case examples and a literature refer- results are key. Over its 20 chapters, the
surgical plan and fabricating a template ence, asserting the author’s experience potential adult patient population groups
to guide bone grafting. and knowledge in this field. are introduced, with their present-
I expect this will be a popular refer- The handbook displays a host of colour- ing complaints, orthodontic problems
ence text for many oral and maxillofa- ful clinical photographs and illustrations. and treatment outcome. This is usually
cial specialists. However, I feel it could This brings the clinical information to delivered by a series of clear clinical
benefit from further editing to break life, and engages the reader with the photographs, with accompanying, eas-
down the written content with more concepts of this treatment modality. It ily readable paragraphs. Additionally a
images and data reference boxes, thus also helps visualise the biomechanics companion website and CD-ROM provide
appealing to a wider audience who have involved, which are explained simply but supplemental case examples.
a particular interest in the topic. effectively. The style of writing is easy From her experience as a biologic
E. McCrory to follow, with salient points highlighted researcher, Melsen gives us detailed
in purple text boxes throughout each background knowledge into the aetiol-
THE ORTHODONTIC MINI-IMPLANT chapter. The layout utilises bullet points ogy of malocclusions by means of
CLINICAL HANDBOOK and subheadings to depict a step by vivid histological sections and labelled
R. Cousley step approach to mini-implants, a style diagrams. In the same manner chapters
Wiley-Blackwell described by the author as a ‘cook-book’, on the body’s tissue reaction and peri-
price £49.99; pp 184 emphasising the very logical, concise odontal problems are covered.
ISBN 9781118275993 nature of the book, which could easily be Throughout the book emphasis is
used as a reference tool. The orthodontic placed on an interdisciplinary approach
mini-implant clinical handbook is a com- to treatment with a chapter dedicated
pact, informative read for all orthodontic to explaining this concept and further
The orthodontic mini-implant clinical clinicians and personnel involved with independent chapters on the collabora-
handbook has been developed to guide treatment using mini-implants. I have no tion between orthodontics and periodon-
professionals in a new and acceptable hesitation in recommending this book as tics, as well as the link with prosthetics.
means of yielding anchorage within an essential read for orthodontic specialty The book is instilled with evidence-based
orthodontic treatment. It is strongly trainees who may benefit from the pro- supported information throughout and
weighted towards maximising success gressive approach. explores contemporary techniques such
within clinical practice. As the varied C. Martin as 3D visual treatment objective (VTO)
applications for these bone anchorage for use in pre-treatment work-ups, and
devices become more apparent, this book ADULT ORTHODONTICS the use of mini implants for anchorage.
provides a foundation towards treatment B. Melsen (ed) Current expectations of the adult
in an evidence-based manner. Wiley-Blackwell patient places demands on the ortho-
This lustrous hardback introduces the price £104.00; pp 408 dontist to provide aesthetic and effective
concepts, indications, contra-indica- ISBN 9781405136198 treatment in a shorter period of time,
tions and biomechanics of orthodontic without the obvious appearance of an
mini-implants. The early 11 chapters appliance. Choosing the correct, least
equip the reader with a sound under- complex appliance first time around can
standing on which to build on. Richard Adult orthodontics is not new, with reduce treatment time. This book helps
Cousley provides a detailed approach in the first case being recorded in 1901, with the appliance selection, design and
the pre-, peri and post-operative aspects however, since then patient age has treatment sequencing. Advantages of the
of mini-implant insertion. Limitations increased significantly and the num- various aesthetic options are discussed,
and handy troubleshooting tips are ber of adults receiving treatment has including the use of ceramic brackets,
emphasised throughout the text. This escalated worldwide. This book has been lingual and Invisalign® systems, along-
is particularly beneficial for clinicians superbly constructed by Birte Melsen, in side their limitations in comparison to the
who are actively adopting the technique conjunction with a host of other out- more conventional metal-based methods.
into their routine practice. The major- standing contributors, many of whom are In summary, this is a comprehensive
ity of the handbook is dedicated to considered leaders in this field. It seeks and advanced insight into adult ortho-
specific mini-implant applications, such to demonstrate an unrestricted range of dontics and one that would be clini-
as incisor retraction and asymmetry problems and solutions for adult patients, cally relevant for any specialist who is
correction. Within these chapters, the highlighting the skills and abilities involved in the assessment and manage-
author has included a clinical objective required by clinicians to perform them. ment of complex adult orthodontic cases.
along with other alternative treatment The author establishes from the outset M. Gormley


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