Energy Genaration PDF
Energy Genaration PDF
Energy Genaration PDF
Percentage of biomass in total energy used
1 10 100 1,000 10,000 100,000
GNP per person (1998 US $)
Source: World Bank, 1996.
electric lighting, and an array and diversity of other uses in homes, — Not available. Source: World Bank, 1996, and Lebergott, 1993.
United Kingdom
Former Soviet Union
Energy/GDP ratio
Latin America
Japan Africa
1860 1870 1880 1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050
Note: Energy consumption is measured in megajoules; GDP in 1990 U.S. dollars in purchasing power parity. Pre-1961 GDP calculations are based on
exchange rates. Energy data exclude energy from biomass. Source: IEA, 1997, 1998; CEC 1996; Chandler, and others, 1990; ISI 1999
Costs as share
Source and pollutant of supply or user Nature of low-polluting alternatives
technology costs (percent)a
Carbon dioxide emissions from Advanced solar energy, wind, and other
combustion of fossil fuels renewable energy technologies for power
Electricity (developing countries) 0 generation; biomass for liquid fuels and
Electricity (developed countries) 0 ≈0–≈20e power generation; hydrogen from renewable
Liquid fuel substitutes 0 ≈30–50 energy sources and fuel cells for power
generation and vehicles.
Note: Except for carbon dioxide all the estimates are based on technologies and practices commonly in use.
a. Net private marginal costs are used because some technologies and fuels have benefits that go beyond their environmental benefits—use of gas as a
domestic and industrial fuel is an example. Such investments are routinely justified in terms of their economic convenience or productivity relative to the
alternatives, without reference to their environmental benefits, however important. b. Negative costs arise if gas is available for power generation as a
substitute for coal. c. High emissions (especially of particulate matter) in developing countries stem very much from ageing vehicles, poor maintenance,
and improper use of fuels (for example, kerosene instead of diesel). d. In urban areas and where traditional fuels are scarce, modern fuels are generally
cheaper to use once the costs of household labour are taken into account, in part because of their higher energy efficiency (see chapter 10) and their
convenience and savings in time (see discussion in text). e. Estimates are much lower for developing countries than for the northern industrialised countries
because solar insolation is two to three times greater in developing regions and its seasonal fluctuation is one-third less. Estimates are of long-term costs.
Source: ADB, 1991, and Charpentier and Tavoulareas, 1995 for electricity; Faiz, Weaver, and Walsh, 1996, for motor vehicles; Smith, 1993, for traditional fuels.
Anderson and Chua, 1999, review the engineering economic literature, and Kiely, 1997, provides an introductory text on technologies; both have ample bibliographies.
Czech Republic
United States
United Kingdom
60 Finland
Western Germany
1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996
Source: Data from OECD, 1997; U.S. EPA, 1997; and U.K. Department of Environment, Transport, and the Regions National Air Quality Archive (http://www.aeat.couk/netcen/airqual/).
well above the 2 micrograms per decilitre in the United States The costs of controlling local and regional pollution are small
(reflecting an eightfold decline over the preceding 15 years). relative to the total costs of energy supply or use. If coal is used as
There are several options for substantially reducing local and the principal fuel in electricity generation, the costs of pollution
regional pollution loads over the long term. This is evident both abatement range from 2 percent of supply costs for particulate matter
from the experience of industrialised countries (table 11.6) and (the most environmentally damaging of pollutants) to 5–10 percent
from comparisons of pollution loads in industrialised and developing for acid deposition. If gas is used as the principal fuel, the costs of
countries (figure 11.3). Given the time required to incorporate low- pollution abatement are negative once allowance is made for the
polluting options in new investments and to replace the old capital higher thermal efficiencies and lower capital costs of the power
stock, however, pollution is likely to rise before it falls. But the experiences plant. For motor vehicle emissions the absolute cost of abatement,
of industrialised countries also shows that there is little doubt that including the cost of catalytic converters, is estimated at less than
major reductions of local and regional pollution from energy use $0.04–0.15 per gallon of fuel consumed. Similarly, supplying modern
could be achieved in the long term with supportive policies. fuels to households in place of traditional fuels significantly reduces
Low-polluting technologies, in wide use in industrialised countries, both indoor and local pollution (see chapter 3) and, except in remote
have led to appreciable reductions in smog, acid deposition, and emissions communities, the costs of energy supplies as well.
of lead, particulate matter, and volatile organic compounds; and Simulations of the effects of introducing abatement policies for
although energy consumption per capita is an order of magnitude reducing acid deposition in Asia illustrate the potential of innovation
higher than in developing countries, local and regional pollution is for enabling developing countries to address environmental problems
an order of magnitude or more lower or (in the case of acid deposition) at an earlier phase of their development than did industrialised
headed in that direction. (See chapter 3 for a full discussion of pol- countries (Anderson and Cavendish, 1999; figure 11.4). Studies that
lution loads in the industrialised and developing countries.) assume that environmental problems will not be addressed until the
7 100
Early policy
0 1
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Time (years)
a. Adjusted for real comparative purchasing power using Penn World Table, mark 4 (Summers and Heston, 1991).
Source: Anderson and Cavendish, 1999; Selden and Song, 1994, for the environmental Kuznets curve.
Wind (electric power) 5–13 Costs declined fivefold from 1985 to 1995.
Electric power 5–15 Steam cycle of 25 megawatts Brazil data. Declined by factor
Ethanol $2–3/gallon ($15–25 gigajoule) of three since 1980s.
Thermal solar (electric power) 10–18 Parabolic troughs. Latest vintages, around 1990, in high
insolation areas only.)
Gas-fired, combined-cycle power plant 3–5 Higher figure is for liquefied natural gas.
Grid supplies
Off-peak 2–3 Depends on spikiness of peak
Peak 15–25
Average, urban areas 8–10
Average, rural areas 15 to >70 Rural areas in developing countries
Note: All figures are rounded. Estimates are adjusted to 10 percent discount rates.
Source: Based on the author’s interpretations of the following reviews, of more than 500 papers and studies: Mock, Tester, and Wright, 1997, on geothermal;
Larson, 1993, on biomass; Ahmed, 1994, on solar and biomass; Gregory, 1998, on several technologies, including fossil fuels; World Bank, 1996,
on renewable energy and grid supplies in rural areas; and chapter 7 of this report. Refer to those sources for details and qualifications.
Public support for energy research, initiatives that avoid the problems encountered incentives for RD&D? The costs of the
development, and demonstration (RD&D) previously under state-directed programmes. non-fossil components of energy RD&D
programmes in OECD countries has declined The main issue is whether the incentives programmes are about $2.3 per ton of carbon
considerably since 1985: by 80 percent in provided today are sufficient in light of the emitted in IEA countries including nuclear
Germany, 75 percent in Italy, 50 percent in emerging environmental problems and the power and less than $1 per ton excluding
Canada, and 10 percent in Japan (where, as continuing competition from fossil fuels. nuclear power. Economic estimates of the
in France, nuclear power occupies the bulk The U.S. President's Committee of Advisers carbon taxes required to address the climate
of the budget) and the United States (IEA on Science and Technology (1999, p. ES-5) change problem are much larger, at five to
1997a). Recent public energy RD&D concluded that they are not. “[U.S. federal several hundred dollars per ton.1 When
expenditures in International Energy Agency RD&D programmes] are not commensurate in uncertainties are large, as they are in the case
(IEA) countries are about $8.5 billion a year. scope and scale with the energy challenges of developing technological alternatives in
About 55 percent of spending goes for and opportunities the twenty-first century will response to a highly uncertain problem such
nuclear power and 40 percent for renewable present….especially…in relation to the challenge as global warming, it is a good policy, well
energy and conservation. of responding prudently and cost-effectively supported by the principles of economic
In most countries the cuts were made to the risk of global climatic change from analysis, to invest in options that reduce
across the board and equally applied. society’s greenhouse gas emissions”. Yet on a uncertainties and costs.
The cuts were motivated in part by market per capita basis U.S. RD&D programmes on
liberalisation, whose aim was to shift the 1. “The World Bank Global Carbon Initiative”, attachments
non-fossil and non-nuclear technologies are to a published speech by James D. Wolfensohn to the UN
onus for innovation to the private sector, and among the largest in the OECD (see figure). General Assembly, June 25, (available from the World Bank
in part by competing demands on public What are the alternatives to providing Global Environment, Washington D.C.).
revenues for social sector programmes.
The decline in public support for RD&D also
reflects discouragement with state-selected Public expenditure per capita on energy RD&D
programmes supported by direct state
expenditures in the period from around 35
1950 to 1990.
Following a major re-assessment of ■■ Fossil and nuclear
the approach over the past 15 years, public 30
■■ Non-fossil and non-nuclear
policies in several OECD economies are now
U.S. dollars per capita
7 100
Note: Initial GDP per capita is $1,500 and growth is 3 percent a year. The early fluctuations in emissions in the ‘early policy’ case arise from the initial
price effects on demand. Source: Special run by the author using the model described in Anderson and Cavendish, 1999.
Competition from fossil fuels and lessons from the history of discoveries, but also by technological progress in exploration and
nuclear power. In addition to the above-mentioned uncertainties, production and throughout the downstream industries. In addition,
competition from fossil fuels continues to increase. Estimates of fossil continued technological progress in the electricity industry reduced
fuel reserves are far greater today than they were 40 years ago, when both the capital and the fuel costs of generation from fossil fuels. In
nuclear power programmes were being initiated. Estimates for the the 1950s the thermal efficiencies of new fossil fuel–fired stations
1955 UN Atoms for Peace Conference put proven reserves at 480 were 30–35 percent; today they are around 45 percent for new
gigatons of oil equivalent and ultimately recoverable reserves at coal-fired plant and 55 percent for gas-fired plant.
2,300 (United Nations, 1955)—respectively one-quarter and one- Technological progress and discoveries of reserves thus reduced
twelfth of current estimates. With the convenience of hindsight, we the costs of power generation from fossil fuels relative to nuclear
now know that the underlying premise of the nuclear power power. The history of oil and gas is replete with predictions of
programmes that were being advocated at the time—that fossil fuels rapidly depleting reserves and rising prices.18 In addition, there are
would be severely depleted by the first half of the 21st century—was promising options for hydrogen production from natural gas and
wrong, as were two other assumptions: that growing pressures on for coal bed methane in which carbon dioxide is re-injected in coal
reserves would increase the costs of fossil fuels, while technical beds for enhanced methane recovery (on a closed, non-net-carbon-
progress would lower those of nuclear power. emitting cycle), used for enhanced oil recovery, or sequestered
In fact, the opposite happened. Except during the oil price deep in saline aquifers (see chapter 8). In sum, non–fossil fuel
shocks of the 1970s, real oil prices have consistently been in the technologies, including the emerging renewable energy technologies,
$10-20 per barrel range (in 1995 dollars) for 120 years, despite will continue to face intense competition from fossil fuels for many
huge increases in demand. The prices of coal and natural gas (per years ahead.
unit of energy) have generally been even lower than those of oil (BP Nevertheless, from an economic perspective the evidence allows
1996).17 Low costs were made possible not only by continued for an optimistic conclusion: technologies are emerging that should
■■ Low education
5 In the past half century successive multilateral rounds of reductions in
the barriers to trade and foreign investment have led to considerable
4 increases in the level and globalisation of economic activity. Between
1971 and 1995, as world GDP expanded at almost 3 percent a year,
international trade increased at 5.6 percent a year and now stands
at more than 22 percent of world economic product. Foreign direct
investment expanded even more rapidly, at 12 percent a year between
1980 and 1996, encouraged by liberalisation and privatisation of
formerly state-owned companies. It accounted for more than 10
1 percent of total domestic investment in 1995.
What are the implications of globalisation for the energy industry?
0 Market liberalisation in the industry over the past two decades can
High distortion Low distortion be seen as a response to a range of problems and opportunities:
Note: High and low levels of distortion relate to the foreign ■ The growing difficulties of raising finance (especially in the
exchange premium, a reasonable indicator of trade liberalisation. electricity sector), a consequence of high levels of government
High distortion reflects a foreign exchange premium of more than
30 percent; low distortion, a premium of 30 percent or less. intervention and subsidies.
Education is measured by the average years of schooling, excluding ■ The growing difficulties of the public sector in providing for the
post-secondary schooling, of the population ages 15–64. High financial losses of the state-owned industries.
education is defined here as more than 3.5 years; low education,
as 3.5 years or less. Source: World Bank, 1991. ■ Deteriorating service levels in many countries, reflected in frequent
black-outs and brown-outs.
The difference between the higher and lower growth cases is
■ The need to reduce losses and cost inefficiencies.
2.5 percentage points a year. This estimate of what good policies
might accomplish greatly understates the effect, as the authors ■ The increasing transparency of costs and investment decisions, in
acknowledge, because it concentrates on only two policy variables, the electricity, nuclear power, and coal industries in particular,
is based on average figures for a large number of countries, and
makes modest assumptions about what constitutes high education.1 which led to increased questioning of the cost-efficiency of public
Yet even 2.5 percent a year, when compounded over a century, investments in the industry.
would mean a 10-fold increase in per capita incomes relative to ■ The rapid growth of energy markets in developing regions
the low-growth case—the difference between failure and success
in development over the century. and related opportunities for trade and investment in all energy
1. World Bank (1997, fig. 5, p. 13) updated the estimates to allow for the quality of sectors—electricity, coal, gas, and oil.
institutional development. This raised the estimate from 2.5 to 3 percentage points a year. ■ New opportunities for trade and investment in high-efficiency
technologies, such as combined-cycle power plants, brought
about by the growth of world gas reserves.
enable the virtual elimination of carbon emissions from energy But as the world economy has become more integrated, there are
use should the need arise. This is so even if the higher energy fears that the rapid growth of trade and investment will have two
demand scenario (scenario A) in chapter 9 were to materialise. The undesirable side effects. The first is that the most impoverished
estimated incremental costs of abating carbon emissions are modest people will be left out of the process of economic growth and
in relative terms: most studies put them at 1–6 percent of world development—only higher income groups will benefit—and
economic product to achieve 50–60 percent abatement by the middle inequality, poverty, and social conflict will intensify. The second is
of the next century and 2–8 percent of world product by the end of that there will be deleterious effects on the environment.