Unit 1: Introduction To Short Vowels
Unit 1: Introduction To Short Vowels
Unit 1: Introduction To Short Vowels
Janet Giannotti
Michigan ELT, 2009
Unit 1
n Unit 1 Overview
Five Vowels
Read this passage with your teacher. Notice the words and names in bold.
Study the words and names from the reading, and complete the Pattern
Discovery on page 2.
Spelling Counts: Sounds and Patterns for English Language Learners
Janet Giannotti
Michigan ELT, 2009
Pattern Discovery
How many vowels does each word contain? ____
These are the five short vowels in English. If a one-syllable word contains a
short vowel, there is ____ vowel in the word.
Circle the vowel in each word.
Look at this chart that shows where these vowel sounds are produced in the
e u
a o
Find nursery rhymes about people named Jack on the Internet. Notice the
short-vowel words in the rhymes.
Spelling Counts: Sounds and Patterns for English Language Learners
Janet Giannotti
Michigan ELT, 2009
Lesson 1: Short i
Pronounce these words with your teacher.
bit kit chip rip chin skin kick stick
fit lit dip skip fin spin lick tick
grit slit hip trip grin twin pick trick
hit wit lip zip pin win sick wick
Pronunciation Tip
Short i is a high front vowel. Don’t drop your chin when you say short i.
Pattern Review
If a one-syllable word contains a short vowel, there is ____ vowel in the word.
This means that short-vowel words have ____ vowel per syllable.
Pattern Discovery 1
At the end of a short-vowel word, the sound [k] is spelled -____.
Listening Discrimination 1
Circle the words you hear. (Reminder for the teacher: Please read from the
Teacher’s Script beginning on page 131.)
1. grit grip 5. chin tin
2. kick kit 6. wit wick
3. slip slit 7. spin pin
4. slit slick 8. trick chick
Spelling Counts: Sounds and Patterns for English Language Learners
Janet Giannotti
Michigan ELT, 2009
Sight Words
Study the spelling of these words, and then copy each word three times.
Pattern Discovery 2
Names of days begin with capital / small (circle one) letters.
Choose and Write
Use the short i words in the box to complete the sentences.
Spelling Counts: Sounds and Patterns for English Language Learners
Janet Giannotti
Michigan ELT, 2009
Lesson 1: Short i
Listening Discrimination 2
Circle the word you hear.
1. lip lick lit 4. zip chip ship
2. tin tip tick 5. slip rip lip
3. trick trip chip 6. sick sit sip
Spelling Counts: Sounds and Patterns for English Language Learners
Janet Giannotti
Michigan ELT, 2009
Pronounce these words and names with your teacher.
brick brim trim big bid lid
click dim Jim dig did mid
Rick him Kim pig hid rid
Nick rim Tim wig kid Sid
bricks brims whims figs grids lids
Pronunciation Tip
Combinations like br-, fl-, and gr- are called consonant blends. Don’t insert
a vowel sound between the two consonants in a blend.
Pattern Review 1
Short-vowel words have ____ vowel per syllable.
Pattern Review 2
At the end of a short-vowel word, the sound [k] is spelled -____.
Pattern Discovery
Add -____ to change a noun from singular to plural.
Listening Discrimination
Circle the words you hear.
1. flit flick 5. clicks clips
2. slip slit 6. brick Rick
3. chip trip 7. hid hits
4. trick chick 8. licks lids
Spelling Counts: Sounds and Patterns for English Language Learners
Janet Giannotti
Michigan ELT, 2009
Lesson 2: Short i
Sight Words
Study the spelling of these words, and use them to complete the sentences.
Pattern Review 3
Names of days begin with capital / small letters (circle one).
Choose and Write
Use the words and names in the box to complete the sentences. Use each word
one time. Various combinations work.
Spelling Counts: Sounds and Patterns for English Language Learners
Janet Giannotti
Michigan ELT, 2009
Add an Ending
Add -s to these nouns to change them to plural. Write the plural nouns on the
lines. Pronounce the words after you write them.
1. kit _____________ 8. chin _____________ 15. brim _____________
2. slit _____________ 9. grin _____________ 16. rim _____________
3. chip _____________ 10. pin _____________ 17. pig _____________
4. hip _____________ 11. twin _____________ 18. wig _____________
5. lip _____________ 12. stick _____________ 19. bid _____________
6. rip _____________ 13. trick _____________ 20. lid _____________
7. trip _____________ 14. brick _____________ 21. kid _____________