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« ∑—πµ ®ÿÓœ 2551;31:135-44

CU Dent J. 2008;31:135-44

Original Article
∫ ∑ «‘ ∑ ¬ “ ° “ √

Assessment of leakage of roots filled with

 
Epiphany and Resilon after final
irrigation with 2% chlorhexidine
Chureerat Kanchanakaew D.D.S.1
Somsinee Pimkhaokham D.D.S., Ph.D.2
Jeerus Sucharitakul D.D.S., Ph.D. (Biochemistry)3

1Graduate Student, Department of Operative Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry, Chulalongkorn University

2Department of Operative Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry, Chulalongkorn University
3Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Dentistry, Chulalongkorn University

Objective The purpose of this in vitro study was to compare the leakage of roots filled with Epiphany
and Resilon after final irrigation with 2% chlorhexidine.
Materials and methods Seventy single-rooted teeth were prepared using crown down technique
and divided to three experimental groups of twenty samples each and positive and negative control
groups of five samples each. In each experimental group, root canal was irrigated with 2.5% sodium
hypochlorite and 17% EDTA then final irrigated with sterile water (group 1), 2% chlorhexidine
(group 2) or 2.5% sodium hypochlorite followed by 2% chlorhexidine (group 3). The experimental
groups were filled with laterally compacted Resilon cones and Epiphany sealer. The leakage of
glucose was evaluated by measuring its concentration once a week for a total period of 28 days
using a glucose penetration model. Data of glucose concentration that leaked through the filled
root canals were not normally distributed. Therefore, they were statistically analyzed by the nonpara-
metric test (Friedmann test and Kruskal-Wallis test). The level of significance was set at p = .05.
Results The increasing glucose concentration values among each time intervals in the same
experimental group were statistically significant different. However, no statistically significant
differences were found among the three experimental groups at each time interval.
Conclusion This study showed that 2% chlorhexidine when used after 17% EDTA and 2.5% sodium
hypochlorite did not adversely affect the leakage of root canal system filled with Epiphany
and Resilon.
(CU Dent J. 2008;31:135-44)
Key words: chlorhexidine; Epiphany; leakage; Resilon
136 Kanchanakaew C, et al CU Dent J. 2008;31:135-44

Introduction In an effort to remove the smear layer completely,

many authors suggest the use of several solutions.
The ideal root filling material should entomb 15-17% neutral EDTA solution is effective in
residual bacterial after instrumentation, seal the root de-mineralizing the dentine, and can be used to
canal space, prevent re-infection from coronal leakage, remove the smear layer. However, it does not dissolve
and stop apical penetration of tissue fluids from organic matter. On the other hand, sodium hypochlorite
reaching surviving bacteria in the root canal system.1 solution acts on pulp tissue remnants and has antimicrobial
Gutta-percha has universally been accepted as the gold properties. Combined use of sodium hypochlorite
standard for root canal filling materials. It appears to and chlorhexidine within the root canal could gain an
be the least toxic and tissue-irritating root canal filling additive antimicrobial action and a tissue dissolution
material available. However, gutta-percha does not property. In addition, the combined use of sodium
adhere to the dentinal walls and consequently, a hypochlorite and chlorhexidine are less toxic than
sealing agent is required. sodium hypochlorite alone. However, the combined
Recently, an innovative adhesion material, Resilon use of sodium hypochlorite and chlorhexidine within
has become available for filling the root canal space. the root canal arise the residual organic matter on the
Resilon is a thermoplastic synthetic polymer-based root canal wall which may alter the sealing ablility of
root canal filling material, which contains bioactive the root canal sealer.5
glass and radiopaque fillers. Resilon has same To date, no studies have demonstrated the effect
handling properties as gutta-percha. It can be softened of final irrigation of chlorhexidine on leakage between
with heat and dissolved with solvents such as chloroform Epiphany root canal sealer and radicular dentin. The
for retreatment purpose. Similar to gutta-percha, purpose of this in vitro study was to compare the
Resilon are available as master cones in all ISO leakage of roots filled with Epiphany and Resilon
(International Organization for Standardization) sizes after final irrigation with sterile water, 2% chlorhexidine
and accessory cones in different sizes. In addition, there or 2.5% sodium hypochlorite followed by 2% chlorhexidine.
are Resilon pellets, which can be used for the backfill
in the warm thermoplasticized technique. Epiphany
sealer manufactured specifically for using with Resilon Materials and methods
is a dual curable dental resin composite sealer. This Selection and preparation of teeth
sealer forms a bond to the core filling material and the
A total of 70 extracted human teeth with single
cleaned dentinal wall, hence creating a çmonoblocké.2,3
and straight root were collected and stored in 0.2%
An endodontic irrigant should ideally exhibit thymol solution. The teeth were soaked in distilled water
powerful antimicrobial activity, dissolve organic tissue for 24 hours before use to eliminate traces of thymol.
remnants, disinfect the root canal space, flush out Each tooth was decoronated to give approximately 15
debris from the instrumented root canals, provide mm of root length from the coronal surface to the apex
lubrication, and have no cytotoxic effects on the of the root with a low speed saw (IsoMet, Buehler).
periradicular tissues.4 Unfortunately, no irrigating An operating microscope (Carl Zeiss Surgical, Inc.,
solution is capable of acting simultaneously on the Thornwood, NY) was used to inspect the roots for
organic and inorganic elements of the smear layer. cracks under 25 x magnifications.
« ∑—πµ ®ÿÓœ 2551;31:135-44 ®ÿ√’√—µπå °“≠®π–·°â« ·≈–§≥– 137

Instrumentation and obturation of root canals A self-etching primer (Epiphany primer; Pentron
The working length was determined visually by Clinical Technologies) was placed into the canal with
subtracting 1 mm from the length of a size 10 K-file paper point. One drop of the primer was used for each
(Dentsply Maillefer, Ballaigues, Switzerland) at the root. Excess primer was removed using paper point,
apical foramen. The middle and coronal thirds were leaving the internal surfaces moist with primer. The
prepared using ISO size 1, 2, 3, and 4 Gate Glidden remaining solvent evaporated with a gentle air spray
drills (Dentsply Maillefer, Ballaigues, Switzerland). for 5 seconds. Epiphany root canal sealer was
All teeth were instrumented with a crown-down dispensed onto a mixing pad and placed with a master
technique, using a set of ProTaper rotary instruments cone. The canal was then filled with Resilon cone
(Dentsply Maillefer, Ballaigues, Switzerland) as using the lateral condensation technique, which using a
recommended by manufacturer. The apical portion of spreader size D11Ts (Dentsply Maillefer) and size 15
the canal was instrumented to size 40 master file with accessory Resilon cones. The tip of each accessory
K-Flex-o-files (Dentsply Maillefer, Ballaigues, cone was lightly coated with sealer. When the Resilon
Switzerland). The purpose of this preparation regimen filling was completed, endodontic plugger was used
was to create a uniform size of canal and to overcome for vertical compaction and the coronal surface was
the variation in natural morphology. Each canal was light cured for 40 seconds to polymerize the sealer.
irrigated with 3 ml of 2.5% sodium hypochlorite The deeper resin sealer then polymerizes by chemical
solution using a 27-gauge needle after each instrument curing during the following 30 to 60 minutes.
and ensured patency by extrusion of the file beyond Positive control group: Root canals were filled
the apical foramen. The needle was inserted as deep as using laterally compacted Resilon cones without sealer.
possible into the canal without binding. All canals were
Negative control group: Root canals were sealed
irrigated with 5 ml of 17% EDTA solution for 1 minute
using laterally compacted gutta-percha and Epiphany
to remove the smear layer. All root canals were enlarged
sealer and completely covered with silicone.
by only one operator to minimize operator variation.
Twenty teeth were assigned to three experimental After the obturation, all root canal specimens were
groups. Five teeth each were assigned to the control examined with a microscope at 25x magnification to
groups. ensure that there were no cracks or craze lines in the
roots. Moreover, in all groups postoperative radiographs
After root canal preparation was completed, the were taken to ensure that all root canal specimens
root canals were final flushed with sterile water (group 1), were properly obturated without voids. Root canal
2% chlorhexidine (group 2) or 2.5% sodium hypochlorite specimens inadequately filled or cracked were excluded
followed by 2% chlorhexidine (group 3). Each canal and replaced by new samples. Then, all root canal
was dried with paper points. specimens coated with silicone, except for the 4 mm of
apical part in order to allow glucose penetration via
Root canal obturation apical region. All root canal specimens were stored at
Group 1, 2, 3: root canals were filled with 37 ÌC and 95% humidity for one week to allow the
Epiphany and Resilon (Pentron Clinical Technologies) material to set completely.
138 Kanchanakaew C, et al CU Dent J. 2008;31:135-44

Glucose penetration model-preparation and the centrifuge tube reservoir to maintain a constant
measurement volume of 2 ml. The sample was then analyzed with
Each root was connected to a 17-cm-long glass a Glucose liquicolor in a spectrophotometer at a
tube and sealed with silicone. The assembly was then wavelength of 500 nm. Concentration of glucose in the
placed in a sterile centrifuge tube with a rubber cap. centrifuge tube was presented in mmol L-1.
Two milliliters of 0.1% benzoic acid solution (pH 7.0) Data of glucose concentration (mM) that leaked
were dispensed into the sterile centrifuge tube. The through the filled root canals were not normally
4 mm apical portion of root canal specimen was distributed. Therefore, they were statistically analyzed
immersed in the solution. Benzoic acid was used to by the nonparametric test (Friedmann test and Kruskal-
inhibit the growth of microorganisms that might Wallis test). The level of significance was set at p = .05.
influence the glucose readings. The tracer used in the
The Ethical community of Dental faculty of
present study was 1 mol L-1 glucose solution (pH 7.0).
Chulalongkorn University approved this research study.
All specimens were subjected to reduce pressure
before the glucose solution was injected into the glass
tube. The glass tube was connected to vacuum pump
(Bio-Rad Laboratories, 3300 Regatta Boulevard, In positive control group, glucose leakage was
Richmond, CA 94804) by using Three-way, Double detected from the first day which increased over times.
oblique, Pressure, Solid glass plug, Stopcock size 2 mm In negative control group, glucose leakage could not
(Fortune Scientific Co., LTD). The air was removed be detected in all apical reservoirs throughout the
from the root canal specimen and glass tube until the experiment (Table 1).
pressure in the system was stable at 20 inch Hg Descriptive statistical data of leakage amount of
measured by a manometer that connected to the vacuum glucose concentration measured in all experimental
pump. After maintaining the pressure of 20 inch Hg groups at each time interval were shown in Table 1.
for 5 minutes, the glucose solution was released Each experimental group showed the increasing
into the glass tube by opening the three-way stopcock, glucose leakage concentration from the beginning to
without allowing air to enter the glass tube. the end of experimental period (Table 1). The glucose
About 5 ml of the glucose solution, containing concentration values increased significantly at times in
0.1% benzoic acid was released into the glass tube the same experimental group when compared using
until the solution was 14 cm above the root canal Friedmann test (p < .05). However, no statistically
specimens. This level of glucose solution created a significant differences were found among the three
hydrostatic pressure of 1.5 KPa or 15 cm H2O.6 experimental groups at each time interval (1, 7, 14, 21
and 28 days) when compared using Kruskal-Wallis
All specimens were stored in the incubator at
test (p > .05).
37 ÌC and 95% humidity through observation period.
A solution of 50 µl was drawn from the centrifuge The rates of glucose leakage (mM/week) among
tube using a micropipette at 1, 7, 14, 21 and 28 days. each experimental group were shown in Figure 1.
The same amount of 0.1% benzoic acid was added to In group 1 and 2, the rate of leakage was gradually
« ∑—πµ ®ÿÓœ 2551;31:135-44 ®ÿ√’√—µπå °“≠®π–·°â« ·≈–§≥– 139

Table 1 Glucose leakage concentration (mM) in three experimental groups and control groups at each time
interval after obturation.
Glucose concentration (mM)
Groups Day 1 Day 7 Day 14 Day 21 Day 28
Group 1 Mean ± SD 0.11 ± 0.35 3.01 ± 7.32 4.96 ± 9.05 7.78 ± 13.65 10.74 ± 18.28
(sterile water) Median 0 0.04 0.57 1.07 1.32
Min-Max 0-1.51 0-31.62 0-28.16 0-43.42 0-61.82
Group 2 Mean ± SD 0.33 ± 0.99 0.62 ± 1.45 1.47 ± 3.90 2.18 ± 6.31 3.07 ± 9.09
(2% chlorhexidine) Median 0 0 0.01 0.10 0.20
Min-Max 0 -3.56 0-4.23 0-17.02 0-28.32 0-41.03
Group 3 Mean ± SD 0.76 ± 2.22 2.03 ± 4.44 5.39 ± 10.31 7.47 ± 12.97 9.90 ± 16.51
(2.5% sodium hypochlorite, Median 0 0 0.69 1.48 2.04
2% chlorhexidine) Min-Max 0-8.96 0-14.58 0-36.90 0-44.16 0-54.64
Positive control group Mean ± SD 15.56 ± 27.23 48.54 ± 5.51 255.30 ± 148.25 269.41 ± 151.62 279.64 ± 158.75
Median 0.38 45.32 208.52 215.94 221.72
Min-Max 0-63.06 43.59-56.21 98.78-446.14 112.81-470.07 122.71-494
Negative control group Mean ± SD 0 0 0 0 0
Median 0 0 0 0 0
Min-Max 0 0 0 0 0

increased except in the third week, the rate of leakage The model used in this study was modified from
in group 1 was slightly decreased. In group 3, rate of that of Xu et al.6 The modification was firstly the use
glucose leakage in the second week of experiment was of vacuum to reduce air bubbles.7-9 Air bubbles could
more increasing as compared with other experimental be entrapped in the glucose system and gap between
groups, and then it became stable until the end of the the root canal filling materials and the canal wall. Tracer
experiment. However, the rates of glucose leakage penetration was affected negatively by air entrapped in
concentration were not statistically significantly the gap between the root canal filling materials and the
different between experimental groups at each time point. canal wall, resulting in the failure to demonstrate the
full extent of the void. Although the use of pressure
Discussion may have no clinical relevance, it has the practical
The glucose penetration model is a new possibility advantage of accelerating leakage detection. Secondly
to evaluate the sealing ability of root canal filling. It instead of using epoxy resin or sticky wax, the contact
has been introduced by Xu et al.6 as a further development between tooth and glass tube was sealed with silicone.
of the model of the fluid transportation concept that This was proved to provide better seal in moist
might be more sensitive than the measurement with an environment (95% humidity). Finally specimens were
air bubble. placed in closed system at 37 ÌC 95% humidity. This
140 Kanchanakaew C, et al CU Dent J. 2008;31:135-44

model eliminates the effect of glucose evaporation on 2% chlorhexidine (group 3). There were no significant
glucose concentration measurements within 28 days. differences of glucose leakage concentration measured
In positive control group, glucose leakage at each time point between all experimental groups.
concentration was gradually increasing in the first week, However, the glucose leakage concentration in each
and then became stable at the second week through the experimental group was found significantly increasing
end of the experiment. In contrary, glucose leakage from the beginning to the end of experimental period.
could not be detected in the negative control group. In the experimental group 2 and 3, there were
Glucose leakage could be detected in all experimental combinations of irrigants which resulted in color change
groups. It should be noted that the concentration value and precipitation. Combination of 2% chlorhexidine and
of glucose leakage was lower than previous studies. 17% EDTA (group 2) demonstrated the formation of a
This maybe due to the longer distance of the root canal white viscous solution, whereas combination of 2.5%
fillings. In this study the root canals were filled up to sodium hypochlorite and 2% chlorhexidine (group 3)
15 mm as compare with the 4 mm from apex in other demonstrated the formation of the dark-brown
studies.6,10 In addition, the lesser number of dentinal precipitation.
tubules in the apical part might lead to compromised Although we found no significant difference
bonding apically.11 between group 2 and group 3, group 3 showed
In this study the root canals were irrigated with more glucose leakage concentration at the end of
2.5% sodium hypochlorite and 17% EDTA before final experimental period when compared with group 2.
flush with sterile water (group 1), 2% chlorhexidine The dark-brown precipitation occurred when sodium
(group 2) or 2.5% sodium hypochlorite followed by hypochlorite and chlorhexidine were combined. This

G1 (sterile water)
G2 (2% chlorhexidine)
G3 (2.5% sodium hypochlorite, 2% chlorhexidine)
Rate of glucose leakage (mM/week)





1 2 3 4

Fig. 1 Rates of glucose leakage (mM/week) in three experimental groups at 1, 2, 3 and 4 weeks.
« ∑—πµ ®ÿÓœ 2551;31:135-44 ®ÿ√’√—µπå °“≠®π–·°â« ·≈–§≥– 141

might interfere with the sealing of root canal filling by In group 1, the final irrigant was sterile water as
forming gaps between Epiphany sealer and dentin. recommended by manufacturer of Epiphany sealer.
In cross-sections of filled roots, gaps were observed Although, there was no precipitate and color change
between the dentin and Epiphany layer.12 but the result showed glucose leakage concentration
and the rate of the leakage was gradually increasing in
Recent studies have reported on the occurrence
the same pattern as in group 2. The cause of glucose
of color change and precipitation when sodium
leakage might be explained firstly from the volumetric
hypochlorite and chlorhexidine are combined.13,14
shrinkage that occurs concurrently with polymerization
Furthermore, concern has been raised that the color
of the resin. If the resin-tooth bond is too weak,
change might have some clinical relevance14 because
polymerization forces will debond the resin from the
of staining, and that the precipitation might interfere
tooth resulting in microleakage.18 Secondly during
with the sealing of root canal filling. Basrani et al.15
experiment, the root specimens were immerged in the
demonstrated that the precipitate of sodium hypochlorite
apical reservoir, therefore dissolution of sealer might
mixed with chlorhexidine contains a significant amount
occur and permit gaps formation between root canal
of para-chloroaniline (PCA), a hydrolysis product of
dentin and root filling materials. This may result in
chlorhexidine. The amount of PCA directly increased
increase in leakage over time. Versiani et al.19 found
when the concentration of sodium hypochlorite
that solubility of Epiphany sealer did not conform to
increased. Bui et al.16 compared the effect of irrigating
ANSI/ADA standardization (3.14%). Water sorption
root canals with a combination of sodium hypochlorite
and solubility play an important role in microleakage
and chlorhexidine on root dentin and dentinal tubules.
in long term observation.
Their findings showed that there were significantly
fewer patent tubules when compared with the negative Under the condition of this study, combination of
control group which irrigated with sterile water. 17% EDTA and 2% chlorhexidine showed the least
Because of the sodium hypochlorite/chlorhexidine glucose leakage concentration eventhough the formation
precipitate tends to occlude the dentinal tubules. In of white viscous solution occured. Further studies on
addition, the presence of this precipitate on the root the chemical properties of the white viscous solution in
surface might affect the seal of an obturated root canal, combined irrigation with 17% EDTA and 2% chlorhexidine
especially with resin sealers which required a hybrid and its effect on root dentin need to be investigated.
In group 2, there was less glucose leakage Conclusion
concentration at the end of experimental period when There were no statistically significant difference
compared with other experimental groups. The white of glucose leakage in root canals filled with Epiphany
viscous solution occurred when EDTA and chlorhexidine and Resilon after final irrigation with sterile water,
were combined. To date, no studies have demonstrated 2% chlorhexidine, or 2.5% sodium hypochlorite
chemical properties of the white viscous solution or followed by 2% chlorhexidine after irrigated with 17%
its effect on root dentin. Marending et al.17 proposed EDTA. Thus, this study showed that 2% chlorhexidine
an irrigation regimen in which sodium hypochlorite when used after 17% EDTA and 2.5% sodium
was used throughout instrumentation followed by EDTA, hypochlorite did not adversely affect the leakage of
and chlorhexidine was used as a final irrigant. root canal system filled with Epiphanyand Resilon.
142 Kanchanakaew C, et al CU Dent J. 2008;31:135-44

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