Blockchain of Things (Bcot) : The Fusion of Blockchain and Iot Technologies
Blockchain of Things (Bcot) : The Fusion of Blockchain and Iot Technologies
Blockchain of Things (Bcot) : The Fusion of Blockchain and Iot Technologies
Mahdi H. Miraz
This is a pre-print of the original paper. The published version of the paper is
available on SpringerLink:
Chapter 07
Blockchain of Things (BCoT): The Fusion of Blockchain and IoT
Mahdi H. Miraz
7.1 Introduction
Both Blockchain and Internet of Things (IoT) are the two major disruptive
emerging constituents of the contemporary internet-enabled era of
technology. As per Gartner Hype Cycle of Emerging Technologies 2018
(Panetta, 2018), both of these technologies are currently in their “peak of
inflated expectations” while both are projected to highly likely require
another “5 to 10 years” to mature. In fact, comparing with the Gartner’s
2017 (Gartner, 2017) predictions, Blockchain - without changing much -
hovered at its current ongoing position on the hype cycle. On the contrary,
the locus of IoT has progressed reasonably – prevailing within the same
arc (i.e. peak of inflated expectations) of the curve – moving downwards
crossing the pinnacle – however, IoT pedalled back on the level of maturity
from “2 to 5 years” to the current state of “5 to 10 years”. Such regression
of IoT, in terms of reaching maturity level, however, is justified by its
widespread adoption in multifaceted applications and the security concerns
raised thus far. In fact, both of these technologies are distributed,
autonomous and mostly decentralised systems possessing connatural
potentials to act as complementary to each other. IoT requires
strengthening its security features while Blockchain inherently possesses
them due to its extensive use of cryptographic mechanisms and Blockchain
– in an inverted manner – needs contributions from the distributed nodes
for its P2P (Peer-to-peer) consensus model while IoT rudimentarily
embodies them within its architecture. This chapter, therefore, acutely
dissects the viability, along with prospective challenges, of incorporating
Blockchain with IoT technologies – inducing the notion of Blockchain of
Things (BCoT) – as well as the benefits such consolidation can offer.
IoT devices gather and/or generate vast amount of data which are
communicated over the Internet for processing and decision making
purposes. Data privacy and authentication is considered to be a
constant critical threat for IoT environment. In the absence of proper
security measures, these vast amount of data can be mishandled and
used inappropriately (Sicari, Rizzardi, Cappiello, Miorandi, & Coen-
Porisini, 2017). It is thus extremely important to safeguard the IoT
system from injection attacks. As the name implies, an injection
attacks tries to inject false data or measures into the system and
thus affect the overall decision making process.
Public (Permissionless):
In a public or permisionless blockchain ecosystem, anyone at any time and
from anywhere in the world, having a computing device, can act as a
participating node – joining and leaving the network at his or her own will.
A node, willing to participate, has to install a small prototype which defines
the consensus and other relevant rules. In most cases, all the nodes have
both read and write access. However, nodes may opt out to be a “full node”
– a node that keeps a copy of the “complete” ledger. Bitcoin’s Blockchain
is an example of public Blockchain ecosystem.
Private (Permissioned):
In a private or permissioned blockchain ecosystem, only “permitted” or
“invited” nodes can be part of the network. These trusted nodes usually
have both read and write access. However, a role based policy or even
specific node based approach can also be applied. Multichain is an
example of private blockchain.
A hybrid blockchain, as the name implies, is a combination of both public
and private models. While read access is usually left open for any
participating nodes as in public blockchain, write access is rather
confined to some specific nodes. Consensus is predominantly controlled
by a group of predefined “trusted” nodes. Hybrid Blockchain can be
considered as the best version of both the models, however,
implementation decision should be based on the domains as well as the
type of the applications. For example, hybrid blockchain may be a good
choice for stock exchanges while public blockchain for cryptocurrencies
(Miraz & Donald, Application of Blockchain in Booking and Registration
Systems of Securities Exchanges, 16-17 August 2018).
Blockchain 1.0
The type of blockchain behind Bitcoin cryptocurrency, as introduced by
Shatoshi Nakamoto in 2008, is predominantly known as Blockchain 1.0.
This sort of blockchain or DLT facilitates internet based financial
transactions by enabling cryptocurrencies – the “Internet of Money”.
Blockchain 2.0
As a rule of thumb, blockchains supporting smart contracts are largely
known as Blockchain 2.0. Analogous to contracts, smart contracts – as
coined by Nick Szabo in 1994 (Szabo, 1997) - are programmable digital
contracts enabled by turing complete language. In its simplest form, smart
contracts are autonomous computer programmes that can automatically
execute if the predefined set of rules or conditions are met. These rules may
include validation, verification, facilitation, administration of the
execution of a contract and so forth. Vending machine is the oldest known
example of materialising smart contract. In Blockchain 2.0, the smart
contracts reside in the chain or DLT and thus inherit the built-in securities
features that a blockchain can offer. Therefore, Blockchain 2.0 based smart
contracts, along with security, offer variability and transparency. Ethereum
Blockchain is the leading smart contrast enabled blockchain ecosystem.
Blockchain 3.0
Blockchain 4.0
Blockchain 4.0 – based on the foundations already laid by its preceding
variants – enables utilisation of the advent of blockchain technology in
various applications, solutions, approaches and business models,
especially in the realm of “industry 4.0” (cyber-physical systems). The pre-
eminent driving force of Industry 4.0 is bringing complete automation in
every phases of production systems (Onik, Miraz, & Kim, A Recruitment
and Human Resource Management Technique Using Blockchain
Technology for Industry 4.0, 2018). Such automation requires seamless
integration of multifaceted execution systems as well as implementation of
enterprise resource planning (ERP) – demanding highly reliable privacy
protection and consensus model. This is where both IoT and blockchain
kicks in – IoT providing the infrastructure for automation while blockchain
acting as the “Trust Machine” [ (Miraz, Blockchain: Technology
Fundamentals of the Trust Machine, 2017)]. Recent advent of atomic
cross-chain swap and lighting network (Miraz & Donald, Atomic Cross-
chain Swaps: Development, Trajectory and Potential of Non-monetary
Digital Token Swap Facilities, 2019), is likely to accelerate the whole
automation process of Industry 4.0 by a degree of great extent as it will
enable swapping of IoT generated data on various Blockchain 4.0
applications on different platforms.
Lightning Network:
In a Lightning Network (LN), Hashed Timelock Contract
(HTLC) based smart contract enables direct bi-directional transactions to
take place between two parties. The intermediate transactions in LN
network takes place in a second layer – built on top of the base layer of
any blockchain ecosystem. These transactions are not subject to
consensus, hence instantaneous. However, upon leaving the LN, the final
resultant balance is broadcasted to the base layer network for consensus
and settlement. Utilising onion-style routing, the scope of transactions in
lighting networks can be expanded beyond directly connected peers.
Drivers of Future Business Models: With the advent of smart contract and
lightning network supported by blockchain, Lightning Applications
(LApps) and truly affordable micropayment systems have emerged.
These are now acting as drivers of future business models – by prompting
innovation and nurturing new venture creations.
It has been observed that the terms Internet of Everything (IoE) and
Internet of Things (IoT) are often inappropriately used
interchangeably. This is thus very important to distinguish between
IoE and IoT. In fact, both Qualcomm and Cisco have been using the
term IoE (Weissberger, 2014; Evans, 2012). However, while
Qualcomm’s connotation of IoE has been overridden by IoT by a
majority of others, Cisco’s interpretation is much more comprehensive.
Cisco definitions of IoE comprises of “four pillars”: people, data,
process and things, where “things” characterises IoT (Miraz M. H., Ali,
Excell, & Rich, 2015), refer to the figure 7.2 below.
Fig. 7.2 Internet of Everything (IoE), Things and Nano-things (Miraz M. H., Ali, Excell, &
Picking, 2018).
A multi-tier architecture of BCoT security and privacy model has been
proposed by Dorri et al. (2016; 2017) eliminating the shortcomings of
BC as well as other traditional approaches. Similar level of
confidentiality and data integrity was achieved without the use of PoW.
Their system is designed based on three different layers: smart home,
overlay network and cloud storage. Apart from smart devices, the smart
home also has a miner who governs the blockchain as well as the data
access policies. When a new device (node) is added to the smart home
ecosystem, the miner creates and adds a new block corresponding to
the newly added node. In fact, the newly added block possesses dual-
header- i.e. block header containing a link to the preceding block while
and policy header defines the data access rule and authority. For
facilitating secure communicate amongst the devices shared keys are
used – created and distributed utilising Diffie–Hellman algorithm,
governed by the miner. A smart device, in this system, can store the
data either on local storage system by employing s shared key or on a
cloud storage by sending a request to the miner will then trigger a
transaction on the public blockchain – the transaction is signed with the
device’s key and contains addresses of the cloud storage system. Thus
the proposed BCoT architecture provides fivefold security and privacy
related benefits: 1) confidentiality through use of shared private key
encryption, 2) integrity through hashing, 3) availability by limiting
allowed transactions, 4) user control by blockchain technology and 5)
authorisation by applying authorisation policies along with utilising
shared key.
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