Global Surveillance of Communicable Diseases: Special Issue
Global Surveillance of Communicable Diseases: Special Issue
Global Surveillance of Communicable Diseases: Special Issue
Global Surveillance of
Communicable Diseases
David L. Heymann and Guénaël R. Rodier
World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland
Globalization and Health: The Need for source of communicable diseases such as
Global Surveillance hepatitis and other bloodborne infections. Social
A recent report of A/Sydney/05/97-like and environmental changes linked to urbaniza-
(H3N2) influenza on a cruise ship from New York tion, mobility, and deforestation have created
to Montreal demonstrates the ease with which new opportunities for infection, while rapid
communicable diseases can be transferred across adaptation of microorganisms has facilitated the
international borders (1). In this outbreak 2.7% of return of old communicable diseases and the
passengers and 0.5% of crew had acute febrile emergence of new ones. With the rapid evolution
respiratory illness during or after the cruise and of antimicrobial resistance, treatments for a wide
introduced this antigenic variant of influenza A range of parasitic, bacterial, and viral infections
into both Canada and the United States. have become less effective. Today, a communi-
Other viral infections and parasitic diseases cable disease in one country is a global concern.
are also associated with population movements. In industrialized countries, where deaths due
During 1996, fatal yellow fever infections were to communicable diseases have greatly decreased
imported into the United States and Switzerland over the past century, the concern is to prevent
by tourists who traveled to yellow fever–endemic diseases from entering and causing an outbreak
areas without yellow fever vaccination (2,3). or reemergence. In developing countries, the
During the same year approximately 10,000 concern is to detect communicable disease
cases of malaria were imported into the European outbreaks early and to stop their mortality,
Community, one fourth of them from the United spread, and potential harm to trade and tourism.
Kingdom (4). Had mosquito vectors been present, When cholera entered Peru in 1991, it spread
these diseases could have set up endemic cycles. through the existing sanitation and water
Misdiagnosed by an unsuspecting health worker, systems, causing more than 3,000 deaths (9).
they could have been fatal. Seafood export embargoes and decreased tourism
Bacterial infections such as meningococcal cost an estimated loss of US$770 million to the
meningitis and cholera are also spread with ease Peruvian economy in 1 year. Negative economic
by international travelers. Among the pilgrims impact can also occur in the more robust
for the Haj in 1987, 7.7 per 100,000 returned to industrialized economies, the most recent example
their countries of origin with meningitis (5). being bovine spongiform encephalopathy and the
Cholera, often associated with religious pilgrim- new variant of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in the
age and movement of refugees, resulted in 70,000 United Kingdom.
cases and a 22% fatality rate in 1995 among Concerns about communicable diseases in
recently arrived Rwandese refugees in Goma, both industrialized and developing countries can
Democratic Republic of the Congo (formerly best be addressed through strong surveillance
Zaire) (6). Rickettsial diseases such as louse- systems, renewed commitment to public health,
borne typhus have also recently caused illness and strong international partnerships to
and death among refugee and prison populations strengthen national and international coopera-
of Burundi and Rwanda (7,8). tion in communicable disease prevention and
Population movement is only part of the control. In view of the disparity among national
globalization fallout. Expansion in international surveillance systems, partnerships in global
travel and commerce in food and medicinal surveillance are a logical starting point in this
biologic products provides another potential area of common commitment.
Global Surveillance: An Essential Public Refugees and the United Nations Children’s
Health Instrument Fund. International military networks such as
With globalization, strengthened communi- the U.S. Department of Defense Global Emerging
cable disease surveillance at the global level has Infections System, private clinics, individual
become an essential public health instrument. In scientists, and public health practitioners complete
addition to providing necessary information for the network of formal information sources.
monitoring communicable diseases and evaluat- Geographic gaps and deficiencies in expertise
ing control measures, global surveillance serves in these networks must be rectified. These
as an early warning system for epidemics and networks must develop means of including the
provides the rationale for public health interven- private sector as well as other sources of valid
tion. Early detection of communicable diseases information such as military and research
and immediate public health intervention can laboratories. They must represent both human
curtail the numbers of communicable illnesses and and animal infections and provide information
deaths and negative effects on international travel on antimicrobial resistance and the environ-
and trade. At the close of the 20th century, which ment, including water, insect vectors, and
has seen the affairs of all countries become ever animal reservoirs.
more intertwined, global communicable disease
surveillance and response is a decisive element in Informal Sources of Information
controlling communicable disease. Telecommunications, media and Internet
Global surveillance provides health advice access, and rapid information exchange across
for international travelers and guidance to those the globe permit public health professionals
involved in international transport and trade, around the world to communicate more effec-
including the food, plant, animal, and animal tively. Many groups, including health profession-
products industries. At the same time, it supplies als, nongovernmental organizations, and the
crucial data to support the Biological Weapons general public, have access to reports on disease
Convention and to prevent or anticipate outbreaks, challenging national disease surveil-
bioterrorism. To be effective, global surveillance lance authorities, which were once the sole source
must be free of, and be perceived as free of, of such information. Public Internet sites are
political bias. Global surveillance requires a dedicated to disease news and include sites for
neutral reporting and response environment, and medicine and biology as well as major news
the World Health Organization (WHO) is agencies and wire services.
strengthening the framework within which it can Such electronic discussion sites, accessible
be fostered. through free and unrestricted subscription, are
valuable sources of information. Their scope
Global Networking may be worldwide (ProMed, TravelMed),
regional (PACNET in the Pacific region), or
Formal Sources of Information national (Sentiweb in France). They exemplify
Government and university centers such as unprecedented potential for increasing public
the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and awareness on public health issues.
Prevention, the U.K. Public Health Laboratory The Global Public Health Information
Service, the French Instituts Pasteur, the global Network is a second generation electronic
network of schools of public health, and the surveillance system developed and maintained
Training in Epidemiology and Public Health by Health Canada. Its powerful search engines
Intervention Network (TEPHINET) provide actively crawl the World-Wide Web looking for
confirmed reports of communicable diseases. reports of communicable diseases and communi-
Most of these sites are or will become part of the cable disease syndromes in electronic discussion
WHO Collaborating Centre network. This groups, news wires, and elsewhere. Searches are
network, as well as the WHO Regional Offices, in English and French and will eventually
WHO country representatives, and other WHO expand to all official languages of the WHO, to
and UNAIDS reporting sites, contributes to which it has created close links for verification.
global surveillance along with reporting net- Other network sources for communicable
works of other United Nations agencies such as disease reporting include nongovernmental
the United Nations High Commissioner for organizations such as the Red Cross and Crescent
societies, Médecins sans Frontières, and Medical Requirements for monitoring the intentional
Emergency Relief International (Merlin), and use of pathogenic microbes have also been
Christian religious organizations such as the addressed in the network, specifically in the
Catholic and Protestant mission networks. revision of the IHR, in collaboration with the ad
hoc Group of States Parties to the Biological
Legally Mandated Sources of Information Weapons Convention.
The International Health Regulations (IHR) Nonverified information about communi-
are a legal instrument that requires WHO cable diseases coming from within the networks,
member states to report diseases of international including that from IHR, requires rapid
importance: currently plague, cholera, and verification from multiple sources other than the
yellow fever. Countries have not uniformly originator. Such “disease intelligence” requires
complied, often fearing unwarranted reactions information management skills, knowledge of
that affect travel and trade. In addition, the field conditions, and commonly used, standard-
official international reporting mechanism has ized medical language compatible with modern
not evolved with the new communications communication technology. WHO has therefore
environment and does not include many created an electronic verification system based on
communicable diseases of importance to interna- its internationally accepted norms and stan-
tional public health. A revision of IHR is therefore dards. This user-friendly system consists of an
being directed toward a stronger role in global electronic repository for ready information
communicable disease surveillance and control. access, regular electronic communication with
Currently being evaluated in a pilot study in 21 network members, and a tracking and follow-up
countries, the revised IHR emphasizes immedi- mechanism to verify each piece of information.
ate notification of all disease outbreaks of urgent The power of the verification system is its
international importance. Electronic reporting of network of contributors, which includes official
specific clinical syndromes of importance to government channels and all participating
public health will help countries report immedi- networks. Electronic mail provides immediate
ately, facilitating rapid alert and appropriate follow-up with easy-to-archive responses at low
international response while awaiting laboratory cost. Communications keep the focus on diseases
verification. Once the diagnosis is confirmed, it with international implications to avoid informa-
will also be fed into the system, permitting any tion overload. The criteria used to determine
necessary adjustments to the international international implication include suddenness of
response. When the revision is complete, IHR will onset, illness and death, potential for interna-
constitute an important public health tool as a tional spread, and likely effects on international
source of information linked to an appropriate travel and trade. Timely sharing of relevant
international response. information strengthens networking and contrib-
utes to common awareness of current events,
Pulling the Networks Together: Exchange thus increasing international preparedness.
and Verification of Global Surveillance
Information Epidemic Preparedness and Response
A neutral environment, internationally Once a communicable disease outbreak has
accepted surveillance standards and norms, and been confirmed, pertinent information is placed
wider use of modern communication tools is on the World Wide Web, available to the general
required to bring all these networks into a global public. At the same time, an international
surveillance system—a true “network of net- response including technical and humanitarian
works.” The network has been developed partners is mounted if required. A WHO team
together with the 191 WHO member states and arrives on site within 24 hours of outbreak
other partners, including the European Union- confirmation to make an initial assessment and
U.S. Task Force on Emerging Communicable begin immediate control measures and prepare
Diseases and the U.S.-Japan Common Agenda the ground for the larger international response
and has been cited as an area of collaboration by if needed. By linking the international response
the G-7/G-8 member countries at both the Lyon to systematic global surveillance, a worldwide
(1996) and the Denver (1997) Summit Meetings. “network of networks” is available from which to
solicit support, thus ensuring that no one epidemiologic and laboratory studies, prompt
country, technical, or humanitarian partner dissemination of public information, develop-
must bear the entire burden. ment of diagnostic test kits for international
distribution, and identification of a virus line
How It Works in Practice: Global Influenza suitable for vaccine development, all contrib-
Surveillance uted to a timely, ordered, and effective
Influenza surveillance, one of the most response to the outbreak.
developed global surveillance and monitoring WHO will celebrate the 50th anniversary of
systems of WHO, started in 1948 and developed global influenza surveillance with a meeting
over the years into a highly successful global bringing together participants from the national
partnership. The network now involves 110 influenza laboratories and WHO Collaborating
collaborating laboratories in 82 countries, Centers and other experts. Participants will look
constantly monitoring locally isolated influenza back over past successes and lessons learned and
viruses and providing information on true ahead to needs for improved surveillance and
emergence and spread of different strains. control of influenza in the 21st century, including
National case detection systems and labora- research priorities. The success of the global
tories have been strengthened using internation- influenza program can serve as a model for the
ally accepted norms; virus isolates from national continued development and strengthening of
laboratories are analyzed in more detail in one of international collaboration in the surveillance
the four WHO Collaborating Centers for and control of other communicable diseases.
Influenza. The data are then used by experts
associated with the surveillance system to make References
recommendations on the three virus strains to be 1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Update:
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the vaccine also represents outstandingly Berne, Switzerland; 1996; Bulletin 28:5.
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Rwandan refugee crisis: what happened in Goma,
elements of the global pandemic plan were tested
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during the outbreak of the avian influenza 7. Bise G, Cominx R. Epidemic typhus in a prison in Burundi.
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