Example 5 e
Example 5 e
Example 5 e
Research Question
Does species diversity of family of trees and terrestrial invertebrates vary significantly
between the native forest of Drum Estate and the pine plantation of Crathes Estate (of
Aberdeenshire), as measured using Simpson's diversity index?
Environmental Issue: The decreasing tree and invertebrate diversity due to deforestation
and the increasing number of forest plantations
Living in a wildlife rich country, I was interested to investigate species diversity. This
interest was further developed when we completed an ESS field trip, where we investigated
freshwater species diversity and its abundance in polluted and unpolluted waters. This field work
inspired me to research the tree and terrestrial invertebrate diversity found in an old, native forest
("Drum Castle, Garden & Estate"), and a man-made pine plantation of Aberdeenshire ("Crathes
Castle, Garden & Estate").
Today, only one third of global forest area is composed of native forests ("Forests"). Global
trends suggest that the rate of deforestation of native forest has been intensely increasing since
1990, while "the areas of forest plantations are increasing" ("Forest"). 'Deforestation' is a much
discussed topic. While they are economic benefits to it, such as answering the human demands for
cattle, crops, wood, and more living space, the replacement of native habitats by plantations also
results in a "substantial loss of biodiversity" ("Loss of Biodiversity (including Genetic Diversity)").
Habitat destruction and fragmentation impacts the less resilient species of ecosystems, decreasing
their population numbers (Fitzherbert, B. & al.). Deforestation and plantations also contribute to
problems such as global warming and unsustainable practices ("Palm Oil and Tropical
Connection of Environmental Issue to Research Question
This global issue is connected to the research question as deforestation has "greatly reduced
Scotland's 'native' tree cover" (Hall), thus altering the "biodiversity and ecosystems in Scotland"
("Climate Change"). Simpson's diversity index have been used in past studies to observe species
and tree diversity of Scotland.
To investigate this local environmental issue, I observed the species diversity and
individual abundance of families of invertebrates (found in leaf litter) and trees (found above
quadrats) of two different forest types. I then completed Simpson's diversity index to test whether
the diversity significantly varies between the "native, ancient forest of Drum Estate" ("Drum
Castle, Garden & Estate") and the man-made pine plantation of Crathes Estate, dating from the
mid -206' century ("Crathes Castle, Garden & Estate").
II. Planning
Justification with Hypothesis
I expect to see a higher tree and invertebrate diversity in the native forest than in the pine
plantation. This is because the pine plantation is more recent, making its species diversity lower.
The plantation of only pine trees has also reduced the tree diversity.
When observing the insect and tree species, make sure no organism is harmed, harassed,
injured, or killed. Use a spoon (with no sharp edges) to pick up organisms. When placing
individuals in the pctri dish or tray, handle them with care. Always release the organisms and
the leaf litter in the same area as they were found. When collecting soil sample, make sure no
A Establishing the sampling area and coordinates
1. Find a native forest and a recent plantation in the same region of a country (eg:
2. Using the Free Map Tools website ("Area Calculator Using Maps"), select the "Area
Calculator Using Maps" option and calculate the sampled area (km2 ), making sure it is
similar in size for both forests. Use the same website every time.
3. Using the website Grid Reference Finder ("UK Grid Reference Finder"), select 5
coordinates, spreading them out throughout the previously selected area (all points must
be within the selected area). The coordinates must be chosen ahead of time in order to limit
bias. I later realized that I should have used a random number generator to generate these
coordinates — this weakness will be explored in the discussion. Use the same website
every time.
4. Print out a map of your selected area and coordinates to refer to them during the field
experimentation (see Figure 1).
Figure 2: A quadrat placed Figure 3: An invertebrate Figure 4: Branches of trees which are
down at specific coordinates placed in a petri dish for found above a specific record
in the old native woods of better identification. quadrat; this method is used to record
Drum. tree diversity (see step 4).
Figure 5: A computer plugged to the pH probe using Figure 6: The sample soil from all 10 quadrat
LoggerPro. of the two locations mixed with water before
being tested for their pH.
Family of Total Number of Total Number of Total Number of Total Number of Total Number of
Invertebrate Individuals (+/- 1) Individuals (+/- 1) Individuals (+/- 1) Individuals (+/- 1) Individuals (+/- 1)
(includes their
larvae stages)
Slugs 1
Earthworms 2 1 1
Beetles 2 1 1 1
True Bugs 2 1 3 3
True Flies 1 4 2 3
Spiders 4 5 3 5 7
Earwig 3 1 I 1 2
Mite 2 3
Harvestmen 1 1
Springtail 6 2 2 2
Family of Tree Total Number of Total Number of Total Number of Total Number of Total Number of
Individuals (+/- 1) Individuals (+/- 1) Individuals (+/-1) Individuals (+/- 1) Individuals (+/- 1)
Elm 4 1
Oak 2 1
Lime 1 1
Birch 1 9
Abiotic Factors
Air Temperature 14 14 15 14 14
(Co; +/- 0.1 C°)
Soil pH (rounded 4.26 4.33 3.90 3.93 4.01
to 3SF; +/- 0.01)
Observations Overall, all data was collected in soft ground surfaces - in fallen leaves, under rocks and logs,
no more than 2cm under the surface of the soil; no quadrats moved from original coordinates
Family of Total Number of Total Number of Total Number of Total Number of Total Number of
Invertebrate Individuals (+/- 1) Individuals (+/- 1) Individuals (+/- 1) Individuals (+/- 1) Individuals (+/- 1)
(includes their
larvae stages)
True Bugs 1 1 1
True Flies 3 2 2 2
Bees/Wasps 1 (wasp)
Spiders 4 4 2 6 4
Woodlice 1
Millipedes 1
Springtail 2 2 1
Family of Tree Total Number of Total Number of Total Number of Total Number of Total Number of
Individuals (+/- 1) Individuals (+/- 1) Individuals (+/-1) Individuals (+/- 1) Individuals (+/- 1)
Pine 5 3 2 4 2
Abiotic Factors
Air Temperature 15 15 15 16 18
(Co; +/- 0.1 C°)
Soil pH (rounded 4.02 4.27 4.14 4.60 4.20
to 3SF; +/- 0.01)
Observations -sampled in an area -sampled in area -sampled in a more -sampled in a more -sampled in
with a mix of with mainly needles compact soil, harder compact soil, with a decaying leaves,
needles, pine twigs, and pine twigs to dig into and more thinner layer of pine clovers, thinner
and decaying leaves humid; sample needles; one small layer of pine
not taken more rock with moss on needles
than 2cm below top found inside
leaf litter surface quadrat
C. Justification of Values of Error
The values of error for the thermometer and the pH probe correspond to their smallest units of
measure. The number of individual invertebrates and trees have an uncertainty of +1- 1 as I may
not have seen every organism. The values of error for the coordinates correspond to the ones given
by the app (Irving).
D. Processed Data
Table 3:Total number of individuals for each invertebrate and tree species, as well as mean pH for
both forests
Native Forest of Drum Estate
Simpson's N=17•16=272
Diversity Index:
𝑁𝑁(𝑁𝑁 − 1) n = 2*1 + 2*1 +
𝑑𝑑 = 2*1 + 4*3 + 3*2
∑ 𝑛𝑛(𝑛𝑛 − 1)
+ 2*1 =26
272 420 42 182 420
Note: diversity 𝑑𝑑 = =10.5 𝑑𝑑 = =6.77 𝑑𝑑 = =5.25 𝑑𝑑 = =6.07 𝑑𝑑 = =6.56
26 62 8 30 64
rounded to 3SF
Average 7.03
Diversity of 1.49 SD
(calculated using
Excel) &
Calculation 2: Simpson's diversity index for invertebrates in the pine plantation of Crathes Estate
(note that all species of I are not included as 1-1 = 0)
Pine Plantation
of Crathes Quadrat 1 Quadrat 2 Quadrat 3 Quadrat 4 Quadrat 5
Diversity Index: 𝑑𝑑 =
=5.50 𝑑𝑑 =
=3.50 𝑑𝑑 =
𝑁𝑁(𝑁𝑁 − 1) 20 16 4
𝑑𝑑 =
∑ 𝑛𝑛(𝑛𝑛 − 1)
72 42
𝑑𝑑 = =2.40 𝑑𝑑 = =3.00
30 40
Average 3.88
Diversity of 1.30 SD
(calculated using
Excel) &
Calculation 3: Simpson's diversity index for tree diversity in the native woods of Drum Estate
Native Forest of
Drum Estate Quadrat 1 Quadrat 2 Quadrat 3 Quadrat 4 Quadrat 5
Average 1.97
Diversity of 1.84 SD
(calculated using
Excel) &
Calculation 4 Simpson's diversity index for tree diversity in the pine plantation of Crathes Estate
Pine Plantation
of Crathes Quadrat 1 Quadrat 2 Quadrat 3 Quadrat 4 Quadrat 5
Diversity Index: 𝑑𝑑 =
𝑑𝑑 = =1.00
𝑑𝑑 = =1.0 𝑑𝑑 =
𝑑𝑑 = =1.0
𝑁𝑁(𝑁𝑁 − 1) 20 3 2 12 2
𝑑𝑑 =
∑ 𝑛𝑛(𝑛𝑛 − 1)
Graph 1: Processed data comparing the total number of individuals of invertebrates of each
family for both types of forest
Graph 2:Processed data comparing the total number of individuals of trees of each family for both
types of forest
Graph 3: Average invertebrate diversity in both forest types as measured using Simpson's
Diversity Index.
Graph 4: Average tree diversity in both forest types as measured using Simpson's Diversity Index.
To obtain the t-test value, I used the t -test formula on Excel by plugging in the average
diversity of each quadrat for the invertebrates and the trees, using a 2 tail. The values obtained are
smaller than 5%, which means that the null hypothesis can be rejected. The null hypothesis would
be that there is no significant difference between the tree and invertebrate diversity of the two
forests. Despite an overlap between the error bars of the invertebrate diversity graph, the t –test
value implies that the two means are significantly different.
G. Conclusion
Graphs 1 and 2 demonstrate that there is a greater variety and abundance of invertebrate
and tree species in the native forest. Some species, such as millipedes and woodlice, are found in
the pine plantation and not the native woods. This indicates that some species have adapted to
particular habitat, influenced by factors like pH (which is slightly more acidic in the pine
Graphs 3 and 4 show that there is an overall greater diversity of invertebrate and trees in
the native forest of Drums (7.03 and 1.97 versus 3.88 and 1). These findings suggest that this habitat
is healthier and composed of more complex food webs, making it more resilient. The diversity of
1 for trees of the Crathes plantation is due to the fact that pine trees were the only type of trees
present, and thus, despite their abundance, the lack of variety resulted in a low diversity.
Strengths of this investigation include the effectiveness of the procedure, which was quick
to complete in both habitats, produced sufficient data, and which can be easily repeated in different
habitats. The 'limitations land weaknesses of this investigation were that there was some
uncertainty in the recordings of species diversity, as some organisms may not have been counted
or wrongly identified. Additionally, a random number generator should have been used to produce
coordinates in the forest areas. A modification of this investigation would thus be to use a random
number generator on Excel to produce coordinates in a chosen area.
VI. Applications
A. Potential Solution to Environmental Issue
Creating 'conservation areas to protect native forests is a sustainable solution to
biodiversity loss and deforestation. For example, the successful Ngorongoro Crater conservation
site in Tanzania now provides ideal conditions "for the survival and preservation of a large diversity
of species" ("Welcome To Ngorongoro Crater Destination Guide"). This solution has already been
applied to the native forest of Drum Estate, but more conservation areas around Aberdeenshire
could be created in order to preserve other native habitats.
VII. Bibliography
"Area Calculator Using Maps." Free Map Tools. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Oct. 2016.
Bebbington, Anne, John Bebbington, and Steve Tilling. The Woodland Name Trail. N.d. A
key to the invertebrates of soil and leaf litter. Strafford Park, Telford.
"Climate Change." Biodiversity Scotland. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Nov. 2016.
"Crathes Castle, Garden & Estate." The National Trust For Scotland. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Nov.
2016. http://www.nts.org.u1c/Property/Crathes-Castle-Garden-and-Estate/
"Deforestation." Trees for Life. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Sept. 2016.
"Drum Castle, Garden & Estate." The National Trust For Scotland. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Nov.
2016. http://www.nts.org.uk/Property/Drum-Castle-Garden-and-Estate/.
Fitzherbert, Emily B., Matthew J. Struebig, Alexandra Morel, Finn Danielsen, Carsten A.
Bruhl, Paul F. Donald, and Ben Phalan. "How Will Oil Palm Expansion Affect
Biodiversity?" Review. Creative Educational Press, n.d. Web. 22 Sept. 2016.
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Green Facts, n.d. Web. 29 Sept. 2016. <http://www.greenfacts.org/en/forests/1-2/2-
Hall, Jeanette. "Forest and Woodland: Woodland Cover." Scottish Natural Heritage. N.p., n.d.
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Irving, Mike. "Grid Ref UK and Ireland App for IPhone, Android, Windows." Mike Irving. Apps
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