Fusion Engineering and Design
Fusion Engineering and Design
Fusion Engineering and Design
Fusion Engineering and Design 36 (1997) 437-446 and Design
The effects of the magnetic probe presence near the focus region on the current sheath dynamics are studied. The
system consists of a single 32 laF, 15 kV (3.6 kJ) capacitor. It is found that the current sheath during the radial
collapse phase strongly interacts with the magnetic probe jacket (Pyrex glass tube of diameter 5.7 mm) and climbs
over it up to several centimeters. X-ray images recorded for argon pressure range of 0.25-3.25 mbar clearly indicate
that the size as well as the intensity of the X-ray source is significantly enhanced compared to the case when no probe
is inserted in the system. Generally, the hot spots are formed up to about 30 mm above the anode tip and are only
rarely observed 75 mm above the anode tip, which is probably due to the refocusing of the current sheath at that
height. These preliminary results suggest that using some suitable material, the path of the current sheath can be
diverted to any desired direction and then guided to converge at a preselected point. © 1997 Elsevier Science S.A.
Due to extensive research conducted on the is that the probe-sheath interaction greatly in-
focus devices in various laboratories, the scope of creases the pinch filament size as well as the x-ray
the device has gone far beyond its conventional intensity. In Section 2 the experimental arrange-
use as an intense neutron and X-ray source. For ment and the diagnostic tools used are described.
example in 1993 plasma focus had been success- Section 3 contains the results while Section 4
fully employed by Rawat et al. [7] to crystallize presents the conclusion.
the as-grown R F sputter amorphous thin film of
lead zirconate titanate (PZT). Amorphization of
crystalline Cds film was achieved by Ratna and 2. Experimental set up and diagnostics
Srivastava [8] in 1993 by energetic argon ions
irradiation, generated in the dense plasma focus. Our low energy Mather-type plasma focus is
Operation of a Mather-type plasma focus device energized by a single 32 laF, 15 kV (3.6 kJ)
as a compact electron accelerator was tested in capacitor along with a cost-effective pressurized
1985 by Smith et al. [9]. The extraction of acceler- spark gap. The electrode system as reported ear-
ated electrons may be used to bombard a suitable lier [6,13] consists of a 154 mm long copper rod of
target for the production of X-rays. In 1986 Kato 18 mm diameter as an anode with some modifica-
and Be [10] experimentally tested the feasibility of tion for the extraction of the electron beam. This
a dense plasma focus as a source for soft X-ray central anode is co-axially surrounded by six 10
lithography, and in 1988 Venneri et al. [11] suc- mm thick Cu rods forming the cathode. These
cessfully demonstrated the use of a plasma focus rods are tightly screwed to a Cu plate which has
as a wiggler for the free electron laser. Gratton et its circular edge very sharp near the anode so as
al. [12] in 1986 suggested that the plasma foci can to create favorable breakdown conditions at the
also find applications in inertial confinement fu- bottom of the accelerator.This assembly of six
sion as drivers for pellet implosions. Using their electrodes is firmly screwed to another Cu plate
model, they showed that the plasma column of called the cathode header. An insulator sleeve of
the focus fed by a capacitor bank of a few hun- pyrex glass, with a breakdown length of 25 mm is
dred kilojoules is, potentially, a driver comparable inserted between the co-axial electrode assembly
to a multi beam kilojoule Nd laser facility. They for electrical isolation. The length of the anode
also emphasized the role of plasma focus research and the insulator sleeve are chosen from the ex-
in the context of inertial confinement. perimental results reported elsewhere [14-16]. A
In this paper we report the effect of the pres- 13 mm thick rubber disc of 100 mm diameter is
ence of a magnetic probe placed near the elec- used to support the insulator sleeve without
trodes of the device on the current sheath touching the anode rod or the sharp-edged
dynamics. The X-ray images recorded by a pin- cathode-base plate.
hole camera during the radial collapse phase re- Fig. 1 depicts the geometry of the electrodes
veal that the current sheath climbs up the glass and that of the chamber along with the relevant
tube for several centimeters. X-ray signal intensity diagnostic. To extract the electron beam, a
as recorded by the pin-diode is found to be almost through hole of 5 mm diameter is drilled at the
doubled compared to the case when no magnetic anode axis, which provides a collimated path for
probe is present. Multiple foci formations ob- the electron beam to reach the Faraday cup
served from the very first shot are attributed to resided in a specially fabricated etalon chamber.
the p r o b e - s h e a t h interaction. Replacing the old To suppress the prior secondary electron emission
glass sleeve insulator by a fresh one did not alter due to the intense electromagnetic radiations the
the observation. cup is properly covered with a 27 ~tm aluminium
Interestingly, the probe presence widens the Ar foil, so that the beam electrons with range greater
filling pressure range from 0.25-2.25 to 0.25-3.25 than the foil thickness are collected by the collec-
mbar and improves the focusing action, though tor. a magnetic probe having 10 turns is employed
multiple. A significant finding in this experiment to measure the localized magnetic field, which is
M. Zakaullah et al. / Fusion Engineering and Design 36 (1997) 437 446 439
fabricated from an enameled wire of thickness 0.1 that is, by removing its safety glass cover and
mm. The circular cross sectional area and the inserting a 9 gm thick aluminum foil to screen the
length of the solenoidal type probe are respec- visible light.
tively 1.77 mm 2 and 1.5 mm. The probe is placed To record the transient high voltage across the
in a capillary-like long glass tube sealed at one focus tube, a simple resistor divider commonly
end, the insertion mechanism from the top flange known as the high voltage (HV) probe with a
of the chamber is such that we can move it up and response time of about 15 ns is connected across
down without disturbing the vacuum. The x-ray the anode and cathode headers. For simultaneous
emission is monitored using a pin-hole camera recording of all the four signals, that is, the HV
and a BPX-65 pin diode for time-integrated and probe, magnetic probe, electron beam and X-ray
time-resolved information. The X-ray pin-hole signals, a four-channel Gould 4090 digital storage
oscilloscope (DSO) is employed.
camera was installed on one of the flanges just in
front of the focus filament. A 45 cm long stainless
steel pipe having a diameter of 4.0 cm serves as
3. Results
the main black box of the camera containing a
prism-shape film holder of aluminum 15 cm long
We operated the system by charging a 32 gF
and a triangular base 2.5 cm on each side. The
single capacitor at 12 kV with a discharge energy
whole assembly of the camera is fabricated and
of 2.3 kJ per shot. The chamber was evacuated up
adjusted in such a manner that we can move to 10 - : mbar with the help of a rotary pump and
and/or rotate the film holder to record 15 snaps Ar was used as a filling gas. We performed the
without disturbing the vacuum. A pin-hole of experiment with the magnetic probe inserted and
diameter 0.5 mm is found adequate in our experi- recorded the high voltage probe, magnetic probe,
mental conditions. The time-resolved information X-ray and electron beam signals. The X-ray pin-
is obtained by slightly modifying the pin-diode hole camera was not yet operated. Surprisingly,
right from the start we observed multiple loci
m Er ta(on formations on the oscilloscope. We tried our best
I Rubber
to adjust the various parameters like the probe
neti¢ ~ O-Rina position with respect to the anode tip as well as
the pressure of the filling gas to get a single
focusing spike, but without success.
As we had reported earlier [13], the characteris-
tics of the plasma focus device varies as the
contamination of the glass sleeve grows. Indeed, a
slight contamination in the initial stage is essential
for good breakdown and focusing action. But an
overgrowth of contamination leads to multiple
Socket foci formation. As we proceeded with our experi-
chamber ment with the magnetic probe, employing a glass
sleeve which had already sustained a few hundred
shots, we found that the multiple loci persisted
~ S.Steel right from the start. We therefore decided to
Ill] Insulatorsleeve
Electron bea~
collector Aluminium
replace the contaminated sleeve by a fresh one so
chamber Fitm Holder
as to avoid the multiple foci. However, they per-
sisted as if the uncontaminated sleeve made no
Fig. 1. Schematic of the plasma focus electrode system and difference. We then decided to also record the
magnetic probe insertion mechanism along with the X-ray X-ray images of the focus region so as to get a
pin-diode, X-ray pin-hole camera and Faraday cup installed. picture of the interior of the system, first by
440 M. Zakaullah et al./Fusion Engineering and Design 36 (1997) 437 446
m m
0.25 mbar 0.5 mbar
0 mm 3 mm
Fig. 2. Semi-optical images of the focus plasma with (0.1 + 35) lam aluminized myler filter (a) for a fixed position 6 mm above the
anode and for different filling pressure, (b) for a fixed pressure of 0.25 mbar and varying probe position.
inserting a semi-optical aluminized myler filter of current sheath is required to sweep more and
thickness 0.1 + 35 gm and then by a light-tight 2 more mass which reduces its snowplow efficiency.
lam aluminum filter in front of the pin-hole, In the The semi-optical images of the focus tube were
former case, we observed that the current sheath recorded against pressure keeping the probe posi-
climbs up the magnetic probe for up to several tion fixed and are given in Fig. 2(a); in Fig. 2(b)
centimeters. The climbing capability of the cur- images are shown keeping the pressure fixed but
rent sheath however reduces as the pressure in the varying the probe position.
chamber is increased. Perhaps what is happening Next, a light-tight AI filter of 2 lam thickness is
is that as the pressure is increased gradually, the employed so as to identify the X-ray source region
M. Zakaullah et al. / Fusion Engineering and Design 36 (1997) 437-446 441
0.75 mbar 1.0 mbar 1.25 mbar
0.25 mbar 0.5 mbar
m m
mbar 1.75 mbar 2.0 mbar 2.25 mbar 2.5 mbar
mm 3 mm 6 mm 9 mm 12 mm
m l/ 15 mm 21 mm 24 mm (b)
Fig. 3. X-ray images of the focus plasma with a 2 ~m light-tight aluminum filter (a) for a fixed position 6 mm above the anode and
for different filling pressures, (b) for a fixed pressure of 0.25 mbar and varying probe position.
442 M. Zakaullah et al./ Fusion Engineering and Design 36 (1997) 437--446
I ! , i ! i I , I
I I I l ' I I I
i i I I I I I I i
(a) (c)
I I I I i i I i i
(b) (d)
Fig. 4. A typical set of oscilloscope signals along with the X-ray image of the same shot. (a) High voltage probe signal 1 V div
500 ns d i v - '; (b) magnetic probe signal, 10 mV d i v - ', 500 ns div ~; (c) X-ray signal, 1 V div ', 500 ns div ~; (d) electron-beam
signal 2 V div ', 500 ns div ~; (e) X-ray image.
in the focus plasma. Fig. 3a represents X-ray able for good focusing action near the anode tip.
images keeping the probe distance fixed at 6 mm Simultaneous signals of the HV probe, mag-
above the anode tip and scanning the pressure, netic probe, X-ray and electron beam are
whereas Fig. 3b depicts X-ray images keeping recorded using a four channel DSO. One set of
pressure fixed but varying the probe position. It is typical signals along with the X-ray image of the
interesting to note from Fig. 3b that the intensity corresponding shot is depicted in Fig. 4. To allow
as well as the size of the X-ray source region near the electron beam to reach the Faraday cup with-
the anode tip increases as the probe is lifted away out disturbing the focus plasma just above the
from the anode. This observation may be ex- anode, the magnetic probe is adjusted to 12 mm
plained from the images displayed in Fig. 2b. The away from the center of the anode. Note that,
ability of the current sheath to climb up the probe corresponding to the multiple focus spikes, there
is enhanced as the probe is brought nearer the are similar X-ray signal Spikes but only one elec-
anode, which in turn, reduces the current avail- tron beam signal spike. Since the electron beam to
M. Zakaullah et al. / Fusion Engineering and Design 36 (1997) 437-446 443
i 7- > 0.75
i 5-
j o.25
'~ 2,
I' >o
o~s Co :s 2'o 2's a'o a~s
(c) Pressure (mbar) cc
6b with Fig. 7a we note that the behavior of the (b) Pressure (m bor) •
electron beam signal which initially gets inverted Fig. 7. In the absence of the magnetic probe, average variation
due to the probe-sheath interaction continues of (a) the electron beam (b) the X-ray signal intensity viz-a-
even up to 3.25 mbar Ar filling pressure. This is to Ar filling pressure.
M. Zakaullah et al./ Fusion Engineering and Design 36 (1997) 437-446 445
1 mbar
increase due to the degradation of snowplow effi-
ciency. X-ray images recorded in the pressure
range 0.25-3.25 mbar clearly indicate enhance-
ment of intensity as well as enlargement of the
X-ray emitting source. When no probe is inserted
in the system, the pressure range is restricted to
0.25-2.5 mbar only. Enhancement of intensity is
also confirmed by the X-ray pin-diode signal. The
1 mbar
electron beam is detected for the pressure range
0.25-3.25 mbar when the probe is inserted and
for 0.25-2.25 mbar with no probe.
Current sheath velocity after the first conver-
gence above the anode tip is estimated to be
about 107 cm s ~. The formation of an intense
X-ray emitting spot occurs at about 9 cm above
the anode and is due to the refocusing of the fast
moving current sheath at that height. The ob-
served phenomenon strongly supports the idea
suggested by Gratton et al. [12] that attention
must be paid to the plasma focus research in the
context of target implosion for inertial confi-
1.25 mbar
It is not so clear at this stage what causes the
current sheath to climb up the probe and why the
I mbar
pressure range is broadened for the efficient elec-
tron and X-ray emission. Perhaps, the polariza-
tion of the magnetic probe material generates an
electric field which provides an additional force to
lift up the current sheath.
To conclude, the magnetic probe presence near
the focus region of the accelerator enhances the
electron X-ray emission from the pinch filament.
It also broadens the pressure range for the plasma
focus operation. This study, however is far from
complete. A more comprehensive and systematic
study is in order using several diagnostics in par-
2.25 mbar
Fig. 8. In the absence of the magnetic probe, the X-ray
pin-hole images of the focus plasma for differentpressures.