Mahesh Vaze: National Institute of Technology
Mahesh Vaze: National Institute of Technology
Mahesh Vaze: National Institute of Technology
• Deep understanding of fluid mechanics, heat transfer, multiphysics, MHD, FSI etc. – as
applied to modeling and simulation.
• Proficient in complex CFD modeling & simulation, and experiments in fluid mechanics.
• Versatile in handling CFD softwares, developing CFD codes and applying theories according
to the project.
• Ability to manage and execute multiple tasks simultaneously with equal dedication to each
National Institute of Technology Surat, India
Ph. D in Mechanical Engineering 2006 – 2011
Topic: Experimental and Numerical Investigations
on Air-Water Two-Phase Flow
The M S University of Baroda Vadodara, India
Masters of Engineering in Mechanical 2001 – 2005
ABB Bangalore, India
Senior Scientist May 2018 - Present
◦ Multi-physics Modeling of Underground Mines
◦ Multiphysics Modeling of Fuel Cells
◦ Electromechanical Analysis of Relays
◦ Multiphysics modeling of Coriolis flowmeter
◦ CFD analysis on pressure drop and water penetration for weather louvre - ANSYS
◦ CFD investigation of arc velocity in Rail Gun Geometry – ANSYS Fluent and User Define
◦ Thermal analysis of SF6 and Vacuum Switchgear – ANSYS CFX and ICEM CFD
◦ Thermal analysis of LED light products (Bulbs, Street Lights, Flood Lights etc.) –
◦ Flow and thermal analysis (electronics cooling) of Variable frequency drives (VFD) and
Global transformer monitoring operation and control (GTMOC) – FloEfd
• Systems :
Windows, Linux
• Applications :
MS Word, Excel, Power Point, Latex
• Languages :
• Modeling Tools :
Space claim, Solid works, Auto CAD, Gambit
• Meshing Tools :
ICEM CFD (Hexa and Tetra), Gambit, ANSYS, SnappyHexMesh
OpenFOAM, Fluent and User Defined Programming, CFX,
• CFD Tools :
FloSim, FloEfd
• Multiphysics Tools : COMSOL, CFD Ace, ANSYS, OpenFOAM
• Post-Processing Tools : CFD Post, Origin Pro, TecPlot, ParaView, Python
• Graduate Aptitude Test for Engineering (GATE) qualified with 92.66 percentile in 2001.
1. Mahesh Vaze and Mikko Kajava,“The Fuel Cell - A Green Powerhouse”, ABB Review,Q3,60–
2. Mahesh Vaze and J Banerjee,“A modified Chisholm’s interaction factor for air-water two-
phase flow through a horizontal pipe”, Multiphase Science and Technology, 25, 57, 2013.
3. Mahesh Vaze and J Banerjee, “Prediction of liquid height for onset of slug flow”, Canadian
Journal of Chemical Engineering, Wiley, 90, 1295, 2011.
4. Mahesh Vaze and J Banerjee, “Effect of inclination of flow and thermal characteristics of
air-water two-phase flow: An experimental investigation”, Computational Methods in Multi-
phase flow VI, WIT Transactons, 70, 213, 2011.
5. Mahesh Vaze and J Banerjee, “A modified heat transfer correlation for two phase flow”, Heat
and Mass Transfer, Springer, 47, 1159, 2011.
6. Mahesh Vaze and J Banerjee, “Experimental visualization of two-phase flow patterns and
transition from stratified to slug flow”, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engi-
neering Part C, 225, 382, 2010.
7. Mahesh Vaze and J Banerjee,“Visualization of air-water type two-phase flow patterns”, IUP
Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 3, 29, 2010.
1. Ajit Bhambure and Mahesh Vaze,“Pressure gradient method to resolve water flooding in
PEMFC”, European Fuel Cell Conference & Exhibition, Naples, Italy, 2019.
2. Mahesh Vaze, Miao Haiyan, Harish Gopalan, Poh Hee Joo and Lou Jing,“Methodology de-
velopment for wind driven cantilever vibration using ANSYS Fluent-Structural interaction”,
WCCM XII & APCOM VI, Seoul, Korea, 2016.
3. Mahesh Patil, Mahesh Vaze, Arvind Deshpande, and Sandeep Kulkarni, “Multiphysics based
CFD investigation of arc velocity in two-dimensional rail gun geometry”, SWICON, India,
6. Mahesh Vaze and J. Banerjee,“Estimation of wall shear stress in two-phase flow using Hot
Film Anemometry”, International Conference on Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics Tech-
nologies, Singapore, March 2012 (ISSN: 2010-460X).
7. Mahesh Vaze and J. Banerjee, “Experimental visualization of air-water two-phase flow”, 20th
National & 9th Int. conf. on Heat and Mass Transfer, IIT Bombay, India, Jan 2010, (Poster
8. Mahesh Vaze and J. Banerjee, “Numerical analysis of transition from stratified to slug type
of two-phase flow patterns”, 2nd International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engi-
neering (ICAME 2009), SVNIT, Surat, India, August 2009.
9. Mahesh Vaze and J. Banerjee, “CFD analysis of two-phase flow through pipes and square
duct”, 19th National & 8th ISHMT ASME – Heat and Mass Transfer Conference, JNTU, Hy-
derabad, Jan 2008.
10. Mahesh Vaze and J. Banerjee, “Numerical simulation of air-water intermittent type two-
phase flow”, National Conference on Hydraulics and Water Resources (HYDRO2007), SVNIT,
Surat, Dec 2007.
11. Mahesh Vaze and J. Banerjee, “CFD analysis of stratified two-phase flow through circular
pipes”, Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering (ETME), SVNIT, Surat, June 2007.
12. Mahesh Vaze and J. Banerjee, “CFD analysis of two-phase flow through inclined pipe”, 34th
National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power, Birla Institute of Technology,
Ranchi, Dec 2007.
13. Mahesh Vaze, A. Jejurkar and J. R. Mehta, “Ammonia-water mixture as working fluid in
power cycle and combined power and refrigeration cycles”, Advances in Mechanical Engi-
neering, Kota, March 2006.
14. Mahesh Vaze and H. S. Choksi, “Life assessment of steam turbine blade”, Design for Product
Life Cycle (DPLC2006), BITS Pilani, Feb 2006.
2. Thermal design and management in electronics organized by SAMEER and IISc Bangalore
during 7- 8 January 2008
5. Advanced ANSYS Fluent User Defined Functions at ANSYS Pune on 04 September 2012
6. Advanced Fluent Training: Combustion, turbulence and heat transfer at ANSYS Bangalore
on 29-31 October 2012
7. COMSOL conference and mini courses at COMSOL Bangalore on 2-3 November 2012
8. QIP on OpenFoam: a free computational fluid dynamics software at Rajarshi Shahu College,
Pune on 26-28 December 2013
11. QIP on Introduction to plasma for engineering at IIT Mumbai – 01 January -– 30 April 2015
12. QIP on Computational fluid dynamics and heat transfer at IIT Mumbai – 01 January -– 30
April 2015
1. Student Name : Mr. Mahesh Patil
College Name : Veer Mata Jijabai Technology Institute, Mumbai
Year : 2014 – 15
Topic : CFD investigation of arc velocity in rail gun geometry
• Multiphase flow modeling and its demonstration on ANSYS Fluent, AICTE Sponsored STTP
on CFD for engineers, SVNIT, Surat, Gujarat on 5th February 2010.
• CFD study of air-water two-phase flow at 3rd National conference on current trends in Tech-
nology NUCONE 2008, Gujarat, 27-29 November, 2008.