Economy 594
Economy 594
Economy 594
3. Which one of the following is different from 8. After textiles, India's second important
the others from the point of view of ownership? industry is :
A. Debenture of a Company A. Sugar
B. LIC Policy B. Cement
C. Bank Fixed Deposit C. Jute
D. Kisan Vikas Patra D. Iron and steel
Ans: B Ans: D
32. Which of the following is/are correct? 37. The basic attribute of a formal organization
I. Bulk of unemployment in India is in rural areas is :
II. The disguised unemployment in agricultural A. esteem and prestige
sector is perennial B. dominance and supremacy
III. Industrialisation has rendered several people C. rules and regulations
job-less in India D. roles and duties
Ans: C
A. I, II and III
B. I only 38. 'Conditionality' of an IMF loan to a member
C. I and II country stands for:
D. II and III A. schedule of disbursement of loan installments
Ans: C B. an assessment of the credit worthiness of the
33. Which one of the following Indian banks is C. the policy steps which the borrower country
not a nationalized bank? must take
A. Federal bank D. interest and repayment terms of the loan
B. Corporation Bank Ans: C
C. Vijaya Bank
D. Dena Bank 39. Deficit financing leads to inflation in
Ans: A general, but it can be checked if:
A. aggregate demand is increased only
34. Put in chronological order the following B. government expenditure leads to increase in
Special features/objectives of different Five Year aggregate supply in ratio of aggregate demand
Plans as they were first formulated: C. all the above
1. Mahalanobis strategy D. all the expenditure is denoted national debt
2. Modernisation payment only
3. Removal of Poverty Ans: B
4. Emphasis on employment generation
40. What percentage of country's demand for
A. 3,4,1,2 natural rubber is met by indigenous production:
B. 1,3,2,4 A. 100%
C. 2,1,3,4 B. 80%
D. 1,2,3,4 C. 97%
Ans: B D. 86%
Ans: D
35. Which of the following mints undertakes
refining of gold for licensed gold dealers and 41. Rising prices lead to all but one of the
production of medals for defence services? following:
A. None of the above A. adverse effect on speculation
B. The Kolkata Mint B. adverse effect on balance of payments
C. The Hyderabad Mint C. generation of black money
D. The Mumbai Mint D. promotion of inequalities
Ans: D Ans: A
36. Planning in India derives its objectives from: 42. Fiscal deficit in the Union Budget means:
A. Fundamental Duties A. the sum of budgetary deficit and net increase
B. Preamble in internal and external borrowings
56. During which Plan did prices show a 61. Convertibility of the rupee implies:
decline? A. allowing the value of the rupee to be fixed by
A. Fifth market forces
B. Third B. freely permitting the conversion of rupee to
C. First other major currencies and vice versa
D. None of the above C. developing an international market for
Ans: C currencies in India
D. being able to convert rupee notes into gold
57. In the last one decade, which one among the Ans: B
following sectors has attracted the highest
Foreign Direct Investment inflows into India? 62. The Minimum Needs Programme aims to:
A. Food processing A. None of these
B. Services sector B. improve the living condition of the poor and
C. Telecommunication also promote their education and health
65. What are gilt-edged securities? 71. During which Five Year Plan was the total
A. Securities issued by the private sectors expenditure on agriculture the highest?
B. Securities issued by the multinationals A. Third Five Year Plan
C. Securities issued by the joint venture B. Fourth Five Year Plan
companies C. Second Five Year Plan
D. Securities issued by the government D. First Five Year Plan
Ans: D Ans: B
66. Which of the following is not an affiliate of 72. National Income total reveals:
the Reserve Bank of India? 1. Production side of the economy
A. The Industrial Development Bank of India 2. Distribution side of the economy
B. Agricultural Refinance Corporation 3. Expenditure side of the economy
C. Unit Trust of India Choose your answer from
D. Deposit Insurance Corporation
Ans: C A. 2 only
B. 1, 2 and 3
86. The effect of inflation on tax revenue results 91. Private Sector Mutual Funds in India were
in a situation known as : permitted in
A. disinflation A. 1994
B. reflation B. 1964
C. stagflation C. 2001
D. fiscaldrag D. 1993
Ans: D Ans: D
87. Which of the following statements about 92. The period of high inflation and low
indirect taxes in India is/are true? economic growth is termed as:
1. Yield from indirect taxes is much more than A. take-off stage in economy
that from direct taxes B. none of these
2. Indirect taxes have grown faster than direct C. stagnation
taxes since independence D. stagflation
3. Indirect taxes are ultimately paid for by Ans: D
persons who do not actually pay the taxes to the
Government 93. The minimum effect of Direct Taxes is on :
4. Increase in indirect taxes is a welcome feature A. consumer goods
in a developing country B. income
A. 1, 2 and 4 C. capital goods
96. The system of value added taxation is 101. Which of the following is called a 'banker's
applicable to: cheque' ?
A. estate duty A. Demand draft
B. excise duties B. Debit card
C. taxes on agricultural income C. Pay order
D. income tax D. Fixed deposit
Ans: B Ans: A
97. A rapid increase in the rate of inflation is 102. When does the problem of unfavourable
sometimes attributed to the base effect What balance of payment arise?
isbase effect? " A. When exports decrease
A. It is the impact of drastic deficiency in supply B. When imports increase
due to failure of crops C. When exports increase
B. It is the impact of the price levels of previous D. When imports are greater than exports
year on the calculation of inflation rate Ans: D
C. None of the statements
D. It is the impact of the surge in demand due to 103. With reference to the government's
rapid economic growth welfare schemes, consider the following
Ans: A statements:
112. The functions of the Reserve Bank of India 117. Mashelkar Committee was constituted to
are: report on :
1. issuing all notes and coins A. auto fuel policy
2. distributing all notes and coins B. black money
3. formulating monetary policy C. constitutional changes
4. acting as agent of Government in respect of D. economic policy
India's membership of the IMF Ans: A
A. 1, 2, 3 and 4
B. 1, 3 and 4 118. Sickness of small units can be because of
C. 2, 3 and 4 the factors:
D. 2 and 3 1. under-utilisation of capacity 2. non-payment
Ans: C by the large firms
3. dependence on borrowed funds
113. EXIM Bank was set-up in : 4. lack of management expertise
A. 1986
B. 1982 A. 1, 2 and 3
C. 1985 B. 3 and 4
D. 1980 C. 1, 2 and 4
Ans: B D. 2, 3 and 4
Ans: C
114. The National Income is more at current
prices than at constant prices because: 119. What is 'Recession'?
A. increase in price is more than production A. None of these
B. increase in price is equal to increase in B. Rise in the cost of production, especially
production because of wage increase
C. increase in production is more than increase C. Increase in money supply without a matching
in price increase in production
D. of decrease in production only D. Reduction in production and employment for
Ans: C want of sufficient demand for goods
Ans: D
115. The cause of inflation is:
A. increase in money supply 120. The annual financial statement shows the
B. decrease in money supply and fall in receipts and payments of the government under
production the 3 parts in which government accounts are
C. fall in production kept in :
D. increase in money supply and fall in 1. Consolidated Fund
production 2. Contingency Fund
Ans: D 3. Public Account
Which of the following items are covered under
116. Microeconomics is concerned with: the Public Account?
1. behaviour of industrial decision-makers A. Funds placed at the disposal of the President
131. Success of 4th plan was obstructed by : 136. Which of these programs has not been
A. war with Pakistan included in the Swarna Jayanti Swarozgar
B. poor monsoon Yojana?
C. All of the above A. JR
D. problem of Bengal refugees B. DWCRA
Ans: C C. IRDP
132. The basic difference between imperative Ans: A
and indicative planning is that:
A. in the case of indicative planning, there is no 137. With reference to the Government of
139. The Green Revolution has led to : 144. Unemployment in a developing country
1. spurt in all foodgrains production generally takes place due to :
2. increase in regional inequalities A. switch over from one job to another
3. reduction in inter-personal inequalities within B. seasonal factors
a region C. lack of effective demand
4. good production in wheat D. lack of complementary factors of production
Ans: D
A. 2, 3 and 4
B. 1 and 3 145. Who is the Deputy Chairman of Planning
C. 1, 2 and 3 Commission?
D. 2 and 4 A. Commerce Minister
Ans: D B. Finance Minister
C. None of the above
140. Gross National Income is always more than D. Prime Minister
Net National Income because it includes: Ans: C
A. indirect taxes
B. direct taxes 146. The World Bank and IMF gives
C. capital consumption allowance respectively:
D. foreign income A. both long term credits
Ans: C B. long term and short term credits
C. short term and long term credits
141. In India, the Public Sector is most D. both short term credits
dominant in : Ans: B
A. organised term-lending financial institutions
B. transport 147. The States' debt does not include:
C. commercial banking A. loans from the Central Government
163. Which Agriculture export item is second in 169. Match the following:
case of India? A. Boom 1. Business activity at a high level with
A. Oil cake increasing income, output and employment at
B. Marine product macro level
C. Sugar B. Recession 2. Gradual fall in income, output
D. Rice and employment with business activity in a low
Ans: D gear
C. Recovery 3. Steady rise in the general price
164. When was decimal coinage introduced in level and income, output and employment
India? D. Depression 4. Unprecedented level of
A. 1960 unemployment and drastic fall in income and
B. 1957 output
C. 1947 ABCD
D. 1950 A. 2 1 4 3
190. Funds belonging to Government of India 195. Which of the following is not a method of
are kept in: estimating national income?
1. Consolidated Fund of India A. Export-import method
2. Public Account Fund of India B. Expenditure method
3. Contingency Fund of India C. Income method
D. Value-added method
A. 1 and 2 Ans: A
B. 1, 2 and 3
C. 1 and 3 196. India's oldest iron and steel plant is :
D. 2 and 3 A. TISCO at Jamshedpur
Ans: B B. TISCO at Burnpur
C. Rourkela Iron and Steel Plant
191. The decentralisation system was D. Durgapur Iron and Steel Plant
recommended by : Ans: A
A. C.Rajagopalachari
B. J.B. Kripalan 197. Put in chronological order 1. Constitution
C. Balwant Rai Mehta of National Planning Committee -by the Indian
D. Ashok Mehta National Congress under Jawaharlal Nehru
Ans: C 2. Planned Economy for India by Visvesvaraya
192. Which State stands first in the length of 3. Bombay Plan
roads in the country? 4. Setting up of the National Development
A. Madhya Pradesh Council
B. Rajasthan
C. Maharashtra A. 3, 2, 4, 1
D. Uttar Pradesh B. 1, 2, 3, 4
Ans: C C. 2, 3, 1, 4
D. 2, 1, 3, 4
193. Fiscal deficit in the budget means: Ans: D
A. Primary deficit minus capital deficit
B. Capital deficit plus revenue deficit 198. The first estimate of national income in
C. Budgetary deficit plus the net borrowings of India was made by:
the government A. Mahalanobis
D. Revenue deficit plus the net borrowings of B. V.K.R.V. Rao
the government C. Dadabhai Naoroji
Ans: C D. Prof. Sheroi
Ans: C
194. Consider the following statements:
1. The nation-wide scheme of the National Child 199. Estimation of national income in India is
Labour Projects (NCLP) is run by the Union difficult due to :
Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment. I. illiteracy of people
202. Regional rural banks: 207. The book Wealth of Nations' was written
1. have limited area of operation by:
2. have free access to liberal refinance facilities A. Eric Roll
from NABARD B. Adam Smith
3. are required to lend only to weaker sections C. Harold Laski
D. J.M. Keynes
A. 1 and 3 Ans: B
B. 1 and 2
C. 1, 2 and 3 208. A country is said to be in a debt trap if:
D. 2 and 3 A. the World Bank charges a very high rate of
Ans: C interest on outstanding as well as new loans
B. it has to abide by the conditionalities imposed
203. Companies pay Corporation Tax on their: by the International Monetary Fund
A. production C. it has to borrow to make interest payments on
B. incomes outstanding loans
C. sales proceeds D. it has been refused loans or aid by creditors
213. According to the RBI directions, a NBFC 217. The first Bank established in India was
(Non-Banking Finance Company) must possess a A. Punjab National Bank
Net-owned Fund of the amount: B. Traders Bank
A. minimum Rs. 50 lakh C. State Bank of India
B. minimum Rs. 25 lakh D. Bank of Hindustan
240. The rate of growth of per capita income is 244. National Development Council was set up
equal to: in:
A. Rate of growth of national income minus the A. 1952
rate of growth of population B. 1951
B. Rate of growth of national income divided by C. 1948
the rate of growth of population D. 1950
C. Rate of growth of national income Ans: A
D. Growth in national income divided by the
increase in population 245. Which among the following is the oldest
Ans: A Development Financial Institution of India?
241. The 11th Five Year Plan strategy to raise B. UTI
agricultural output envisages which of the C. IDBI
following? D. IFCI
1. Greater attention to land reforms. Ans: D
2. Double the rate of growth of irrigated area.
3. Promote animal husbandry and fishery. 246. Which of the following statements is
4. Interest free credit to the farmers. correct?
Select the correct answer A. The Prime Minister is the Chairman of the
Planning Commission
A. 2 and 3 only B. The draft plan is prepared by the National
B. 2 and 4 only Development Council
C. 1, 2 and 3 C. The Minister of Planning is always necessarily
D. 1 and 2 only the Deputy Chairman of Planning Commission
Ans: C D. Planning Commission is a constitutional body
Ans: A
242. The rising prices in India can be checked
through: 247. What do you understand by Bear raid?
1. Budgetary policy A. An attempt to bring down the price of strong
289. What is Green Gold? 294. A tax that takes away a higher proportion
A. Coffee of one's income as the income rises is termed as
B. Tea A. indirect tax
307. An underdeveloped economy is generally 311. Which of the following are not features of
characterised by : India's small-scale industries in general?
1. Iow per capital income 1. large employment potential
2. Iow rate of capital formation 2. great export potential
3. Iow dependency figure 3. highly skilled labour
4. working force largely in the tertiary sector 4. efficient marketing system
A. 1 and 4 A. 3 and 4
B. 2 and 3 B. 1 and 3
C. 1 and 2 C. 1 and 2
D. 3 and 4 D. 2 and4
Ans: C Ans: A
326. If saving exceeds investment, the national 331. Deficit financing is spending:
income will : A. in excess of revenue
A. remain constant B. by getting foreign aid
B. rise C. less than what is needed
C. fluctuate D. by borrowing from abroad
D. fall Ans: A
Ans: A
332. Match the following:
327. The national income of India is estimated Institutions Year of Formation
mainly through: A. National Stock Exchange 1. 1989
A. production and expenditure methods B. OTCEI 2. 1992
B. production and income methods C. SEBI 3. 1993
C. expenditure method alone D. CARE 4. 1988
D. production method alone ABCD
Ans: B
A. 1 2 3 4
328. The main reason for low growth rate in B. 3 1 4 2
385. The tax whose share in overall taxation 391. The special paper required for printing of
revenue has gone up rapidly during the planning currency notes by the Security Presses In the
period is : country is manufactured at :
A. wealth tax A. Hyderabad
B. capital gains tax B. Dewas
C. income tax C. Hoshangabad
D. tax on production D. Kolkata
Ans: D Ans: C
386. The prices at which the government 392. The Issue Department of the RBI maintains
purchases food grains for maintaining the public a _______ against printing of notes:
distribution system and for building up buffer A. Proportional Reserve System
stocks are known as : B. Proportional Foreign Securities Reserve
A. Issue Prices System
B. Ceiling Prices C. Minimum Reserve System
C. Procurement Prices D. Proportional Gold Reserve System
D. Minimum Support Prices Ans: C
Ans: C
393. GDR means:
387. Which statement is correct for Indian A. 'global development range' which has been
Planning Commission? set up by UNO for developing countries
A. Members and Vice-Chairman of it do not have B. 'geographically developed regions' as defined
fixed working duration by the UNDP
B. Members do not require any minimum C. 'gross domestic ratio' which is a macro
education aggregate
C. It is not defined in Indian Constitution D. 'global depository receipt' which is the
D. All of the these mechanism to raise funds from international
Ans: D market
Ans: D
388. In recent years the capital outlays for the
defence service have been: 394. The earlier name of the WTO was:
A. increasing steadily A. OECD
B. more or less constant B. UNCTAD
C. fluctuating frequently C. GATT
D. going down steeply D. UNIDO
Ans: A Ans: C
406. Poverty in less developed countries is 412. The deputy chairman of the Planning
largely due to Commission:
A. lack of intelligence of the people A. is an economist of repute
B. voluntary idleness B. is the Prime Minister
C. income inequality C. holds the rank of a cabinet minister
D. lack of cultural activities D. is the Planning Minister
Ans: C Ans: C
407. Basel II relates to which one of the 413. Under VAT, how many slabs are there?
following? A. 4
A. Measures against cyber crimes B. 3
B. International standards for measuring the C. 2
adequacy of a bank's capital D. 5
C. International standards for safety in civil Ans: A
D. Measures against drug abuse by sports 414. Consequent 'upon the recommendations of
persons the Working Group on Rural Banks, 5 Rural
Ans: B Regional Banks were initially set up in the year
A. 1973
408. Which one of the following situations B. 1975
makes a firm most efficient? C. 1974
A. Falling average costs D. 1976
B. Constant average costs Ans: B
C. Rising average costs
D. Lowest average costs 415. Which one of the following Five-Year Plans
Ans: D recognised human development as the core of all
developmental efforts?
409. Which of the following provides the largest A. The Eighth Five-Year Plan
part of the demand for loanable funds in India? B. The Sixth Five-Year Plan
A. Corporate businesses C. The Fifth Five-Year Plan
B. Private-house purchasers D. The Third Five-Year Plan
C. Hire-purchase borrowers Ans: A
D. Farmers
Ans: A 416. The primary objective of Unit Trust of India
410. Which of the following taxes is not levied A. to promote the investment habit among those
by the Union Government? who have not been able to diversify investment
A. Profession Tax risk
B. Income Tax B. to accumulate funds for public investment
C. Wealth Tax expenditure
D. Excise Duty C. to assist the industries in financial difficulties
417. The recommendations of the Finance 422. Consider the following statements:
Commission are: Full convertibility of the rupee may mean:
A. not binding on the government 1. its free float with other international
B. binding on the government currencies.
C. accepted or rejected by the government 2. its direct exchange with any other
according to its convenience international currency at any prescribed place
D. generally accepted as a matter of convention inside and outside the country.
Ans: C 3. it acts just like any other international
418. Consider the following financial Which of these statements are correct?
institutions of India: A. 1 and 3
1. Industrial Finance Corporation of India (IFCI) B. 1, 2 and 3
2. Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation C. 1 and 2
of India (ICICI) D. 2 and 3
3. Industrial Development Bank of India (IDBI) Ans: C
4. National Bank for Agriculture and Rural
Development (NABARD) 423. Octroi is levied and collected by:
The correct chronological sequence of the A. local bodies
establishment of these institutions is : B. State Government
A. 1, 2, 3, 4 C. all the above
B. 2, 3, 4, 1 D. Centre
C. 3, 4, 1, 2 Ans: A
D. 4, 1, 2, 3
Ans: A 424. How do we define the terms bull and bear
with regard to stock markets?
419. Who is called the 'Father of Economics' ? A. There is nothing significantly different as
A. Max Muller both operate in the capital market
B. None of these B. A bull is ready to buy any share; a bear only
C. Adam Smith deals in government securities
D. Karl Marx C. A bull is an optimistic operator who first buys
Ans: C and then sells shares in expectation of the price
going up; a bear is a pessimistic market operator
420. Monetary policy is regulated by: who sells the shares in expectation of buying
A. Central Bank them back at a lower price
B. private entrepreneurs D. Bull is one who first sells a share and then
C. money lenders buys it at a lower price; bear means one who
D. Government policy first buys and then sells it in expectation of
Ans: A prices going up
Ans: C
421. Consider the following statements:
In India, stamp duties on financial transactions 425. Which of the following is/are treated as
are: artificial currency?
1. levied and collected by the State Government A. Both ADR and SDR
2. appropriated by the Union Government B. SDR
Which of the statements is/are correct? C. GDR
A. Only 2 D. ADR
B. Only 1 Ans: B
429. Inflation is caused as a result of: 435. Which of the following factors contributes
A. fall in production to an inflationary trend?
B. increase in money supply A. 15% fall in production of industrial goods
C. increase in money supply without a B. 15% increase in prices of agricultural
corresponding increase in production products
D. decrease in money supply without a C. 15% increase in supply of money in the
corresponding decrease in production market
Ans: C D. none of these
Ans: C
430. The place where bankers meet and settle
their mutual claims and accounts is known as : 436. The basic objectives of Indian planning are:
A. collection Centre 1. economic growth
B. treasury 2. self-reliance
C. clearing House 3. employment generation
D. dumping Ground 4. population growth
Ans: C
A. 1, 2 and 4
431. Sector-wise, maximum employment in the B. 1, 2 and 3
public sector is in : C. 1, 2, 3 and 4
A. finance, insurance and real estate D. 2 and 3
B. transport, storage and communication Ans: B
C. community, social and personal services
D. electricity, gas and water 437. The steel plants at Durgapur, Bhilai and
Ans: C Rourkela were established during the period of:
A. Fourth Five Year PIan
468. In the short run, a producer continues his 474. The best way, a bank can avoid loss is to :
production as long as he covers: A. give only short-term loans
A. marginal cost B. accept sound collateral
B. average cost C. lend only to individuals known to the bank
C. fixed cost D. lend only to bank's old customers
D. variable cost Ans: C
Ans: C
475. Gross National Product is less than Gross
469. Voting rights in the IMF are distributed on Domestic Product depending upon whether:
the basis of: A. net factor income from abroad is positive or
A. proportion to quota alloted to countries from negative
time to time B. indirect taxes are more than subsidies
B. one country, one vote C. indirect taxes are less than subsides
C. proportion to the share of the income of the D. depreciation is included or not
country in the world income Ans: A
D. proportion to contributions given by each
country 476. Among the achievements of Indian
Ans: A planning, we may include:
1. development of strong infrastructure
470. India has: 2. diversification of industry and exports
A. Mixed economy 3. high growth of national income
B. Free economy 4. strong control over prices
C. Socialistic economy
D. Gandhian economy A. 2 and 3
Ans: A B. 1, 2 and 4
C. 1, 2 and 3
471. The Five Year Plans of India intend to D. 1 and 2
develop the country industrially through: Ans: D
A. the public sector
B. the private sector 477. One of the following leads to
C. increasing collaboration with non-resident underestimation of national income in India: 1.
Indians Inflation
D. the public, private, joint and Cooperative 2. Devaluation
sectors 3. Non-Monetary consumption
Ans: D 4. Large unorganized sector
Choose correct answer from:
472. The Imperial Bank of India, after A. 1, 3 and 4
nationalisation was given the name of: B. 2, 3 and 4
A. Bank of India C. 1, 2, 3 and 4
B. Reserve Bank of India D. 3 and 4
C. State Bank of India Ans: D
D. Indian Overseas Bank
Ans: C 478. When was the decimal system of currency
491. Consider the following statements: 495. Which of the following may be termed as
In India, taxes on transactions in Stock long-term objectives of Indian planning?
Exchanges and Futures Markets are 1. levied by 1. Self-reliance
the Union 2. Productive employment generation
2. collected by the States 3. Growth of 7 per cent per annum
Which of the statements given above is/are 4. Growth in infrastructure
A. 2 only A. 1, 2 and 4
B. Both 1 and 2 B. 3 and 4
C. Neither 1 nor 2 C. 2, 3 and 4
D. 1 only D. 1 and 2
Ans: D Ans: D
492. The increase in agricultural production is 496. Which one of the following is a revamp of
due to: 1. increase in area under crops the Integrated Rural Development Programme?
2. improvement in yield A. Community-based Pro-poor Initiative
3. improvement in cropping pattern B. Swarnajayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana
4. effective implementation of land reforms C. Jawahar Gram Samridhi Yojana
D. National Social Assistance Programme
A. 1, 2, 3 and 4 Ans: B
B. 1 and
C. 1, 2 and 3 497. The standard of living in a country is
D. 1 and 3 represented by its:
Ans: C A. poverty ratio
498. Which two of the following nationalized 504. Which of the statements given above is/are
banks have been merged as per the correct?
recommendation of the Narsimhan Committee? 1. The USSR assisted in the building of the
A. New Bank of India and Bank of India Bhilai Steel plant.
B. Parur Bank of India and Bank of India 2. The British assisted in the building of the
C. Punjab National Bank and New Bank of India Bokaro Steel plant.
D. Central Bank of India and Corporation Bank
Ans: C A. Neither 1 nor 2
B. Both 1 and 2
499. Which one of the following is not related to C. 1 only
United Nations? D. 2 only
A. International Finance Corporation Ans: C
B. Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency
C. International Centre for Settlement of 505. Which one of the following Public Sector
Investment Disputes banks' emblem figures a dog and the words
D. Bank for International Settlements 'faithful, friendly' in it ?
Ans: D A. Syndicate Bank
B. Oriental Bank of Commerce
500. The headquarters of World Trade C. Punjab National Bank
Organisation is in : D. State Bank of India
A. Geneva Ans: A
B. Montreal
C. The Hague 506. Poverty Gap is :
D. Seattle A. gap between the rich and the poor
Ans: A B. the difference between poverty line and
actual income levels of all those living below that
501. Which of the following is not part of state line
tax? C. gap between developed nations and
A. Stamp duty other than financial documents developing nations
B. Sales and purchase of newspapers D. gap in infrastructural facilities between
C. Entertainment tax developed and developing nations
D. Land revenue Ans: B
Ans: B
507. The Indian budget includes:
502. In which Plan was the growth rate target A. revised estimates for the current year
exceeded? B. budget estimates for the following year
A. First C. actual figures of the preceding year
B. Fifth D. all of these
C. None of these Ans: D
D. Sixth
Ans: A 508. M1 includes:
A. demand deposit with bank
503. Who is responsible for the collection and B. other deposits with RBI
publication of monetary and financial C. currency with public
information? D. all of the above
A. Finance Commission Ans: D
511. Consider the following statements: 515. Which of the statements given below is/are
1. life Insurance Corporation of India is the correct?
oldest insurance company in India. 1. Food for Work Programme was launched in
2. National Insurance Company limited was India during the 10th Five Year Plan.
nationalized in the year 1972 and made a 2. The Planning Commission in India is a
subsidiary of General Insurance Corporation of constitutional body.
3. Headquarters of United India Insurance A. Both 1 and 2
Company limited are located at Chennai. B. Neither 1 nor 2
Which of the statements given above are C. 1 only
correct? D. 2 only
A. 1 and 3, only Ans: C
B. 1 and 2, only
C. 2 and 3, only 516. Economic growth is usually coupled with
D. 1, 2 and 3 A. stagflation
Ans: C B. hyperinflation
C. deflation
512. With reference to Indian economy, D. inflation
consider the following statements: Ans: D
1. The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) has
increased by four times in the last 10 years. 517. Which one of the following is the correct
2. The percentage share of Public Sector in GDP sequence in the decreasing order of contribution
has declined in the last 10 years. of different sectors to the Gross Domestic
Which of the statements given above is/are Product of India ?
correct? A. Services-Industry-Agriculture
A. 1 only B. Services-Agriculture-Industry
B. Both 1 and 2 C. Industry-Agriculture-Services
C. 2 only D. Industry-Services-Agriculture
520. In India, the concepts ofminimum heeds 525. Participatory Notes (PNs) are associated
anddirected anti-poverty programmes were the with which one of the following?
innovations of: " A. United Nations Development Programme
A. Sixth Five-year Plan B. Foreign Institutional Investors
B. Seventh Five-year Plan C. Consolidated Fund of India
C. Fourth Five-year Plan D. Kyoto Protocol
D. Fifth Five-year Plan Ans: B
Ans: D
526. In India, which of the following is
521. Inflationary Gap is a situation regulated by the Forward Markets Commission?
characterized by: A. Currency Futures Trading
A. excess of Aggregate Demand over Aggregate B. Both Commodities Futures and Financial
Supply at the full employment level Futures Trading
B. Inflation coupled with recession C. Commodities Futures Trading
C. gap between Galloping Inflation and Runaway D. Equity Futures Trading
Inflation Ans: C
D. Inflation that usually prevails in a developing
country 527. An individual's actual standard of living
Ans: A can be assessed by
A. Per Capital Income
522. With reference to BRIC countries, consider B. Disposable Personal Income
the following statements: C. Gross National Income
1. At present, China's GDP is more than the D. Net National Income
combined GDP of all the three other countries. Ans: B
2. China's population is more than the combined
population of any two other countries. 528. Match the following:List-I List-II
Which of the statements given above is/are A. Depression 1. Coexistence-of inflation and
correct? stagnation
B. Recession 2. Recovery from depression
A. Both 1 and 2 C. Reflation 3. Reduction in production over a
B. 2 only short period
584. More than one-third of the crude steel 589. Consider the following:
production of the world comes from 1. Life expectancy at birth
A. Russia 2. Gross enrolment ratio for schools
B. China 3. Adult Literacy rate
C. U.S.A. 4. Per capita income
D. Japan Which of the above is/are the parameters for the
Ans: B measurement of Human Development Index by
585. 'Dumping' in the context of international A. 1, 2 and 4
trade refers to : B. 4 only
A. exporting goods of inferior quality C. 1, 2, 3 and 4
B. exporting goods at prices below the actual D. 1 and 3
cost of production Ans: C
C. exporting goods only to re-import them at
cheaper rates 590. Fresh evalution of every item of
D. exporting goods without paying the expenditure from the very beginning of each
appropriate taxes in the receiving country financial year is called:
Ans: B A. deficit Budgeting
B. performance Budgeting
586. The strategic aim of IRDP is : C. fresh Budgeting
A. to provide more opportunities for rural D. zero-based Budgeting
employment and credit facilities at concessional Ans: D
rate of interest
B. to provide the required inputs for increasing 591. Bokaro Steel Limited was established with
agricultural productivity the assistance of:
C. to reduce unemployment A. USA
D. none of these B. Germany
Ans: A C. Soviet Union
587. Match the following: Industry Product / Ans: C
A. Grasim 1. Cement 592. In terms of economy, the visit by foreign
B. Ranbaxy 2. Automobiles nationals to witness the XIX Common Wealth
C. Reliance 3. Oil and gas Games in India amounted to
D. TELCO 4. Pharmaceuticals A. Import
ABCD B. Export
C. Consumption
A. 3 2 1 4 D. Production
B. 3 4 1 2 Ans: B