Herbs-Sam Coffman
Herbs-Sam Coffman
Herbs-Sam Coffman
Top 25 Herbs
to Consider for Post-Disaster and Remote Environments
More information at http://theherbalmedic.com or http://thehumanpath.org
Black Cumin (Nigella sativa) Black Cumin seed is an excellent anti-inflammatory. This is useful Can be harsh on the stomach lining if
internally for allergies (such as food allergies), auto-inflammatory illnesses, not heated prior to usage. 15-20
seasonal allergies (e.g. hay fever), tissue inflammation from injury. minutes at about 150 degrees F in an
Additionally, this plant has been historically used for dyspepsia (difficulty oven is usually sufficient.
with digestion), a mild immunity booster, skin issues (such as eczema –
probably related somewhat to its anti-inflammatory potential as well as
the fact that it is a mild liver stimulant and blood cleanser), galactagogue
and relaxing respiratory expectorant/bronchodilator.
Black Walnut (Juglans nigra) The Black Walnut leaf and (especially unripe) hull is very effective as an Avoid taking for more than 2-3 weeks
anti-fungal (internally and externally), an anti-parasitic for worm or in a row without an equivalent rest.
parasite formulas, and an anti-bacterial. It also assists healing in bruises, It is a medium-toxicity herb. It may
soft-tissue and bone. exacerbate tinnitus (ringing in the
Black Walnut is also a mild lymph mover. It can be prepared as a tea, ears). Use with caution during
decoction, tincture or dried and encapsulated. Externally it could be pregnancy.
applied directly in a poultice, or used in a soak or bath. Most conveniently
it would be used as an oil or salve (e.g. for ringworm). It is very bitter, and
tincture form is preferred.
Goldenseal/Barberry/Algerita These plants are not completely interchangeable in every way. However, Pregnancy, hypertension. Avoid
/Oregon Grape (Berberis spp. they have in common that they contain the alkaloid berberine. This (and taking internally for more than 2 or 3
and/or Hydrastis canadensis) other constituents in these plants) found mostly in the roots, make all the weeks at a time without an
plants very anti-bacterial against particularly gram positive bacteria such equivalent period of rest.
as staph and strep. They are all particularly good in one way or another
for infections and other issues of the gut as well as any mucosal surface
they come into contact with, or even externally on a staph or strep
infection of the skin.
They are also all useful as bitters for the digestive system and what would
be called “liver decongestants” in the case of digestive issues ranging from
GERD to IBS when it is related to a sluggish (or overworked) liver.
One important to note is that the addition of MHC (5’-
methoxyhydnocarpin) into a formula with berberine, can increase its
antibacterial efficiency by 16x, in anti-bacterial action against staph and
MRSA infections. MHC is usually contained in the leaf of the same plant.
For this reason, both root and leaf should usually be used.
While berberine is water soluble and all of these plants would be fine in a
tea, they are too bitter for this. Better to use as a tincture or even
encapsulated if taken internally.
Copyright ©2014 Sam Coffman
Horsetail (Equisetum arvense) This is a wonderful herb for anything related to bone, connective tissue, Do not take Horsetail longer than
hair, nails and tooth enamel healing and regrowth. The above-ground approximately 3 weeks at a time,
herb is used. Superlative tissue healer especially for broken bones. without a break of 2 – 3 weeks in
Internally – Horsetail is useful for osteoporosis, broken bones in the between dosages. Large amounts of
healing stage, torn or damaged connective tissue, healthier hair and nails this herb over time can cause kidney
and regrowing tooth enamel as part of cavity repair. irritation.
Externally - Horsetail works very well as a poultice or plaster for bone and
soft-tissue healing.
Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) The root of Licorice is a highly useful mucosal vulnerary for the upper Should be avoided by those with
airway, esophageal and stomach mucosa. This makes it extremely chronic high blood pressure
effective in helping recover from acid reflux, stomach ulcers, dry coughs, (hypertension). Can exacerbate
canker sores and sore throats. hyperglycemic conditions.
Licorice is highly restorative and is also an anti-inflammatory and helps to
promote absorption of nutrients through the gut. It is can also be effective
with auto-immune disorders, such as rheumatoid arthritis.
Lobelia (Lobelia inflata) Internally – Leaf and flower (and more potently, the seed) are commonly Contraindicated during pregnancy.
known as a respiratory expectorant (both relaxing and stimulating) and is Watch for signs of overdose –
also a very effective smooth muscle relaxant. This applies to respiratory nausea, mental confusion, weakness,
tissue, in the case of bronchial spasms, asthma, etc., but also to the urinary salivation, diarrhea
tract, in the case of urinary stones, as well as the gut, in cases of intestinal
colic and cramping, and the heart, for angina.
Externally – Can be a useful anti-infective and anti-inflammatory in wound
treatment, but is even more useful as a pain reliever for external injuries
and burns.
Marshmallow root (Althea Marshmallow root (and also leaf, although not used as often) is a May lower blood pressure in some
officinalis) superlative mucosal vulnerary for restoring mucosal and submucosal tissue people.
that is suffering from infection, inflammation, or any type of irritation. An
ideal herb for upper respiratory issues, such as sinus infection, sore throat,
mouth and gum sores, dry cough and irritation to any upper respiratory
Externally- Marshmallow is also useful in helping draw out infection while
softening skin and soft tissue around an infection and sooth inflammation.
Mullein (Verbascum thapsus) Root: Internally, Mullein is useful for UTI’s – especially in a formula. It is a None known
diuretic. Mullein root also helps soften connective tissue and ease pain,
especially lower back.
Leaf: Internally, Mullein leaf is very useful as a respiratory expectorant
and mucosal vulnerary during upper respiratory infections. Externally,
Mullein leaf is very good at drawing out infection from abscesses,
splinters, etc., as heated poultice
Flower: Infuse in oil and apply as an ear oil for ear infections. Can be
formulated with Garlic for this purpose.
Nettles (Urtica dioica) A “power food” and nutrient dense herb that is very useful in support and None known
regeneration for a myriad of nutritional deficiencies – to include anemia,
sugar addictions, lack of energy, convalescence. Nettles leaf is extremely
useful in the case of allergies – especially respiratory symptoms – as an
anti-inflammatory and decongestant. Nettles seeds are useful in herbal
formulas for UTI and urinary stones, as a mild diuretic and urinary tract
The root is also useful as a soothing anti-inflammatory in the urinary tract
and for men who suffer from prostate inflammation and/or benign
prostatic hypertrophy (BHP). This also makes it a useful herb in UTI and
cystitis (bladder infection) formulas.
Prickly Ash (Zanthoxylum spp.) Bark, Berry, Root Bark are all extremely (and for the most part High doses can cause a “feeling” of
equivalently) good medicine. Internally, Prickly ash is an excellent mouth or throat swelling, numbness,
diaphoretic (cold and flu, fevers, chills), diuretic (UTI’s), antimicrobial (esp. excessive tingling. Use dropwise
anti-viral), analgesic (esp. back and nerve pain, sciatica, etc.), peripheral dosages if using it along. Otherwise,
vaso-dilator, analgesia and healing for gum and mouth sores, lymph mover best used internally in a formula, not
and “carrier herb” in a formula – especially for the upper respiratory tract. alone.
Externally, Prickly Ash is a superb carrier herb for soft-tissue injury
formulas as well as a counter-irritant for non-healing wounds/ulcers.
Skullcap (Scutellaria spp.) Root, Leaf and flower: Skullcap is a very effective nervine – having a Root only: Avoid use during
calming and relaxing effect on the body and mind. Although not a strong pregnancy.
analgesic by itself per se, it is very useful in cases of shock (after trauma), If buying Skullcap online, ensure that
lessening anxiety from drug or other addiction, insomnia and depression. It the supplier has not adulterated the
is useful for anxiety or stress related cardiovascular issues such as herb with Germander (which can
hypertension, palpitations and spasmodic angina. build up toxicity over time). Know
Skullcap also mildly stimulates digestion and is a mild diuretic. It is your supplier.
effective alone but also works very well in formulas. Skullcap (especially
Baikal Skullcap - Scutellaria baicalensis) also contains baicalin which makes
it a useful adjuvant herb in anti-bacterial formulas.
Wormwood (Artemesia A very good anti-parasitic herb, especially for roundworms and pinworms Strongly contraindicated in the case
absynthium) (can take approx. 2 weeks to expel), arguably effective against protozoan of pregnancy and breastfeeding and
as well (such as Giardia). Can be a very powerful sweat inducer/fever should only be used for short periods
reducer, and can help with nausea, food poisoning and digestive of time.
Externally – Wormwood is an anti-inflammatory and can help with bruises,
contusions, insects stings and other inflammations and abscesses.
Yerba Mansa (Anemopsis The whole plant can be used and is an amazing anti-infective for many Avoid usage in the case of pregnancy
californica) organ systems in the body. Most commonly, Yerba Mansa is used for and breastfeeding.
respiratory issues such as acute or chronic illness of the upper and/or
lower respiratory tract whether bacterial or viral: Bronchitis, sinus
infection, pleuritis, pneumonia, strep throat, cold and flu, asthma.
However, it is an excellent wound healer externally as well, and probably
stimulates lymph and immune reaction anywhere that it comes into
contact with tissue.