Chapter 6 - Odor Control: National Manual of Good Practice For Biosolids
Chapter 6 - Odor Control: National Manual of Good Practice For Biosolids
Chapter 6 - Odor Control: National Manual of Good Practice For Biosolids
There are a number of sources for odors within wastewater treatment and solids
management facilities. Significant potential sources at treatment facilities include:
• Headworks area
• Primary clarifiers
• Solids holding and thickening tanks
• Aerobic digesters
• Dewatering systems
• Solids loading areas
Solids processing facilities such as composting and thermal drying facilities also can generate
odor. The minimization of odor generation and release should be a primary consideration during
all process and facility design.
There is no single process to eliminate odor. Odors are always a potential with a biosolids
management program. However, careful planning of a biosolids management program can
greatly reduce the potential for offensive odors.
This chapter addresses odor control at wastewater treatment and solids management facilities. It
discusses containment, collection, treatment, and dispersion of odors generated “inside the
fence”. This chapter does not address reducing odor through process optimization. Methods to
optimize unit processes and biosolids management programs are described throughout the
A number of controls are associated with the containment, collection and treatment of odors.
They include:
• Ventilation rates
• Negative pressure
• Airstream characteristics
• Type of odor requiring treatment
These controls should be addressed in the planning and implementation of odor control systems.
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characteristics of the odorous air, the degree of conservatism in minimizing the escape of
odors, and the use and accessibility of the enclosed space. (NFPA 1990)
Ventilation rates for enclosed areas are usually expressed by the number of air changes per hour
(AC/hr), which can be calculated as follows:
Table 6.1 provides recommended ventilation rates for various covered processes. Facilities
should have an air exchange rate of at least 12 air changes per hour for continuously ventilated
and occupied areas having exposed biosolids. This ventilation rate suggested in National Fire
Protection Association’s (NFPA) Fire Protection in Wastewater Treatment and Collection
Facilities publication number 820, is necessary to reduce the possibility of accumulation of
combustible vapors. (NFPA 1990)
Negative Pressure
For covered channels, grit chambers, and effluent launders that are not routinely entered, the
most important criterion is minimizing the escape of odors. NFPA recommends a minimum
negative pressure of 0.1 inch water column under all operating conditions. Consider the opening
of hatches and inspection of ports as part of routine operating and maintenance practices.
Ventilation fans should be sized to provide a slightly than required rate of ventilation higher
approximately 10 percent. Cover seals may deteriorate over time and hatches may be left open
by operations staff. The application of the negative pressure criteria may or may not be necessary
depending on the strength of the odor and how much escape is acceptable. Maintaining a
negative pressure under all operating conditions may result in high air flow rates and large
treatment systems that are expensive to construct and operate.
Materials of Construction
Enclosing or covering of odorous processes without ventilation
is not recommended. If the area to be enclosed is a source of
odors, it is likely to contain H2S, which is corrosive at low
concentrations and toxic at high concentrations. The
decomposition of organic matter can generate methane gas,
which is explosive. Hydrogen sulfide will attack concrete and
carbon steel. Significant damage will occur in spaces that do not
have adequate ventilation. Even processes or channels that normally treat or convey aerobic
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wastewater can accumulate gases when taken out of service and the wastewater is allowed to
become septic.
Airstream Characteristics
Enclosing an odorous process, ventilation of the enclosed space, and treatment of the air are very
effective means of controlling odors and emissions. The selection of an odor control technology
depends largely on the characteristics of the air stream to be treated, site considerations, and the
degree of odor reduction required.
Technology selection and design are affected by the specification of performance requirements.
If high odor removal efficiencies are required, multiple stages or a combination of technologies
may be necessary.
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There are a number of odor treatment methods available. This section provides a summary of the
treatment systems commonly implemented.
Biofilters use a porous media to absorb and adsorb compounds from an airstream similar to dry
media scrubbers. However, biofilters rely on microbial degradation of the absorbed/adsorbed
compounds to renew the sorptive capacity rather than frequent media replacement. Biofilters are
typically constructed with an in-ground air distribution system that discharges through media
beds, which can be open to the environment, covered, or totally enclosed for a stack discharge.
Packaged, proprietary biofilter systems are also available. Biofilters are effective in removing
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both odors and VOCs and are considered most appropriate for airstreams with hydrocarbon
levels up to 1,000 ppm, such as, methane. Table 6.3 provides design criteria.
All four types have been used extensively in industrial applications. For wastewater treatment
and biosolids management facilities applications, regenerative thermal oxidizers (RTOs) have
several advantages over the other types of oxidizers and are more commonly used.
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Direct Flame
Direct flame or flare units are the simplest to operate and have the lowest capital costs, but are
the most costly to operate because no heat recovery is provided. Therefore, direct flame oxidizers
are usually used on fume streams, which are sufficiently concentrated to sustain autogenous
combustion. For dilute air streams, direct flame units are usually considered for only low-flow
cases of less than 2,000 cfm.
Recuperative thermal oxidizers use heat exchange tubes to transfer thermal energy from the hot
combustion flue gases to the inlet airstream. Recuperative oxidizers with extensive heat recovery
can achieve thermal efficiency of 70 to 73 percent. However, even with this relatively high
thermal efficiency, the fuel cost to operate the system is high. The most important limiting factor
with recuperative oxidizers is that their metallic heat recovery tubes are susceptible to corrosion
from condensation of acid gases. At wastewater treatment facilities, most odorous airstreams
contain H2S or other reduced sulur compounds which would render the heat recovery sections of
recuperative oxidizers susceptible to corrosion.
In catalytic oxidizers, the presence of a catalyst allows oxidation of an organic vapor or solvent
to take place at a lower temperature (typically 800°F to 1,100°F) and without a flame. Catalytic
oxidizers are capable of high VOC destruction efficiencies of approximately 95 percent or more.
The catalytic element is usually a ceramic fixed grid or honeycomb structure coated with
platinum, palladium, or other rare earth metals. The use of catalytic units is generally limited to
pure organic vapors and solvents with low residual ash content, which will not clog or coat the
catalytic surface. Because of the presence of sulfur in most odorous airstreams at wastewater
treatment plants, catalytic oxidizers generally are not recommended.
An RTO essentially consists of a combustion chamber filled with gas-fired burners and three or
more heat recovery chambers filled with inert ceramic packing media or saddles. The RTO is
equipped with inlet and exhaust manifolds with flow diverter valves that alternate the flow of
cool inlet air and hot flue gas through the heat recovery chambers. Each chamber alternately
absorbs heat from the flue gas and then releases this heat to the air inlet stream, preheating the
inlet air. By switching the flow of flue gas and inlet air from chamber to chamber, a high degree
of heat recovery can be attained. Overall thermal efficiencies of greater than 90 percent are
possible, which results in low fuel use. An RTO can achieve very high VOC destruction
efficiencies of 95 to 98 percent. RTOs are used on odorous airstreams with low levels of H2S and
NH3 because the ceramic saddles and refractory lining in the head recovery and combustion
chambers are resistant to these compounds and their acids.
RTOs are available in a variety of configurations with features such as different types of packing
media (loose, structured, or gravel), purge air systems, and proprietary valve and manifold
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sludge aeration basins. Odors are removed through a combination of absorption, adsorption, and
biological oxidation. Most facilities with this odor treatment process use the existing blowers and
diffusers associated with the activated sludge process. Unfortunately, few design criteria are
available for new facilities. For a diffusion system designed exclusively for odor control, energy
costs can be high. Diffusion of odorous air into anything other than an aeration basin is not
recommended. The aeration basin has the high active biomass necessary for effective removal of
The adage “dilution is the solution to pollution” applies to odor. Dilution may be accomplished
by applying a mechanical fan, using an exhaust stack to improve atmospheric dispersion, or
implementing a combination of the two. In general, dilution and dispersion should be considered
for exhausts from odor control systems, but rarely should be the principal means of odor control.
There are aerodynamic recirculation zones around a building and other nearby structures.
Emissions should not be discharged into or trapped in these recirculation zones, which will
minimize the dispersion and dilution effect. A stack is preferred over a roof exhaust fan. A
horizontal-discharging wall exhaust fan is least desirable. Sufficient emission exit velocity and
temperature, which improves the upward movement of the plume, also are desired. A rain cap or
gooseneck design at the top of the stack merely deflects the exhaust downward and should be
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National Fire Protection Agencies, “Fire Protection in Wastewater Treatment and Collections
Publication 820
Water Environment Federation, (1995), “American Society of Civil Engineers, Odor Control in
Wastewater Treatment Plants”, WEF Manual of Practice No. 22, ASCE Manuals and Reports on
Engineering Practice No. 82
National Fire Protection Association, (1990), Crouse-Hinds ECM Code Digest, Publication 70
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