Submitted to : Submitted by
Ms. Jahanara Rahman Ms. Meena Kumari
Assistant Prof. MSc Nursing IInd Year
1. Patient Bio-Data
2. Presenting complaints (complaints given by mother)-: patient is admitted in the hospital with the complain of;
5.Birth history
a. Antenatal history
-mother taking adequate nutrition at the time of pregnancy: yes
-registered in the health facility: yes
-consuming iron and folic acid: yes
-regular antenatal checkups: yes (total 3 antenatal visits has been attended by mother)
b. Natal history
c. Postnatal history
-Condition of the baby: baby was having difficulty in breathing, grunting, ELBW
6. Personal History
A) Personal hygiene of the child – Personal hygiene of the child is maintained by mother and health care worker.
B) Response of child towards illness – The baby is very irritable and looks anxious .
C) Response of parents to child’s illness – worried about their baby’s condition.
7.Developmental history: use the growth and development format as per the age
8. Family history:
9. Socio-economic history:
-Who look after child – the mother and health workers looks after the child
-Housing condition: Semi pucca
-rural/urban: Rural
- Breastfeed/top feeds/mixed mode of feeding: expressed breast milk is given to the child by tube feeding frequently
11. Immunization : Baby has immunized at proper time . She get all doses of immunization per schedule till now.
1. General examination:
General condition: poor ,
Decubitus- not present
Built & nutrition (PEM Grade)calculated by degree of malnutrition formula= actual weight/ expected weight*100
Pallor - Not present
Icterus- Not present
Cynosis- Not present
Edema- absent
Clubbing of nails- Not present
Temperature - 36° C
Pulse - 140 beats/ min
Respiratory rate – 72 breaths/ min
Blood pressure -110/90 mm. hg
Oxygen saturation – 92%
Anthropometric measurement:
Height /length : 36 cm
Chest circumference: 21 cm
Abdominal circumference : 22 cm
Condition of skin: petechiae, redness, bruises (special areas), scratches, blunt injury, open wound are absent in the baby.
Condition of hairs:
a. Color - Black
b. Flag signs- absent
c. Dryness- absent
d. Pediculosis - absent
e. Dandruff - absent
f. Split ends- not present
Characteristics of faces:
2. Systematic circumference
a. Respiratory system
Respiratory rate - 45breath/ min
Use of accessory muscles- yes
Type of breathing - presence of voice during breathing
Movement/ symmetry -symmetry
Chest wall deformity - absent
Neck vein distension - absent
Trachea midline - normal
Air entry - not clear
Any other audible sounds- grunting
b. Cardiovascular system
Apex beat -45beat/min
Any murmur - not present
Any other sounds - not present
c. Abdomen
Shape - cylindrical
Prominent veins - absent
Visible peristalsis - Not present
Bowel sounds audible - Not clear
Distension - absent
Abdominal wall rigidity/ guarding – Present
d. Musculoskeletal
Joints: range of motion of joints is limited because the baby is very week
Neuromascular system
Reflexes :-
Mouth and throat – poor sucking reflex present , weak gag and rooting reflexes present
Mass reflexes- moro and startle reflex present , stepping or dancing reflex is absent, weak asymmetric tonic neck reflex present
Routine investigation:
Imbalanced nutrition less than body requirements related to weak reflexes as evidenced by poor sucking of baby.
Ineffective breathing pattern related to the immaturity of the respiratory center as evidenced by grunting of the baby and
respiratory rate of the baby
Risk for infection related to ineffective immunological defense as evidenced by lab reports of baby
Risk for Ineffective thermoregulation related to Immature CNS and subcutaneous fat loss as evidenced by less body
temperature of baby
Risk for fluid volume deficit related to age and weight extremes and excessive fluid loss (thin skin) as evidenced by skin turgor
of baby.
Risk for impaired growth and development related to premature birth as evidenced by less anthropometric measurement of
Anxiety of parents related to baby’s disease conditions as evidenced by facial expression of parents
Educated the mother about the advantages of breastfeeding, importance and its effect on the baby’s weight gain.
Educated the mother about the various techniques of breastfeeding and latching of the baby’s mouth.
Asked the mother to take healthy and nutritious diet to fulfill the feeding requirement of the baby.
Educated the mother about the expressed breast milk and its storage and methods of feeding the baby by katori and spoon.
Educated the mother about importance of colostrums and burping of the baby after feed the baby to prevent backflow of milk.
Educated the mother about the benefits of KMC for the baby such as weight gain of baby, maintenance of temperature and
adequate growth and development of baby.
Educated the mother about the initiation and procedure of kangaroo mother care.
Educated the mother about the importance of vaccination to prevent the child from diseases.
Asked the mother to vaccinate the baby according to the immunization schedule card of the baby.
Personal hygiene
Asked the mother to maintain the personal hygiene of the baby as well as her.
Educated the mother about maintenance of cleanliness of breast to prevent the baby from infection.
Educated the mother about baby bath, changing the diaper, eye care, skin care etc.
Educated the mother about the importance of medication for the early recovery of the baby.
Asked her to weight the baby periodically to know the progress of the baby even after discharge.
Educated the mother about signs of complication to the baby occur, immediately go for the doctor.
DAY- 1ST – The baby admitted in the NICU with the complaints of difficulty in breathing, grunting, unable to maintain normal
temperature and unable to feed. On admission the condition of the baby was serious. The baby was kept on the radiant warm and
ventilator after the insertion of ET tube and NG tube. IV fluids started immediately. Cardiac monitor attached with baby. The vital
signs of the baby were:-
Temperature - 94.6 ° F
Respiration - 72breaths/min
Spo2- 60 %
To relieve patient we provide medication as prescribed by the doctor. After 2 hours of medication and nursing intervention patients
vital signs become normal
DAY-2nd - On the day second, the baby looks better from the previous days. The NG tube feeding is given to the baby by the
expressed breast milk of the mother. The iv fluid also given to the baby. The baby was on the oxygen therapy. The bowel and bladder
pattern of the baby was normal. The shoulder roll and head roll put under the shoulder and head of the baby to decrease the risk of
apnea. The inake and output of the baby was normal. The vital signs also checked
Vital signs:
Pulse 140beats/min
Temperature 36 c
Respiration 46breath/min
SPO2 92%
DAY-3rd – On the third day the baby looks better from the previous days, the baby gained some weight and there is no grunting or any
other breathing abnormality present. The baby’s intake and output is normal. The medication is given to the baby such as sy[p. capnea,
calcimax etc. The mother asked to provide kangaroo mother care to the baby. Daily weight recording has been done. The EBM was
given to the baby by NG tube feeding. The vital signs have been checked.
Vital signs:
Pulse 142beat/min
Temperature 97.2 F
Respiration 42 breath/min
Spo2 90%
“Sharma Rimple, Essentials of Pediatric Nursing, First Edition, Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers LTD, 2013,Page
No. 160-178”
TM Beevi Assuma, Pediatric Nursing care Plans, First Edition, Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers LTD, 2012,Page
No. 108-120
“Dutta Parul, Pediatric Nursing, Third Edition, Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers LTD,2014, Page No. 110-120”
“Wongs, Essentials of Pediatric Nursing, Eighth Edition, Reed Elsevier India Private LTD,2012,Page NO.585-596”
“Ghai OP, Essentials of Pediatric Nursing, Eighth Edition, CBS Publishers Private LTD, 2012, Page NO. 76-80”
“Gupta Suraj, The Short Textbook Of Pediatric Nursing, Eleventh Edition, Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers LTD,
2013,Page No. 114-118”