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Case Study (Preschool)

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Observational Case

Study of the

Submitted by:
Cheska Mae Palic

Submitted to:
Ms. Helen S. Salgado RN, MAN

September 2019
I. Profile of the preschooler

Name: “Meiji” Parent’s Name

Age: 4 years old (55 months) Father:
Gender: Male Mother: “Meljoy”
Date of Birth: December 30, 2015
Place of Birth: Bacolod City Occupation
Religion: Roman Catholic Father: PUJ
Address: 40C Burgos Street, Bacolod City Mother:

Nutritional Status: Normal

Weight: 14.9 kg
Height: 98.5 cm
Physical Handicapped: n/a

II. Introduction
According to The Pennsylvania Child Welfare Training
Program, a preschool child is between the age of three and
five years old. At this time, the preschool child may acquire
certain skills referred to as developmental milestones.
These skills involve physical, emotional, social and
cognitive abilities. As preschoolers, they use this trust and
independence to actively explore new forms of play (e.g.,
pretend play) and new environments (e.g., school).
Preschool-aged children's style of thinking and learning can
best be described as "what you see is what you get," or
reasoning based on the way things look. Preschoolers rely
heavily on the literal appearance of things as a means of
understanding the world around them.

During the first day of exposure at Daycare center Brgy.

20, I was able to notice a cute young boy with an attitude.
He was independent enough to stay inside the classroom
without her mother at his side, unlike other preschoolers.
“Meiji” was my chosen child, for I had seen potential in his
ways, like he was kind of a mature child knowing on what
to do after the other. Though it was noticeable enough to
tell that he was talkative but knows how to enter and end
the conversation, yet still he managed to interact with me.
An interaction that was verbalize by him that he really
knew what he is talking about because he talked like an
adult. Also by his actions and small facial expressions it
seems that it came from his heart. One thing I also had
observed about him, was his sense of responsibility. Sense
of responsibility in a way, where he knew the protocol in
the classroom, and had done his role as a student of his
teacher. Like forming in line, praying with two hands
together, doing the signing of the cross, and singing of the
national anthem with right hand on the left chest.

The way he handled all the activities in the classroom

caught my attention and made me chose him, and be my
subject. He was attentive enough to the teacher, and
followed everything what the teacher said. He knew how to
behave during class hours and activity time, even in their
eating and nap time. His attitude towards everything was
like a mature kid. I also observed that he was independent
and had that initiative in him.

III. Home Condition

A. Owned

The house that they were living was owned by the

government. They have a small bungalow house with
cemented base and wood is the foundation of the house.
The house was constructed 30 years ago, and this had
been taken care and handed down to the grandmother of
“Meiji” after the grandparents of his grandmother died. The
family of “Meiji” had taken care and was living in the house
of his grandmother for almost 20 years now. It has 3 rooms
all in all, and one room was allotted for their own personal

B. Distance from School

The distance between the Daycare Center and house of
“Meiji” was just near, and in fact it was just a one ride from
the daycare center or walking distance. The school was a
minute walk from the daycare and it just required a small
meter to arrive at the school premises. An estimation of
14min (8.6 km) meters from their house to school.

C. Name of Escort and Relationship to the Child

The person that accompanied “Meiji” at school, was
“Meljoy Ferrer”. He was the mother of the child, and had
been the escort of the child since the first day of school up
to now. Both mother and child come to school together
early at all times. The mother was always there to keep in
touch with “Meiji”, and was ready if the child needed

D. Condition of Neighborhood
The neighborhood of the child was not that visible for
him, because for some reasons that their house was a tiny
house and it was not big enough to see the neighborhood
from the left side. According to the mother of the child, the
neighborhood at the front of their house has a store and
owned by someone they know.
As I had observed, the neighborhood of the child was
safe for him, because according to his mother around 9pm
the people are already in their respective houses. Since
“Meiji” and his cousins played outside of the house
grounds sometimes, I considered that the surrounding, as
a safe zone for the child, because different people were
just inside of their houses. But “Meljoy”, mother of the
child, stressed out that most of the times the child was just
in their house playing on his own, for the reason that
outside of their house was not that safe for the child.

E. Home Environment
For the location of their house, though it was an easy
access to come to school but it was not that safe for the
child because of the highway and also their boarding house
was located at the second floor, and the child needs to
climb up a high stair. But the stairs were well-constructed
and was still complete. Their boarding house was well-
constructed and well-painted. It was built with strong
foundation, because it had lasted for almost 20 years, but
only few signs of cracks were observed. The building was
made of strong and well-formed cement. Their boarding
house had high ceiling. The surroundings of the child were
observed clean and organized such as in the living room,
dining area and comfort room. It was fully cleaned and well
taken care of. There were two windows at the living room
area, and had curtains to cover up the inside. Also, before
the main door, there was a small gate made of grills.

F. Type of Family Structure

The family of “Meiji” were composed of his mother,
father, five siblings and one other family which is the sister
of his father. The mother and father of “Meiji” were
married, and they were a cohabiting couple for almost 20
years. Since there were other two relatives living together
with the family of “Meiji”, they’re considered as extended

IV. Observation


The weight is At the age of 3,
about 13.6 kg her weight was
Physical (30lb), height proportional to
Development between 2-3 her height, so the
years old slows weight for age
to 6-8cm. and height for
Exhibits vision age was normal.
and hearing
abilities within
normal range.
Cognitive According to She had
Development Piaget (1966), developed her
preschool-aged cognitive skills
children can well, for she had
solve problems the ability to
by trial and error answer the
process. They questions asked
learn about by her teacher
sequence of correctly, such as
time and some determining
symbolic colors, letters A
thought. and B, and
numbers 1 and 2.
Also, she had
sense of
sequence of time
for she knew
what to do after
the next activity
(e.g placing right
hand on the left
chest after
Psychosocial According to She knew how to
Development Freud, a child’s socialize with her
self-concept is other classmates
formed by and was able to
interpersonal perform the tasks
experiences. It is given by her
formed in the teacher and also
accordance with involved herself
the child’s in playing with
ability to other children,
perform tasks, though she was
academic not that loud in
performance expressing her
social thoughts, but she
acceptance and knew how to deal
physical to others. No
appearance separation
anxiety was
observed for she
was independent
enough to sit
without the
mother at her
Psychosexual According to She was aware
Development Freud, children’s on the things that
pleasure- boys and girls
seeking urges should have,
are focused on a because when I
different area of asked her if she
the body, called liked the blue
an erogenous color then she
zone, at each of automatically
the five stages pointed out her
of development: boy classmate
oral, anal, which means that
phallic, latency, it’s for him and
and genital. said that hers
Also, during the was the red color.
preschool age, Now that she’s in
children become the phallic stage,
acutely aware of psychoanalyst
the difference stated that girls
between boys had big attraction
and girls. to their father or
known as Electra
Complex. In her
case it was
different, for she
had more of her
attraction to her
same sex which
was her mother
rather than her
father. Based on
observation, she
was a “mama’s
girl” kind of child.
Moral According to She was
Development Kohlberg, the delighted on
first level of special prices
moral after answering
development the questions
was correctly, and she
preconventional was aware
when children enough to be in
respond to her proper
punishment and attitude during
reward, elicit prayer and
affection and singing of the
approval, national anthem.
recognize Also, she was
certain rituals always consulting
such as her mother’s
repeating approval.
phrases from
prayers, and this
children with
feelings of
Common Problems There are She had cold and
Health, Cultural, common cough during my
Economics, problems in home visit, and
Language, health for the had already
Relationship, etc preschoolers, consulted the
such as common doctor. This was
cold, skin her only health
infection, sore problem for the
throat, cough, last 6 months,
etc. Common and she had no
language any kinds of
problems are allergies. Also,
following she was observed
directions or to be a soft-
understanding spoken kind of
questions and child, therefore
may have no language
trouble learning problem
new words or observed, for she
saying was able to
sentences.  understand the
correctly and had

V. References

Berman, A., Snyder, S., Frandsen, G. (2018). Kozier and

Erb’s Fundamentals of
Nursing Concepts, Process, and Practice (10th ed).
Pearson Education
South Asia PTE. LTD.

Silbert-Flagg, J., Pillitteri, A. (2018). Maternal and Child

Nursing: Care of the
Childbearing and Childearing Family (8th ed).
Lippincot Williams and Wilkins.
Oguejiofo, N. (2017). Stages of Physical Development in
Retrieved from https://www.livestrong.com/article/111697-

Halliburton, A. (2018). Preschool Basics: How Children

Develop During the
Preschool Years. Retrieved from

Hewlett, F. (2019). Psychosexual and Psychosocial Theories

of Development.
Retrieved from

American Academy of Pediatrics. (2017). 10 Common

Childhood Illnesses and
Their Treatments. Retrieved from

The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (n.d).

Language Disorders. Retrieved from

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