Avidesa Mac Pollo S A (Colombia)
Avidesa Mac Pollo S A (Colombia)
Avidesa Mac Pollo S A (Colombia)
Source: - Colombia - IFRS Industrial, Commercial and Other Comp. | Colombia - Superintendencia de Sociedades (Supersocied
2017 2016
1,042,531 1,054,426
1,037,678 1,045,793
-835,722 80.16% -820,417 77.81%
201,957 19.46% 225,376 21.55%
-164,729 19.71% -152,859 18.63%
-22,872 11.32% -20,423 9.06%
549 6,821
4,853 8,633
-4,303 -1,812
14,906 58,916
24,538 84,403
-2,092 2,792
2,337 5,074
-6,095 -6,780
1,666 4,499
000 000
12,813 61,708
-5,052 -23,753
7,761 37,955
7,761 37,955
2017 2016
421,497 373,427
248,075 253,403
187,057 152,668
000 000
000 000
8,707 49,359
50,568 50,352
49,399 49,186
1,169 1,166
1,742 1,024
1,742 1,024
000 000
173,423 120,024
86,325 86,729
42,886 000
42,306 28,231
15,929 12,796
26,377 15,435
000 000
1,429 4,691
478 373
421,497 373,427
242,469 245,188
242,469 245,188
9,552 9,537
13,572 000
133,684 119,319
82,903 113,096
000 000
2,757 3,235
179,028 128,238
10,774 10,715
325 432
000 000
10,449 10,283
168,255 117,524
73,422 12,282
84,920 86,125
84,920 86,125
9,807 8,740
000 000
106 10,377
2017 2016
14,469 46,370
7,761 37,955
31,830 20,770
9,632 25,487
22,197 -5,305
404 -33,786
-14,048 3,279
-270 10,247
000 588
000 000
000 000
-11,208 7,905
-68,762 -38,959
000 353
-44,197 -16,779
000 000
000 188
000 2,995
-24,565 -25,716
51,031 -18,196
000 000
61,140 000
-107 -10,390
000 000
000 -864
-10,003 -6,465
000 -477
-3,262 -10,785
4,691 14,063
000 1,414
1,429 4,691
-44,197 -16,779
Annual, Individual Annual, Individual
2017-01-01 2016-01-01
2017-12-31 2016-12-31
COP Thousands COP Thousands
Audited Audited
Supersociedades - IFRS Supersociedades - IFRS
CityPoint, 1 Ropemaker Street
ondon, EC2Y 9HT, United Kingdom
1 0.05% 1 0.05%
81,429 19.32% 48,070 12.87%
58,550 23.60% -5,329 -2.10%
53,249 28.47% 34,389 22.53%
818 9.40% -40,652 -82.36%
4,006 7.92% 216 0.43%
4,006 8.11% 214 0.43%
0.00% 3 0.24%
79 4.53% 718 70.10%
79 4.53% 718 70.10%
1 0.05% 1 0.05%
40,100 277.14% -31,901 -68.80%
8,321 107.21% -30,193 -79.55%
4,218 13.25% 11,060 53.25%
27,033 280.65% -15,855 -62.21%
Property, plant and equipment
(Propiedad, planta y equipo.)