New Testing Method For HV Circuit Breaker With Both Sides Grounded
New Testing Method For HV Circuit Breaker With Both Sides Grounded
New Testing Method For HV Circuit Breaker With Both Sides Grounded
And here comes our solution: connectors, for the connection of the BSG Main unit to
• A microOhm meter tester for each individual contact of CBA1000 or CBA2000.
the circuit breaker injects the test current and meters the Sequence of operation
contact resistance.
• The BSG measuring heads generate the current only
• The resistance value is measured and compared with two
when a test is to be performed.
thresholds, for instance 100 µΩ and 1 mOhm;
• The current generation is initiated by CBA1000 or
• R > 1000 µΩ: the contact is OPEN
CBA2000, by means of the Master output. The START
• R < 1000 µΩ and > 100 µΩ: GRAPHITE
signal goes to the BSG Main unit, that, in turn,
• R < 100 µΩ: the contact is CLOSED
commands the Measuring Heads.
The result is then converted into a voltage signal and
• When the current is OK the heads inform the CBA via the
provided to CBA1000 for two time measurements.
Main unit; at this moment, the CBA drives the CB coils,
and the time measurement starts.
The technology used with the BSG to generate the test
• The head measures the contact resistance, compares it
current is similar to that used for the DRM of the CBA’s: a
to the threshold and communicates in real time the
large capacitor is charged and then discharged through an
result (CLOSED, GRAPHITE or OPEN) to the Main unit;
electronic circuit, that stabilizes the current to 20 A.
• The Main unit converts this information into a voltage
level that is sensed by CBA as CLOSED, RESISTANCE or
Description OPEN. These operations are performed at very high
Two types of BSG1000 are available: speed, so that the time measurement is not influenced;
- BSG1000-1, for testing one break per phase; • CBA measures the times, and displays the results as a
- BSG1000-2, for testing two breaks per phase (displayed thick – intermediate – thin line;
in the figure). • It is possible to change the resistance threshold
Each BSG1000 is made of the following elements: operating on the CBA screen.
• Three BSG Remote Heads, types 1 or 2. They are
connected close to the main breaker contacts, and
include the current generator and the two level
comparator, that communicates the result in digital form
to the Main unit. Each head has two type of cables, each
3 m long: one for the connection of the test current to
the CT under test, and the other one (shielded) for the
open / close detection of the CB contacts. One set of
cables for type 1; two sets for type 2.
• One BSG Main unit, that includes the microprocessor
supervising the heads, and the DAC’s for CBA inputs. It
is connected to the heads and to the CBA by a cable kit,
- Three 8 m long cables, terminated with multi-pole
connectors, for the connection between remote heads
and the Main unit.
- One cable, 1 m long, terminated with multi-pole
Test set-up
Lift the Measuring head up Connect the Measuring Connect the Main unit Connect the Main unit
to the circuit breaker. Head control cable to the Master / Slave input to the output connector to the
Connect the Current BSG Main unit, in the CBA output CBA inputs, following the
terminals to the main CB Breaker Contact section. connector markings.
Connect the voltage sensors
to the main CB contacts, so
that the current terminals
voltage drop does not
influence the resistance
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