The Effect and The Ways To Prevent The Corruption
The Effect and The Ways To Prevent The Corruption
The Effect and The Ways To Prevent The Corruption
SUFEIYA (1421044)
MA YUQI (1421784)
MA YUAN (1420956)
MA XIAOLIANG (1425809)
YUAN YI (1512125)
Politics is the process of making decisions that apply to members of a group. More
narrowly, it refers to achieving and exercising positions of governance organized control over a
human community, particularly a state. In most countries, people have formed political parties to
put forward their ideas. There is usually some disagreement between people within a party, but
they work together because they feel that they agree on enough things, and they will have more
power if they join together. They agree to take the same position on many issues, and agree to
support the same changes to law and the same leaders. An election is usually a competition
between different parties. Some examples of political parties are the Liberal party, the Labor
deviation from an ideal. Corruption may include many activities including bribery and
governmental employee acts in an official capacity for personal gain. Now-a-days corruption
can be seen everywhere. It is like cancer in public life, which has not become so rampant and
perpetuated overnight, but in course of time.When we talk of corruption in public life, it covers
corruption in politics, state governments, central governments, "business, industry and so on.
Public dealing counters in most all government offices are the places where corruption most
evident. If anybody does not pay for the work it is sure work won't be done.
It is always crying for money. It has been seen the officers who are deputed to look into the
matters of corruption turn out to be corrupt. Our leaders too are not less corrupt. Thus the
There is no such free education for us in this kind of secular country like in
Malaysia. This is because, we don’t even see the flow of the money goes . Is it goes for
our developmental of our country or is it being add on their account for their own self-
Furthermore, other countries outside the Malaysia itself giving and applying free
education for all not only for a student. These are the example of countries that applied
I think it’s our own right to gain a free education since it’s a basic need for our
life. Even though, surviving in our life also need a capability and knowledge. All human
being need a knowledge in their life either in this world and the hereafter.
On the other hand, we need to improve our strategies to gain the knowledge
itself . Don’t let the corruption interrupt us to achieve the highest level of the knowledge
since it will affect the development of our own country sooner or later just because we
are not too strong to defeat it. However, once we’ve the knowledge we need to use it very
Economies that are afflicted by a high level of corruption -- which involves the
misuse of power, whether in the form of money or authority, in order to achieve certain goals in
illegal, dishonest or unfair ways -- are not capable of prospering as fully as those with a low level
of corruption. Corrupted economies are just not able to function properly because corruption
prevents the natural laws of the economy from functioning freely. As a result, corruption in a
nation's political and economic operations causes its entire society to suffer. According to the
World Bank, the average income in countries with a high level of corruption is about a third of
that of countries with a low level of corruption. Also, the infant mortality rate in such countries is
about 3 times higher and the literacy rate is 25% lower. No country has been able to completely
eliminate corruption, but studies show that the level of corruption in countries with emerging
market economies is much higher than it is in developed countries. In particular, a higher bribery
mean retards both the real sales and the labour productivity growth of firms.
As we know, society is one of the powerful groups which determine leader of the
country. Like Malaysia, society or the people are vital since they are the one who will vote for
the political leader to govern the country and improve their needs. However, the society will
be affected by any misconduct done by the political leaders negatively and will suffer
People start disregarding the official involved in corruption by talking negatively about him.
Disregard towards officials will also build distrust. For example, people will leave negative
comment about political leader on social media and spread any bad news about them on
Rulers of the nation like president or prime minister lose respect among the public. Respect is
main criteria in social life. People go for voting during election not only with the desire to
improve their living standards by the election winner but also with respect for the leader.
Corruption happened between politicians affects all including the society. It threatens
sustainable economic development, ethical values and justice, society become unstable and
endangers the rule of law. Since public policies and public resources are largely beneficial to
poor people, it is they who suffer the harmful effects of corruption most badly.
political thoughts. The effects of corruption somehow rose rapidly and unstoppable among the
powerful political force. The corruption also leads to lack of proper justice. The improper
justice is because of the corruption in the judiciary system and the worst part is the victims of
offense might suffer from it. A crime may also be proved as benefit of doubt due to lack of
evidence or even the evidence erased. The investigation process goes on for decades due to
the corruption in the police system. The culprits can also roam free and even perform more
crimes because of this corruption. What's more is delayed in the investigation also may effects
education and training institutes are given permits to start providing education. This comes
into the sense that the permit is given based on the infrastructure and sufficient recruitment of
eligible staff. The corruption happens when the institute or college managements try to bribe
the quality inspectors so as to get permits. So, even if well qualified persons wish to get job,
Lastly, the failure of genuine research is also part of the corruption. Basically, the
individuals need government funding to do a research. Some of the funding agencies have
corrupt officers. These people consent the funds for research to those who are ready to bribe.
Thus, the research and development will be lagging. There are many ways that corruption
illness, but also the public is very concerned about the issue. Against corruption and
strengthening the building of clean government is a firm stand for every government.The
ICAC enjoys extensive investigative powers. Can be independent of the court may decide to
conduct an independent investigation of the case, the right to the suspect to take the inquiry,
search, monitoring, tracking and other means of investigation, to decide to hold a hearing or
publish a survey report, the right to investigate the facts On, to the relevant departments to
annual reports to the state legislature on issues such as anti-corruption work, budgets and
influence public sector activities and improve the ethical standards of civil servants. It also
accepts the State Council Joint Committee The the country can Cut the red tape:
Bring together formal and informal processes (this means working with the government as
the judiciary, of fair trial. It is an attack against civil rights and liberties against the economic
development of states, against foreign investments and against the progress of democracy.
Also, judicial corruption is completely incompatible with and undermines entirely the role of
the judicial system -that of ensuring compliance with the laws and the administration of
One of the main sectors subject to corruption is public procurement, with Malaysian
companies sometimes being favored over foreign companies and with political connections
still playing an important role in the outcome of public tenders. Anti-corruption laws are
mainly contained within the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission Act, which covers a
range of offences (including active and passive bribery, extortion and abuse of office) and
penalties for private and public sector corruption. However, a lack of capacity and technical
skills in some areas mean the level of enforcement is sometimes lacking. Local laws do not
make an exception for facilitation payments, which should therefore be considered unlawful.