Lesson Plan 2
Lesson Plan 2
Lesson Plan 2
SPECIFYING & REINFORCING PRODUCTIVE BEHAVIOR: (Note how expectations are specified, productive behavior is
reinforced, and disruptive behavior is redirected.)
- Affirm the student’s positive behavior with a compliment or a dojo point.
- Use the student’s works for great examples for executing the experiment.
Motivation/Opening/Intro: [Think creatively about how to recruit learning.]
- The teacher will welcome the students and ask how they enjoyed their breakfast.
“what did you have for breakfast today? Did you like it?”
- The teacher will ask the students why people eat breakfast, lunch, dinner.
“why do you think people eat food like breakfast, lunch, dinner? Is it important?”
The students will share their understanding of food and it’s importance.
- The teacher will ask the student to think of any other things that are important for you to live.
“What else is important to have for you to live? Food? Clothes? Water? Etc.
- The teacher will transition this thought of important elements within the lens for plants.
“How you have raised or grew a plant before?” “Do you have any plants at home or around our house?”
- The teacher will write the core question on the board and begin a list.
“What do plants need to grow?” – the teacher will ask the students to talk to their elbow partner
The teacher will ask the students to name one element important for the plant’s growth.
- Most likely using the student’s response of Soil, Sun, and water, the teacher will tell that we are going to create
an experiment on testing what plants need to grow.
Development: [It may help to number your steps with corresponding times.]
- The teacher will begin the experiment by explaining the concept of fair testing.
“If I wanted to know who is the best jumper in my class, is it fair to test some students on the ground and
others on a trampoline? Or if I want to test who is the fastest person, is it fair to test some students 5
seconds late and others at the right time?
The teacher will ask the students to explain why both tests are not fair or what should be changed to make
it the test fair.
- The teacher will introduce the 3 elements that will be tested – water, soil, light.
“How can we test the water, soil, light is important for plant growth, do you have any ideas on how to
make the test fair?”
The teacher will separate the students into 6 groups of 4 and the students will each have a variable for the
Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Group 6
Variable Soil O Soil X Soil O Soil O Soil O Soil O
Water O Water O Water O Water X Water O Water O
Light O Light O Light O Light O Light O Light X
In the 2 pairs of groups, all the variables should be the same with the exceptions of one variable.
In each group, there are 4 positions
Recorder/drawer: the student who will take the lead recorders and writes the data on the poster
board. The students wi
Presenter: the student who will take the lead to present the data
Checker: the student who will take the lead check on the plants' process
Set up: The student who will take the lead to set up the experience.
- The teacher will ask the students to write their name on the bottle and write what variable that group is testing.
i.e. Group 1 Names…, Testing Soil, Date.
Closure: (Be creative and consider authentic audiences for the work. Think beyond giving an assignment or
independent practice.)
- The teacher will ask the student to access the google doc – premade by the teacher – for the whole group and
ask the students to write 3 things on the google doc
Group #
Names of members of the group
Testing variable.
- After checking the student’s work, the teacher will ask the students to put the computers back.