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Yoshiyama 2012

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Therapeutic strategies for tau mediated

Yasumasa Yoshiyama,1,2 Virginia M Y Lee,3 John Q Trojanowski3
Clinical Research Centre, ABSTRACT abnormal tau aggregation, synaptic dysfunction, cell
Chiba East National Hospital, Based on the amyloid hypothesis, controlling β-amyloid death and brain shrinkage. This assumption is
Chiba, Chiba, Japan
Department of Neurology, protein (Aβ) accumulation is supposed to suppress widely accepted as the amyloid hypothesis of AD.2
Chiba East National Hospital, downstream pathological events, tau accumulation, The results of clinicopathological studies and recent
Chiba, Chiba, Japan neurodegeneration and cognitive decline. However, in clinical studies using biomarkers, including amyloid
Center for Neurodegenerative recent clinical trials, Aβ removal or reducing Aβ positron emission tomography (PET), 2-[18
Disease Research, Institute
production has shown limited efficacy. Moreover, while F]-fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose (FDG)-PET, CSF ana-
on Aging, Department of
Pathology and Laboratory active immunisation with Aβ resulted in the clearance lysis of Aβ and tau/p-tau, and MRI support the
Medicine, School of Medicine, of Aβ, it did not prevent tau pathology or amyloid hypothesis. Neocortical SPs appear in the
University of Pennsylvania, neurodegeneration. This prompts the concern that it preclinical phase more than 10 years earlier than
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, might be too late to employ Aβ targeting therapies once neocortical NFTs, and NFT expansion accompanies
tau mediated neurodegeneration has occurred. Therefore, cognitive decline.3–5
Correspondence to it is timely and very important to develop tau directed This hypothesis has been further supported by a
Dr Y Yoshiyama, Department therapies. The pathomechanisms of tau mediated recent cross sectional analysis study looking at fam-
of Neurology, Chiba East neurodegeneration are unclear but hyperphosphorylation, ilies with autosomal dominant AD. By using the
National Hospital, 673 Nitona,
oligomerisation, fibrillisation and propagation of tau participant’s age and their parent’s age at symptom
Chuo Ward, Chiba,
Chiba 260-8712, Japan; pathology have been proposed as the likely pathological onset, researchers estimated the years from
neuroyy@cehpnet.com processes that induce loss of function or gain of toxic expected symptom onset of AD. They could then
function of tau, causing neurodegeneration. Here we determine the relative order and magnitude of
Received 11 July 2012 review the strategies for tau directed treatments based pathophysiological changes associated with AD,6
Revised 10 September 2012
Accepted 12 September 2012 on recent progress in research on tau and our although it is still uncertain whether sporadic AD
Published Online First understanding of the pathomechanisms of tau mediated has a similar pathophysiological process to inher-
20 October 2012 neurodegeneration. ited AD. However, other studies indicate that tau
pathology appears at a younger age than SPs7 and
most recently Braak and Del Tredici,8 and Elobeid
INTRODUCTION et al9 demonstrated tau positive pathology in cases
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most common less than 30 years of age. Based on these data, they
cause of dementia, contributing to up to 70% of propose that tau pathology begins to deposit in the
dementia cases. As the global population ages, locus coeruleus and then spreads from there to
nearly 35.6 million people worldwide are estimated other brainstem nuclei and to the entorhinal cortex
to be living with dementia, and the number of (EC), perhaps by direct cell to cell transmission.
people with dementia is predicted to double by This has led to an alternative hypothesis that sub-
2030 (65.7 million) and more than triple by 2050 cortical tangle pathology before SP formation
(115.4 million) if effective disease modifying ther- represents the earliest stages of tau pathology in
apies are not developed.1 Current therapies for AD sporadic AD (figure 1).7–10 However, other inter-
only provide symptomatic relief, either by tempor- pretations cannot be excluded, such as this tau
arily improving symptoms above baseline or by pathology is merely an insignificant alternation
delaying cognitive decline. Thus disease modifying related to aging, or that soluble oligomeric Aβ accu-
therapies based on the pathomechanisms of AD are mulation precedes this early tau pathology.
a central focus of AD drug discovery. Aβ biomarker (amyloid PET, Aβ1–42 in CSF)
AD has two pathological hallmarks: senile abnormalities precede synaptic dysfunction
plaques (SPs), consisting of β-amyloid protein (Aβ), (FDG-PET) and tau biomarker (tau/p-tau in CSF)
and neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs), consisting of tau abnormalities, followed by brain structural changes
protein. Mutations in the amyloid precursor protein (structural MRI) and, finally, cognitive decline
(APP) gene that lead to excess production or (figure 1). However, other studies suggest that func-
reduced clearance of Aβ in the brain, and mutations tional MRI, which indicates neuronal hyperconnec-
in the genes encoding protease subunits (ie, preseni- tivity or hypoconnectivity, may show abnormalities
lin (PS) 1 and 2, involved in cleavage of APP to gen- before amyloid biomarkers become abnormal,
erate amyloidogenic Aβ peptides) induce AD in an thereby suggesting this may be the earliest bio-
autosomal dominant manner. Therefore, abnormal marker to change in preclinical AD (figure 1).11–14
To cite: Yoshiyama Y,
Lee VMY, Trojanowski JQ. accumulation of Aβ is speculated to be the most According to the amyloid cascade hypothesis,
J Neurol Neurosurg important and disease specific pathomechanism pharmacological agents that reduce brain Aβ
Psychiatry 2013;84: involved in the initiation of the multiple content are supposed to act as effective drugs
784–795. pathological steps leading to Aβ oligomerisation, against AD; several different candidate drugs of this

784 Yoshiyama Y, et al. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2013;84:784–795. doi:10.1136/jnnp-2012-303144

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Figure 1 Chronological relationships

among pathology, clinical symptoms
and biomarkers. Based on biomarker
studies, β-amyloid protein (Aβ)
accumulation appears to start
∼20 years before the onset of
dementia. Amyloid positron emission
tomography (PET) or a decrease in
Aβ1–42 levels in CSF may indicate Aβ
accumulation in the brain, even in
preclinical Alzheimer’s disease (AD).
Neocortical tau pathology correlates
closely with the timing of symptom
onset. But, as discussed in the text,
these findings need to be reconciled
with reports by Braak and
colleagues7 8 that tau pathology is
seen in the brain prior to Aβ
pathology, while functional MRI (fMRI)
abnormalities may be the earliest
biomarker to change in the preclinical
phase of AD.11–14 FDG, 2-[18
F]-fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose; MCI, mild
cognitive impairment.

type have been developed. However, clinical trials directed at might exert preventive effects in the preclinical or very early
increasing the clearance or decreasing production of Aβ, which clinical stages of AD, but once cognitive decline appears in asso-
are at different stages of development, have been largely disap- ciation with accumulations of tau pathology, then tau targeting
pointing. Active immunisation with Aβ (AN1792) resulted in drugs might be necessary for disease modification (figure 1).
impressive clearance of SPs from the brain, as confirmed by
pathological examination, but did not prevent progressive cogni- MOLECULAR MECHANISMS OF TAU MEDIATED
tive decline, NFT formation or neurodegeneration.15 Moreover, NEURODEGENERATION
neither tarenflurbil16 nor semagacestat (http://files.shareholder. Tau protein is a member of a large family of microtubule asso-
com/downloads/LLY/1921397628x0x395879/54b1f68f-c7b8- ciated proteins that are involved in microtubule (MT) assembly
4c04-87d1-8c609c21f6f7/LLY_News_2010_8_17_Product.pdf ), and stabilisation; therefore, tau protein plays an important role
which act to decrease the production of Aβ, showed any clinical in maintaining appropriate neuron morphology and intercellular
benefits. Most recently, the results on the phase III clinical trials transport with motor proteins. Tau proteins are predominantly
of passive immunisations against Aβ (bapineuzumab and ?solane- expressed in neurons, but they are also expressed in lower quan-
zumab) were announced (http://www.pfizer.com/news/press_ tities in astrocytes and oligodendrocytes. In the adult human
releases/pfizer_press_release.jsp?guid=20120806006130en& brain, six tau isoforms are produced from a single gene on
source=RSS_2011&page=1; http://newsroom.lilly.com/ chromosome 17q21 by alternative mRNA splicing.20 21 The six
releasedetail. cfm?releaseid=702211). None of these clinical isoforms differ from each other by the presence or absence of
trials proved significant efficacy of the primary endpoints, one or more of three distinctive inserts encoded by exons 2, 3
although the potential efficacy was not completely denied. and 10. Exons 9–12 in the tau gene encode four MT binding
These observations have challenged the assumption that Aβ motifs, which are imperfect repeats of 31 or 32 amino acids in
induces tau mediated neurodegeneration, and the work of Braak the carboxy terminal half of the tau molecule, and alternative
et al7 8 17 are consistent with the view that tau pathology splicing of exon 10 generates tau protein isoforms with three or
emerges autonomously and independently from Aβ, and tau four MT binding repeats. In the normal adult human brain,
pathology may be the more proximal cause of neurodegenera- similar levels of three and four MT binding repeat tau isoforms
tion in AD. This view is supported by findings in AD mouse are expressed.22 However, several tauopathies exhibit an imbal-
models: Aβ immunotherapy in 3×Tg-AD (PS1 (M146V), APP ance in tau isoform accumulation: progressive supranuclear
(Swe) and tau (P301L)) mice resulted in a reduction in extracel- palsy (PSP), corticobasal degeneration (CBD) and argyrophilic
lular SPs and intracellular Aβ accumulation and led to the grain disease show selective four repeat tau accumulation, while
clearance of less phosphorylated tau pathology; however, hyper- Pick’s disease shows selective three repeat tau accumulation.
phosphorylated tau aggregates were unaffected by Aβ antibody Under normal physiological conditions, the balance of phos-
treatment.18 Additionally, reduction of both soluble Aβ and tau phorylation and dephosphorylation of tau coordinates tau
levels, but not a reduction of soluble Aβ levels alone, amelio- attachment to and detachment from MTs, where it has a role in
rated cognitive decline.19 Therefore, Aβ targeting therapies maintaining MT stability and in the trafficking of cargoes along

Yoshiyama Y, et al. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2013;84:784–795. doi:10.1136/jnnp-2012-303144 785

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Figure 2 Schematic presentation of

tau mediated neurodegeneration.
Phosphorylation and
dephosphorylation of tau control the
attachment and detachment of tau
from microtubules (MT).
Hyperphosphorylation of tau induces
disassembly of MTs, causing axonal
transport insufficiency. Unbound tau
self-aggregates into oligomers or
aggregates. Tau aggregates in axons
or dendrites congest axonal transport.
Tau pathology is transmitted
synaptically. An interaction between
Fyn and tau induces synaptic

the axon.23 Thus loss of normal function of tau protein induces into filaments and spreading of tau pathology to neighbouring
structural and functional impairments of MTs. Also, because brain regions.32 Recently, two similar papers on the propagation
neuronal processes (dendrites and axons) extend over long dis- of tau pathology from the EC to other areas along neuronal net-
tances, profound adverse effects may occur at distal parts of works were published.33 34 The authors of these papers used
neurons, such as synapses (figure 2). bigenic mice expressing P301L mutant human tau, primarily
The most compelling causes of dysfunctional tau in tauopa- directed to be expressed in the superficial layers of the medial
thies are the abnormal hyperphosphorylation of this protein EC, and to a lesser extent in the lateral EC and pre- and
and mutations that impair the binding of tau to MTs.24 para-subiculum. They showed propagation of tau pathology
Hyperphosphorylation decreases the ability of tau to bind to anterogradely along a neural network from the EC to the
MTs, resulting in an abnormal increase in the levels of unbound dentate gyrus, and then the CA1 and CA3 areas, indicating that
tau. It is likely that higher cytosolic concentrations of tau tau pathology might spread trans-synaptically (figure 2).
increase the likelihood that oligomers and aggregates will form Interestingly, tau aggregates consisted of both human and mouse
(figure 2). Tau can self-aggregate into filaments through its MT tau, indicating that human mutant tau seeded mouse tau
binding repeat, which have a β sheet structure. The molecular aggregation.33
mechanism by which tau phosphorylation may lead to aggrega- The presumed molecular mechanisms underlying tau
tion is still unclear, although it is presumed that hyperphosphor- mediated neurodegeneration and possible therapeutic targets are
ylation precedes tau aggregation by a series of studies.25 summarised in figures 2 and 3.
However, the flanking regions, especially the region amino ter-
minal to the repeat region, inhibit self-aggregation of tau. In the THERAPEUTIC STRATEGIES FOR TAU MEDIATED
abnormal hyperphosphorylation that occurs in AD and other NEURODEGENERATION
tauopathies, this inhibition might be diminished, resulting in tau MT stabilisation
self-assembling into filaments.26 Interestingly, observations of Post-translational modifications on tau, including phosphoryl-
tangles and the activation of caspases in living tau transgenic ation, glycosylation, nitration and acetylation, and changes in
(Tg) mice (rTg4510) using in vivo multiphoton imaging suggest the ratio of three to four repeat tau, all of which are observed in
that caspase activation precedes NFT formation, and it was pro- AD and/or related tauopathies, should compromise the normal
posed that tau, which had been truncated as a result of caspase physiological function of tau. The most important function of
cleavage, recruited normal tau causing it to misfold and form tau is to assemble and stabilise MTs. Hyperphosphorylation of
tangles.27 An immunoelectron microscopic study, by contrast, tau induces a reduction in the ability of tau to bind MTs which,
demonstrated that caspase cleaved tau was a minimal compo- together with the sequestration of tau into NFTs and neuritic
nent of NFTs in rTg4510 mice.28 However, it is still unclear tau pathology thereby depleting functional tau, can cause MT
whether NFTs themselves are toxic, and whether or not trunca- instability and disassembly, culminating in impaired axonal
tion of tau is an important early pathological step promoting transport. Impaired axonal transport and decreased MT density
oligomerisation and fibrillisation. are observed particularly in the early stage of AD.35 36 A tauo-
Several recent studies have demonstrated that extracellular tau pathy mouse model expressing T44 human WT tau showed tau
aggregates contribute to the propagation of tau pathology. hyperphosphorylation, neuronal tau accumulation, decreased
Recombinant tau fibrils29 or paired helical filaments (PHFs) MT density, reduced fast axonal transport and axonal spheroids,
from AD brain,30 when added to the culture medium, can be which indicate impaired axonal transport.37 When this tauopa-
taken up by cells and induce fibrillisation of cytoplasmic tau, thy mouse model was treated with the MT stabilising drug pacli-
and the induced aggregates can be transferred between cells in a taxel, which is used for cancer treatment, mice showed a
co-culture system.29 31 In vivo, injection of brain extracts from significant improvement in fast axonal transport and MT
mutant P301S tau expressing mice into the brains of wild-type density compared with vehicle treated mice. Furthermore, their
(WT) tau expressing mice induces assembly of WT human tau motor function markedly improved.38 However, paclitaxel has

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Figure 3 Therapeutic targets for possible pathomechanisms in tauopathies. Aβ, β-amyloid protein; MT, microtubules; NFT, neurofibrillary tangle.

poor blood–brain barrier permeability, making it unsuitable for activities of tau protein kinases and phosphatases. Thus inhib-
the treatment of human tauopathies. ition of tau kinases and activation of phosphatases represent
A similar MT stabilising drug, epothilone D, demonstrates a excellent targets for therapeutic intervention in AD and related
favourable pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic profile. dementias.
Epothilone D treatment reduced forebrain tau pathology and
increased hippocampal neuronal integrity, with no dose limiting
Inhibition of tau kinases
side effects, in tauopathy model mice (PS19).39 40 Another
Some kinases have been shown to phosphorylate tau in vitro,45
study indicated that treatment with a very low dose of
but the identities of the physiological and pathological kinases
BMS-241027 (identical to epothilone D) improved cognitive
in vivo remain unclear. The most promising candidate kinases
function and tau pathology in rTg4510 tau Tg mice.41 These
for tau phosphorylation are glycogen synthase kinase 3 (GSK-3),
data reveal that brain penetrant MT stabilising drugs hold
cyclin dependent kinase 5 (CDK5), casein kinase 1 (CK1) and
promise for the treatment of AD and related tauopathies, and
protein kinase A (PKA), as well as calmodulin dependent
that epothilone D could be a good candidate for a clinical trial.
protein kinase II (CaMKII), mitogen activated protein kinases
Phase I clinical trials for mild AD to evaluate the safety, toler-
(MAPKs) including ERK1/2, c-Jun N terminal kinase ( JNKs)
ability and effect of epothilone D on CSF biomarker have
and p38, and MT affinity regulating kinase 1 (MARK1). Among
started (http://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT01492374).
these kinases, GSK-3 and CDK5 are thought to be the best
Another MT stabilising drug is davunetide (also referred to as
targets for treatment because both phosphorylate tau at a large
NAP and AL-108) which is an octapeptide derived from activity
number of sites, their expression levels in the brain are high and
dependent neuroprotective protein.42 Intranasal administration
both enzymes have been shown to be associated with all stages
of davunetide is undergoing phase II clinical trials for the treat-
of NFT pathology in AD.46–48 GSK-3 has an unusual preference
ment of tauopathies, including PSP, frontotemporal dementia
for target proteins, those that have been pre-phosphorylated
and parkinsonism linked to chromosome 17 (FTDP-17), CBD
by priming kinases.48 49 Accumulating evidence suggests that
and progressive non-fluent aphasia (http://www.clinicaltrials.gov/
GSK-3 might play a central role between Aβ and tau.50 51
ct2/show/NCT01056965). The main pharmacological action of
Recent studies suggest that GSK-3α contributes to both SP and
davunetide is thought to be stabilisation of MTs in neurons,43
NFT pathogenesis while GSK-3β only modulates NFT forma-
although the drug has other pleiotrophic effects and does not
tion. This emphasises the relevance of GSK-3α, which is less
directly affect the polymerisation or dynamics of reconstituted
well investigated, as a possible therapeutic target for abrogating
neural MTs.44
formation of AD SPs and NFTs.52
Aβ activates GSK-3β and is essential for Aβ induced neurotox-
Inhibition of tau phosphorylation icity.53–55 APP and PS1 are substrates of GSK-3,56 57 and GSK-3
Hyperphosphorylation of tau is believed to be a crucial step in is thought to regulate Aβ production by interfering with APP
tau mediated neurodegeneration to initiate MT instability, and cleavage at the γ secretase site.58 Intracerebroventricular anti-Aβ
misfolding and truncation of tau (figure 2). The phosphoryl- antibody administration to APPswe mice (Tg2576) decreased Aβ
ation state of tau is a function of the balance between the and GSK-3β activity.59 Moreover, overexpression of GSK-3β

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affected spatial memory ability and accelerated NFT formation deprivation, which is also observed in AD patients,82 is a major
in a mouse model expressing triple FTDP-17 mutations (G272V, factor contributing to increased homocysteine levels83 and that
P301L and R406W) and GSK-3β.60 Interestingly, chronic folate and methyl-folate promote methylation of PP2Ac and
administration of the GSK-3 inhibitor lithium chloride to this subsequent formation of an active Bα containing PPA2 complex
mouse model prevented tau hyperphosphorylation and NFT that should lead to increased dephosphorylation of tau.84 85
formation, but did not induce disassembly of pre-formed Memantine, a low affinity voltage dependent uncompetitive
NFTs.61 The attenuations of tau hyperphosphorylation, behav- antagonist of glutamatergic N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors,
ioural impairment and levels of insoluble tau induced by lithium demonstrates modest efficacy in the treatment of moderate to
chloride have been described in several other tau Tg mouse severe AD. Interestingly, it possesses the ability to enhance PP2A
models.61–66 Three small clinical trials with lithium (two for in an indirect manner, attenuating tau hyperphosphorylation in
mild to moderate AD67 68 and one for amnestic mild cognitive vitro,86 and a 1 year treatment with memantine resulted in a sig-
impairment69) have been conducted. The first two trials in AD nificant decrease in the phosphorylated tau level in the CSF of
did not show any beneficial effect of lithium on clinical symp- AD patients.87 Sodium selenate induced dephosphorylation of
toms or CSF biomarkers. By contrast, the trial in amnestic mild tau in a PP2A dependent manner in two tau Tg mouse lines,
cognitive impairment suggested that lithium treatment was asso- pR5 and K3,88 89 causing reduced phosphorylation of tau,
ciated with a decrease in p-tau in the CSF and better cognitive reduced insolubility and reduced behavioural impairment in
performance. Another GSK inhibitor, 2-methyl-5-(3-{4-[(S)- terms of memory and motor functions, as well as preventing
methylsulfinyl] phenyl}-1-benzofuran-5-yl)-1,3,4-oxadiazole, neuronal loss.90
reduces hippocampal tau phosphorylation at GSK-3 sites and
ameliorates behavioural dysfunction in 3×Tg-AD mice.70 The
non-specific tau kinase inhibitor K252a (for CDK5, GSK3 and
ERK1) also reduced levels of hyperphosphorylated tau and ame- Other post-translational modifications
liorated the motor phenotype in P301L mutant tau Tg mice In addition to phosphorylation, several other post-translational
( JNPL3).71 A novel specific GSK-3 inhibitor, tideglusib (NP-12), modifications of tau protein, including glycosylation, nitration
was administered to double Tg mice coexpressing human and acetylation, have been reported. These modifications might
mutant APP and tau, resulting in lower levels of tau phosphoryl- alter tau functions directly or indirectly, although those post-
ation, decreased Aβ amyloid deposition and plaque associated translational modifications have received much less attention
astrocytic proliferation, protection of neurones in the EC and and are less well understood. O-GlcNAcylation, a type of
CA1 hippocampal subfield against cell death and prevention of protein O-glycosylation in which the monosaccharide-N-acetyl-
memory deficits.72 Currently, phase II clinical trials of tideglusib glucosamine (GlcNAc) attaches to serine threonine residues via
for the treatment of AD and PSP are ongoing (http:// an O-linked glycosidic bond, regulates phosphorylation of tau
clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT01350362), and the Food and in a site specific manner both in vitro and in vivo. At most phos-
Drug Administration and EU have granted tideglusib orphan phorylation sites, O-GlcNAcylation negatively regulates tau
drug status for treating PSP. phosphorylation. The O-GlcNAcylation level in AD brain
Although other tau protein kinases, including CDK5, CK1 extracts is decreased compared with that in normal controls.91
and MAPKs, are considered targets for prevention of tau phos- Inhibition of the hexosaminidase O-GlcNAcase (OGA) or
phorylation, no tau kinases other than GSK-3 inhibitors have increased expression of O-β-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase
entered clinical trials to date. It is a challenge to develop inhibi- (OGT) has been shown to reduce levels of phosphorylated tau.
tors that are adequately specific for those kinases and these Recently, Yuzwa et al92 demonstrated that increasing tau
kinases have multiple substrates; inhibition of phosphorylation O-GlcNAc with an OGA inhibitor decreased the number of
of these other substrates could cause other side effects. NFTs and protected against neurodegeneration in JNPL3 mice.
In addition to single O-GlcNAcylation, multiple other glycosyla-
Activation of phosphatases tions, mainly N-linked glycosylations, have been observed on
The activities of phosphoprotein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) and tau in AD patients. Multiple glycosylations of tau are thought to
PP-1 are compromised by ∼20% in the AD brain.73–76 The be an early abnormality that can facilitate the subsequent abnor-
phosphorylation of tau that suppresses its MT binding and mal hyperphosphorylation of tau in AD brain.93 Glycation is a
assembly activities in adult mammalian brain is regulated by non-enzymatic glycosylation, and PHF-tau from AD brain is
PP2A, not by PP2B,77 78 and PP2A accounts for >70% of all highly glycated and forms advanced glycation end products.
phosphoseryl/phosphothreonyl activity in the human brain.79 Advanced glycation end products generate oxygen free radicals,
Thus PP2A and, in particular, the specific Bα regulatory subunit which might contribute to the pathogenesis of AD.94 Recent
(or PPP2R2A) form of the PP2A heterrotrimeric complex studies have indicated that acetylation of tau may occur after its
(PP2A/Bα), has now emerged as a key player in tau dephosphor- phosphorylation and may contribute to tau mediated neurode-
ylation.80 Multiple chemical classes of PP2A enhancers have generation by driving tau polymerisation and inhibiting its deg-
been identified, including sphingoid, phenolic, anionic and cat- radation.95–97 Nitration has been observed on four residues in
ionic classes.81 However, because PP2A is involved in multiple the tau protein, and each nitration site has a different patho-
signal transduction networks that maintain normal cellular logical significance. For example, nitration at Tyr 29 or Tyr 197
homeostasis, indiscriminate activation of PP2A is likely to have increases, but that at Tyr 18 or Tyr 394 decreases, the propensity
many unwanted side effects that will limit clinical utility. of tau to form filaments in vitro.98 Antibodies selectively recog-
Evaluation and comparison of data across studies are difficult nising nitration at Tyr 29 or Tyr 197 stain NFTs in AD brain,
and complicated by differences in assay systems, PP2A compos- but an antibody to nitration at Tyr 29 stains some neuronal tau
ition and substrates. Here we describe some candidates for acti- inclusions in the brains of CBD and PSP patients.98 Modulation
vation of PP2A based on data relating to clinical observations or of these post-translational modifications of tau could be a new
in vivo observations. For example, it is known that the levels of therapeutic target, but much more research is needed to
homocysteine are increased in AD patients, that folate advance them into preclinical studies.

788 Yoshiyama Y, et al. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2013;84:784–795. doi:10.1136/jnnp-2012-303144

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Inhibition of tau oligomerisation/fibrillisation cotransfected with p35 and WT tau or P301L mutant tau.112
It is still debatable whether fibrillar tau aggregates (ie, NFTs and Binding of Hsp90 to tau facilities a conformational change that
neuropil threads) are toxic, or if they result from an effort of could result in its phosphorylation by GSK3 and its aggregation
the cell to sequester toxic oligomers.99 In either case, inhibition into filamentous structures.
of tau polymerisation should be a promising therapeutic target Immunophilins, such as FKBP51 and FKBP52, are
to prevent the toxic effects of tau and increase the levels of co-chaperones of Hsp90–tau complexes. FKBP52 binds directly
monomeric tau, which could contribute to MT stabilisation. and specifically to tau, especially in its hyperphosphorylated
Several groups have conducted high throughput screening cam- form. FKBP52 inhibited tubulin polymerisation induced by tau
paigns to identify aggregation inhibitors.100 101 Here we in vitro. Overexpression of FKBP52 in differentiated PC12 cells
describe representative studies of such drugs. prevented the accumulation of tau and resulted in reduced
The first tau aggregation inhibitor reported was the pheno- neurite outgrowth.113 Because FKBP52 does not bind calci-
thiazine methylene blue, which inhibits tau–tau binding.102 This neurin, modulation of FKBP52 activity with FK506/rapamycin
compound has also been used to treat a number of different derivatives might offer a means of reducing the pathogenic
medical conditions, including inherited methaemoglobinaemia, effects of misfold tau without immunosuppression.
urinary tract infections, paediatric malaria and it now is in clin- Larger aggregates of tau are not likely to be accessible to the
ical trial as a therapy for AD.103 Methylene blue failed to proteasome system, but it is possible they could be degraded by
inhibit abnormal phosphorylation of tau, neuronal cell loss or a the autophagy lysosomal system, which includes three main
swimming defect in a tauopathy zebrafish model.104 However, it pathways for the delivery of cargo to lysosomes: macroauto-
did reduce levels of insoluble tau by ∼35% and ameliorated phagy, microautophagy and chaperone mediated autophagy.
locomotion abnormalities in a C elegans tauopathy model.105 In P301L mutant tau expressing Drosophila treated with rapamy-
a tauopathy mouse model, rTg4510, methylene blue was admi- cin, an autophagy inducer, exhibited reduced aggregation of tau
nistered in two ways: directly to the hippocampal CA3 region and tau induced neurotoxicity.114 Wang et al115 used an indu-
using a mini-osmotic pump and peripherally, by adding it to cible mouse neuroblastoma N2a cell model of tauopathy expres-
drinking water. Both administrations decreased cognitive deficits sing the repeat domain (tau 244–372) of tau with the ΔK280
and levels of phosphorylated and soluble total tau, but not pre- deletion mutation (TauRDΔK280) or expressing the full length
existing tau pathology. Interestingly, the brain tissue levels of WT hTau40 isoform. They found that macroautophagy could
methylene blue in the cerebellum were positively correlated efficiently degrade both soluble mutant tau and aggregates
with Morris water maze performance and inversely correlated thereof, whereas proteosomal degradation played only a minor
with soluble tau levels.106 A phase II clinical trial of methylene role in this system. Inhibition of macroautophagy by 3-
blue for mild to moderate AD patients demonstrated effective- methylamphtamine led to enhanced tau aggregation and tau eli-
ness at treating the cognitive deficits, as measured by the cited neurotoxicity in N2a cells expressing TauRDΔK280.
Alzheimer’s Disease Assessment Scale-cognitive and the Recently, the first paper about the effect of increased autophagy
Mini-Mental State Examination.107 These preliminary clinical in a mouse model of human tauopathy was published.
data are encouraging, but since it was shown that methylene Administration of trehalose, a mammalian target of rapamycin
blue inhibits MT polymerisation in vitro,108 it will be important independent activator of autophagy, reduced the number of
to see data from a complete phase III trial of this drug in AD AT-100 positive neurons and the amount of insoluble tau
patients to know if it has therapeutic benefits without deleteri- protein, with improved neuronal survival in the brain of Tg
ous side effects. mice expressing a P301S mutant human tau.116 Truncated tau is
thought to be more toxic and amyloidogenic than full length
tau so it is interesting that a caspase cleaved form of tau was
Degradation of misfolded tau or NFTs preferentially degraded via autophagy with a faster turnover rate
Another strategy to reduce harmful levels of pathological or than was seen for full length tau.117 These findings suggest that
toxic tau species, including tau oligomers or fibrils, is to the autophagy lysosomal system can contribute to the degrad-
enhance degradation of pathological tau. Tau is thought to be ation of pathological tau species. The development of selective
degraded via the ubiquitin–proteasome and lysosomal (autop- autophagy modulators that can enhance clearance of patho-
hagy) pathways. Thus it has been proposed that dysregulation of logical tau species without affecting its physiological functions
normal protein degradation by molecular chaperones could be would be of tremendous therapeutic value for not only tauopa-
responsible for tau aggregation. Heat shock protein (Hsp) 70 thies but also for other proteinopathies.
and the carboxyl terminus of Hsc70 interacting protein (CHIP)
cooperate to ubiquitinate and degrade tau.109 Levels of Hsp70 Inhibition of tau and Fyn expression
and CHIP were increased, and CHIP levels were inversely Although it is unclear whether Aβ accumulation into SPs directly
proportional to insoluble tau accumulation in AD brains.110 induces clinical symptoms, including cognitive deficits in
Additionally, reduction of CHIP increased the accumulation of humans, Tg mice exhibiting Aβ deposition in the brain com-
hyperphosphorylated tau in JNPL3 mice.111 CHIP in collabor- monly show cognitive and behavioural deficits without signifi-
ation with the Hsp90 chaperone complex has a key role in the cant neuronal loss. In one of these lines of mice, a cross
removal of phosphorylated tau. Inhibition of Hsp90 reduces the between PDAPP mice and tau knockout mice with reduced
level of phosphorylated tau at sites phosphorylated by GSK3β levels of endogenous tau led to improvement in cognitive defi-
and CDK5. Administration of an Hsp90 inhibitor to a tauopa- cits and reduced lethality, thereby suggesting that tau is neces-
thy mouse model, JNPL3, induced significant reductions in the sary for Aβ induced neurotoxicity.118 However, other studies
levels of both hyperphosphorylated and aggregated mutant tau have not confirmed these findings and instead have shown dele-
in the brain. The Hsp90 inhibitor also induced a time depend- terious effects of reducing tau protein levels in tau knockout
ent reduction in the level of p35 (a CDK5 activator) and tau mice.119 120 Recently, Ittner et al121 demonstrated a role for Fyn
phosphorylation in primary cultured neurons, and it reduced kinase in tau mediated Aβ neurotoxicity in APP23 mice. As Fyn
levels of mutant tau but not WT tau in COS-7 cells is elevated in the AD brain,122 studies of Fyn overexpression

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were conducted and showed that overexpressed Fyn exacerbated tau in cells have been documented in in vitro cell culture
the synaptic deficits in hAPP (K769N, M671L, V717F) Tg systems. Tau aggregates added to the culture medium were
mice, while Fyn depletion reduced the synaptic deficits.123 taken up by multipotent C17.2 neural stem cells, and these
These Aβ/Fyn induced synaptic and cognitive impairments were aggregates induced fibrillisation of intracellular tau. Co-culture
dependent on tau expression levels.124 Importantly, Hoover of C17.2 cells with tau aggregates and C17.2 cells without tau
et al125 demonstrated that hyperphosphorylation of tau played a aggregates led to an increase in the numbers of tau aggregate
critical role in the mislocalisation of tau to postsynaptic den- positive cells, indicating the transfer of tau aggregates from cell
dritic spines. This caused accumulation of hyperphosphorylated to cell.29 In another model system, tau fibrils delivered into WT
tau within these spines, which can disrupt synaptic function dir- tau expressing cells rapidly recruited large amounts of soluble
ectly and also enhance Aβ/Fyn induced synaptic dysfunction. tau into filamentous inclusions resembling NFTs, and these
These findings raise the intriguing possibility of targeting Fyn NFT-like tau aggregates counteracted MT overstabilisation in
for the treatment of tauopathies, including AD. They also indi- this cell model due to tau overexpression, thereby indicating
cate that tau downregulation might be a therapeutic target, but that NFT formation might reduce MT stabilisation by recruiting
other studies showing deleterious effects of doing this raise a away critical amounts of tau bound to MTs.31 If the hypothesis
serious note of caution in taking this approach.119 120 that tau pathology can spread from cell to cell and facilitates
Moreover, a recent study in a cross between homozygous disease progression through extracellular tau aggregates is
3×Tg-AD mice and Fyn knockout mice (Fyn(+/−)3×Tg(+/−), correct, removal or degradation of extracellular tau aggregates
30–60% Fyn reduction) demonstrated inconsistent results. The should be a promising therapeutic approach. Indeed, some
level of soluble Aβ1–40 was increased in 15–18 month old studies have indicated that tau antibodies decrease tau
female Fyn(+/−)3×Tg(+/−) mice, but not in 24 month old pathology.
mice, whereas in male mice, the level was increased only at
21 months. The level of insoluble Aβ1–40 was almost unchanged Tau immunisation
except in 21 month old female Fyn(+/−)3×Tg(+/−) mice, Studies of tau immunotherapy appear increasingly promising
which showed a slight increase. Soluble Aβ1–42 levels were not based on a number of studies conducted in tau Tg mouse
significantly altered at any age. Phosphorylated tau levels were models. Five papers describing active immunisation with tau
decreased only in 15 month old female mice, but were increased and two papers describing passive immunisation have been pub-
in 24 month old male and female mice. Morris water maze lished. The data are summarised in table 1. An early study indi-
testing at the age of 18 months demonstrated more impaired cated that immunisation of female C57BL/6 mice with full
learning performance in Fyn(+/−)3×Tg(+/−) mice.126 length recombinant tau resulted in neurological deficits with an
Concerning the effects of a reduction in tau expression levels NFT-like morphology, axonal damage, gliosis and mononuclear
in tauopathy mouse models, several studies using regulatable infiltration.133 This suggested that an immunisation targeting
mouse models of tauopathies have demonstrated that switching normal tau could damage neurons and might induce encephal-
off pathological tau expression leads to recovery of synaptic itis. Although other studies cited here used antibodies specific to
plasticity, memory impairment and loss of long term potenti- phosphorylated tau for active immunisation, Asuni et al134
ation, while neuronal loss was still present and NFTs continued reported that autoantibodies recognising recombinant tau, but
to accumulate.127–129 This indicates that reversal of tau overex- not the immunogen, were detected, and that those antibodies
pression or enforcing degradation of soluble tau, including mis- decorated neuronal cell bodies and processes. Bi et al135
folded and oligomeric tau (not NFTs), has beneficial effects but reported astrogliosis in old but not young immunised pR5 mice.
this is in the context of tau overexpression which does not Given the discussion above of the ability of tau to transmit
reduce the levels of endogenous tau. Hence this is distinctly dif- disease, active immunisation strategies carry the risk of transmit-
ferent from targeting a reduction in normal tau levels for the ting a tauopathy, as has been shown with the peripheral
treatment of AD or related tauopathies wherein there is no evi- administration of Aβ.136 Thus it would seem that a passive
dence for increased levels of tau expression in the disease state. immunisation protocol may be a better therapeutic approach
than an active one.
Inhibition of tau pathology propagation The mechanisms by which tau directed antibodies ameliorate
The concept that AD Aβ pathology can be transmitted from tau pathology and its related neurodegeneration are unclear.
injections of AD brain lysates was first demonstrated in primate One possible explanation is that they inhibit transmission of tau
by Baker et al,130 131 but this could not be replicated with injec- pathology from cell to cell. Recently, using a co-culture system,
tions of purified AD PHF tau proteins into non-Tg rat brains.132 Kfoury et al137 reported that an anti-tau monoclonal antibody
However, more recently it was shown that tau pathology can blocked tau aggregate propagation by trapping fibrils in the
propagate in a cell to cell manner.32 Briefly, brain extracts from extracellular space, preventing their uptake in a dose dependent
P301S mutant human tau Tg mice, which show NFT formation, manner; interestingly, the antibody did not affect intracellular
were injected into the brains of WT human tau Tg mice aggregation. However, it also is possible that tau antibodies can
(ALZ17), which show tau accumulation but no NFT formation. enter neurones and decrease intracellular tau aggregates.
Interestingly, NFTs developed in the brains of ALZ17 mice with Alternatively, it is possible that a reduction in the levels of extra-
the tau pathology spreading along neuronal connections, even cellular tau using tau antibodies for passive immunisation might
to the contralateral non-injected hemisphere, and these NFTs facilitate the release of intracellular tau from cells, causing the
consisted of WT human tau. Additionally, injections of brain reduction in cytosolic tau concentration.138
extracts from P301S Tg mice into the brains of non-Tg WT
mice also induced tau fibril formation.32 These observations Attenuation of inflammation
indicate that extracellular tau aggregates enter cells and gain It is well known that the inflammatory response plays an
access to the cytoplasm where they corrupt the normal important role in AD139 140 and other tauopathies,141 142 and
endogenous tau and initiate tau fibrillisation following a tem- that a chronic inflammatory state, including diabetes mellitus,
plated nucleation or seeding process. Secretion and ingestion of hypertension and periodontitis, is a risk factor for AD.143 Aβ

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Table 1 Immunotherapies targeting tau in tauopathy mouse models

Active Passive

Boutajangout Boutajangout
Immunisation Asuni et al134 et al156 Boinel et al157 Bi et al135 Troquier et al158 et al159 Chi et al160

Target Tau 378–408 Tau 378–408 Tau 195–213 (P202/ Tau 395–406(P396/ 417–407(p422), PHF1 (a PHF1 or MC1 (a
peptides/ (p396/404), (p396/404), first 205), Tau 207–220 404). An additional 420–426(p422). monoclonal conformation
antibody monthly for three injections (p212/214), Tau injection 2 or 4 weeks First two antibody to p396/ dependent
8 months every 2 weeks 224–238 (p231). An later injections every 404), 250 μg/ antibody), 15 mg/
followed by additional injection 2 weeks, 125 μl ip once a kg 3 times a week
monthly intervals 1 week later followed by week for for 2 months and
for 4 months monthly intervals 13 weeks then 10 mg/kg
for 18 weeks twice a week for
2 months for
JNPL3; 15 mg/kg
twice a week for
Adjuvant Aluminum Aluminum adjuvant Complete Freund Complete or Complete or
adjuvant adjuvant with incomplete Freund’s incomplete
pertussis toxin adjuvant Freund’s adjuvant
Mouse JNPL3 (P301L htau model (six K257T/P301S double pR5 mice P301L165 THY-Tau22166 JNPL3161 JNPL3,161 P301S167
mutant tau Tg isoforms of human mutant Tg mice164
mice)161 tau )162 X PS
M146L163 X mouse
tau KO
Onset of tau 3 months ? 6 months 3 months 3 months ∼3 months JNPL3, ∼3 months;
pathology (age) P301S,
2 months168
Initiation of 2 months 3–4 months 4 months 4, 8, 18 months 15 weeks 9–12 weeks 2 months
therapy (age)
Age of sacrifice 5 or 8 months 8–9 months 12 months 4→14, 8→17, 36 weeks 6–7 months 6 months
Pathological % of PHF1 or % of PHF1 or AT8 NFT burden PHF1 and pS422 % of pS422 or 58% less tau Tau pathology in
changes after MC1 positive positive neurones (Gallyas-positive, immunofluorescent AT100 positive pathology in the the brain stem and
treatment neurones was was decreased AT8 positive and intensities and neurones in CA1 dentate gyrus the spinal cord
decreased AT180 positive cells) Gallyas positive was slightly was reduced in
was decreased neurones were reduced. % of P301S mice
decreased AT8 positive
neurones was
slightly increased
Biochemical Insoluble p-tau Soluble PHF1 tau AT100 and pS422 The levels of In JNPL3 and
changes after was decreased, was significantly positive insoluble insoluble tau P301S mice,
treatment but soluble p-tau decreased, but tau tau was labelled with insoluble tau level
was increased solubility was not decreased PHF1 or CP13 was decreased
affected reduced
Cognitive/ Improvements in Improvements in Improvement in Y Improvement in Improvement in
behavioural Rota-rod, radial arm maze maze test traverse beam Rota rod test
changes after transverse beam and closed field test
treatment test and the symmetrical maze
maximum velocity object recognition
in the locomotor correlated well with
test reduction in
PHF1stained tau
Other Age dependent Microgliosis an No differences in Tau immunisation Tau concentration Microgliosis and Attenuation of
autoantibodies astrogliosis were parameters of cell induced astrogliosis in in blood was astrogliosis were body weight loss
that recognised unchanged infiltrates and old, but not young increased unchanged and delay in onset
recombinant tau axonal damage pR5 mice of weight loss in
but not the P301S mice
immunogen were
ip, intraperitoneal; NFT, neurofibrillary tangle; PHF, paired helical filament.

deposition is considered to be an important inducer of the Tg mice.148–152 Interestingly, microglial activation precedes
chronic inflammatory response.144 A relationship between NFT NFT formation, and administration of an immunosuppressant,
burden and microglial activation has also been demon- FK506, ameliorates microgliosis and tau pathology in a P301S
strated.145 146 The numbers of interleukin 1α positive microglia mutant tau Tg mouse model.152 Several clinical trials targeting
and S100β positive astrocytes progressively increased with NFT inflammation have been conducted. Clinical trials evaluating the
load in the AD brain.147 Additionally, microglial activation use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and cyclooxygen-
linked to tau deposition has been demonstrated in various tau ase 2 inhibitors in AD patients have been disappointing, except

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Therapeutic strategies for tau mediated

Yasumasa Yoshiyama, Virginia M Y Lee and John Q Trojanowski

J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2013 84: 784-795 originally published

online October 20, 2012
doi: 10.1136/jnnp-2012-303144

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