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2018 - 2021 | LIRA, UGANDA

Farm Africa is spicing up Uganda’s market-orientated business model,

chilli sector. Huge market demand opening up new export opportunities
for African bird’s eye chillies which will allow chilli farmers to
represents an incredible opportunity command a higher price for their CHILLI PRODUCERS
for small-scale chilli farmers. In produce. Farm Africa will help NECPA ASSOCIATION
partnership with the North East identify different high-value ABE chilli
The North Eastern Chilli
Chilli Producers Association, this markets, and support the organisation
Producers Association (NECPA)
project will enable small-scale chilli to develop the agricultural, processing
is a female-led agri-business
farmers to capitalise on this growing and marketing systems needed to meet
that supplies farmers with inputs
international demand. high-value markets’ standards.
and markets their goods. NECPA
is a key player in Uganda’s chilli
Agriculture is the backbone of Farm Africa and NECPA will develop
industry: selling 44% of all
Uganda’s economy, employing 70% of local seed multiplication businesses
exported chillies in 2017, providing
the population and making up half of to ensure that farmers can plant in-
17,000 farmers with agricultural
the country’s export earnings. As most demand varieties of ABE chillies. To
extension and marketing services,
Ugandans are engaged in farming, improve chilli quality and cut post-
and managing relationships with
unleashing the country’s agricultural harvest losses, the project will teach
major exporters.
potential is critical to reducing poverty, young people how to make chilli drying
boosting incomes and creating jobs for racks and organic fertilisers and
Alongside the technical support
women and young people. pesticides. Strengthening the input
they provide farmers, NECPA
supply and post-harvest handling
offers psychosocial support to
African bird’s eye (ABE) chillies are a sectors will not only help farmers break
their members, the majority of
hot commodity on the global market. into new markets, but will also create
whom have been deeply affected
Globally, demand for high-quality income-generating opportunities for
by war.
ABE chillies outstrips supply. Market young people and women.
inefficiencies and supply constraints
impede Ugandan smallholders from Low and unpredictable yields, poor
accessing lucrative markets. Many post-harvest handling and a limited
small-scale farmers living in Lira understanding of market requirements
District in northern Uganda are stop many smallholder farmers
growing ABE Chillies but are failing to from breaking into highly-profitable
meet their full market potential. ABE chilli markets. Farm Africa will
provide NECPA and agricultural
Through the delivery of technical extension workers with export-focused
expertise and support, Farm Africa will agricultural training to help farmers
help the North Eastern Chilli Producers meet buyers’ need for timely large
Association (NECPA) adopt a more instalments of quality produce.

With technical assistance from Farm Africa, NECPA
Farm Africa is an innovative will increase chilli growers’ yields and help them meet
charity that reduces poverty in international buyers’ quality standards by:
rural eastern Africa by helping Organising farmers into producer groups and
farmers grow more, sell more providing them with agronomic support and planning
and sell for more: we help tools so that they can meet buyers’ need for timely
farmers to not only boost and large instalments of produce.
yields, but also gain access Training 3,000 farmers in organic and GlobalGAP
to markets, and add value to certified ABE chilli production.
their produce. We place a Equipping 29 government and NECPA agricultural
high priority on environmental extension officers and 12 input suppliers with the
sustainability and develop ability to train smallholder farmers in improved soil
approaches that help farmers and water management and post-harvest handling.
to improve their yields and
incomes without degrading
their natural resources. Our QUALITY EQUIPMENT AND SEEDS
programmes vary hugely, This project will help smallholder farmers gain access
ranging from helping crops to the appropriate equipment, inputs and seeds by:
farmers to boost harvests, Training young people to make chilli drying racks
livestock keepers to improve and organic fertilisers and peciticides, which will be
animal health, and forest sold through NECPA to the organisation’s members.
coffee growers to reach Calling for investment in chilli seed development and
export markets, but core to production by government and research institutes.
all of them is a focus on the Supporting the commercialisation of the production
financial sustainability of of high-quality seeds for in-demand chilli varieties.
the farmers’ businesses and
environmental sustainability.


This project will identify different high-value ABE chilli
markets and ensure smallholders and cooperatives are
meeting buyers’ needs. Farm Africa will support
Register as an export company, achieve certification
for their produce and engage with prominent
international food and retail industry players.
Analyse the costs and benefits of enrolling farmers
in different certification schemes.
Identify internal business and marketing capacity
gaps, and provide tailored training in relevant
financial and management concepts.
Help senior staff write detailed business plans,
design marketing strategies and set goals.
Facilitate farmers’ access to high-quality seeds for
chilli varieties with the highest market demand.
UGANDA Train 30 young people to build and sell solar dryers
that enable farmers to preserve their chillies and add
value before export.

Lira district
Chilli producers and agribusinesses lack the working
and investment capital needed to capitalise upon market
opportunities. Farm Africa will connect:
This project is
part-funded by aBi Smallholders to village-level banks and build
Development Ltd. farmers’ financial literacy so that they can address
cash flow problems.
Small and medium-sized enterprises to commercial
financial institutions so that they can hire the staff
and purchase the equipment they need to improve
their businesses.


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