Series-A Investment Opportunity: International Payments Service Provider
Series-A Investment Opportunity: International Payments Service Provider
Series-A Investment Opportunity: International Payments Service Provider
v20319 | PayCapital (HK) Limited | 2202 Richmond C Building | 109 Argyle Street | Mongkok | Kowloon | Hong Kong S.A.R. | +852 8176 0646
2020 2021 2022 2023
The company has an approved and paid up capital of The majority of the fresh capital (> 90%) will be used
HKD 19,650,000. for acquisitions and liquidity. The remaining funds
will be used for branding & marketing.
The founder family currently owns 90% of the firm. A
10% stake was sold earlier in 2019 for USD 10m to a No dividends are planned at the moment as it is
private investor at an estimated business valuation anticipated that all profits will be re-invested, but this
of USD 100m. is subject to market opportunities.
The current funding round will be for USD 20m, of The founders are planning future funding rounds,
which USD 7m will be equity and USD 13m debt. primarily for liquidity purposes. That should provide
an exit opportunity for Series-A investors. However,
The current valuation by Price Waterhouse Coopers
they are also open for a trade-sale or a listing at
stands at USD 80m, and the founders are offering
some point of time in future.
8.75% equity for USD 7m.
v20319 | PayCapital (HK) Limited | 2202 Richmond C Building | 109 Argyle Street | Mongkok | Kowloon | Hong Kong S.A.R. | +852 8176 0646
The company is established, profitable, debt- The company has an attractive market
free and has a Dun & Bradstreet Rating of 3A1 share in Hong Kong and is expected to
(this is for H&H, not Wirease). It delivers realise significant growth momentum from
operational excellence on a daily basis. 2020 onwards.
There are plenty of acquisition targets The founder family’s IT venture provides a
available to further increase the market critical IT capability. The company derives
share. The Hong Kong market is expected to significant benefits from tailored and
consolidate over the next 5 years. customised IT systems being built for it by
the group IT firm.
The main USP that will enable the firm’s growth The founder family is in the process of
is access to the technology capabilities acquiring a majority stake in a China-based
developed by the group IT firm, based on Fintech firm that can secure and guarantee
local knowledge in payments and the niche bank deposits overnight, which is crucial for
industry experience of the founder family trading banknotes among banks.
and the operations team.
Over years, the company’s operations team Investors may have preferred access to
has developed detailed (optimal) routing further funding rounds of the company or
tables that allow payments to be routed in a other ventures of the founder family.
cost- and time-efficient manner and in accordance
with the risk appetite of the correspondent
banks. This gives the company a unique edge
over the competition.
v20319 | PayCapital (HK) Limited | 2202 Richmond C Building | 109 Argyle Street | Mongkok | Kowloon | Hong Kong S.A.R. | +852 8176 0646