Interface Modules: User'S Guide
Interface Modules: User'S Guide
Interface Modules: User'S Guide
PRO/II INTERFACE The software described in this guide is furnished under a license
MODULES USERS GUIDE agreement and may be used only in accordance with the terms of
that agreement.
Copyright Notice Copyright © 1997 Simulation Sciences Inc. All Rights Reserved.
No part of this publication may be copied and/or distributed with-
out the express written permission of Simulation Sciences Inc.,
601 S. Valencia Avenue, Brea, CA 92823, USA.
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I-1
Heat exchanger and stream process data are not extracted from the
PRO/II database by the PRO/II-HTFS Interface Module.
Interface Functionality
HTFS TASC Programs
The PSF files generated by P2HTFS can be imported directly into the
HTFS TASC program by using that program’s Import Simulator
Interface File feature.
The PRO/II-HTFS Interface Module cannot be used when isothermal
increments of enthalpy are specified.
For a batch run, add the PROPERTY ALL statement to the HCURVE
unit operation in the keyword file.
A stream increasing in temperature along the heating curve is consid-
ered to be a cold-side stream. Correspondingly, a stream decreasing in
temperature along the heating curve is considered to be a hot-side
For a batch run, add the TRANSPORT=option (e.g.,
TRANSPORT=PURE) keyword to the thermodynamic METHOD
statement in the keyword file.
For a batch run, add the WATER DECANT=OFF statement to the ther-
modynamic method in the keyword file.
Units of Measure
All data extracted from the PRO/II database are in SI units of measure
(in the .PSF ASCII file) and English units of measure (in the .300
ASCII file). Note that:
■ The units of measure used in the .PSF file are true SI units, not
the SI units as defined by HTFS.
■ On import, the HTFS program will internally convert the true SI
units into HTFS SI, METRIC, or BRITISH units of measure.
After a simulation has converged, save and close it before running the
PRO/II-HTFS Interface Module.
Running the HTFS TASC Program with the P2HTFS-Created Input File
➤ Install and start the HTFS TASC program following the program
installation and operation instructions supplied by HTFS.
➤ From the main menu of the HTFS program, select the Import
Simulator Interface File option.
➤ Enter the path and file name of the HTFS stream physical property
.PSF data file created by P2HTFS.
➤ In the HTFS program, view all of the data loaded from the
P2HTFS-created input file to ensure the accuracy and relevance to
the desired case. In some cases, additional data may be necessary
before running the HTFS calculations.
Interface Functionality
HTRI Programs
P2HTRI can generate valid input files for the following HTRI
■ ST-5 Shell and Tube (Single-phase) Heat Exchangers
■ CST-2 Condensing Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers
■ RKH-3 Kettle and Thermosiphon Reboilers
■ ACE-2 Air-cooled Exchangers and Economizers.
Units of Measure
All units of measure (UOM) systems for PRO/II and HTRI are
supported. These include:
■ English, SI, Metric, and user-defined systems for PRO/II
■ US, SI, and MKH systems for HTRI programs
UOMs for generated HTRI input files are not dependent on PRO/II
simulation UOMs.
PDTS extracts data with the specified UOM. P2HTRI performs addi-
tional unit conversions if necessary. All UOM conversions are listed in
P2HTRUOM.XLS. This file is located in the SYSTEM directory of
Default Values
The data sources used by P2HTRI when creating the HTRI input file
from the PRO/II simulation database files are accessed in the following
1. PRO/II calculated values
2. PRO/II user-entered values
3. PRO/II default values - used when not calculated or user-entered
4. P2HTRI intelligent defaults - based on PRO/II HXRIG unit default
PRO/II-HTRI Interface Module PRO/II Interface Modules Users Guide
2-4 December 1997
5. HTRI default values.
A mapping among PRO/II, P2HTRI, and HTRI variables is provided in
P2HTRVAR.XLS, which also lists default values used by the interface,
if any. This file is located in the SYSTEM directory of PRO/II.
User Responsibilities
Generation of HTRI input files with P2HTRI requires certain
responsibilities from the user:
■ P2HTRI takes the first 10 points of a PRO/II HCURVE profile,
regardless of operating range significance (bubble points, dew
points, etc.). You must ensure that the heat exchanger’s
operating region of interest falls within these first 10 points of
■ HTRI requires a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 10 data points
for each isobaric reference pressure profile. P2HTRI checks for
the minimum number and takes up to the first 10 points in the
■ HTRI requires a minimum of three data points in the two-phase
region when entering property profiles for streams. P2HTRI
checks for the minimum number of points in the two-phase
region and warns you when this criterion is not met.
■ Stream property profiles should be isobaric (at constant
pressure). P2HTRI checks for constant pressure in the HCURVE
profile. It warns you if the profile’s pressure changes, but allows
you to continue in case you are generating an HTRI input file
using a standard HTRI limitation workaround.
■ The transport properties options must be selected for the
thermodynamic system and HCURVEs in the PRO/II simulation
to ensure that the necessary transport properties for the HTRI
input file are generated.
■ Decant water options must be explicitly turned off for PRO/II
thermodynamic systems that can decant water.
■ Default values used by P2HTRI in generating the HTRI input
file must be valid for the situation. Override the default values, if
Linnhoff March ColumnTarget Interface Module PRO/II Interface Modules Users Guide
3-2 December 1997
➤ Follow the instructions that appear on the screen. When prompted,
select De-install LM ColumnTarget Interface Module.
Before running the Linnhoff March ColumnTarget Interface Module,
you must first run the simulation file from which you wish to extract
data. In the example below, you will extract data from the example file,
PDTSR3R.INP, included with your installation.
Enter the file name of the PRO/II simulation without the file
extension. Enter relative or absolute path names with the file
name, if necessary. The path and file names are not case-
By default, the interface program will look for the PRO/II simulation
files in the USER directory of PRO/II. If the PRO/II simulation files are
in a different directory, you must enter a fully qualified file name and
directory path.
After you have entered the name of the desired PRO/II simulation file,
you will see a list of the available cases and columns.
➤ If your PRO/II simulation file contains a single distillation column,
it is not necessary to specify a UID for the column. Press the
PRO/II Interface Modules Users Guide Linnhoff March ColumnTarget Interface Module
December 1997 3-3
<Enter> key, and the program will automatically extract the data
for the single column.
➤ For a simulation file containing more than one distillation column,
supply the PRO/II unit identification (UID) of the column. For
example, to select column 1, type the following:
This entry is case-sensitive.
The program extracts the data for the specified column from your
PRO/II simulation file for use with the Linnhoff March ColumnTarget
program. In this example, the extracted data will be located in the
ASCII data file named PDTSR3R.PDS, located in the USER directory
of PRO/II.
If you installed PRO/II in a directory other than the default, change
this command to reflect the PRO/II USER directory.
➤ Press <Enter>.
➤ When prompted, enter the name of the PRO/II simulation file, such
➤ When prompted, enter the desired column ID from the displayed
After the program ends, you will find that the data for the specified
column have been extracted from your PRO/II simulation file for use
with the Linnhoff March ColumnTarget program. In this example, the
extracted data will be located in the ASCII data file named
PDTSR3R.PDS, located in the USER directory of PRO/II.
Linnhoff March ColumnTarget Interface Module PRO/II Interface Modules Users Guide
3-4 December 1997
The following command line options are available:
/CNF={PDTS.CFG directory}
/PATH={default path of PRO/II database files}
/FILE={specific file to process}
1. The command line qualifiers (i.e. /PATH) are case sensitive.
2. The trailing “\” (when entering paths for /CNF & /PATH) is
The following limitations are placed on the use of the Linnhoff March
ColumnTarget Interface Module:
■ It does not handle the PRO/II column option for SEPARATED
FEEDS in thermosiphon reboilers (since by default they utilize
the column option for SEPARATED FEEDS).
■ If Water Decant Streams (or other streams) have a zero flowrate,
a warning will be displayed and the information for that stream
will contain all zeros.
■ It does not handle PRO/II simulation files that contain Optimizer
unit operations.
■ PRO/II does not generate the required transport properties by
default. If you need transport properties for the Linnhoff March
ColumnTarget program, request the appropriate Transport
Property Methods in your PRO/II simulation file.
■ The .PDS data file is written each time the Linnhoff March
ColumnTarget Interface Module is run, creating an output file
with the name FILENAME.PDS.
■ If you have a PRO/II simulation file that contains multiple
distillation columns, you must run the Linnhoff March Interface
Module once for each column, renaming the .PDS files after
each run of the program. If you do not rename the .PDS file
after running the program, subsequent runs of the module will
overwrite the data extracted by any previous run.
See the Linnhoff March SuperTarget User Guide for additional instruc-
tions on using the Linnhoff March ColumnTarget program.
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Linnhoff March ColumnTarget Interface Module PRO/II Interface Modules Users Guide
3-6 December 1997
HCURVE Limitations
HTFS 1-3 HTFS 1-6
HTRI 2-3 HTRI 2-6
Linnhoff March ColumnTarget
HTFS TASC programs 1-3
Interface 3-5
running with a P2HTFS-created Linnhoff March ColumnTarget
input file 1-7 Interface Module
de-installation 3-2
I installation 3-1
Installation limitations 3-5
Linhoff March ColumnTarget running at the command prompt 3-4
Interface Module 3-1 using 3-3
PRO/II-HTFS Interface Module 1-1
PRO/II-HTRI Interface Module 2-1 P
PRO/II-HTFS Interface Module
Interface functionality, HTFS
de-installation 1-3
HTFS TASC programs 1-3
installation 1-1
important considerations 1-4
See interface functionality, HTFS
limitations 1-5
prior to running 1-6
stream data sources 1-3
running 1-7
thermodynamic method 1-4
running the HTFS TASC program
units of measure 1-5
with the P2HTFS-created input file 1-7
Interface functionality, HTRI using 1-6
default values 2-4
PRO/II-HTRI Interface Module
limitations 2-6
de-installation 2-3
stream data sources 2-3
installation 2-1
stream property profiles 2-4
See interface functionality, HTRI
units of measure 2-4
prior to running 2-6
user responsibilities 2-5
running 2-7
using 2-6