Building Brand Loyalty Through User Engagement in Online Brand Communities in
Building Brand Loyalty Through User Engagement in Online Brand Communities in
Building Brand Loyalty Through User Engagement in Online Brand Communities in
Xiabing Zheng, Christy M. K. Cheung, Matthew K.O. Lee, Liang Liang, (2015) "Building brand loyalty
through user engagement in online brand communities in social networking sites", Information
Technology & People, Vol. 28 Issue: 1, pp.90-106,
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Building brand loyalty through
user engagement in online
brand communities in social
90 networking sites
Received 6 August 2013
Revised 31 May 2014 Xiabing Zheng
Downloaded by King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals At 09:23 21 January 2018 (PT)
Accepted 4 June 2014 School of Management, University of Science and Technology of China,
Hefei, China
Christy M.K. Cheung
Department of Finance and Decision Sciences, Hong Kong Baptist University,
Hong Kong
Matthew K.O. Lee
Department of Information Systems, City University of Hong Kong,
Hong Kong, and
Liang Liang
School of Management, University of Science and Technology of China,
Hefei, China
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to explore the concept of user engagement in the context of
online brand communities. A research model is proposed to explain how brand loyalty is developed
through user engagement.
Design/methodology/approach – The research model was empirically tested with an online survey
study of 185 current Facebook users.
Findings – Results revealed that user engagement influenced brand loyalty both directly and
indirectly through online community commitment. Users tend to focus on the benefits (rather than the
costs) derived from the usage when they engage in an online brand community.
Research limitations/implications – The selection of respondents is bound to the Hong Kong area,
while Facebook members are globally distributed. In addition, this study involved a cross-sectional
design instead of investigating the development of brand loyalty from a long-term perspective.
Practical implications – The results inform e-marketers the importance of user engagement
behaviors for building brand loyalty through online communities. Strategies that encourage members
to engage in online brand communities on social networking sites such as Facebook are also provided.
Originality/value – The concept of user engagement in online brand communities is still poorly
understood, underscoring the need for theoretically based research of user engagement. This paper
enriches the knowledge in the area of brand engagement by presenting a research model that
introduces the concept of user engagement in social media research and empirically examines its role in
building brand loyalty in online brand communities.
Keywords Social networking (e.g. Facebook, second life), User participation, Virtual community,
Customer relationship management
Paper type Research paper
Facebook brand communities. The fifth section presents the results of our empirical
study. Finally, the paper is concluded by discussing implications for both research
and practice.
2. Theoretical background
In this section, the concept of engagement is first defined. A review of the prior
literature on user engagement in online communities is then provided.
Perceived H1-H2
Perceived H3-H4
Figure 1. Costs
Research model H8
process may discourage user participation and promotion of online brand communities in User
SNSs. In addition, members may need to spend a significant amount of time to codify their engagement in
tacit opinions into explicit posts/messages. The amount of time required to be committed
to the process of engagement is another important factor that inhibits user engagement:
online brand
H3. Perceived costs are negatively associated with user participation in online
brand communities in SNSs.
H4. Perceived costs are negatively associated with user promotion in online brand
communities in SNSs.
Downloaded by King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals At 09:23 21 January 2018 (PT)
they will commit themselves to support the brand and organization (Dutton and
Dukerich, 1991):
H9. Online community commitment is positively associated with brand loyalty.
4. Research method
The research model was tested using a sample of Facebook Fan Page members in
Hong Kong. Facebook is appropriate for the current study as it is one of the most
popular SNSs (Roblyer et al., 2010). In addition, many companies have established fan
pages on Facebook to build and maintain customer relationships ( Jahn and Kunz,
2012). Thus, it is appropriate to use Facebook Fan Pages for the current study.
In this section, the data collection method, measures and demographic statistics of
our sample are described.
0.85 to 0.96, and the AVEs from 0.63 to 0.90. The item loadings were all greater than the
0.707 recommend cut-off.
Discriminant validity is the extent to which the measurement is not a reflection of
other constructs. It is verified by low correlations between the measure of interest and
the measures of other constructs (Fornell and Larcker, 1981). Discriminant validity
of the measures is also demonstrated by having the squared root of the AVE of each
construct higher than its correlations with all other constructs. As shown in Table II,
the square root of AVE of each construct, located on the diagonal of the table and in
italics, is higher than the correlations between it and all other constructs. Therefore, the
discriminant validity of the measures used in the current study is demonstrated.
Brand loyalty (BL) 0.91
Table II. Online community commitment (CC) 0.65 0.92
Correlation matrix Participation (PP) 0.59 0.45 0.80
and psychometric Perceived benefits (PB) 0.60 0.71 0.57 0.82
properties of key Perceived costs (PC) 0.17 0.34 0.32 0.45 0.81
constructs Promotion (PM) 0.63 0.53 0.60 0.57 0.21 0.95
0.25*** User
t =3.94 engagement in
0.54*** online brand
t =8.82
Benefits Participation communities
0.60*** t =2.41
t =11.02 R 2=0.33
Brand 99
0.07ns t =6.00
t =1.00 Promotion 0.40***
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members can freely interact and chat with other members in these online social spaces. It
should be noted that promotion has a stronger effect than participation on online brand
community commitment which ultimately influences brand loyalty, suggesting it is the
key in the formation of brand loyalty. Members may only frequently participate in online
brand communities because of the rewards of incentives provided; however, they will be
more likely to promote the platform to others without any rewards when the perceived
costs are low. In this case, it is important for e-marketers to understand the interplay
among perceived benefits, perceived costs and engagement behaviors. That is to say, they
may encourage members’ participation by providing their various benefits and increasing
the number of members by ensuring that a web site is convenient and easy to use.
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