Fracture Processes: Residual Strength of Kaolin and Bentonite: The Influence of 951056
Fracture Processes: Residual Strength of Kaolin and Bentonite: The Influence of 951056
Fracture Processes: Residual Strength of Kaolin and Bentonite: The Influence of 951056
951054 951058
Drained residual strength of cohesive soils Fracture toughness of compacted cohesive soils using ring
T. D. Stark & H. T. Eid, Journal of Geotechnical Engineering test
- ASCE, 120(5), 1994, pp 856-871. J. A. Harison, B. O. Hardin & K. Mahboub, Journal of
Results of torsional ring shear tests on cohesive soils reveal Geotechnical Engineering - A$CE, 120(5), 1994, pp 872-891.
that the drained residual strength is related to the type of clay Testing procedures and methods of analysis for determining
mineral and quantity of clay-size particles. The liquid limit is the fracture toughness of soils using the ring test are described
used as an indicator of clay mineralogy, and the clay-size and values of fracture toughness measured for 132 compacted
fraction indicates quantity of particles smaller than 0.002 ram. specimens of two cohesive soils are presented. The critical
Therefore, increasing the liquid limit and clay-size fraction mode I stress-intensity factor, the critical I integral, and the
decreases the drained residual strength. The ring shear tests tensile strength can he determined simultaneously from a
also reveal that the drained residual failure envelope is single ring-test specimen. A strong correlation between
nonlinear, and the nonlinearity is significant for cohesive soils fracture toughness and ring-specimen tensile strength was
with a clay-size fraction greater than 50% and a liquid limit found. Effects of material type, water content, soil-placement
between 60% and 220%. This nonlinearity should be conditions, rate of loading, and specimen size have been
incorporated into stability analyses. (from Authors) studied, and values of fracture toughness measured by