The (R) Evolution of Money Ii: Blockchain Empowered Central Bank Digital Currencies
The (R) Evolution of Money Ii: Blockchain Empowered Central Bank Digital Currencies
The (R) Evolution of Money Ii: Blockchain Empowered Central Bank Digital Currencies
Blockchain Empowered
Central Bank Digital Currencies
Introduction 4
Conclusion 20
References 21
Swedish Parliament (Feb 2019)9 – The Swedish Deutsche Börse and Deutsche Bundesbank (Oct
Parliament in response to a decline in the use of 2018)15 – Deutsche Börse and Deutsche Bundesbank
physical money pressed for moving the e-krona successfully tested securities settlement based on
project one step further. a blockchain-enabled system including executing
security settlement delivery versus payments
Switzerland stock exchange (SIX)
(DvP), free of payment transactions, coupon
(Dec 2018)10 – SIX reiterated that it founded
payments while preserving needed confidentiality
a new company, SDX to develop a fully
of data in a permissioned blockchain setup.
integrated trading, settlement and custody
The study concluded that the blockchain-enabled
platform for digital assets based on
system in principle fulfilled the performance
blockchain-enabled technologies.
requirements and could therefore be considered
a candidate for building a production grade system.
Finality in payments
CBDC would need to enable certainty and be
consistent with the notion that currency parity
is maintained. CBDC would need to represent
or be convertible at par into central bank
money. The singleness of CBDC is a necessary
condition to serve effectively in payments and
to settle payments with finality.14 Regulation
may need to be adjusted to allow CBDC to
qualify towards settlement finality.
Figure 4. Blockchain
Permissioned Permissionless
Crypto-currencies X X
Stable coins X X
Central banks have an opportunity to enable CBDC offers unique payment features
a better payments architecture that connects in the combination of tokenization,
with broader blockchain-based applications. decentralization and secure information
CBDC represents a critical element in sharing. The relationship between tokenization
the evolution of money to facilitate this and decentralization allows to establish new
architecture and provide a level playing field payments relations that offer more diversified
with conventional platforms that can settle and equitable access to payments.
in central bank money.
The proliferation of private sector payment
CBDC supports essential central bank initiatives illustrates the perceived gap in
policy objectives by offering enhanced money developments. The changing functional
payments efficiency and resiliency. The design requirements of money and new expected user
of CBDC may also enable greater scope for experiences reveal that the scope for change
the implementation of monetary policy. The in money is significant.
changing architecture may offer important
Central banks have the opportunity to
liquidity saving that facilitates national and
enable a better performing and more resilient
international financial transactions. The
payment architecture. They have been key
enhanced information capabilities provide
money innovators in the past. CBDC can help
additional critical input for the formulation
ensure central bank money remains relevant
of economic policies.
and future-proof.
Central banks naturally maintain different policy
priorities. CBDC can help address financial
inclusion and be an effective substitute for
physical currency; it can support a compression
of the securities life cycle; it can facilitate
regional or international payments integration
by reducing transaction friction including
information cost and possibly offering a greater
variety of currencies conducive to conduct
international exchange thereby mitigating
undue concentration and dependence on
a narrow set of international currencies.
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Utility Tokens From Securities Laws,” May at SIX, Corporate blog, December 12, 2018.
24, 2019. Retrieved July 2, 2019. https:// Retrieved July 2, 2019 from https://www.
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Know About The Trend,” March 2, 2019. Bank of England and Monetary Authority of
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ehdi Manaa, et al, “Crypto-Assets:
Implications for financial stability,
monetary policy, and payments and market 12. ASX, ASX Focus Summer 2018/2019 “Chess
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onetary Authority of Singapore, “Central 13. DTCC, “DTCC Announces Study Results
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John Velissarios
Managing Director, Global Blockchain Technology and Security Lead
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