Law On Sales, Agency, and Credit Transactions Atty. Jal A. Marquez Articles 1868-1932 Page 1 of 13
Law On Sales, Agency, and Credit Transactions Atty. Jal A. Marquez Articles 1868-1932 Page 1 of 13
Law On Sales, Agency, and Credit Transactions Atty. Jal A. Marquez Articles 1868-1932 Page 1 of 13
agency, knowing that another person is Acceptance by the agent may also be
acting on his behalf without authority. express, or implied from his acts which
carry out the agency, or from his silence or
Agency may be oral, unless the law inaction according to the circumstances.
requires a specific form.
NOTE: Since agency is a contract, there must
KINDS of agency: be consent by both parties.
1. Manner of Creation (1870)
a. Express Art. 1874
b. Implied When a sale of a piece of land or any
2. Character (1875) interest therein is through an agent, the
a. Gratuitous authority of the latter shall be in writing;
b. Onerous/Compensated otherwise, the sale shall be void.
3. Extent of Business Covered (1876)
a. General – comprises all the NOTES:
business of the principal Under Art. 1403, no. 2, par. (e) CC, an
b. Special – comprises one or agreement for the sale of real property or
more specific transactions an interest therein is UNENFORCEABLE
4. Authority Conferred even if there is no agent.
a. Couched in general terms Art. 1874 speaks only of agency for SALE,
(1877) – comprise only acts of NOT PURCHASE. However, purchase is
administration covered under Art. 1878 (5).
b. Couched in specific terms _____________________________________
(1878) – authorizing only the
performance of specific act/acts Art. 1875
Agency is presumed to be for a
FORM compensation, unless there is proof to the
In general, NO form. Agent’s authority may be contrary.
Oral or Written, e.g., (1874) Sale of piece of
land or any interest therein through an agent. NOTE:
If there is no compensation specified, a
1. Express REASONABLE VALUE of the agent’s services
2. Implied shall be given.
a. Acts of the principal
b. From his silence or lack of
Art. 1876 (as to extent of business covered)
An agency is either general or special.
c. Failure to repudiate the
The former comprises all the business of
the principal. The latter, one or more
ILLUSTRATE (acts of the principal)
specific transactions.
A sold the goods belonging to P without the
consent of the latter. With the knowledge of
the facts, P received the proceeds of the sale
Comprises all the business of the principal
and even gave A a commission.
Comprises one or more specific transactions.
ILLUSTRATE (principal’s silence or lack of
action, or failure to repudiate agency)
P’s property was being administered by A.
Later, B took charge of the administration of The distinction is based on the SCOPE of
said property through the designation by A the business covered.
who had to absent himself from the place for
reasons of health. P did not oppose the A GENERAL agency is not the same with
designation of B nor did he appoint a new one COUCHED IN GENERAL terms
agent although the designation was expressly (1877).
communicated to him.
1. Universal agent – one authorized to
Art. 1870
do all acts that the principal may
Law on Sales, Agency, and Credit Transactions
Atty. Jal A. Marquez
Articles 1868-1932
Page 3 of 13
personally do, and which he can lawfully (8) To lease any real property to another
delegate to another. person for more than one year;
2. General agent – one authorized to (9) To bind the principal to render some
transact all the business of his principal, or service without compensation;
all business of a particular kind or in a (10) To bind the principal in a contract of
particular place. partnership;
3. Special or particular agent – one (11) To obligate the principal as a
authorized to act in one or more specific guarantor or surety;
transactions. (12) To create or convey real rights over
_____________________________________ immovable property;
(13) To accept or repudiate an inheritance;
Art. 1877 (as to authority conferred) (14) To ratify or recognize obligations
An agency couched in general terms contracted before the agency;
comprises only acts of administration, (15) Any other act of strict dominion.
even if the principal should state that he
withholds no power or that the agent may NOTE:
execute such acts as he may consider These refer to acts of strict dominion or
appropriate, or even though the agency ownership as distinguished from acts of
should authorize a general and unlimited administration.
Art 1881
NOTE: The agent must act within the scope of his
An agency couched in general terms may be a authority. He may do such acts as may be
general agency or a special agency. conducive to the accomplishment of the
purpose of the agency.
Includes only acts of administration, i.e., the Art. 1882
authority of an agent regarding the necessary The limits of the agent's authority shall not
and usual means to carry out the agency into be considered exceeded should it have
effect. This excludes acts of strict ownership. been performed in a manner more
_____________________________________ advantageous to the principal than that
specified by him.
Art. 1878 (as to authority conferred)
Special powers of attorney are necessary AUTHORITY OF AN AGENT
in the following cases: The power of the agent to affect the legal
(1) To make such payments as are not relations of the principal by acts done in
usually considered as acts of accordance with the principal’s manifestation
administration; of consent to him.
(2) To effect novations which put an end to
obligations already in existence at the time GENERAL RULE:
the agency was constituted; The principal is bound by the acts of an agent
(3) To compromise, to submit questions to within his authority.
arbitration, to renounce the right to appeal
from a judgment, to waive objections to the REQUISITES in order that the principal may
venue of an action or to abandon a be bound to third persons by the act of the
prescription already acquired; agent:
(4) To waive any obligation gratuitously; 1. Agent must act within the scope of his
(5) To enter into any contract by which the authority
ownership of an immovable is transmitted 2. Agent must act on behalf of the
or acquired either gratuitously or for a principal
valuable consideration;
(6) To make gifts, except customary ones PRINCIPAL IS BOUND BY ACT OF AGENT:
for charity or those made to employees in (ILLUSTRATE)
the business managed by the agent; 1. Within the scope and on behalf of the
(7) To loan or borrow money, unless the principal
latter act be urgent and indispensable for 2. Ratification by principal
the preservation of the things which are 3. Performance of agency more
under administration; advantageous to principal
Law on Sales, Agency, and Credit Transactions
Atty. Jal A. Marquez
Articles 1868-1932
Page 4 of 13
16. To indemnify the principal for necessary for the execution of the agency
damages for his failure to collect the (1912)
credits of his principal at the time that
they become due (1908) EXCEPTION:
17. To answer for his fraud or negligence This article refers to the exception, UNLESS
(1909) principal is insolvent.
The reimbursement shall include interest execution of the agency may have caused
on the sums advanced, from the day on the latter, without fault or negligence on his
which the advance was made. part.
The principal is under obligation to provide the The liability of the principal for damages is
means with which to execute the agency. limited only to that which the execution of the
agency has caused the agent.
Under 1912, the principal MAY or MAY NOT
advance to the agent funds. However, in case
the agent REQUESTS, the principal is bound ILLUSTRATE:
to advance the funds. P authorized A to scout for properties in
Mindanao. A met an accident while in
On the other hand, under 1886, the agent Mindanao.
MAY or MAY NOT advance the funds.
However, in case of STIPULATION, the agent Art. 1914
is bound to advance the funds, unless the The agent may retain in pledge the things
principal is insolvent. which are the object of the agency until the
principal effects the reimbursement and
EFFECT: pays the indemnity set forth in the two
If the principal fails to advance the necessary preceding articles.
funds, the agent will not be liable for the
damage which, through his non-performance, NOTE:
the principal may suffer. This is an instance of legal pledge or pledge
which is created by operation of law.
Demand is not necessary in order that delay PLEDGE
on the part of the principal shall exist. A contract by virtue of which the debtor
(Correlate with 1169[1]) delivers to the creditor or to a third person a
movable, or instrument evidencing incorporeal
“1169. Those obliged to deliver or to rights for the purpose of securing the
do something incur in delay from the fulfillment of a principal obligation with the
time the oblige judicially or understanding that when the obligation is
extrajudicially demands from them the fulfilled, the thing delivered shall be returned
fulfillment of their obligation. with all its fruits and accessions.
The obligation to reimburse cannot be
defeated by the fact that the business or
undertaking was not successful, provided the
agent is free from fault.
The agent simply obligates himself to
represent the principal and not that all the
business entrusted to him shall be successful.
Art. 1913
The principal must also indemnify the
agent for all the damages which the
Law on Sales, Agency, and Credit Transactions
Atty. Jal A. Marquez
Articles 1868-1932
Page 9 of 13
AGENCY If by principal – REVOCATION (1919[1])
Art. 1919. Agency is extinguished: (1919[2])
(1) By its revocation;
(2) By the withdrawal of the agent; EXCEPTION: 1927:
(3) By the death, civil interdiction, insanity 1. If a bilateral contract depends upon it; or
or insolvency of the principal or of the 2. If it is the means of fulfilling an obligation
agent; already contracted; or
(4) By the dissolution of the firm or 3. If a partner is appointed manager of a
corporation which entrusted or accepted partnership in the contract of partnership and
the agency; his removal from the management is
(5) By the accomplishment of the object or unjustifiable.
purpose of the agency;
(6) By the expiration of the period for which NOTE: This applies whether gratuitous or
the agency was constituted. onerous.
P (exclusively) authorized A to sell the 1. The agency is created not only for the
former’s land. Subsequently, P also gave interest of the principal but also for the
authority to B to sell the same land. interest of third persons; and
2. The agency is created for the mutual
Art. 1924 (Implied Revocation) interest of both the principal and the agent.
The agency is revoked if the principal (1930)
directly manages the business entrusted to
the agent, dealing directly with third ILLUSTRATE:
persons. (If a bilateral contract depends upon it)
P sold to B a factory for 1M. B paid only 800k.
EXCEPTION: It was stipulated that the ownership in the
Only desire of the principal is for him and the factory would be transferred to B only after the
agent to manage the business together. payment of the balance of 200k to be made
within (6) months. It was further agreed that P
NOTE: would appoint A to manage the factory and
If the purpose is to merely to avoid payment of that any profits would be used to pay off the
agent’s commission, the implied revocation is balance of the purchase price.
deemed in bad faith and cannot be sanctioned Here, P cannot revoke the agency at will for a
without, according to the agent, the bilateral contract depends upon it.
commission which is due him.
(If it is the means of fulfilling an obligation
Art. 1926 (Implied revocation)
already contracted)
A general power of attorney is revoked by a
P borrowed money from B 50k. As security for
special one granted to another agent, as
the debt, P gives A power of attorney to collect
regards the special matter involved in the
rents due from tenants of P and authorizes A
to apply the same to the debt of 50k.
Here, P cannot revoke the agency, without any
justifiable cause, for it is a means of fulfilling
This refers to a PARTIAL revocation of
his obligation to B.
general power.
A specific power naturally prevails over a
EXAMPLE: P borrows from A 10k. If P
general power. pledges his property to A as security for the
debt and gives A the power to dispose of it
ILLUSTRATE: should P default, there is also an agency
P appoints A as manager of P’s business,
coupled with an interest which is irrevocable.
including the hiring of personnel. If P grants a
special power to B to hire personnel for his
business, then as regards the matter of hiring Art. 1928
employees, the general power granted to A is The agent may withdraw from the agency
revoked while the other remains. by giving due notice to the principal. If the
latter should suffer any damage by reason
of the withdrawal, the agent must
Art. 1927 (EXCEPTION to 1921 – revocable indemnify him therefor, unless the agent
at will) should base his withdrawal upon the
An agency cannot be revoked if a bilateral impossibility of continuing the
contract depends upon it, or if it is the performance of the agency without grave
means of fulfilling an obligation already detriment to himself.
contracted, or if a partner is appointed
manager of a partnership in the contract of GR:
partnership and his removal from the The agent may withdraw from the agency at
management is unjustifiable. any time, gratuitous or onerous. (BASED on
the principle of involuntary servitude)
The principal may revoke an agency at will. WITHOUT JUST CAUSE
Likewise, an agent may withdraw upon notice The agent shall indemnify the principal should
to principal. the latter suffer damage by reason of such
Law on Sales, Agency, and Credit Transactions
Atty. Jal A. Marquez
Articles 1868-1932
Page 11 of 13
Art. 1931
Anything done by the agent, without
knowledge of the death of the principal or
of any other cause which extinguishes the
agency, is valid and shall be fully effective
with respect to third persons who may
have contracted with him in good faith.
Law on Sales, Agency, and Credit Transactions
Atty. Jal A. Marquez
Articles 1868-1932
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